Chinup Check In August 27


Well, not much of a check in for me at least. My blasted sciatica is acting up again. This is three weeks now!! I skipped legs last week because of it and thought it was getting better, till,... I did HSTA on Friday. Drat it x( x( I know the right thing to do is rest. So I will for a few days. I may try to sneak in some chins though. They don't seem to bother my back.

Oh and I think I am gonna ditch P90X for now. I am looking at a routine that is not even video based. It's full body and designed for 6 weeks. You work full body 3xs per week with different loading parameters. It's designed for strength and hypertropy gains. I'm a little nervous about it though. I have never done anything like this before. Of course it incorporates all compound moves- and chinups/pullups. Hopefully will maximize my gains. Of course after the back is better.

How's everyone else doing?

Melody I hope you and yours are better.

Deb, how's the chinnin going?

Sooooooooooooosan, whazzzzzz up home girl? Are you doing any partial reps these days or sticking with the assisted?

Joanne & Janie, where are ya?

HB, I only hope to do as many chins/pullups as you can do one day!!

I am seriously concerned about Briee :(
Hi Catherine,

I'm sorry to hear you're still having trouble with the sciatica. Your new workout plan sounds interesting. Is it one you've designed or ????

Thanks for your well wishes, we seem to be mending in time to go the the hospital. That sounded weird, but I meant for Wil's surgery.:7

I attempted a treadmill/elliptical/ab workout today that can best be described as blaaaah. Oh well.

I'm waving to everyone.

Really, has anyone heard anything from Briee? I'm too concerned.
LOL, no Melody, I didn't come up with this plan myself. Got it from another fitness board. Here it is: (based on M-W-F)

Day 1
Full Squats
Flat Bench Press
Conventional Deadlifts
Standing Military Press
Pull Ups or Lat Pulldowns

All done for 5x6 w/ 120s rest

Day 2
Romanian Deadlifts
Flat Dumbbell Press
Seated Cable Rows
Incline Hammer Curls
Lying Triceps Extensions

All done for 2x15 w/ 30s rest

Day 3
Incline Dumbbell Press
Barbell Rows (underhand)
Dumbbell Split Squats
Reverse Lunges
Standing Dumbbell Press
Lat Pulldowns (underhand)

All done for 3x10 w/ 60s rest

Glad to hear you all are recovering. I emailed Briee. It's been 2 weeks since she has posted???

That looks interesting? Are you suppose to lift as heavy as possible with each set and on each day?

Let us know if you hear from Briee.
No chins today, I'm always so sore from PUB, which I did yesterday along with some chins.

I ran today, it was a beautiful morning.

Briee-where are you?

Hi Catherine,

I'm fine. Thanks for asking. Just can't make this happen. I try chins and when I think I'm getting stronger, I hurt something. Is there a way to work on this muscle between a chin up and a push up? This may be too much for me at this time. I'll have to get stronger somehow first and start up again.

All of you sound like you are doing great. Keep up the good work. I'll be cheering you on.

I'll peek in every now and then, cause you all are so terrific.


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-
>Is there a way to work on this muscle between a
>chin up and a push up?

I meant to ask if there was another exercise in-between a chin up and a simular back exercise? Perhaps a beginners way or an intermediate way to work these muscles? Hope you understand. Any way I think probably not.


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-

And you guys are just the GREATEST to be so concerned. Actually, what happened was, well let's see. Right after that night that I did P90X C&B, I woke up the next day with a TERRIBLE head cold and it last for almost a week. I completely fell off the boat and rested and then we had computer failure. SOoooo I am finally able to post!! I should have gone to a library to check in, but you know how that goes. Too busy to get there and now lots to catch up on.

I water skiied all day yesterday and did intervals this morning and some squats. Tomorrow I'll pick up with P90X shoulders and arms.

Melody...I'm sorry to hear about your sick guys. I missed you SOOOOO much when you were gone. I hope everybody looked at your abs while you were basking in the sun (forgive us for all spiteful thoughts of Melody thinking the abskipperX is easy while you were gone:7 :7 as we suffered through the workout....faithfully I might add). Glad your back and hope the hospital visit goes much better than the past few days.

Joanne....your email made me the most bummed as I got it way after the day you passed through. PLEASE TRY AGAIN next time you go through the area. Would be so much fun to meet!!! I'm usually available!! I'm headed to Great America in Gurnee IL on Thursday with a few kids. were so sweet to zip out the email. We are finally up and running (and through being sick - except for kids...a few with runny noses). I'm interested in your workout. I have to stick with the P90X a while longer (at least as long as you did right!), but the plan you are it possibly hypertrophy specifically based. I did this for a while a few years back and it is VERY good. You alter weights, sets, reps. Actually though as I remember you begin high rep and light and progressively move to heavy weights at lower reps. Your goal is muscle confusion to stimulate growth....begin with light weights and as the weeks go on you progress to heavier weights and then begin the process all over again. I think last time I started this I got pregnant and then ditched any plan other than do anything that wouldn't make me throw up type of workouts. Any links to this??? I think it's a great idea

Soosan. I went back to read posts and realize that you are even more talented than I thought previously (and I already knew that you were very important). Now on top of meeting with high officials and leading major functions in the sing at coffee houses, and work with underpriviledged kids and ......... I can only do pullups, yep, no other talent at all...just pullups. You are amazing Sooooooooooooosan.

HB....we DO DO chinups and pullups. We just don't want to brag all the time. ;) ;) ;) . Glad to see you're making sure they are doing them in my absence though!!

Hey Boybert...another chinnin bud!!! Welcome to the gang! Sorry that Soosan can't talk to you, but the rest of us will! (as long as we don't go AWAL x( ).

Janie...keep checkin in, but know this. Chinnin is REALLY advanced and you don't begin with these. You'll just get hurt. As boyb's pointed out, she worked for 10 years and then did Cathe and NOW is doing chins. Do not jump on the chinin wagon until you are ready....but keep checkin in anyway :7 :7 :7 .

I've gotta go make breakfast for children and do two million things today. Have a good one all!!

Briee, glad you are OK. This plan I got from oxygen mag website:

Yes it is for hypertrophy and strenght. I also think it will cut down my workout time. Which would be nice!!

I am gonna take this week off- at least from wts. My sciatica is better, but I thought it was better last week and after doing legs BAM there it was again x( I am gonna be really ticked though if this keeps happening. I also think I will sneak in some chinups!

Just wanted to wave to Briee and am glad to know she's alive and well.

Janie, you and I seem to be in the same boat. Everythime I think I'm getting somewhere my neck hurts me, or there's vacation or sickness or surgery. Our time will come.

Later sweeties.
Hey Chins!

Briee!!!!! Yay, you're back!!! Don't ever feel guilty about being AWOL - life happens. Your posts are always so sparkly and conversational that it makes my day to read them. You remind me of two good friends of mine who are always saying genuinely kind and intuitive things to people. It's a rare gift and they're two of the few people to whom this quote applies: "People don't remember you for what you've done, but for how you make them feel" (or something like that - you get the gist). Anyway, you're the third person I know to whom I'd apply that quote. Your friends probably love you.

I did 3 sets of assisted reps at the Y this morning, using my usual 35#, 40#, 40#/45#. I am doing each set to absolute failure and even took a very short breather in the last two sets before finishing out the sets. Unassisted, I can still get barely half way up. Progress is MADDENINGLY SLOW!!! I'm about to do Step Blast Challenge 2 times for some less intense HIIT. Then I'm off to the pool with the kids.

Catherine and Joanne, you guys are still plugging away but listening to your bodies. I admire your tenacity.

HB, hope you're still surviving!

Melody, hope you are too!

Janey, are you still at 'em?

Boybert, any progress to report?
Soosan....that was just the sweetest thing, thanks so much for making my day. You are probably the first person I would search for if I ever attended a Cathe road trip, and I would run up and give you a big hug, and

What would I do without you guys.
Oh this is funny....I began that last post and left the computer mid thought to help somebody and my dh must have hit the "post" button when he was on. I just reread it and I DIDN'T FINISH. I was going to mention ALL of you that I would be hoping to find (Catherine you are so funny :7 :7 ). AND then we would find bars to hang from and we could all do chin ups, but then I was afraid that Soooooooooooosan wouldn't speak to me for the rest of the road trip and I'd have to beat her up (of course I'd have to stand on a chair for this, whimpy, short thing that I am) for not speaking to me and then Cathe would probably ask us both to leave and we would be so bummed and in order to console each other we would be forced to speak and I'd be happy again :7 and we'd probably sneak back in....and by the way...does Cathe serve donuts at the road trip? Cause if she doesn't....I'm not going. I KNOW she doesn't do yoga (bless her sweet little soul).

I'm rambling and you're all thinking...isn't it about time for briee to go AWOL (did I get that acronym right this time?).

Hey ds is doing the ABripperX EVERY NIGHT. (I NEVER speak to him anymore - we're two ships passing in the night).

I just finished turbo jam kick punch and guys HAVE to get this if you don't have's just so much fun (blows yoga right out of the water }( }( }( ). And I did 10 minutes of AbskipperX which is an accomplishment for me at this point!!!

I sure hope HB is doing okay...I just read her post of a while back, very tough time and am sending ((((((hugs)))))).

Hi Soooooson,

No, I keep getting hurt by them. I think I need to get stronger before I do chin-ups. But, like I said, I will be the cheer leader for ya all.

So get going and do them, what are you waiting for? Oh yeah, that's right, it's in the middle of the night. Seems I have insomnia tonight.

Take care everyone, talk to you soon, I think I'll have some donuts.


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-
I really hope you all are serious about attending Cathe's next Road Trip. I know it's a big expense for those of you not within driving distance. A woman I hung out a lot with (MarlaGaz) drove all the way from Michigan with a non-Catheite friend. Maybe a couple of you out there could get together and drive. It might take a bit longer with all the stopping for donuts.}( I'm going to Germany next summer with my second oldest son (I take each child when they're 12), so if the RT's next July, I won't be able to go.

Last year, after Cathe saw my perfect form and grace and all the pull-ups I could do, she asked me to become her partner and take over as lead on her next DVD's, but I'm so modest, I just wasn't comfortable stealing the spotlight from her.
Sooooosan-you are so funny.

I, too, hope we all can meet up on the next road trip. The last one was a blast. Maybe, she will have it in the Spring. She didn't have donuts but she did have pizza and cake!

Briee-I will for sure email you next time I pass through your area.


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