Chin Up Checkin 8-5

Soooooooooooosan, I do usually listen to my body. Last week is evidence of that I took 3 rest days!! Sometimes I have to figure out if I am just mentally tired or if it's physical. If it's mental, I'll push thru it. I can tell when I am working out if I get really tired it was physical and I don't push as hard. Does that make sense? Like yesterday, I modified KPC for my back. Didn't squat or lunge deep or kick real hard.

What do you mean you didn't kick hard or lunge deep...WHAT A WIMP!!! (you are such a jerk Briee). I did chest and back this morning and I SKIPPED the second set of divebombers - just listening to my shoulders ;) ;) ;) ;) Seriously....glad your listening to your body. The breaks I took in the past month were not me listening to my body...I WAS JUST LACKING MOTIVATION. (I wish I had a real reason).

BUT no more, Catherine has sucked me back into P90X land and speaking of that....Janie....I would have paid hundreds of dollars just for the 4 strength workouts in the P90X. I rarely do any of the others - but I wish I had 10 more like the strength ones. They are just ME. Kind of like Soooooooooooosan IS yoga. And Melody is core girl. The ab ripper is worth it too, but you didn't hear me say that. Hey Catherine...I did my ab skipper x, last night after the turbo jam and KM leg drills!!! I DID IT EARLY! (amazing huh - rarely do such wonders occur)


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