Chin-Up Check-In Wed 6.21


Hey chins! I just got back from the beach yesterday - what a fun, relaxing five days! No chins, but I did do power yoga twice and Pilates once. We got back late yesterday afternoon and, just for the heck of it, I attempted a chin-up from a dead hang and probably got the farthest up yet (which is a tad more than a 90 degree arm angle)! I'm going to do a full-body weight workout and some negs later.

I read the last check-in thread and it sounds like everyone's still plugging away! A woman who was staying at the beach house with us kept telling me what an inspiration I was to her, and how she's going to start running again, etc, so it's worth it, chinsters! Hard work definitely pays off.

I look forward to chatting some more later.:)
Soosan...we missed you!!! You are inspiring someone to "get moving" - that is just the neatest thing in the world. Makes life SO much fun doesnt' it?

One of the ladies in my oldest ds speech group spoke with me last night. She has been walking and alternating weights each day for the past 1 1/2 months now. She is so excited. She couldn't do lunges when she started and now is doing them just fine. I started her with Francesca Gerns Weights III workout because she is slow and steady and great to learn basic weight lifting form from.

I finally ordered all of Cathe's beginner weight/step workouts so I can loan them out and do them with my "friday" group that we just formed. We work out after a morning bible study. I don't want to overwhelm them. They should come today or tomorrow.

I am trying to get psyched up to go down and workout. I've been bad again lately. I think I knew that Soosan left and I could be a slacker for a few days}( }( }( Have a great days guys - weathers beautiful here - how about you?

***tapping toe with hands on hips*** What do ya mean cause Sooooooooooosan's gone you can slack for a few days!!! You'd better get on it missy }( }( }(

Briee, and Soooooooooooosan, you both are inspiring to people and what a wonderful thing!!! In this day in age where most people stay motionless (don't exercise) to be able to inspire others to do so is Phenomenal!!

Have a great day!!

Oh I have legs and back later today and will report back

Yes I'm a slacker Catherine!!! That means you haven't been doing your job ha ha}( }( }( }( . YOU are letting me get away with this - it's ALL your fault. (I love to try and blame others:p :p :p ).

I just got up from the basement though and good news - I WORKED OUT. I did almost an hour of intervals (my favorite ones from Cathe) and then I began legs and back (P90X). I ended up doing the pull/chin stuff and a few leg things and then quit the leg part altogether. Just tired I guess.

Chin sets: 8, 5, 3,
Pullups Wide front:5, 4,
Pullups little less than shoulder width: I did 8 of these in my set and weird thing was...they felt almost easier than the chins. Why is that? Wide fronts are definitely harder, but these were not - go figure.

SO....I've gotta keep at it now, no backsliding!!! :7 I'm painting today, mom doesn't like the color of her bedroom - did I mention that I HATE painting?

Soosan...really glad you had a great time!

Briee, wide fronts are hard and from what I've read hard on your rotator cuff. I can barely budge from there. We'll see tonight if I can do my pullup again.

Have fun painting

Hey Sooooooooooooosan!! Glad the trip was fabulous, glad you're back...someone has to control Briee. Oh yeah, and Catherine.:eek:

Sooosan, have you practiced not speaking to yourself yet? Way to progress!!

Well, I screwed up. DH assembled that chinup/pullup bar last night and I played around with him on it (ok, get your minds out of the gutter) and the ole neck is screaming. I just hate it when PT/chiropractor/doctor know what they're talking about.x(

Just keep at it chinsters...sniff sniff...I'll be ok...sniff sniff...can't do them right now...sniff sniff...:p :+
Looks like the gang's almost all here!

Briee, good for you for inspiring your Bible study group in a safe way. What's their age range? Is the lunge woman in the group as well? She's sticking with it because of YOU, you know.

And, man, Briee, when you get back into it, you get back into it! I think you're one of those types that just doesn't need to work out as frequently, because you never start off with something light, you just get right back into very long and intense sessions without skipping a beat. Maybe it's your natural ability or maybe it's because you're otherwise incredibly active or more likely, a combination. Hold your ears, Catherine, but it's probably OKAY for you to miss workouts, Briee.

Catherine, so no repetition of the 4 reps, huh? Funny how iffy these things are. We all know you'll be beyond 4 in no time, just like doing 3 is routine for you now.

Melody, didn't I read a post of yours to Cathe re "boomeritis" and how you're incorporating the philosophy into your workouts? Well, no backsliding, sister! Just do what your PT is telling you and you'll be back at 'em in no time. If you don't, you'll never get there (I know you know this).

My report today: 2 1/2 reps (just a TAD less than 90 degree angle, so not quite 1/2 way), 1 full rep from a slightly bent arm and 8 10-ct negs. I'm going to continue with sets of 8 10-ct negs until they become a bit easier and then I'm going to increase the count to 15 seconds and see how many reps I can do. I also did a full body weight workout.

Thanks, as always, for all of your kind words and encouragement! They really mean a lot.:) :)
Soooooooooooosan, just how much of a slight bend do you have in your arm. A little bend is ok (IMO) It's like with any other exercise you don't want to completely lock out your joint or go to full extension on such a dynamic move. I could be wrong here, but I think a slight bend is ok.

BTW I did repeat my 4 reps in a row today!!!!! I haven't worked out but decided as I walked past to try. I hit my foot on the bar at the bottom coming down with my first rep which messes with my form and I though immediately I'll never make four or maybe even three. Going up on the third was hard as I came down I almost stopped. Something told me (HB, where you at my house whispering telling me not to quit?) keep going and I did. It was a struggle to get up there and boy was I shaking at the top. But TaDa I did it again:7 :7 :7 :7 :7

Melody, do we need to hog tie you and keep you from further hurting yourself?? You know better girl. Take care of yourself!!

Catherine, I'm not sure how bent my arms are - maybe 10 degrees? But my feet are on the floor when I start and that makes a huge difference. Maybe next time I'll bend my arms at the same angle with my feet off the floor and see what happens.

WTG with your 4 reps!!! Pretty soon they'll be routine. You are really doing well!!
Yeah Sooooooooooooosan I don't think we can count it with feet or toes touching the ground, but man you are soooooo close!!!!

I know it'll be touch and go with that 4rth rep for a while, but I am feeling stronger. I did a total of 20 today. I forgot to try my pullup x( x( x( Now I am too sore and tired to try one, maybe later-the story of my life lol!!!

Briee, do you do your pullups with a thumbless grip or do you wrap your thumb around the bar??

Does anyone else get really winded doing chins? They really wear me out. I feel like I am doing high intensity cardio. I really try hard to work on breathing. Cause I find that I tend to want to hold my breath. But I sure feel worked even with just doing chins and nothing else.

pppppsssssssssssssssttttttttt, it's just me again. I just did my pullup :p :p :p (I'm sure I could've done more if I'd remembered to try earlier ***rolls eyes***) But man was it hard. Just had to let ya'll know.

Soosan YOU ARE SO ENCOURAGING. :) :) . I appreciate you guys SO much. Even when you aren't speaking to me you are encouraging - amazing!!! I'm curious, when you get yourself to the top of the bar by whatever means (chair, etc) can you come down 1/2 way and pull yourself back up. Or can you come down 1/4 of the way and pull yourself back up. I DON'T WANT YOU TO HURT YOURSELF, but I was just curious. Sometimes I play with these things. I still think negatives are just the most awesome way to build strength. I'd do them exclusively if I was trying to build up to a chin (unless of course they are causing you pain in any form, which they have in the past - so do assists if they are working!!!).

Catherine....I will always remember you saying that thumbless grip is easier and I did them this way. I wear my shoes - I believe that probably adds at least 10 pounds....kind of like the way I subtract 10 if I weigh myself with my shoes on.:p :p :p :p . My hands were the same spacing as when I do chins - about a foot or foot and half apart. If I space it wide....they are TOUGH. I think I will continue to do negatives - wide front, instead of getting wide front reps. I can feel more muscle being worked with the negs to be honest.

I went shopping and to eye doc today and now I'm thinking I didn't drink 1/2 as much water as I should have and I'll probably be sore tomorrow. Think I'll down a lake right now - will this make up for it Catherine???

Hey where did the clean eating thread go? I hope I didn't offend them in any way!!!

Briee (I have a knack for offending, especially when I've had too much coffee). x( x( x( x(
>Hey where did the clean eating thread go? I hope I didn't
>offend them in any way!!!
>Briee (I have a knack for offending, especially when I've had
>too much coffee). x( x( x( x(

Briee, they heard you chanting donuts, donuts, donuts,..... they've all gone to Krispy Kreme:+ :+ :+ :+


PS- you can drink your water now but may be up tinkling all night LOL!

Soosan..forgot to say, the ladies in the Bible study that want to workout are ages 33, 45, 41, 41. The others in the group have NO interest in working out. But they will get jealous when the other ladies get incredibly buff and then want to join. We must convince them that we are having an incredibly FUN time - which we are. Actually, it's the fun that follows the workouts (everything in life is better when you workout) that make it worth it. I wouldn't want to live if I couldn't run and play with our kids. It's a major blessing. The lady who is doing Francesca Gern's Weights workout is not in this group - different group. I'm SO proud of her. She's doing great! (she's making me feel guilty for slackin these past few days!!)

Few things have touched me as much as the guy in the body for life book that was in a wheel chair. His brother was complaining that he didn't feel like working out and the man in the wheel chair said "I'd give anything to be able to work out". Puts things in a different perspective eh?? When I see overweight people, I genuinely feel bad for them because they are missing out on so many activities. I really want these ladies to have a blast in life and working out makes everything fun!! AND I will withhold donuts from anyone who doesn't there!!:p :p

Briee (I'm such a slavedriver ;) ;) )
YAY Catherine on the 4th chin and the pullup even thru exhaustion. When's that Hawaii trip?

Briee, I can only imagine the fun you give those ladies in the workout group. BTW, thanks to Catherine I'll imagine you up tinkling all night.

Sooosan, I'll count the one with your foot on the floor.:7

Oink oink (regading the "hog tie you" comment).
Just did Tamilee Webb, I want those abs....thought of you Catherine. I still don't enjoy ab work.

Did a set of 7 chins just for fun afterward along with some squats. Now my shoulder hurtsx( x( x( x( x( , should have stopped where I was at.

I'm drinking up a storm and I will think of you all throughout the night! Here's the really bad part. We only have one roll of toilet paper left. Forgot to buy it today. This is NOT good when there are 9 people in the house. On a good note, 6 of the 9 are in bed asleep. And one of those is still in diapers. Wish us well!!

Night Melody!! I know your out there!!

Briee (Melody....I have a blast working out with the ladies - it's just fun to do with others - wish you could be there. ALSO, listen to that chiro!!! I'm sure you may continue on with the donuts though - as long as you proceed with caution)

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