Chinner's Checkin 2-20-07


Cathlete's been quiet on the chinnin homefront lately. is your mom doing? Catherine...when are ya going on your trip?'s 40 degrees out here and we are all playing outside like it's summer. I CAN'T WAIT!

My dh has been looking at some kind of heat exchange contraption for our swimming pool so we could heat it with our boiler. He says we should be swimming by next month. In Wisconsin? Hmmmmm....I'll believe it when I see it. Not many meaningful workouts here as I caught yet another bug. I'm feeling better today and hopefully will do something tonight. Waves to all and hope your chins are headed up!!

Hey Briee!! My trip is in April and I can not wait. I soooooooo need a vacation. I haven't done any chinups in over a week. And I am two days behind in my rotation :( Suffering from stress!! My dear little poochies are trying to kill each other. It's been going on for a while, but is getting much worse. Battling it out constantly for the last two days. I've been tryring behavior modifications and it's helping some, but I am so afraid one is gonna get hurt. I am trying to get in touch with a behavior specialist (who is 2 hours away) so that I can get some help. Sorry to rant.

Briee, your DH sounds like mine, always coming up with ideas. Only I get a little afraid when mine does LOL!!

Sooooooooooooosan, I have been thinking and praying for your mom and your family!!

Joanne, whatcha been up to?

BTW: I was reading some of our old threads the other day and was inspired!! In July of last year I did 4 3/4 chins in a row. So I am working on my goal of 5 in a row again. But I guess ya gotta do them huh???? :p

No workout again yesterday. Things are BAD with my dogs. We are having to keep them physically seperated now or else they fight. I am beside myself. My DH took off work today- he got bit pretty good this morning. Neither of us have had sleep. And the specialist wants us to make videos LOL that's gonna be fun- not really. Dangerous is more the word. It's like Muffie has been possessed or something. Thanks for letting me rant!

Hope you all are doing well. Continuing my prayers for Sooooooooooooosan's mom & her family!!!!!

Oh no Catherine. Fighting with the doggies is ALWAYS stressful. You do need a behaviour specialist, but it's hard to find a good one. The first time we had this happen was years ago with our MASTIFFS and they are almost impossible to pull apart. Mastiffs are usually laid back and passive, but we had two females that absolutely refused to get along and we made the mistake of separating them and then it got worse. We were supposed to let them work it out. BUT this is not always the answer (some breeds will kill each other in doing so) - so I'm not passing that on as advise. We have 5 old english mastiffs and we HAVE to let them have some kind of hiarchy - even among these gentle giants. We don't have any problems now and hopefully not ever again - but I have sincere empathy for your situation. And what do you love them both - take the video - very carefully!! (we used to be COVERED in slime and blood after trying to break up a fight) AND I won't lecture you on dog're a nurse! Hugs and I'm praying for both you and Soooooooooooosan too!!

Briee, thanks so much! Ya know the specialist kind of said what you did. We have to let them establish who is top dog. But she also said we have to keep the aggression down. I agree keeping them seperate seems to be making it worse. I think we're gonna try to reintroduce them on leashes tonight and see how that goes. I would love to take Muffie for a run tonight and wear her out first, but it will be raining by the time I get off work :(

Hey guys! I'm back from NJ. We're not going to know anything further about my mom until her appointment at Sloan-Kettering next Monday. In the meantime, her pain is finally being managed after eight months, although she still has bouts of tremendous pain here and there. Her spirits seemed good and she loved having us all up there. A woman at church told my husband that she knew of an 80-yr-old woman who survived a similar type of cancer so that gives me more hope. It's just a waiting game right now. My mom is really one in a million.

As always, I did yoga while up there. I'm going to do ME or MM today to ease back into lifting. I've got lots of Y work in the morning and meetings in the afternoon, but I'm going to work out as soon as the kids leave for school or else I won't do it.

Thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers - they really mean a lot!:)
Sooooooooooooosan, I am so glad to hear that your mom's pain is under control. That is a huge thing. And hope in your story about the 80 year old that survived this.

Good for you for doing yoga!! Enjoy today's workout.

I got up early this am and did C&W step only. Something light after 4 days of not working out and being stressed out. It felt good!! We're physically keeping the dogs seperated for now. I took Muffie for a short run last night and when I brought her back in we kept them both on leashes and they were still trying to attack :( I played ball with Bisquit for about 45 mins very intensly last night. I took them both for a walk this morning. They seemed calmer??? They are fine outside together, but put them in the house and bam!! I am taking them to my sisters to turn them loose in her fenced in yard this afternoon and will try to get some video.

Hope you all are doing well!!

Back on track today!! Did C&W step only. Kind of a "I don't have to think about it/not too hard" step routine to get back into things.

Update on the pooches- so far tonight no fighting. For the last three days we've had to keep them in seperate rooms. Tonight I think (notice "think") I've had a break through idea. We have not spoken to either one. Muffie (the instigator) has given Bisquit looks like she usually does before the fighting ensues. Normally we respond by scolding her and then it's on, literally. But by ignoring it it seems to be better. Maybe coincidence??? Hopefully not. Still gonna see the specialist though.

I am soooooooooo ready for VEGAS!!!!!

Catherine glad you checked in and we will keep praying. Yes VERY encouraging to hear success stories regarding cancer and there are so very MANY!!

Catherine. I forgot to mention the "ignore" them part. Yes this is important. Our dogs were exactly the same - they'd fight when they came in and putting them on leashes did NOT help us. The more we held them back the worse they became. We did our best to ignore them as our attention made it infinitely worse. Do you know about the "door" hiarchy? One must generally go in first - another interesting tidbit. Doggie behaviour:eek: :eek: can make you crazy.

This bug that I have is still hanging on. I just took my temp and it's 100.4. Don't know what the deal is.

The only workout I've done this week is Bryan Kests Power yoga #1 - I think it was called Energy and I did it because my back was so sore - don't know if from sickness or sleeping wrong.

BRYAN KEST POWER YOGA #1??? I think your fever has made you delirious, Briee!:) I actually can't believe you work out when you have a fever - you really are a machine. I never have the energy when I'm sick like that.

Catherine, sorry about your dog trouble. What a pain! I'm glad you're feeling well enough to work out. I don't know about you guys, but I CANNOT wait until spring. It's gotten into the 60's this week and feels great.

I did MM yesterday which was just what I needed. I'm playing tennis today and won't have time to work out otherwise. I'll probably do Imax 3 and yoga tomorrow and then MM again on Saturday before resuming some kind of rotation. Don't know when I'll do chins next.
Sooooooooooooosan...I am a half working, coughing, sickly machine. Please know that the Yoga workout was for the stretching benefits at best and I did not tie myself in knots, like Bryan. But, I did do enough pushups between down/upward dog to make my back ACHE BADLY the next day. I don't have a fever usually in the develops around noon time or afternoon and now I can't quit coughing. Going to the clinic today to get things checked out.

On a good note...I'm juicing anything green, kale, collards, parsley, beet greens, etc. Sickness always jumpstarts me back into better eating habit. NO DONUTS. :-( :-( :-(

I too am craving spring. Soosan I'm jealous of your workouts right now. IMAX 3!!!! how fun!!! Keep it up!!

Briee doing yoga, well now I know she's sick LOL!! Seriously, I hope you feel better soon!!

Sooooooooooooosan, I love MM!! IMAX 3 not so much- too much impact for me. Give me IMAX 2 any day.

Not sure what I'll do today workout wise. Left off with my rotation at B&Gs. Right now I have a headache and am not sure if I'll do anything. May wait till tomorrow to start back.

We did have one incident with the dogs last night, but DH was able to get to them before they got to each other. They had to sleep in their kennels last night:( I wonder how long we have to ignore them competely? I mean we are trying not to even look at them and using their initials for their names LOL. Last night outside I had bisquit and DH had muffie and I said something to bisquit and muffie just glared at us. I need more video before I can actually get an appointment with the specialist. Just hope something bad doesn't happen before then.


Briee, did you get to the clinic today? You've had a rough winter health-wise, which I know is unlike you. How's the rest of the family?

Catherine, did you get in a workout today? How are the dogs?

I did Imax 3 1-6 followed by the SB abs section of B&G followed by 20 min of seated yoga postures. All of it felt great! I'll be doing MM again tomorrow then begin splitting my weight work again next week. I'm going to keep including B&G because I really notice a difference in all my other workouts.
Sooooooooooooosan, how are things? You seemed to have jumped right back in with both feet. You'd be proud (well, halfway) of me. I did B&G standing leg work this am. Didn't want to do too much since I've beend slacking lately. Was concerned about being able to walk tomorrow LOL! Was honestly gonna to the ab work, but darn legs wouldn't cooperate!! Planning to do some chinups-yes I said chinups-later and add in my ab work then!!

Briee, I hope you are feeling better!!

ETA: the ignoring the dog thing seems to be working so far. And Briee thanks for your insight. We are trying to let them set up their hierarchy. Will hopefully get to see the specialist soon.

Now I'm REALLY jealous of your workouts Soosan! And Catherines doing chins. You guys are AWESOME!., I'm coughing and it is a REAL ab workout, yep!

I was at the clinic and she basically thinks that I have bronchitis along with a virus. I don't have pneumonia, which is what I was concerned about (the fever).

I'm glad that I got sick because I am getting back on track with the diet - always makes me do that!! Kathryn's thread regarding an all raw diet helped as well. This is the first winter that I have eaten a more "normal" diet (which amounts to the SAD diet) and my body is suffering for it. I NEEDED MOTIVATION. NEVER pray for motivation! x( x( x( .

Tomorrow....I'd like to work out, something light. AND I plan on throwing yoga in once in a while to keep my back in line and to feel "one" with you yoga chinners!!:7 But NO crane, crane.

Briee, you have had a rough winter!! Did you take up smoking?? JK.

Well, not to disappoint you, but I didn't do chinups :( Just too tired. I WILL do some tomorrow. I am doing LIC premix #3 which is step with upper body so I'll do some chins too.

BTW feeling DOMS already in my legs and glad I didn't do the floor work. Will do it next time- Do you all see a theme here? PROCRASTINATION!!!!

OK, done with my workout. My legs feel like lead!! LIC premix#3 has no lower body wt work, but let me tell you the step segments were tough after doing B&G standing work yesterday. I did my chinups. Hadn't done any in 2 & 1/2 weeks :eek:. I was surprised that I could do 4 sets of 3. I figured after that time I'd be back to doing sets of 2. But I felt reasonably strong on them. Till after the bicep work and then I could barely do 1 LOL!! That means I need to work on my pullups!! May try some later,... again procrastination!!!

The dog's did fine all day yesterday till DH came home last night-WTH!! They went into their staring and then growling at each other. Again we didn't react to this and they didn't attack Thank goodness!!

How's everyone doing today?

Procrastination....I'm hearin ya!!

My fever seems to have finally left, but this coughing is making me crazy. I'm thinking I should just go down and do a rip roaring cathe cardio to "burn it out"......but haven't. It was a nice thought.

Catherine...glad your dogs are at least being cordial. Keep ignoring them, hopefully they will work it out. I LOVED hearing about your chins!!!

Soosan....okay, so what did you do today?

We are snowed in! Yesterday we had some 3 foot drifts on our driveway (which is 1/2 mile long).

Briee (I DID walk to the mail box yesterday during the blizzard winds, through the drifts - this WAS a 1 mile workout)
Briee, that darn cough with bronchitis can linger on something awful. I think you were wise not to do a rip roaring cardio. Let that cough calm down a little more.

Snow huh?
We have had very little this year. When others are just getting pelted. I feel fortunate, although part of me wants a good ole fashioned snow day!!

I did BM2 cardio today with B&G stability ball abs. That's the first time I did that ab work. It was different. There were a few very challenging moves. Well for me ab work is all challenging- who am I trying to fool LOL!!

Yes, Ms Soooooooooooooosan, do tell what did you do today??

Hey Catherine and Briee!

Briee, I'm glad your fever's gone but am sorry to hear about the lingering cough. I'm also glad you're listening to your body (albeit reluctantly:)) and not working out. You won't lose anything by taking a break when you're sick and getting back into it when your body's ready. I know how frustrated you're feeling but it will pass if you slow down and let it! (Don't you love it when we lecture you?:))

Catherine, WTG on the chins! I'm so jealous you guys can do so many! How'd you like BM2 cardio? Have you done the whole thing at once yet? I've only done some of the segments and don't find myself reaching for it that often. I really like the SB abs section of B&G and do it at least once a week. I used to do abs every day but do better when I work them 3 times a week.

I did MM again yesterday and was planning on doing yoga today but didn't have the time. Tomorrow I'm going to Richmond so won't be working out then either. I'll probably do MM or maybe Drill Max on Tuesday to cover a bunch of bases. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!:)

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