Chest size...


OK so I always say I don't have a hang up about my 'cup' size (C). I am not teeny tiny so a C on me is just normal average.
I was very disappointed when Karen Voigt gave in and got hers done (although I think she looks just fab)
Living in Vegas, where I believe I am one of the last "natural" girls alive, I have learned not to compare my God-given attributes to the tremendous works of art walking around here.
BUT I accidently bought the wrong bra last week--it's this gel thing that adds a whole cup size. I was buying a whole bunch of bras and picked this one up by accident. I thought whatever, I'll wear it.
Can I tell you that every single time I have worn it, in the same old outfits I always wear, I am getting compliment after compliment...from guys and girls! I just want to laugh and say, "It's my hugely enhanced mammaries that you are reacting too!" :-rollen
(In case you were wondering...Vassarette, Target, Gel Bra, $15.99)Tooooo funny. :D
For someone who is only a B cup, you shoudl be more than happy to have a C. It is nice to get compliements, but wouldn't you rather be told you have a nice waist or butt?? Do you really want people staring into your chest as they talk to you? And, remember all of the health risks that come with getting a little saline or silicone added here and there, just in case the idea was crossing your mind......
Well everyone "should" be more than happy to have what they were born with but unfortunately that is not always the case. There also exist those of us C cups who are not more than happy to have them. Personally, I feel that they get in the way and I don't like having to buy a shirt or sweater one size larger than my frame just so I can fit my chest into it. But I don't dislike them enough to go under the blade. Healthwise thus far they have given me no trouble.
Keep that bra! I have no breasts. A cup here. I think phony bosoms look phony and I don't want one but more power to any woman who does! Three of my 9 sisters are "enhanced". I have several padded bras including a Wonder Bra which I wear occasionally when I don't want to look like a boy! LOL

I was disappointed by Karen Voight and surprised. Her body was my idea of the perfect body. I must say that some of the really buff body builder females who get those huge boobs make me laugh. They look odd to me. So streamlined and slim in every way then enormous breasts saying look at me, look at me....:)
You know the old saying is true, "the grass always looks greener.....", because every time I hear anyone say they wish they had bigger breasts, all I can think of is how lovely it must be to have smaller breasts! I've been carrying these bad boys around since 3rd grade, through 2 children (breast fed), and at 38, what were once firm d cups, are now a little reminiscent of a partially deflated water balloon! I sincerely eyeball that "bloussant" commercial, I'd even try that little pill to "see" if it could "puff me back up", but I'm too afraid I'd grow a tit out of my forehead or something as a side effect, and how attractive would that be? Plus with my luck, it would sag too!
So, to me, your grass is greener with anything smaller than a d cup, cause gravity is not our friend!
But seriously, although we joke, each of us are very fortunate to have our breasts, regardless of the size, sag, etc. There are so many of our sisters who have sadly lost a breast, or both due to Cancer, so for them, in their memories, I'll live with my sag!
Love your bodies, they're the only ones we get! :)
heavy sigh......

Yes, you are so right, Donna!! My mom lost BOTH of her breasts to breast cancer BEFORE the age of 30!!!! :( I am 34, and have so far beaten the odds. (Breast cancer runs in my family) I get mammograms once a year, for now.

I enjoyed your post -- it made me chuckle. Then, I got the end, and when you mentioned the many women who've suffered with, and many times lost the battle with, breast cancer, I thought of my beautiful mom -- who, incidentally, is 54 now!! :)

Agreed Donna! I will try to complain less about mine in the future.

Oh yes, and lol...

<<I'd even try that little pill to "see" if it could "puff me back up", but I'm too afraid I'd grow a tit out of my forehead or something>>

You've got me laughing out loud here at work picturing that!
RE: NOOO Falsies

Lori, don't get me wrong. That was my point, I am happy with my c's. If I loose the last 10 pounds I am shooting for, I'll drop down to a B. (I'm really a B 1/2). My point was that it surprised me despite everything people say to the contrary, even women reacted to the old swelling chest!
I have never ever considered fake ta- tas. Most of my friends have them, and as I said, at my gym the tas are planetoid size--I mean for real, they have their own zip codes!
I do want to comment that when it comes to someone complimenting my body, I respectfully don't see any difference between my butt or my chest. When it comes to comments on my physical appearance, what I would RATHER have someone tell me is I am "in shape", "buff", or even just plain "hot" than say, NICE CHEST, NICE BUTT, NICE ____.
But having said that, I don't think there is anything wrong with women who make the choice to have work done on their chests--up or down--as long as they are doing it to make themselves happy and don't expect it to solve all the problems of the world. Of course, we should all be grateful to have our health and our healthy chests, no matter the size. :)
Don't feel bad, bosomy ladies whose bosoms have gone south! Even as small breasted as I am, my small bosom has lost it's "perkiness" and headed south. Gravity is gravity.

And I get the point too. We should love these amazing bodies in all their shapes and sizes, each perfect in our own way! I'll be running the Tucson Race For the Cure April 14. I'll think of your mom, Hollie, celebrate her survival as I go!
>This is just me, but I
>like my flat athletic look.
> I can't imagine have
>big ones, especially when it
>comes to running.
>I have a tough time finding
>bras. 36" A

I am small also. I am a 34A, but honestly I don't understand why an "A" cup is described as "flat". I know we are all different, and someone above even said that her small A's have sagged, but mine look exactly the same as they did 25 years ago! I am so thankful for this. I don't have the big ol' boobies that seem to be so popular these days, but I am healthy and sag free.... and that is a wonderful thing!! :7
I'm in total agreement with you though Fitkansaschick, I like my athletic look too. I am really small all over though, thus the "flat" doesn't really apply!! I prefer to call it a "lean" athletic look! ;)
I'm also a 34 A or B (depending on the bra and my weight) and mine have sagged. I'm 35 and have been breastfeeding for over 2 years so thus, the sag. And because of the sag I'm actually glad to be an A or B, because a sagging D would not be too fun as someone above pointed out.

I agree that we should be happy for what we have, but I also think that if people want to make changes to their bodies they should go for it.

I wear wonderbras and they do wonders for me, believe it! But I sometimes wish that we didn't have to worry so much about how we look - if our boobs look big enough, if our butts are small enough etc. I wish that I could honestly say that I work out just so I'll feel better, have more energy and be healthy, but that is just not true. I also do it, and for a large part, because of how it makes me look. I guess it's kind of absurd, but it's true!

Kristie S
You know what's funny is that you see all these magazines and women with the implants and even before you know it your idea of the norm kind of gets affected. How do you keep from comparing yourself and thinking, " are they supposed to be that perky? " How do you even compete with surgically enhanced boobies? Personally, if there were no possible health problems connected with it and if I had the finances I'd go for it. Just imagine, you get to chose what cup size and they stay up there. But is it true they get hard? Anyway, not that poor self image gets in to it, only that if we admit it, women dress to look good, period. Regardless of the target audience, I believe we want to look good for ourselves really. Snow white and that Queen's mirror thing.
<"But is it true they get hard?">

Rachel--As an X-Ray Tech who started my career taking mammograms, many of which were of women who were sugically "enhanced", I can vouch for the fact that "yes" they get very hard (i.e. encapsulated). They are not attractive, IMHO. Just my two cents.
Yeah, I thought it was surprising that Karen Voight got her boobs done, too. Not the healthiest thing. I actually think she looks too thin and muscly at times. I know she's really tall, so it could be that too. I have her yoga video (forget the name), and I'm actually not envious of that body at all! She should eat a bit more for a softer look! Like Cathe has!!

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