Chin Up Checkin Mon. 5-29

>Catherine...I'm back in my mental rut as well. Kids are
>having chicken pox this week and we're struggling to get this
>project finished quick and I just can't get down to work out.
>I've had some great bike rides, but nothing more than that for
>6 days.
>Briee x( x( x( x( x( (nice to know someone else is going
>through this though...thanks)

Briee, I wouldn't call what you're going through a "mental rut." Chicken pox on top of your building project - it's no wonder you don't have the time or inclination to work out. Your posts sound to me like you're an "all or nothing" kind of girl. When life gets hectic, I think you should give yourself a break, do what you can without letting it go completely and not feel guilty. You're so fit, you won't lose ground if you fit in as much as you can in moderation. I bet if you took 15 min or so to just do pull-ups and push-ups and maybe threw in some cardio a couple times (bike riding?), you'd be just fine. Then when life slows down a bit, get back into a more intense rotation.

Melody, have a great trip!

Catherine, you and Kathryn will be at 5 before you know it!

Janie, nice to hear from you! Your posts are always so sweet.

I did 2 sets of assisted chins w/20 lbs (3 and 2 reps) and then one set (1 rep!) of one with 15 lbs. I should have started w/15 lbs and will do that next time. I'm going to do some negs at home this afternoon. I also tried one unassisted rep after my assisted and didn't get very far up. I should have done it beforehand. I might do some power yoga later too.
Soosan...I can't thank you enough for your post. You know me well. :7 (all of nothing - yep that's me). I need to take your advice and "get over it". I must live with strong days and weak days and days off in between and adjusting to fit what's going on in life. Whew! I HATE less than intense (this part I MUST get over).

We did the happy dance when we saw our first "pox", because I want to get the chicken pox out of the way...but I'm no longer happy dancing. The first one got a LOT. Now the 2 year old just had a few appear and he is doing really well. We took the "whole family" on the ridge bike ride last night. I think it's about 12 miles and LOTS of hills. They did great, even the one covered with chicken pox made the trip (7 year old). The 2 and 4 year old were in the burley and cried through the last 3 miles - but now I know, at least with the one, that he was probably coming down with the chicken pox and that made him somewhat miserable. hearts going out to you girl. It's so hard when they are continually sick. My 4 year old has had two hospital ER visits when she couldn't breathe and they tell me it's asthma and I have the ventilator kit here at home. There is a doctor at our church that works at the Lacrosse Allergy Clinic and he tested her and told us that she is allergic to dairy and wheat. We have switched her diet (she drinks rice milk now) and she has not had another attack since. Has your son been tested for allergies? Actually I should add that the traditional allergy doctor's did not help us at all. They said to use the Misterbreathmachine(whatever it's called), but were useless other than that. It wasn't until the blood and skin tests at the Lacrosse Clinic that she received real help. People come from all over the country to go there. They are fantastic. And you can stay at our home if you decide to visit there!! ;) ;) ;)

We just bought a 10 by 50 ft sheet of black plastic (6 mil in case you decide to purchase some) and are slipping and sliding in the back yard down our hill!! These are much better than traditional slip n slides and we plan to add another 50 ft later today!! I'm sure this is burning serious calories!!!!

Hi to everyone else up there and thanks for your support. Catherine and are so sweet. are doing great!!

Ya know, we have such a wonderful little support group here. We know when to say "hey get off your butt and just do it" or when to give out (((((hugs)))) and words of encouragement. We are all busy living our lives, but yet take the time to share and care here. I truly appreciate this group:) :) :)

Now on to the nitty gritty }( }(

Soooooooooooosan, wow using 20 and 15 pounds of assistance!! You've come a long way since your injury!!! I agree next time start with a dead hang attempt and then see what you can do with 15 pounds. You'll probably pass me before long:p

Janie sounds like you are doing nicely as well!!

Today I did legs and back. I didn't do any negatives today, but I do plan to add them in later this week. I did 7 sets(total)- 3&1/3, 3, 2&1/2 and then did 4 sets of 2. Much better than where I have been. So hopefully my rut is over. On that 1st set I felt pretty strong even after going to the top on the third rep. I thought maybe I'll get to 4 today but only got another 1/3 rep. But that's ok by me!!

Have a peaceful evening all!!

Briee - take it easy on yourself gal. BTW the new slip-n-slide sounds like soooooo much fun, can I play?

And yes my DS has been tested extensively for allergies. He has no food allergies, but environmental - that's a whole nutter story. The doc concures due to his med history of reflux and MY more than competent diagnosis, that it is in fact his reflux ^ again and we've started meds. So he's spared the GI series for now, but we have to see the doc in 2 weeks to follow up on his improvement or lack thereof. Just for fun I have another son who does have food allergies and one with skin sensitivities, on.

Sooooosan, we'd better say all we need to say to one another because you know what seems to be fast approaching, don't you? So I'll say WAY TO GO. Hope to hear of your use of only 15 lbs assistance for all sets next time.

Janie, sounds like your moving on up there. Just keep chinning, just keep chinning...:7

Joanne - I just can't remember what's up with you right now, are Soooosan and I speaking to you?

Catherine - what can I say, we know you'll reach your goal, you're just awesome. Oh, am I suppose to talk to you?

Kathryn - I don't think I'm suppose to be talking to you either, am I?

Sooosan, could you refresh my memory as to the people we are and are not speaking to?:+
Briee, I'm glad I was of help. I was hesitant to post what I did because I thought you might think I was criticizing you (which, of course, I wasn't). Unsolicited advice is not always welcome.:) Anyway, you can only be who you are, but your mind and body need less intensity sometimes and will take it however they can, which is why you go through periods where you don't exercise at all. (Not to mention that you have to deal with all the stuff that life hands you.) I really admire how strong and fit you are and all the good you do for your family and church.

Catherine, I agree about this group. Everyone's really smart and encouraging. I did some negatives this afternoon before my yoga and would not have done them if it weren't for this check-in. (I did one set of 5 10-ct reps with one rest between the 4th and 5th rep.)

Melody, alas, I wish I were fast approaching the day when you won't be speaking to me, but I can still only pull myself a couple of inches from a dead hang. And let's see...if I'm not mistaken, the people we are NOT speaking to are: Briee, Honeybunch, Catherine, and Kathryn. We ARE still speaking to Janie, Joanne and ourselves.:) And of course we're not speaking to Cathe.:p

Thanks for clarifying that I may speak to myself.;-) :+ I often must do so just to get through a day.

BTW due to child illness, the trip didn't happen, but since I'm here, I guess that is obvious.

Good night chinsters.
"Joanne - I just can't remember what's up with you right now, are Soooosan and I speaking to you?"

Oh Melody-for sure both you and Sooooosan are speaking to me. My attempted chin-ups are very funny. But, I will keep on .....

I just got back from Duluth-moved my college DD out of her apartment so I didn't get a chance to read all of the above.

I did catch that Briee's child/children have the chicken pox. I remember those days. I even remember when I had them as I was a junior in high school! Very embarrassing!

Briee-hope everyone is feeling better. I sure hope I get to meet you on the 12th. I will have to let Julie know too.

You guys are just so wonderful!!

Soosan....I will always take unsolicited advise and yours is SO very encouraging. I have to admit...I was giggling about the >all that you do for your church comment. Yes...if it wasn't for me, there would be moldy donuts in the fridge. They better keep me around!! Thanks again! I'm feeling like a chubby bunny lately as I've ditched my workout room x( x( . And I can't hear my pullup bar calling quite as loudly. Maybe this is selective hearing - my children have it's hereditary.

Joanne I would LOVE to meet Julie too, even just at the park for a little while, what fun!!! I will have to see what the plan looks like for my mom and I'll let ya know.

2 year old is now covered head to toe with chicken pox. I thought his might be more mild, but no. Nice thing is...he hardly realizes it. 7 year old layed around complaining of itchiness, but 2 year old seems oblivious thus far. Just smiles and keeps on running.

Soosan..forgot to add #15 POUNDS IS HARDLY ANY ASSISTANCE AT ALL. You will be in chinup land in NO time!! And then you must quit speaking to yourself!! I suggest adding more donuts.:)

Hey do we have a chin thread for Wednesday or are we skipping right to Friday - that's good for me as my chins are suffering at present. Soosan...I'm not doing any so speak freely.

>I have to admit...I was giggling about the >all that you do for your church comment. Yes...if it wasn't for me, there would be moldy donuts in the fridge.

Don't sell yourself short. That's a wonderful service you're providing free of charge (I assume...).
>2 year old is now covered head to toe with chicken pox. I
>thought his might be more mild, but no. Nice thing is...he
>hardly realizes it. 7 year old layed around complaining of
>itchiness, but 2 year old seems oblivious thus far. Just
>smiles and keeps on running.

Has the rest of your family already had it? My oldest son got it when he was three and my second son, who was a newborn at the time, caught a very mild case of it from him, poor little guy. At least you're finally getting it over with.
>Soosan..forgot to add #15 POUNDS IS HARDLY ANY ASSISTANCE AT
>ALL. You will be in chinup land in NO time!! And then you
>must quit speaking to yourself!! I suggest adding more
What I don't get is that if 15 lbs isn't much assistance, why can I still barely pull myself up from a dead hang? You'd think I'd be making more progress at that end. I guess I'll take your advice and add more donuts.
>>What I don't get is that if 15 lbs isn't much assistance, why can I still barely pull myself up from a dead hang? You'd think I'd be making more progress at that end. I guess I'll take your advice and add more donuts.

It's called mind over matter. Just tell yourself "I CAN" And get your hinnie up there }( }(

Yes, we don't allow the phrase, "I can't" to be uttered on these threads. Repeat after me, "Yes, I CAN!!!"

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
Honestly, on days where I am mentally fatigued and I do chinups I can tell a difference. They are harder and I do fewer. I think psyching yourself up for it really makes a difference. Otherwise Sgt Honey Bunch will come to your house. And you don't want that. She'll have you doing pushup drills along with your chinups ;-) ;-) She'd have you whipped into shape in no time.

Yes, she will show up with a whip and a chair! And a very loud whistle!

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
>Honestly, on days where I am mentally fatigued and I do
>chinups I can tell a difference. They are harder and I do
>fewer. I think psyching yourself up for it really makes a

I firmly believe that 1/2 of doing chin-ups in mental muscle: telling yourself you ARE GOING TO DO IT and then doing it.
I firmly believe that 1/2 of doing chin-ups in mental muscle: telling yourself you ARE GOING TO DO IT and then doing it.

Kathryn >^. .^<

Ok, I'm pumping up the brain muscles now in preparation for this afternoon's workout. Does anyone know the symptoms of a brain strain? I don't want to overdo.;-) :+

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