Chinners on a hot summer day!


Hey chinners...thought I'd start a new thread.

True many of you guys do BM2 on a 6" step? I always do because I'm so short, BUT today - for some stupid reason - I decided I wanted to try an 8". OH MY WORD - this changes things considerably. Much better cardio workout - MUCH HARDER!!! Only bummer is that my knees are hurting a tad right now - hope it goes away. I feel like my cardio is so hurting that I needed something to boost it.

On the chinnin side, did a set of 6 yesterday and 8 today and hope to get more in later. My 8 year old just did 16 (in ONE SET) - he's increasing by great numbers - wish I could see gains like that!!! I would like to get in a good bike this afternoon and maybe some heavy lifting. Did legs/shoulders/and some chest yesterday and coremax #3 last night. I want to get in a core workout tonight as well. I'm trying hard to cut 5-8 lbs.

Hope everyone is doing well and having a wonderful summer. I may start posting weights with you Catherine - I need to keep accountable to someone! Joanne? Sooooooooooooosan? Melody???? Janie??? Anyone else???


edited to take out an apostrophe that didn't belong there:) :) :) :) :)
Briee, did you tell DS that Sooooooooooooosan won't be speaking to him LOL!!

Yes, I started out doing BM2 on 8 inch step. But as you have pointed out, it seems to be hard on the ole knees x( So now I just do it on 6 inches and my knees are much happier!!

WTG on the chins!! And more core work- we'll have to start a core check in :D

Today I did legs and chinups. I did 6,5,4,4,& 3. Sometimes I feel so stagnant. That's the first set of 6 I've done in 3 or 4 weeks. Why can't I consistently progress with these? Seriously, do you think it's age?? I visit other message boards and people seem to be increasing alot quicker?

For Legs
Squats: 65# 3 sets of 10 (2 more reps per set)
DL: 70# 3 sets of 10 (2 more reps per set)
Lunges 50# 2 sets of 8 (legs were fried, so lowered wt from 55)
Plie Squats 40# 3 sets of 8 (again lowered a little)
Calf Raises: 28.75# 2 sets of 15 (was aiming for 3 sets of 20, but was exhausted :p )

This evening did Yoga For Stress Relief for the hips.

Hopes everyone has a good weekend!!
:eek: :eek: :eek: DOMS has progressed through the day!! Hurts to walk!! I did it to myself LOL!!

This morning I did upper body. **Disclamer: I went down on some of my wts because shoulders and back were sore from chinups yesterday. I also think using the heavier wts on legs worked my upper body**

Bench: 70# 2 sets of 6, 1 set of 5 and 2 sets of 4
DB Row: 40# 3 sets of 8 (down 2.5 pounds)
Millitary Press: 50# 3 set of 8 (down 5 pounds)
Skull Crushers: 16.25# 3 sets of 7 (same wt increased #reps/set)
Incline Biceps: 17.25# 2 sets of 8 & 1 set of 7 (same)
Pec Flys: 20# 2 sets of 8 and 1 set of 5- just pooped out lol!!

I am not sure if I'll be able to work out tomorrow.

Hey Chinners-I've been soooo busy with family visiting from out of town. My brother and his girlfriend left on Thursday. We did a bunch of bike riding. My Mom has been here for 10 days, she leaves on Monday. It has been fun but I am ready to get back into my regular routine. I've been working on my chins here and there. Nothing new to report in that department!

Catherine & Briee-great job on those chins. I do BM2 with an 8 inch step. I usually use an 8" step on all my workouts. I haven't done BM2 in a long time-I will have to pull that one out this week.

Sooooosan-what's new?

Hey Joanne!! Good to hear from ya. I hope you've had a good visit from family. Glad to hear your sticking with the chins :D Persistence is what it takes!! BTW, very impressed with using an 8" step on your workouts :eek:

My DOMS is not as bad today as I thought it would be(still there though-esp well, you know- getting on and off the toilet :D ). I was miserable last night. I did take some aleve before bed. I am planning to do some step and abs here shortly. Hopefully will do some pullups later.

Hey everybody, it's just me again. I did 11 pullups total today. I think my upper body is pooped LOL!! I also did Coremax 2. It was a comical event :+ It has been forever since I've done pikes on the ball. Needless to say, I need to work on these again. I am afraid Cathe will do stability ball abs on the RT :D

I'm AMAZED at all you 8" steppers out there. After that workout, my knee began to hurt - like the next day. It is still VERY sore, I am having trouble walking. I wanted to bike today, but don't think my knee will hold up - so I will probably wait another day or two.

What is the date for the RT? You guys must be so excited!!! This week will be a busy one for me as we have family coming, but I'll try to stop in when I can:7 . Have a great day!!

Briee-my knee tends to hurt if I do a lot of pivoting. Have fun with the family and I hope your knee feels better.

Oh-and the RT is August 10th!!!

Catherine-Cathe did do pikes on the ball at the last RT. I have a hard time with those too. I'm sure mine look very funny as I can hardly do them - nothing like Cathe's :eek:

Oh what I'd do to see all your funny pikes!!! I WANT TO GO!!!

But on a positive won't be able to see how funny MINE are:p :p :p :p :p :p :p .


you won't get to see Sooooooooooooosan's 896 chins. (that is the REAL bummer).


(hey want to come to my house and I'LL count your chins???)
Briee you are too funny!!! I hope Sooooooooooooosan is ok. I know she's been busy.

Hey Melody posted in Open Forum yesterday!! They have moved back to the city and are doing well.

I just finished upper body. It was a moderate wt day:
Bench: 25# DBs 3 sets 12
Pec Flys: 20# 1 set of 12 and 1 set of 10 :eek: that was enough :+
DB Row: 25# 3 sets of 16
Lat Raise: 10# 2 sets of 12 and 1 set of 8
Skull Crushers: 12# 2 sets of 14 and 1 set of 12
Kickbacks: 12 3 sets of 12
Conc Curls 17.25 1 set of 12, 1 set of 10 and 1 set of 8
I took 60 sec rest between sets
I am toast :eek: :eek:

Seriously, I am seeing great results with this routine of doing heavy upper body and heavy lower body one day/wk along with moderate upper body and moderate lower body one day/wk.

Planning chins for Wednesday!!

Hey! Man, you guys just keep plugging away at those chins. Me? I haven't done a Cathe workout in over a month, but am doing yoga every other day with friends. I need to get back with the weights and cardio but feel quite challenged by the yoga right now.

Hope everyone's having a great summer. Sorry I'm not around as much!

Briee, please tell your 8-year-old I'm not speaking to him.:p
Hey Chinners!!! Sooooooooooooosan, glad to see ya!! How is your mom doing? I've been thinking about her.

Joanne, I can not believe I get to meet you in about a month :D
Briee, no laughing at my pikes :+

OK my behind is numb! Did by legs and back routine. Did chinups in sets of 6,5,4,3 and then pooped out :p
Squats 65#: 3x10 (same as last week)
Bulgarian Squats 20# DBs: 1x5, & 3x6 (subbed this for lunges)
DL 70#: 3x10
Plie Squats 50#: 3x8
Calf Raises 28.75 3x15 (increased by 1 set)

I just hope I can work tomorrow and Friday }(
Last week when I did similar lifts I was soooooooooooo sore!!!

Catherine, my mom is doing a bit better but has really been through the ringer. She finished radiation and chemo a couple weeks ago. She's had some killer anxiety attacks, which is SO unlike her, but most likely due to all the medication she's taking. She has just started to decrease the pain medication. We're going up to see her next week. Thanks for asking! Hope all is well with you all!:)

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