Chest work suggestion for shoulder impingement


Hi Cathe (and others).

Was looking for suggestion on exercises for chest while recovering from mild shoulder impingement. Last weekend I went skiing, took a spill and caught myself with my hands. This caused a slight shoulder impingement in my left shoulder. I did go to the doctor but decided against the PT for the moment thinking I could just work out at home. I may still do PT if I don't feel better in another week. The shoulder is MUCH better this week than it was last week.

I did my first upper body weight (PUB) this week since the injury. I was able to do chest flies with slightly less weight on an incline. However, bench presses (even on an incline) were too much. What chest work can you suggest I do while recovering from this injury? I did all of the shoulder work at a slower pace and no weights as well. The impingement is THANKFULLY very mild (partially because I'd just gotten up from a fall and wasn't go all that fast when I fell again! That'll teach me to increase the length of my skis my first time out during the ski season! :p )

I did a search on the forum for impingement and got some great suggestions for shoulder work. I'm just worried about losing chest strength. Any and all suggestions are welcome!

Maybe you could try doing some push ups. Start doing them on your knees until your able to get up on your toes.
I think if presses are bothering you,then push-ups would also bother you. I suggest you stick with the flyes, then maybe do some isolation ball squeezes (squeeze a stability ball or soft ball between your arms, with arms held out in front of you). I know it's frustrating to not be able to do your regular workouts, and the thought of losing strength and going a step or two or three backward in your training isn't pleasant, but don't try to push yourself too hard, too fast. You then risk the injury not healiing correctly, or even becoming a chronic problem. Better to back off on the chest and back training for a while, then get back into it gradually. Just do what doesn't cause any discomfort.
I am recovering from neck and shoulder injuries. THe "Push/Pull" workout can be done with lower weights and WITHOUT the shoulder exercises. The Chest flies are a lot easier if you are laying flat on your back. THe stability ball supplies a greater flexibility because it molds to your chest. Of course, you go light and maybe not as many reps, but the movement is good. Good luck!
Also, to avoid impingement, avoid chest and shoulder work that has your arms in palms-down position or (worse) thumbs-down position (when standing). You can do overhead presses (if they don't bother you) with dumbbells, holding them so that your palms face each otehr. You could try bench presses with dumbbells, with your palms facing each other (though this will engage the triceps a bit more than the palms-towards-feet version, because the elbows will also be closer together).

Also, when doing flyes or presses, be sure to keep your shoulders retracted and chest "open", which will also help keep the shoulder joint open and make impingement less likely. Also use this "chest-out/shoulders back" posture when doing standing or seated shoulder work, to again open up the shoulder joint.l

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