Chinese gender chart results


I finally went to my much anticipated 20week ultrasound. For fun, I hadtried the chinese gender chart, and it said I was having a girl. I've also had several dreams since they beginning of my pregnany, and in each one I had a baby girl. I've had SUCH strong feelings I was having a girl.......BUT.....IT'S A BOY! I will admit, I was a teensie bit bummed out, as I had my heart kinda set on a girl..I guess I wanted a Daddy's little girl, and out of 6 grandkids, my parents have only grandsons! This will make 7.

It felt so reassuring to see that everything was healthy with our little boy, especially since I'm on meds for rheumatoid arthritis.
DH and I are going out tonight to celebrate :9

Oh Lisa! Congrats!! Do you guys have a name picked out?
The chart says we're having a boy...we'll see. We have 2 girls and I love having girls. I don't want to say I'd be disappointed to have a boy this time, but.... I love having girls! Have fun tonight!
The chart was wrong for me too with both of my children. I have two boys and another baby on the way (will find out the gender May 16). Congratulations on your baby boy!! Boys are really wonderful. They form such a special bond with their mommies. You'll see. :)

I'm the opposite of you - I wanted a momma's boy!! And that's what the chart told me I was having. But we just found out 2 weeks ago we're having a girl... And like you I was a teeny bit bummed about it just because I really wanted a boy. But it's all very exciting either way!! My husband is SUPER excited, that's for sure!

Best of luck to you.
Oh Lisa! How exciting! I kinda hoped for a boy at first cuz that is what hubby's heart was set on but now I am stoked about my little girl! Chinese gender chart was right on for me. After our 3d/4d ultrasound hubby is more excited now that he can see baby looks alot like him!;)

The chart says a boy for me and so does my ovulation date. We'll find out on May 30. We have 2 girls and I feel like I wouldn't have the slightest clue on how to be "boy mom". We're all about pink and we are all very girly. Well, except for Dh of course! But he can play tea party with the best of them!

Stephanie, Tomorrow is your big day - let us know!!! I bet you won't be able to sleep tonight!
Chinese chart was wrong for me. And I am certain of my conception date. It said I'd have a boy, but I am having girl #3!
Chinese gender chart was wrong for me a third time. :) The doc said last week that we're having boy #3! :) (I'm very excited!!!)
Yes!! May 30 at 2PM!!

Our daughters (ages 4 & 6) are coming with us and we are all so excited!

Thanks so much for asking!
It was right 3 out of my 4 kids. I forget which one it was wrong for now, but this time it said girl and we are in fact having a girl. Congrats on your boy! Boys are lots of fun too!

The Chinese Gender Chart was right for me. It said I was having a boy and I was a teeny bit hoping it was wrong. :) But it was right and now I'm totally excited to be having another boy!
>Chinese gender chart was wrong for me a third time. :) The
>doc said last week that we're having boy #3! :) (I'm very


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