chinup checkin Weds 05/10

>Haven't tried my chin-ups today yet (I'm trying them every
>other day, with a day of recovery in beween), but I've decided
>to stick with one method and go from there. Now, whether that
>will be the assisted-with-bands method (which is kind of
>pretzelly) or the negative reps method has yet to be
>determined. I think I'll end up doing as many reps (probably
>partial!) as I can from a dead hang, then take a break and do
>my 5 negatives. We'll see what happens!

Kathryn, I've decided to do the same thing. I was making progress with the assisted chin-ups at the Y, but then injured myself when I switched to negatives. My plan is to do assisted reps 3x/wk for a month and then slowly add in the negatives with a dead hang attempt every now and then.

Today I did S&H C/B, so I won't attempt chin-ups until Saturday. It works better for me not to do them the same day I do weighted back work.

Janie, did you attempt yours yet today?
While in the midst of hanging my 'hang to dry' workout clothes (the rack is next to my chin-up station), I decided to do 5 attempts from a dead hang.
Attempt 1: I got over the 1/2-way mark! About an inch higher than my previous dead-hang 'best." Held at the top for 2 beats, then lowered to count of 4.
Attempt 2 (should have waited a bit longer between attempts!): less than 1/2-way (guess that evens things out, when combined with attempt 1!)
Attempts 3 and 4: with longer breaks between reps, I got to 1/2 rep ROM.
Attempt 5: back to a bit over 1/2!

I'm going to do another set of 5 later on today, before my lower body workout. This time, maybe with a bit of assistance to get the whole ROM in.

I haven't done my workout today yet Soosan. I hope to get it in tonight. I took a dive off the horse yesterday. I went for a one hour bareback ride (ooooo - my inner thighs are WORKED) on a boney backed mare and decided at the end to run her a while. She normally stops VERY slowly when I say Whoa, so we were running down hill and I decide it's time to stop and say whoa, expecting her to take 30 ft. at least. She stops on a dime. I flew off straight over her and landed smack in between my shoulder blades on my back - I DID NOT ROLL. Heard a crack, stood up and actually felt fine. I can't believe I'm not sore today. My upperbody workout will proceed with caution. Times like these...I'm thankful I workout as I'm sure we avoid many daily aches and pains by doing so!!

I did a secoond round of '5 chin-up attempts" before my lower body workout. Progress! On reps 1, 2, 3, and 4, I got above 1/2 ROM (close to 3/4) and held reps 1, 2,and 4 for two counts at the top and lowered for a count of 6 (rep 3 I lowered on a count of 4). Rep 5 was a bit under 1/2 ROM, with a 2 count hold and 4 count lower.

When I did this set (long breaks between reps, but I'll still call it one set!), I felt my obliques and serratus coming into play somehow.

When I do my attempts again on Friday, I plan to do negatives (and alternate between trying dead=hang reps and negative reps).
WTG Kathryn!! You are almost there:D :D

Briee, glad you weren't hurt.

Now I am headed over to today's checkin LOL!!


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