Chinups Chinups and more Chinups!!!!

Briee, you know that was just a gentle loving nudge ;) I have never worked out with anyone except on the RT. I think it would be nice to have a w/o buddy. Of course,someone who cannot do as many chinups as me :7- we can't be having that LOL!! WTG on your set of 8!! Darn kids, they always have to show us up, dont they?

I am supposed to be doing legs today. But my left calf is really painful to walk on. Got a pain in it yesterday. Kind of like a cramp, but not exactly. Now when I sit down and try to get back up it hurts to walk. Just the calf, no where else. The right on is a smidgen sore. But the left I can't even place my foot flat on the floor at first. After I am up and moving it gets better. It must have been those calf raises in PS on Wed x(

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]
Catherine-Hope your calf is feeling better today. I haven't done PS legs in a long time. I will have to pull that one out soon. I did do leaner legs about a week ago. Did I ever mention that I hate floor work so I really like leaner legs as a lot of times I skip the floor work.

Today, I'm going to work on upper body.

Have a great Labor Day Weekend!

Catherine...I'm so sorry your calf hurts - DID I EVER MENTION THAT I HATE INJURIES!! I'm sure you're feeling the same way. Give it a rest and do CHINS!!!:7 :7 :7 . (by the way - I appreciate you kicking my tush!!).

I did Fitfreaks bicep workout last night - I had no idea how tough incline bicep curls are - I have a new thing to hate!!x( x( . Then did abs from BM2. Then did some heavy squats just for fun 3 sets - heavy weights. I want to bike and run today. That may be too ambitious - we'll see.

I too hate floor work!! Do we really need floor work?:p :p :p .

It's unanimous!! We hate floor work!! Well, that's assuming Ms Sooooooooooosan does too :p

Briee, those incline curls are killer aren't they. Talk about frying your biceps!!

I went ahead and did legs this morning as my calf warmed up and felt better. As I suspected calf didn't bother me with the exercises that I did. I didn't do calf raises though. It still feels a bit tweaky. It's sort of deep feeling. Oh well. My legs are like spaghetti now.

Squats 80# (yes I said 80 ) 2x6 and 2x5 (increased from 75#, my goal is to do 4x6 and increase wt again)
Bulgarian Squats 25# DBs 1x5 & 4x4 (same wt less reps than last week think the heavier squats did that)
RDL 85# 4x6 (up from 80#-these felt good)
Plie Squats 55# 4x6 (up from 50#)

Great workout!!! Then I did 20 mins on spin cycle and a nice long stretch. I may stretch again later.

I plan to do some pullups later too!! After a nap ;)

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]
I forgot to mention up above.....Joanne you did great on your pullup hang!! I don't know if I could hang there that long, I've never tried, but for me the whole "endurance" aspect of it would be really hard I think. I think I'd rather just do pullups, hmmmm maybe I'll try this sometime. But not today;) ;) .

I just got back from an 11.5 hilly bike ride. I left post bike to run, but it was just too dark. I ran at night a few days ago, but the moon was directly overhead so the road was nice and bright. Not so tonight. Oh well.

Catherine, I think the chin thing is so dependent upon what was done the day prior, how much sleep ya get, the way the wind is blowing. Doing sets of 3 is outstanding - it's more than I did today.x( x( x(

Hey Soosan, get back over here and discuss yoga type things!!!!

Briee, running at night? Wow you must really be enjoying this!! BTW how are things with your mom? Is she still living there with you guys? Life is interesting with a full household, isn't it?

I totally agree with you about Joanne's hang. I am soooooo not an endurance person.

Yes, Ms Soooooooooooooosan we need more yoga in this thread :D

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]

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