>Haven't tried my chin-ups today yet (I'm trying them every
>other day, with a day of recovery in beween), but I've decided
>to stick with one method and go from there. Now, whether that
>will be the assisted-with-bands method (which is kind of
>pretzelly) or the negative reps method has yet to be
>determined. I think I'll end up doing as many reps (probably
>partial!) as I can from a dead hang, then take a break and do
>my 5 negatives. We'll see what happens!
Kathryn, I've decided to do the same thing. I was making progress with the assisted chin-ups at the Y, but then injured myself when I switched to negatives. My plan is to do assisted reps 3x/wk for a month and then slowly add in the negatives with a dead hang attempt every now and then.
Today I did S&H C/B, so I won't attempt chin-ups until Saturday. It works better for me not to do them the same day I do weighted back work.
Janie, did you attempt yours yet today?
>other day, with a day of recovery in beween), but I've decided
>to stick with one method and go from there. Now, whether that
>will be the assisted-with-bands method (which is kind of
>pretzelly) or the negative reps method has yet to be
>determined. I think I'll end up doing as many reps (probably
>partial!) as I can from a dead hang, then take a break and do
>my 5 negatives. We'll see what happens!
Kathryn, I've decided to do the same thing. I was making progress with the assisted chin-ups at the Y, but then injured myself when I switched to negatives. My plan is to do assisted reps 3x/wk for a month and then slowly add in the negatives with a dead hang attempt every now and then.
Today I did S&H C/B, so I won't attempt chin-ups until Saturday. It works better for me not to do them the same day I do weighted back work.
Janie, did you attempt yours yet today?