Chinup Check In 7/30

Hi everyone! I'm in NJ visiting my parents - got here yesterday afternoon after an 8-hour drive.

Wow, Catherine, I can't believe you can do 8 clap-push-ups! You are one strong mama! And good for you for working out every day, including ARX. (Can't believe Melody finds it easy!)

HB, always glad when you're around. Does anyone doubt that you're still at the chin-ups?}(

Glad you poked your head in, Michelle! Come join us whether or not you're doing chins! Even if you think you might attempt one one day, we'd love to have you. (You do do yoga, don't you?:p)

Briee, you are the workout queen, sister! I bet you'll be doing 15 pull-ups by the time you're done. What's a doughboy pool? And do you ever sit still?:)

Melody, I can't tell you how much I admire you for adopting your three boys. Do you mind if I ask you what the circumstances were under which you adopted them? Were you looking to adopt a child and found out about your guys in the process? Or were you specifically looking to adopt special needs kids? Please forgive me if I'm prying and don't answer if it's too personal.:)

Joanne, glad to hear you survived! How'd the chins and PUB go today?

I'm getting a little discouraged with these chins, guys. I haven't been doing them as frequently, and when I do, I always seem to tweak something somewhere. This time my upper back, shoulders and neck were killing me two days after I did them, and 8 hours in the car yesterday didn't help things. I even took two ibuprofin (something I rarely do) and that didn't do anything. Luckily, I did yoga first thing this morning which helped tremendously:). It's amazing how thoroughly stretching sore muscles can help to that degree. I'll go back to chins when I get home next Sunday, but I'm really going to be careful. I think I should go back to assisted ones at the Y instead of continuously injuring myself by doing negs. Or at least go back to 5-ct negs instead of 10-ct. I always feel like I'm moving backward which is very frustrating!x(
Soooooooooooosan, thanks for the compliment. When I was done doing those 8 clap pushups I honestly thought to myself- Uh I wasn't done yet?? But somehow I had the number 8 in my head and that's where I stopped. It's amazing what our mind can do!!

I must hang my head in shame though, I didn't do PlyoX tonight!! I will make it up though. Get back on track tomorrow and double up one day later this week.

Try not to get frustrated with yourself. You really aren't going backwards if you are still doing something!! I do think that once you start your P90X rotation (hint, hint) you'll be so strong and able to do those chinups!!


Everyone is on today!:7 I even see new people.

Well, I did my chinnies today.x( And I did one half unassissted one. Poorly, but I did it!:7 It took me what, a couple of months?

Everyone sounds jolly and all that:+ , just wanted to chime in with my 2 cents worth. You are so beyond me, but I have all of you to inspire me on. And, since I learned how to use the smilies, well, need I day more?}(

Being such a gushy person, I also want to say:p

Catherine, you are awesome! One day of working out with you would be fantastic! That would be a learning experience.

Michele, hi, I'm Janie, nice to meet you. Thanks for your comment on the other post.
Melody, Joane, Sooooosan, Briee, you take my breath away, as always.
OMG, Honeybunch1, glad to see you on here.


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-
Yippee Janie!!!! Thats great- well I was gonna say awesome, but you used that word and I didn't want to sound like a copy cat :+

BTW thanks for the compliment. I am really not that great, trust me. I do work hard though!! }( }( See, I can do smileys too :p

Oh, and that girl Michelle, she's just a wannabe that drops by from time to time to stir us up ;-) **Love Ya though Michelle**

Janie!!!!! You're gushy AND made it one-half way up!!!! And you learned to use the smileys today. What a spectacular day you've had.:7

Seriously, Janie, that's awesome. And for the record, you're way ahead of me and I've had to stop again.

Catherine and everyone, I still love ya:*
Catherine....awesome clappers!!!! You go!!!!

Soosan...I'm thinking hard here. Trying to think of the best way for you to proceed without continuing to hurt yourself. I would do a few negs, but only the 5 counts and primarily do your assists at the gym. When I was working on shoulders, it felt like I was making NO progress at all for months and months. Then after, I think, more than a year doing the P90X, my shoulders took on some definition, even got that vein begin to pop in my shoulders. They are still pretty whimpy, but the point is...some things take a long time and just when you think you are making NO progress, it slowly comes.

Everyone has their weak area and that area takes seemingly the LONGEST time to develop. (I'm hoping that this P90X rotation will add a little more shoulder development.) Don't get discouraged. Chins are very hard in the beginning stages. I don't even want to say this, but need to....Even if you never do a will strengthen your back beyond what you can imagine, just by these negs and assisted chins. We discussed this are lifting an incredible amount of weight with those little arms of yours and your back WILL develop eventually. It MUST as you are forcing it to perform. (I keep telling myself this with the shoulder thing). DON'T GIVE UP.

Briee has spoken (big fat deal, right?)

And now I leave you to go do that ABX.....#$%$#@@^&*(). Melody's strong point is obviously abs, (I think it's her heart too
;)and I'm not referring to cardio)
Melody, I can't tell you how much I admire you for adopting your three boys. Do you mind if I ask you what the circumstances were under which you adopted them? Were you looking to adopt a child and found out about your guys in the process? Or were you specifically looking to adopt special needs kids? Please forgive me if I'm prying and don't answer if it's too personal.


I don't mind your asking at all. Yes, we were looking to adopt and decided to go by way of foster parenting. And, no, we were not looking specifically to adopt special needs children. But get this, we had our one son and were looking to adopt a we are 3 more sons later. And yes, God does work in mysterious ways because I have learned I am a boys' mom all the way. Would not know what to do with a daughter. We almost adopted an 8 yo little girl, but realized for several reasons, it was not in her best interests. And there was another infant boy we fostered and almost adopted, but another family was found and they were so thrilled and perfect for him, we waived our first chance at adopting him.

And may I add, there is absolutely no difference in our love for our biological son and adopted sons. I fall apart when someone refers to "your real son" as though there's a distinction, there is not. And our oldest went through these adoptions in his teen years and was never hesitant to accept them as brothers. He'd do anything for them. That reminds me, I take back anything bad I said about my oldest DS in that teen years thread.:)

Sorry to be so long, but you did ask.;-)

ETA: Briee, thanks for your strong heart compliment.

Good night all.
Very well said Briee. I agree with everything you said. I do also seriously think doing the P90X rotation works all the necessary supportive musculature to assist one in doing chinups and pullups. But as Briee said be smart and listen to your body. Ease off when needed.

Yeah, I think Mel must have abs of steel and lets not forget that she can do like 1000 walking lunges!! You definately got me there girl. I have no lower body endurance.

Trying to figure out how to make up that missed workout. Working out 6 days a week is tough for me. 5 is doable and easier to make up a missed one when I am doing only 5!!


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