Briee, you know that was just a gentle loving nudge
I have never worked out with anyone except on the RT. I think it would be nice to have a w/o buddy. Of course,someone who cannot do as many chinups as me :7- we can't be having that LOL!! WTG on your set of 8!! Darn kids, they always have to show us up, dont they?
I am supposed to be doing legs today. But my left calf is really painful to walk on. Got a pain in it yesterday. Kind of like a cramp, but not exactly. Now when I sit down and try to get back up it hurts to walk. Just the calf, no where else. The right on is a smidgen sore. But the left I can't even place my foot flat on the floor at first. After I am up and moving it gets better. It must have been those calf raises in PS on Wed x(
[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]
I am supposed to be doing legs today. But my left calf is really painful to walk on. Got a pain in it yesterday. Kind of like a cramp, but not exactly. Now when I sit down and try to get back up it hurts to walk. Just the calf, no where else. The right on is a smidgen sore. But the left I can't even place my foot flat on the floor at first. After I am up and moving it gets better. It must have been those calf raises in PS on Wed x(
[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]