chin up / squat rack from cathe products


Does anyone remember when STS was initially promoted there was a picture of Cathe using a rack that would work for chin ups and i thought also for squats...and perhaps as a "spot" for bench press if you don't have a partner. I remember reading that it would be available for purchase in the future.

I haven't seen it advertised yet and am wondering if such a thing exists and will be for sale.

That's Cathe's power tower and it isn't available yet. Also, it is NOT made to be used as a squat rack and could be very dangerous to use it in that manner.
Cathe uses the tower in STS for her chinups/pullups and also for her bench press. She says not to use it for squats because it does not have the safety catches. However, I'm thinking you could use it for lighter barbell weights if your main problem is shoulder weakness in getting the bar overhead. Probably safe for a high rep workout with a light barbell, but not for the 90% one rep max of meso 3.
Thanks for jogging my memory about the power tower. I sold my squat rack about 2 yrs just takes up so much room! Think I'll try the weighted vest before getting another rack.

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