chinup check in Tues 6/6

Melody-I won't be around tomorrow sooo HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!! And, I'm not speaking to you as you can do the splits! Now, I feel like the lone ranger.

Joanne, thanks for the happy wishes.

Catherine, thanks also. So when's your day? What's your age? I'll tell if you I'm way older.

Off to workout now. Check back later.
Sorry to be late replying to this - I never thought there was a difference with towers being made for males or females. I just do them (dips), and don't even think about the way the bars are spaced! I guess I come from adapting to everything as a typical lefty growing up in a right-handed world!

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
Joanne...a quickie to let ya know that my aunt is bringing my mom to St. Charles MN so I won't have to drive so far. I WILL be coming up at some point though, so I'll let ya know when I do. I'd LOVE to meet ya. You'll be chinning by then!!

Melody, can't wait until your bday tomorrow. My dd's bday is tomorrow and she turns 13. Are you older than that? :7 :7 I'm going to have LOTS of Bday cake. Just made a strawberry cake and I can smell it!! Her choice.

Children don't know how to do nothing, at least in my family. Send them to my house and you can do nothing all day. :7 :7 . I'll never notice they're here - would fit right in. Our kids are still slipping and sliding, now with dish soap running down the slide for added slide-ability. (it really is fun:) )

For the record...I can't get all the way down to splits when I am facing forward and legs to either side - straight on as it were. I can get down either with right or left leg in front and back....chinese splits? (why it is called this I have NO idea - but we used to call them that).

Walking lunges...MAJOR boring, but effective. Here's one way to do them. I was on the phone with some company and waiting on hold. I did 500 WALKING LUNGES, while on hold back and forth across our living room and kitchen. Would have been more interesting to go outside! This should give you an idea of JUST HOW LONG I was on hold. (probably 30 minutes at least - because I took a few breaks). This makes you MUCH less mad at the person at the other end - because Hey you got a workout in:7 :7 .

Just had to comment....I read through the good eating checkin. You guys better be glad you're on the chin up checkin as you at least get donuts!!:p :p :p

Melody, I turn 40 on June 26!!! My life is just beginning. Everday is a beginning for me. I love it- age is just a number.

Briee, I'm shipping the boys to you via UPS.}(

I'll have to remember the next time I'm on hold to take the cordless phone on the deck and do walking lunges. BTW, I'd never ever join a cleaning eating check in - I tried once, they kicked me out.

Catherine, I'll be officially 48 tomorrow. You're right, it's a number and not an important one in my view.

OK, did that Cathe butt rotation which included UB workout (BTW I've informed my family to put me in my coffin face down when I die from this so at least the results will be seen - butt and back) and the chin negatives 4 sets of hold 5 at top and slow 10 ct down and 3 sets of wide overhand grip negatives slow 6 ct down. I'm going to also start holding halfway down for 3 ct on the chin negatives.


ETA: Actually, I plan to be cremated but will have a face down viewing first.:7 :+
>>Kathryn, Kathryn, are you out there?


I have been sluffing off a bit with my chins (methinks I should have done ONE challenge at a time, because it's tough to work on chins and push-ups at the same time: I think I'll drop out of the push-up challenge for now, and concentrate on chins, because doing both for ME is a bit counterproductive. I'll pick up push-ups in time to get my reps before my next birthday in February...because I DON'T want to do 50 instead of 49, LOL!).

Your post gave me the nudge I needed,, and when I did my attempts today, I was able to do 1 3/4 : and on the first one, after I got past a slow sticky point, I got my chin WAAAY over the bar, farther than previously. And previously, I'd only gotten 1 1/2 as my personal best (believe me, if I could figure out smaller increments, I'd take credit for 1/10ths!) Then I added on 3 'propulsion-aided' negatives with 10 counts on the negative.
Happy Birthday, Melody!
Hope you have a great day.
(If you're doing the push-up challenge as well, you know this means you'll have to add on a rep!).

My pushups are well, not worth mentioning at this point.

I haven't actually "entered" the pushup challenge because I feared trying for the chinups and pushups would be a bit much for me, but have been working extra on pushups nonetheless. I'm also thinking I will drop the extra pushup effort at this time and just stick to what I include in my UB workouts. This old body can only handle so much at one time. AND I've also managed to get myself into Cathe's rock hard bottom rotation for June.

Thanks for the birthday wishes.:)
We will not hear anything about being "old" around here. Age is NO excuse, this coming from one of the oldest posters on these forums! I did not even attempt chin-ups until I was 55!

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-) just gave me the biggest laugh (regarding the coffin). HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY Birthday to you...I'll be expecting the kids in a big box anytime. Hope you have a wonderful day!!! You made the right decision, dropping your pushup challenge. You can never drop out of the chin up thread. It's in the contract.

Age is irrelevant now....face it....we chinners are timeless.:7 :7 .

HB....we will bury you in a chinup position with your chin being just over the bar in an upright coffin. But not until your 100 at least.

You guys keep me smiling.

The divine sisterhood of chinsters. We are bound together to do chinups till death do us part LOL!!!!:+ :+ :+ :+ Sorry, I know it's corney, but couldn't resist :p


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