No wonder people go organic. Or do they really........????????
The peanut butter I ate claims to be organic so perhaps it had less insect parts in it! LOL
No wonder people go organic. Or do they really........????????
The peanut butter I ate claims to be organic so perhaps it had less insect parts in it! LOL
It's the LIVE part that REALLY gets me. Makes it 10x worse!![]()
Probably just as many, but they are organic insects![]()
He was in college on spring break so he must've been quite tipsy to be able to pull that feat off![]()
Ok, I have no choice other than to look at the positive side of this information of life long food choices ......
and that is they have obviously served me well. They have given me great strength, endurance, cardiovascular and lactate threshold abilities....
So, insect legs (and all other creepy crawlers)....Rock On![]()
No wonder people go organic. Or do they really........????????
LOL The story keeps getting better! I thought he was a KID when he did this! He must've have been the epitemy of the poor college student to do something like that for only $5!Ofcourse, that was probably enough $ to buy himself another beer, which, at the time was probably all that mattered to him.
It is gross. I've read about people finding whole grasshoppers (dead) in their canned and frozen vegetables since not all of the bugs get washed/sorted out before packaging. That would freak me out finding a whole bug since I'm a little afraid of bugs, especially grasshoppers and bugs like that.
on the other hand, bug fragments don't bother me (I guess what I can't see won't hurt me), just think of all the bugs that crawl around on organic produce since there are no pesticides.
It's perhaps best NOT to know what the FDA guidelines are for certain foods (how many insect parts are allowed in chocolate bars, for example, or the quantity of mucus that milk can contain).
A simple search found this info on what is allowed (best not look if you have a queezy stomach!):
Canned pineapple 20 percent positive mold tests
Canned tomato 5 fly eggs and 1 maggot per 500 grams
Frozen broccoli 60 mites per 100 grams
Ground cinnamon 400 insect fragments and
11 rodent hairs per 50 grams
Peanut butter 30 insect fragments or
1 rodent hair per 100 grams
Popcorn 20 gnawed grains or
2 rodent hairs per pound
Potato chips 6 percent rotten chips
This is also icky:
January 2007Washington, D. C. - The U. S. Department of Agriculture has increased the amount of insect parts and rodent hairs allowed in food from the previous 30 parts or one hair per gram to 100 parts or three hairs per gram, but the increases are allowed only every seventh and eighth year.
For some reason, the insect legs don't bother me (maybe after watching too many episodes of UK I'm a Celebrity, where they eat much worse!) but rodent hairs. How are they allowed to put any at all rodent hairs in food?