

Hey ladies!! Today I did 4DS double cardio and pullups. I did 2+3, 2+3, 2+3, 1+5, & 1+6. The first number of each are unassisted shoulder width pullups. The second number are widegrip pullups with the band. I got one more set of 2 this time!!! My goal is to keep increasing my pullup numbers and hope this helps me with my overall numbers-chins and pulls.

Briee, I hope you are feeling better
Joanne, did you find some bands?
Marcy, when is the big move?

Keep on Chinnin',....
[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


Looks around kinda sad :( No one wants to play in chinup land today?

I just finished P90X+ Abs. Can you believe that's the first time I've done that! I've had these w/o for what almost 3 months?? Actually, that's the first time I've done abs in several weeks :eek: Briee, I'm still holding faithful to ab hating!

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


Hi Everyone!

Sorry you've been so lonely Catherine. Good work on the chins/pulls. Isn't abs/core+ great? Just did it this morning along with Tracey Staehle's Glute Camp. I love the hanging moves in AC+. They really are very effective. Also did one wide (well, semi-wide) pullup and 2 chinups. I'm almost on the verge of doing 3 in a row. It's real close.

Packed up 3 large bags of clothes/shoes. Felt so good to empty out the closets. If everything goes according to plan, I'll be moving sometime in April. My buyer's been taking things at a snail's pace, so at the rate we're going, it's probably going to be more towards the end of April.

Good Morning Everyone!

Today was Tracey's Strictly Upper Body from her Parts Series. Great endurance workout (even though I hate endurance}( ). The heaviest I used was 18# on the one arm chest press but mostly I just used 5 and 10# and mostly everything was pretty intense. I couldn't even finish the shoulder work. She did straight arm raises, then a straight arm up and scoop down turning dbbls in. Then there was a shoulder press combo - with arms bent at 90 degrees (no lower than shoulders), do shoulder presses all the way up, then only lift up an inch, then do a flutter (which is where I lost it!)

I managed to do two chinups and one wide pullup. This was after the workout so my arms were pretty fried by that point. I'll have to remember to do them before my workout next time.

Catherine - Thanks. I think strengthening my core is definitely helping with the chins. I never did the upper body premix from 4DS. I'll have to give it a try. How long is it?

Briee, Joanne - Where are you?

Marcy 4DS upper body premix is 67 mins long. It takes me longer because I take a bit of a longer break than Cathe :+ It's a killer w/o!!

I agree do those chins before you wear out your upper body :p I try to do mine on lower body days and alternate between chins and lower body exercises.

I am sure Briee and Joanne will be reporting in any minute now.

Taps toe and waits patiently,......

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


Hi Gals-

I've never tried the premix upper body of 4DS. I will have to to that one of these days. Yesterday, I did BM2 upper only then went for a long walk. I had to get outside. Today, I have to do a chin. (I know that sounds funny compared to the numbers of the rest of this group). Hopefully, I can get a cardio workout in.

Work has been crazy and I have a meeting tonight - yuk!

Catherine-I did a chin today :) Then, I went for a run. It was sooo beautiful out today. I have the bands on my to do list to look for them in a store. Maybe, this weekend.

Joanne, glad you are having good weather so you can get out and run!! I wish I could find an outdoor sport that I enjoy!!

I did heavy upper body and pullups today. I am still at 90lbs with the bench but got more reps in. Once I can do 5x5 I will increase to 92.5lbs. I did pullups 2+4, 2+5,2+4,2+4 and 1+5. The first number is reg grip pulls unassisted the second are wide grip with the band. I increased the number that I did on my own by 1. That's my goal to at least do one more each time without assistance. I did 1 set on each arm of assisted one-armed chinups too.

Briee & Marcy how ya doing?

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


Yesterday, I did three chin ups - not in a row but I was still happy that I did three. I know I have to work on them more. I want to be able to do more than one at a time.

I'm joining Kathy S. in learning the Thriller dance. Any other chinsters? It will be fun.

Woo hooo Joanne!!! You are right doing several sets of singles will get you to doing 2 in a row. Keep up the good work. Did you get your bands?

As for the Thriller dance LOL, I can not dance at all. Just ask DH!!

Today I did heavy legs and it was a bust. My legs just weren't in the mood for heavy stuff, so I had to back off the wt a bit on squats. RDLs were ok I was till able to do 120#. And I did squat three set with 107.5-3,1,& 1 failed on the last set attempting a second rep and had to call DH x( So that was a sign to lower the wt. I dropped it to 100# to finish out and even that was hard. Next week I think I'll keep it at 100 for safteys sake. Oh, I was squatting deeper this week and I think that's why it was so much harder. I keep my high step down behind me. I usually leave 4 risers on it this week I left 3 and squat down almost close enough to touch it. It's nice having it there because when I fail, I just sit holler for DH to come take the bar off my back :+ So that's my excuse for having lousy squats today :D

Oh, I have to tell you all. My DN (neice) loves my power tower and always wants to do (attempt chinups) when she comes over. I told her about the bands that I got. Well, she was over yesterday and was so excited that she could do 2 chinups in a row with the hardest band!! So I am buying her a chinup tower LOL!! You can see a pic of me and DN at Christmas on my pic trail. We actually could pass as mother and daughter!!

OK, I've rambled on and on. Briee, girl where are ya?
Marcy, are ya getting packed for the big move?

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


Good Morning Chinsters!

Sorry I've been MIA for a few days. Yes, I'm getting ready for the big move. Filled up the car with trash to get rid of. Packed one more box (of what else -- DVDs and fitness related stuff).

Friday - Did Total Body Plus - I don't think you can count anything I did as a real pullup or chinup - the ones he does in this workout are tough!

I'll probably try and chin a little tomorrow since it's cardio day. Should have tried some today but had to finish getting the house in shape because an appraiser is coming today.

Catherine - Your DN and you do look like mother and daughter. That's great you're passing on your love of fitness to DN. I don't think you had lousy squats today. You must have some real killer legs!

Joanne - Keep up the good work! 3's great! I'd like to join you in learning the Thriller dance. How ya doin' so far?

Briee - Please come baaaack!

Marcy, I hope things are coming together for you. Thanks for the comments about my squats. My legs are coming along, but only after I really started to push them. But still have a ways to go. I agree Total Body Plus is a great workout!!

Oh, Briee, you're missing out on donuts!!!
That always gets her ;)

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


Marcy-I didn't receive the DVD yet. Glad to hear that you are going to join the Thriller Dance. Maybe, a check in will start in a few weeks or sooner.

Catherine-come on and join us too. I can't dance either but who cares. It is just for fun!!!!!

Briee-come out come out wherever you are!

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