Chinny Check-in Nov 4th

I just got upstairs from doing butts and gutts. Hmmmmm, honest thoughts. It was a fun workout, but I feel that the results are going to be similar to the P90X legs and back. I always ACHE terribly from P90X's leg workout, but I need HEAVY WEIGHTS to really shape my legs. But I'm also thinking that this might be a perfect workout for a freestyle type rotation (working legs frequently with lighter weights - every day). I'm sure I won't be walking tomorrow, but I will still need a heavy weighted leg day later in the week.

That's my review. The ab work was great of course. I did the whole B&G workout, but then put on the 15 min ab workout add on and watched it. It is amazing how much you can work your abs just by watching a workout :p :p . Think I'll try the add on later today.

Soooooooooooosan...When I did BM2 I did everything but the 22 minute upperbody workout and subbed heavy upperbody with chins in this part. I liked it like that!!! OPTIONS..don't ya love them.

Briee, I would NEVER be sarcastic with you, although I have to admit, sarcasm is a huge part of my personality. I need to point out to all our readers in chin-land, though, that no self-respecting ecto can do 11 pull-ups. If anyone can convince me otherwise, I'm all ears.

Interesting that P90X Legs & Back made you sore, Briee, but didn't do much to reshape your legs. I find that most leg work gives me definition in the legs and glutes (particularly a higher butt), but my goals might be different than yours. I do need big time help with my shoulder strength and definition, though, and know I've been most likely doing it all wrong for many years. I have to be SO careful with them and they are definitely the weak link when it comes to push-ups and, most likely, chin-ups. If anyone has advice on how I can improve this area, I'd love to hear it!
I'm trying to understand it too. When I did the P90X, I actually lost the muscular shape of my legs and they were "just not toned - kind of flabby looking" Prior to that, I was doing LL and S&H at least once each per week and I had definition. I think it had a lot to do with the S&H part of it. My women in class continually complain that their bodies aren't changing and 2 in particular have been doing PH, ME, MM alternately with cardio for months. These workouts are all endurance oriented. They are GREAT, but I'm still a firm believer in replacing fat with muscle and you need heavy weights to achieve this. I'm now arriving at class one hour early to lift heavy with those who want to and then we do Cathe together afterwards. diet is the OTHER major. I'm trying to convince them to keep a diet log. AND THEY NEED TO EAT DONUTS!! (that being the most important!!!:p :p )

Oooooh, after rereading the above posts I want to clarify that I'm really enjoying the new workouts. Fun to have something different and for one of the first times...I'm liking them the first time I do them - love the music!! Cathe did a great job. I think I've done them all now and can't wait for AJ to start mushing them together!!

BUT...I will be the first to request another S&H serious muscle building series!!! (and maybe she could throw in a few donuts???)


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