Chin-up Check In Fri. 5/26

Hey Chins! What fun to read all your hilarious posts! Haven't had much time to write but I did wind up getting a second circuit in this week and two days of assisted chins. I don't know if I'll be doing anything exercise-wise today.

Welcome, Gayle! I can tell you're going to fit right in.

I can't remember enough about what people have been posting to answer anything specific except to tell those people who can do as many push-ups as their age that I'm not speaking to them. Since most or all of you "pushers" can also do at least one chin-up, then I'm doubly not speaking to you.:p

Melody (and Joanne? Or can you do a billion push-ups as well?), we need to start our own check-in.:+
Sooooooooooooosan, glad you got in your second circuit!! I know how frustrating it is to have your rotation messed up.

BTW did PY4H last night- the 53 min version. It was tough (been over a month since I've done any yogax). I did mostly beginners poses. I so hope this will help me with flexability. He is superfit!! My DH is concerned about some of the poses and thinks he may have to provide first aid to me LOL!!

Back to report: I had to stop at the Y to pick something up so decided I might as well take a few minutes to do some assisted chins. I first did an attempt from a dead hang and got maybe 1/4 to 1/3 of the way up. Kind of encouraging... I then took everyone's advice and decreased the amount of assistance to 25 lbs and eeeked out 3 reps. I rested a minute, then lowered the assistance to 20 lbs and did two more sets of 1 rep each, resting a minute between sets. Hey, maybe I should lose 20 lbs and then I'll be able to do one unassisted.:p I'm going to do some negs a bit later at home.

Catherine, good for you for doing PY4H! It's very versatile, great for flexibility and works the upper body in a different way than weight work. I'm convinced that doing sun salutations (w/a push-up between up and down dog) got me doing as many push-ups as I can do.
Great job Soooooooooooosan!!! You are making progress!! Can't you feel yourself getting stronger?? Those 10ct negs are killer}( }(

I did GSL standing only this am!! My knee is doing great- no problems (crosses fingers, toes, and anything else that crosses). Will do back later today with chinups and negatives. Will also see how many pushups I can do at one time.

Oh, Soooooooooooosan, how often do you incorporate yoga into your routine?


I'm really close to not speaking to you.:+

BTW, congrats on your progress, I must say that while I am still speaking to you.;-)

Waving to everone! Don't know what I'm doing today as far as workout - the week's been a bit off.
Just did my chins: 2.5, 2, 1.5, 1.5, 1 with 4 sets of 5 negatives. I really felt it in my arms today. I haven't done any upper body wt workouts this week- I wonder if that's why I feel it so much in my arms. Still floundering without progress. I just want to get back to where I was.

Melody, hope things calm down a bit for you;)


ETA: I just noticed that I have callouses from the chinup bar. Anyone else getting that?
Melody, nothing personal, but I WISH you were really close to not speaking to me.:+ I think I'm finally moving a bit forward since my rhomboid injury, but I'm still moving at a snail's pace. I can't believe how you've been plugging through your hand injury. You're something else!

Catherine, GS Legs is a toughie but goodie. I'm glad your knee isn't giving you trouble. Re the chins: it's frustrating to go backward instead of forward, but I know you know that perseverance will get you there. I still find it incredible that you and the others can do ANY. I doubt there are many women our age who can.

Re yoga: it's tough to fit yoga into a solidly booked rotation, but to me, it's well worth it. I've tried lots of different ways, but the main thing I do these days is cut back my cardio to 30-40 min and do 30 min of yoga the same day, and to make each "week" of my rotation 9 days instead of 7. Here's a sample week:

DAY 1: 1/2 Imax 3 plus 1/2 Yoga X (beginning w/balancing postures)
DAY 3: KPC Cardio Conditioning Premix + 1/2 Yoga X or "Dissolve" segment of Sonic Yoga
DAY 5: 1/2 Imax + Yoga for Flexibility
DAT 7: Power Yoga (usually around 60 min)
DAY 8: BC or another circuit
DAY 9: Rest

I also sometimes do nothing but power yoga and Pilates for the week between rotations and do nothing but yoga and Pilates when visiting my parents in the summer or when I'm otherwise away from home.

My body just craves that kind of stretching and the breathing is a huge sress reliever. Sorry for the long-winded response, but hope it helped!:)
Hi - I did bootcamp. I remember one of you mentioning doing the premix with everything but core and then adding the core only premix at the end. I did it that way and found it worked me harder due to keeping the heartrate down for a shorter period of time by not going to the floor for core. Anyway, I liked it better that way.

My hand is actually 95% healed. I did 4 sets of chin negatives today (my left rhomboid "spoke" to me)- held at the top for 5 ct and slow down for 10 ct for each. After the whisper from the rhomboid I didn't do my inverted rows, but went on to BC.

I still feel like I'm spinning my wheels, and I know that this week has not allowed me much rest, but still, it's frustrating. The 4 sets of hold 5ct @ top/10 ct slow down negatives are feeling pretty easy and I can do those consistently, any suggestions on how I might best progress at this point? I'm only resting about 1-1 1/2 mins betweens sets.

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