Hi everyone! I'm in NJ visiting my parents - got here yesterday afternoon after an 8-hour drive.
Wow, Catherine, I can't believe you can do 8 clap-push-ups! You are one strong mama! And good for you for working out every day, including ARX. (Can't believe Melody finds it easy!)
HB, always glad when you're around. Does anyone doubt that you're still at the chin-ups?}(
Glad you poked your head in, Michelle! Come join us whether or not you're doing chins! Even if you think you might attempt one one day, we'd love to have you. (You do do yoga, don't you?
Briee, you are the workout queen, sister! I bet you'll be doing 15 pull-ups by the time you're done. What's a doughboy pool? And do you ever sit still?
Melody, I can't tell you how much I admire you for adopting your three boys. Do you mind if I ask you what the circumstances were under which you adopted them? Were you looking to adopt a child and found out about your guys in the process? Or were you specifically looking to adopt special needs kids? Please forgive me if I'm prying and don't answer if it's too personal.
Joanne, glad to hear you survived! How'd the chins and PUB go today?
I'm getting a little discouraged with these chins, guys. I haven't been doing them as frequently, and when I do, I always seem to tweak something somewhere. This time my upper back, shoulders and neck were killing me two days after I did them, and 8 hours in the car yesterday didn't help things. I even took two ibuprofin (something I rarely do) and that didn't do anything. Luckily, I did yoga first thing this morning which helped tremendously
. It's amazing how thoroughly stretching sore muscles can help to that degree. I'll go back to chins when I get home next Sunday, but I'm really going to be careful. I think I should go back to assisted ones at the Y instead of continuously injuring myself by doing negs. Or at least go back to 5-ct negs instead of 10-ct. I always feel like I'm moving backward which is very frustrating!x(
Wow, Catherine, I can't believe you can do 8 clap-push-ups! You are one strong mama! And good for you for working out every day, including ARX. (Can't believe Melody finds it easy!)
HB, always glad when you're around. Does anyone doubt that you're still at the chin-ups?}(
Glad you poked your head in, Michelle! Come join us whether or not you're doing chins! Even if you think you might attempt one one day, we'd love to have you. (You do do yoga, don't you?
Briee, you are the workout queen, sister! I bet you'll be doing 15 pull-ups by the time you're done. What's a doughboy pool? And do you ever sit still?
Melody, I can't tell you how much I admire you for adopting your three boys. Do you mind if I ask you what the circumstances were under which you adopted them? Were you looking to adopt a child and found out about your guys in the process? Or were you specifically looking to adopt special needs kids? Please forgive me if I'm prying and don't answer if it's too personal.
Joanne, glad to hear you survived! How'd the chins and PUB go today?
I'm getting a little discouraged with these chins, guys. I haven't been doing them as frequently, and when I do, I always seem to tweak something somewhere. This time my upper back, shoulders and neck were killing me two days after I did them, and 8 hours in the car yesterday didn't help things. I even took two ibuprofin (something I rarely do) and that didn't do anything. Luckily, I did yoga first thing this morning which helped tremendously