*******Chinups For the Fun of It!!!*******


}( }( They are fun aren't they ;)

I did 4DS HIS cardio this evening + LIS abs. I did step combo and blasts 1&2 twice to lengthen it. Was feeling a bit lazy and didn't want to workout. But I had fun!!

Tomorrow is legs and chinups.

Oh and I think I maybe recruited someone to join us!! I hope she does :D

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


Good Afternoon Chinsters!

Sorry I've been MIA. I've been trying to pack. I pretty much have all my workout DVDs packed except for about 3 shelves on the DVD rack that I'm still using (and that's a lot of DVDs - about 200). I've still been going through clothes and giving them away. It felt good to give away a size 10 now that I'm a size 2. We're basically having the mover pack mostly everything so I've just been going through all my papers. I've never done so much shredding in my life and it's amazing how much fitness stuff I have - so many rotations, reviews, etc.

Did Ripped to the Core on Saturday and I was sore for 3 days. Was so sore I had to do cardio on Monday. I did Sharon Twombley's new CIA - Athletic Step Jam. I'm not an athletic stepper but this one was pretty good and I liked the ab section.

Tuesday was Muscle Endurance but surprisingly I had no DOMS from that one. That's one of my dreaded workouts. Abs were a bit tough. Did 3 chins in a row and a wide front pullup.

Today I needed a break so it was yoga day. I did Tilak Pyle's Altar of the Heart. His voice and the music are so soothing. Did a headstand for about 2 seconds. Did 2 chins in a row today.

STS is looking good. I really like the leg workout in Meso #1. That's what I've been hoping she'd do for awhile now. I had put in a suggestion for a non-weighted leg workout awhile back and it looks like she finally delivered.

Briee - Love how you got your screen name. I'm not very creative. With all the passwords and screen names to remember, I need to keep it simple. Wow, I didn't know you had a cow and what a nice name you gave her!

Catherine - Hope your new recruit can join us and that your migraine goes away soon. Glad your DN is okay now. I guess that's why you're cracking that whip with her on her chins.

Joanne - I'm not a winter lover either. Congrats on your chins over the weekend. I can't believe it's been a year since I did my first round of the X and I'm only up to 3 chins in a row! Hopefully it won't take another year before I'm up to 6. The pullups are even harder than the chins. I'm so glad Cathe put them in STS. We're all going to be real strong once we get done with it. I think this might actually be better than the X since we're not sticking with one rotation for the 3 months; it keeps changing so we won't get bored. I have major exercise ADD.

Have a great week everyone! (Just in case I don't get back here for a little while).

Marcy, you have been one busy lady!! WTG on the 3 in a row!! My progress has been slow with these, but I think it's my own fault. Not pushing hard enough and letting my brain say you can't do that many LOL :+

My headache is gone and I really wanted to workout today, but I know it's best not to. Besides, I haven't really eaten enough to fuel my w/o so I will be doing it tomorrow!!

Briee, Joanne are do you still have snow?

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


"STS is looking good. I really like the leg workout in Meso #1. That's what I've been hoping she'd do for awhile now. I had put in a suggestion for a non-weighted leg workout awhile back and it looks like she finally delivered."

Marcy, I am getting so excited about STS. It looks like she's doing a fair bit of unilateral leg work. I need that, but am dreading it. One legged sit-n-stands :eek: I may have to balance with a pole till I can do them right :7

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


Hey gang, it's me again. Come to think of it, it's mostly me on this thread again x( Besides Marcy's one post they are all mine. I am beginning to think I am talking to myself :+

So today was yesterday's w/o that I missed. Legs and chinups. I did my 5x5 chinups unassisted and an extra set of 3 for good measure ;)

Legs: (moderately heavy going for 8-10 reps)
warmup: 45# 10 reps; 80# 6 reps
working set: 90# 3 sets of 8

Warmup: 70# 1 set of 10
working set: 90# 3 sets of 10

Front Squats
55# 3 sets of 8

Good Morning
55# 8 reps (dropped wt because I could feel my back arching)
40# 3 sets of 10 (still trying to get the hang of these)

Calf Raises
105# 3 sets of 20

Good Mornings (AGAIN, practice makes perfect ;))
40# 3 sets of 10

It never looks like much when I write it down LOL. But it sure kicked my patootie!!

Hope you all are doing ok!!

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


Hi Gang!

Catherine - I didn't want you to think you were talking to yourself. Haven't done many chins this week. Yesterday was All Body Attack by Sharon Twombley - really good circuit workout. I'm still feeling it today. Today was a short workout from Lisa Nunziella - Dance to Enhance (sculpt section - 30 mins.) A dance workout with plank work, bicycles, glute lifts, plies, a little cardio. Funny, didn't have DOMS from Muscle Endurance but did from Jari's RTTC and Sharon's ABA.

Have to try and get some chinnin' in this weekend.

Catherine - Excuse my ignorance, but what's an RDL? And I've heard of Good Mornings but are not sure what they are. You really like to go heavy on those legs! Great work on the chins too!

Hi Chinsters,

The weather is getting nice. Slow but sure. We still have some snow. Can't wait to get on my bike.

Did a chin yesterday. And, will work on them again later today.

I won't be checking in as often with the weather getting nice. Sorry. But I will pop in once in a while. You gals are super!

Have a great weekend!

Joanne, I am sorry to hear that you will be checking in less :( But glad you will pop in. Keep on chinning!!

Marcy, your workouts sound fun!! RDL is short for romanian deadlift ;) Here's a clip on how to do GM's:

I am really feeling those GM's in my posterior chain today- having a hard time sitting on the toilet seat :+

Today was heavy upper body and I was doing really well till I got to triceps and hit the wall. Had to lower my wt a bit x( I also did pullups. Numbers still getting better:

3/2, 3/2, 2/3, 2/3 & 2/3 (1st number unassisted, second assisted with band) one more rep on the second set this time Woooo Hoooo!!

Briee, how ya doing?

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


Joanne - I'm also sorry you won't be able to check in more. Good luck with your chinnin'!

Catherine - Thanks for the explanations. I love deadlifts. Now I have to try the Good Mornings. I'm going to try between 40-50# and see how it goes. Great work on the chins!

Catherine - Thanks for the advice. I have really flexible hamstrings and I use 40-45# for regular deadlifts but I'll try what you suggested first to be on the safe side.

Here's the deal. I DID post the other day and couldn't understand why I was getting no response via email so I finally got a chance to check today and my post didn't POST!!! So sorry!! And, of course, I can't remember what I said!!

Catherine...I really appreciate what you write down and I think it IS a lot. Sometimes we compare heavy weight work to Cathe's workouts. You really can't. Her's blow me away sometimes because of the endurance factor. BUT heavy weight work - I hardly sweat, but feel an INCREDIBLE BURN and ache the next day. Guess that's why changing things up is really important and keep all that heavy weight work - pays off!!!!

I did S&H legs day before yesterday and then did 4 miles later in the day. I'm hearin ya about the bathroom thing. OUCH! Sitting down is VERY painful!! Weights were 91# bar for squats, 71 for lunges and plie squats. Then ran/walked 4 miles yesterday. I'm headed down for P90X shoulders and arms right now. I LOVE THIS WEATHER!! I was going to give up walking/running because my knees hurt so bad since last years mega runs, but after going for numerous walks last week...the bug has got me again. I'm just going to have to work something out with this knee thing because I have to run!!!:7 :7 :7 (and to think I used to HATE running)

Joanne...I think I have to join you for checking in when possible. Time just gets away from me and the most I can hope for would be every few days I think. And your right...these gals are the GREATEST!!!

Waves to Marcy and prayers for a safe, smooth move. I told my dh to be thankful that I only have Cathe workouts and P90X because Marcy has over 200 workouts to pack up. He couldn't believe it!!:eek: :eek: :eek:

Briee (okay so I have a lot of turbo jams and a few yoga workouts too - but I'm not going to start counting!:p )
Briee, thanks for your kind words ;) OMG your wts for S&H :eek: :eek: YOU ROCK!!!

Joanne, keep on chinnin' even when your not checkin'

Marcy, a little tip on GMs. You may already know this but it's not so much about bending at the hips as it is pushing your butt back. Granted there is hip flextion, but the movement should start with you pushing your butt back first. It makes a huge difference in where you feel it. Try it and see ;) Apologies if you already knew that :+

Today was heavy legs and I pretty much PR'd everything!!

warmup 50#-6, 75-5, 95-5
working set 107.5# 5 sets of 5

warmup 70#-8
working set 127.5#- 6 sets of 4

Plie Squats (with a DB) 55#-12 57.5#- 2 sets of 12
(could go a fair bit heavier, but alas I don't have a DB that heavy)

Good Mornings:
warmup 40# 6
working set 60# 4 sets of 6 (these are new to me and I am still trying to make sure my form is right)

Calf Raises:
145# 4 sets of 15

I am actually supposed to do pullups today, but I got off schedule. We'll see. Heavy legs takes so much out of me I don't know if I'll be able to.

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


Good Morning Chinners!

Today I did Muscle Max. It's been awhile since I did this one. It's probably my favorite total body workout. I changed things up a little though. Instead of dbbl squats, I did alternating side lunges and for regular squats, I did Good Mornings. (Catherine - Thanks for the tip, I kept my butt back. Used 40# - felt pretty good. I think I'll stay with that weight a little while longer though while I get used to them.) Can you tell I don't like regular squats? Biceps were probably toughest for me - my most dreaded body part. Managed to do 2 chins in a row and almost a full close grip overhead pullup.

Briee - I lose a lot of posts. I don't know what key I press but I've typed some really long posts and then poof! they're gone and nothing I try gets them back.

Endurance workouts are so much tougher for me. I love heavy weight work. Maybe that's why I got away from Cathe for awhile. I really love her Gym Styles and Slow & Heavy though. I detest the Pyramids. Only I don't do any heavy leg work unless I want my thighs to bulge. That's why I'm real happy with what Cathe did in STS.

What a leg workout! I'm hurting just reading it. I hate running but did try it last summer. Maybe after I move and the weather's warmer, I'll give it another go.

Please try and check in. I really enjoy your posts.

I think I've done more throwing out than packing. 10 years worth of paper to go through is a lot. Although I still feel like I made progress. 200 sounds like a lot but someone over at VF has over 900 so I feel like I have a paltry collection compared to her! My brain needs a lot of variety. I get bored very quickly.

Joanne - I'll miss your checkins too. Enjoy the nice weather ahead.

HOly cow....900. Are there 900 out there?????

I haven't done pullups in a few days now and I must get to them!!;( ;( ;(

>a little tip on GMs. You may already know this but it's not so much about bending at the hips as it is pushing your butt back. Granted there is hip flextion, but the movement should start with you pushing your butt back first. It makes a huge difference in where you feel it. Try it and see Apologies if you already knew that .

Thanks for posting this Catherine...I DIDN'T know that!! Funny thing is...when I do Slow and Heavy, I pick up the bar from my weight bench from behind and do a GM when I unload the weight. I just didn't know there was a name for it. I'll have to add them officially in the future. They must really strengthen the back??? Yes??? (unless I'm not doing them quite right.

Ran 1 mile this morning in the rain and then called it quits!!

Your weights are amazing Catherine. Isn't it frustrating that ya can't do plie squats and lunges in the cage??? At least I have a hard time doing them in mine - how is your cage???

Briee, GMs do work the back, core and the hammies. They are a good exercise, but you have to keep good form or you'll get hurt. They say it's better to not bend so far if you don't have the flexibility so that's what I do. I am hoping this will help with that a bit though.

My squat/bench is wonderful, but I can not use the saftey catches. So now I want a true power cage :eek: My DH is so frustrated with me }( But I don't feel safe to keep pushing my squat or my bench witout a true way to dump the wt if I have to. He tries to spot me, but he really doesn't know what he's doing and I don't want to get hurt LOL!!!

My DN is loving her chinup bar. She is continuing to practice with the bands and I bet she'll be doing a real chin before you know it!!

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]



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