:::Cheetahs:::Wednesday 8/30

Mornin' girlies!:)

So I have a bit o' DOMS in me from that darned HSTA y'day!}( }( }(
I was supposed to do abs as well but never did. Shame on me!:eek: Gotta do them today.

I'm also going to the gym for my run this morning and then I have to stop at that store for a few things.

I can't believe it's gray and rainy again around here. BLECH!x(

So did I tell y'all? I saw my name on the work schedule at the gym in the daycare room the other day! I start on Tuesday! I wonder when she plans to call and tell me this!? LOL :p

Have a great morning!
Quick check then I'm off to do IMAX, had a good road trip yesterday and I'm glad to have all my Girlies home. I'm sooooo excited about all of the workouts being done. Is everyone as curious as I am as to why they've been so quiet about DrillMax?

Wendy, seeing your name on the schedule must be kind of excititing huh?:) Funny that she hasn't called you, I know the feeling all too well of being on a 'need to know basis':+

Later Cheetahs

Take Care
My goodness! It's almost 8 in the morning and there is still no sign of my cheetahs!!!!

What's going on ladies!?!?!? :p

Edited To Add:
I guess I spoke to soon! LOL LOOK! ^^^^^

Laurie: Have fun IMAXING!}( I don't know why I am so excited about this silly job but I am! I think I am craving more of a SCHEDULE in my life...a solid, no way around it reason to get up at a certain time, take a shower and head out the door! My schedule has been sooo not existant since DS was born. It's going to be nice to have one again...atleast for a few hours each week! LOL
You bring up an interesting point about Drill Max! I have a feeling this work out is going to be E-V-I-L!!!!!}( }( }(
Happy hump day, cheetahs...yup, it's gray and blech down here in S. Jersey, too. Darn Ernesto...x( can't even let us enjoy these last few scraps of summer! ;-)

Wendy :: wow, you're starting right after Labor Day, huh? Let the Workout Gear Fund begin! ;-) :) Personally, I think you can do a hilly course...since you have two rest days before the race, I'd say it's OK to mimic somewhat the intensity of the race. I never changed my route prior to a race (which meant hills were involved)...I just tried to push & pace myself reasonably. BTW, I didn't even manage to read one sentence last night...I was too kaput!

Well, I have a potentially soggy 5K tonight, but I will probably get in some kind of upper body workout a little later. Maybe the Pyramid. In the meantime, I'm going to spend the morning working on lesson plans and graduate work. Oh joy. (This means I'll probably just be sneaking back here frequently.) }(

Have a great workout everyone! Hope the injured/sick cheetahs bounce back quickly!

-cathy :)
Oops, guess I was typing away while you posted, Laurie. Yes, I'm curious about Drill Max (I've begun to fear anything that ends in "Max,") and anxious about ALL the DVDs. I have my preorder form all filled out. Might as well write the check and mail it off today.
Good Morning Cathy. Nice of you to finally join us!:p

Okay so I'll do some mild hills today then and kick up the speed at the end as well!}( I already have some DOMS from HSTA so I don't want to kill myself w/BIG hills! LOL

Good luck w/your race tonight! What time does it start?
I know...I've been sleeping in til about 7:30 every day. }(

The race starts at 7. You know, if we find any that are centrally located, we could probably meet up for a 5K this fall. I'm slower than you, I think, but you wouldn't have to hang back w/ me.

Have fun with those easy hills! Sounds like a great plan.
>I know...I've been sleeping in til about 7:30 every day. }(
>The race starts at 7. You know, if we find any that are
>centrally located, we could probably meet up for a 5K this
>fall. I'm slower than you, I think, but you wouldn't have to
>hang back w/ me.
>Have fun with those easy hills! Sounds like a great plan.

Hey, I'd love to sign up for a race with you in the fall! I'm sure we could find one that's located reasonably for both of us! That would be very kewl!;) I'm not running anywhere close to cheetah status so don't be so sure I'm faster than you are!:)

I'll be cheering for you come 7pm!:7
Good morning cheetahs

Wendy..sounds like you enjoyed HSTA!! Hopefully they will let you know you have the job say before monday??...:)..I think I'd do a fairly easy TM workout today and save those legs for Sat!

Laurie..I didn't think about Drillmax til you said something! Wierd...maybe soon. Have fun with Imax.

Cathy...I am glad you got the Power Hour DVD! I love it...and BC/ME....be very careful...:)..Good luck on the 5K tonight! That would be great if you and Wendy could do a run together.

I am doing P90X Back & Biceps, abs and a 5 mile interval run. DH got on the Elliptical again last night....6 min...:)

Have a great day...:)
Carole :: you're scaring me!!

That's great that your hubby's hitting the elliptical consistently. Gotta start somewhere!

Enjoy your workout! And I'm gonna go give these exclamation points a rest now...:)
Cathy...no real reason to be scared.....my favorite part of ME is Cathe's laugh during the bicep curls....evil....:)....I like exclamation points...!!
I'm here!! I did it- my longest mid-week run to date! 10 miles!!! Yes, got up at 4:25 to get it done but I did it!! Erin & Melissa both ran some w/ me. Erin ran about 4 miles (she's doing better w/ the ITB) & Melissa did about 8 & I finished up the last 2. Felt great!!! It was misting just a little when we started & humid but still kinda cool so it wasn't too bad.

Then by the time I got home & stretched a bit & hopped in the shower it was time to get the girls up for school. It seems that half an hour of making breakfast, making lunches, combing hair, getting backpacks ready, etc is so hectic!! Got them off on the bus & now we can relax a bit!

I'm thinking a NapMax might be on tap for this afternoon!! It's another kinda grey day w/ rain coming! I'll do some pilates in a bit & stretch some more! Feeling good though other than tired!

I had just a little bit of DOMS in my back from GS BSB y'day- I bumped up to 25 lbs for some of the back work. Go me! ;-)

Have a great day! Good luck on your 5K, Cathy!!

Hi Cheetahs
I'm popping in to say "hi" and am sorry to have been MIA for so long. I'm keeping up with my exercise & running -- which is great, but GettingReadyForBigPartyMax is killing me. 70 people here Sat. Sep. 9 in afternoon -- we're in good shape, ready and on track, but it's a stress...Three smaller parties the same weekend, 30 people, Fri night, Sat. Night & Sun. a.m.

I did my last 2 weekend long runs of 11 miles runnning to one of the party locations and back! LOL -- but it's helping me cope with the endurance event that weekend will be. I'm doing leg workouts 2x a week, floor work 2 x week & upper body 2x week. It's a lot but keeping me sane!!!!!!!!

My kids are looking forward to getting back to school next week....it's fun to be on the cusp of summer shifting to fall.

I'm keeping up with posts when I can. It's so great all of you are doing such great runs & workouts and keeping up with your collective Life Maxes!

Only time for a bit of personals:

Carole -- good news about DH. Every second of making a change for the positive counts. It all adds up. Have fun with your interval run today. It sounds like you are doing GREAT!!!!!

Wendy-- good luck on your race coming up. I hope you get the job!

Cathy -- good luck on your race

Jess-- great job on the mid-week long run. You are ready for your big race. I know you'll do great.

Christine -- too bad about that useless session you attended yesterday, but I got a kick out of the high step arrival. Isn't it so funny to see the DH's face with the exercise purchases? I love the high step and think it's really worth having.

Laurie-I'm curious too about the lack of info on Drill Max. It makes me nervous to even say "Drill max" out loud.

Mattea-- I have a new strategy for my MIL: she is a jackal : a scavenger animal who prizes her own fur and I am going to be a graceful winged animal she cannot corner and eat for dinner! A vegan triumph!!! Congrats to you on the new house, furniture and beginning of new-chapter-in-your-life-Max!

Judy - hope your hip is doing great post PT stretch routines and exercises.

Elaine-- I feel for you about your daughter starting K. It is so hard to absorb all the feelings that go along with moving kids on to the next developmental stage. She is such a sweetheart -- from seeing the photos on your picture trail! Glad your training is going so well. I hope your chest crud continues to get better!!

Hi to the rest of the wonderful cheetahs: Marcia, Pamela, Coco, Gayle, Katie , and now I have to go, so hi to anyone I'm missing: Have a great, great day!!!!

:) :) :)
Morning ladies. Well, I was on the verge of crying this morning. I went out for a run in my old shoes and made it about a mile and half and had to start walking. I could feel my back starting to act up. So, I walked another half mile and called it a day.:-( I'm not as upset now though because my back feels fine, so maybe if I just lighten things up for the next couple days all will be well again. I'm still going to exhange the shoes though.

I'll try to get personals in later!

Have a great day!

Good Morning Cheetahs!
I'm so excited to actually feel well enough to post! I've been exhausted and sick since Sunday. Had a bad reaction to some medicine that I had to take (Sunday night was the last night thankfully), but I felt like I had the flu, except I wasn't really sick, as it all cleared up by Tuesday as the meds left my systemx( I know feel about 300% better:7

Wendy-I agree with Carole and think you should save the legs, it's your first race (you're going to rock BTW!), but your legs will only thank you for being fresh on those hills. How cool that you start your new job so soon! I'm just getting into not having a schedule for the first time in a long time as DH goes to work and I work on my PhD stuff from home:D I knew you'd love HSTA Wendy!

Laurie-I'm not exactly afraid of Drill Max, but that's because I try not to think about it, lol! I've pretty much resigned myself that I may not be able to finish it all at first, but then I had to modify Imax 3 the first few times I did that too. If Cathe didn't continue to challenge us than how would we get more fit? See, that's the speech I'll be giving to my legs, lungs, and heart while I'm on the floor and Cathe and Crew are still jumping around on screen}(

Cathy-I know, the weather has been crappy here too;( but it actually felt pretty good on my run yesterday. Great Cheetah luck tonight!! I'm keep me fingers crossed for you. Don't be afraid of BC/ME (just refer to the above speech in my message to Laurie}( )

Carole-Whoohooo for 6 min! Enjoy the intervals today:)

Jess-What a great accomplishment today! You deserve every minute of Napmax that you can get:p How is your middle girl enjoying school? What is her favorite part? I was so teary eyed seeing how she missed her bus the other day, I think I still have anxiety dreams like that once in a while about when I was little, lol:)

Barb-It's so cool to hear from you! What's the huge occasion for that you are having Party Max? I think you're new outlook on MIL is brilliant!!! For who can ever catch someone with a true cheetah heart? :D Thanks, DH are so excited about everything here and we're having a blast!

Yesterday I actually felt like myself again, so I did the first 6 intervals of Imax 3, but was then interrupted by the building code inspector, so I finished my intervals outside with a run. I even threw in another hill repeat. It felt wonderful! Considering the day before I tried KPC and only made it through the first half before I just could NOT to anymorex( Today is weights, but I'm not sure what yet. Maybe the GS mish mosh, which I love! It's like another MM:7
Then DH and I are going to visit some family back home. BTW we actually bought a powerless lawnmower! So great for the environment and so not scary that I'll actually use it too:p
Have a great day!
Hi, ladies. My boys are in school all day now and I STILL don't have the time to respond to everybody's posts! LOL. But I did read them.

Now that you ladies mentioned it, I am very curious about Drill Max as well! Should we be worried? LOL

My triceps are remarkably sore today....more sore than EVER BEFORE! I'm wondering....I started doing all my upper body work on a stability ball instead of the bench (like chest press, flies, etc). I think maybe the CTX chest presses with the barbell did that. Interesting! and OUCH!!!!!!

OK..........Got up early for biceps, shoulders, and ab work. I was going to do my run outside, but the rain SCARED me! LOL. I hit the treadmill after the boys got on the bus and figured I'd run nice and steady and slower than normal for as long as I could. Well, 7 miles later, I felt like I could just keep on going! Perhaps it was the new socks! LOL. But I stopped at 7 and stretched out.

Good morning!

I don't think I posted yesterday when I did a 5 mile tempo run, core and GS CT. Today I will do my elliptical, 90 minutes if my next 24 DVD comes in the mail, maybe shorter if not. I'll also be doing GS Legs. With my DD in school I suppose I should be expecting every single cold virus floating around to make it's way back to me. I feel like I've got another cold coming on! I'm doing my best to ignore it though so I can get a good 20 in this weekend.

Hi Barb, What is the event that you are doing the planning and execution of? It's great that you are still getting your workouts in through all of that.

Wendy, I don't have much of a schedule either beyond dropping off and picking my kids up from school but I like it! I'm looking forward to your race report this weekend. Which day is it?

Carole, If I wanted to use P90X workouts split in the way as GS upper body which ones would you recommend I do? I need to make some changes to my weight workouts.....I'm a bit burned out on what I've been using. I think I'm ready for something new from Cathe too.

Cathy, Good luck on tonight's 5K. I don't care much for running at at night....seems like I have more energy in the morning. Do you normally run in the pm or am? Any preference?

Good morning to Laurie and Katie and those coming later! Gotta take DS to school.
Mattea--my vote is for lighter weights (not that you asked for my vote!}( ) since you've been feeling under the weather. I know the feeling when you are recovering from being ill or are ill and working out and the old bod just doesn't feel the same.

Elaine--great job doing that workout. I am in awe or your training for another marathon and trying to qualify for Boston -- which you will do!!!!!!!

Katie--sorry about your back. I hope the shoe exchange does the trick and you get back on track!

the eventMAX? is my 13yo DS's bar mitzvah -- a tradition where this "coming of age" boy or girl in a jewish service does parts of the service and other things. He is a great kid, really a gem.....

My husband and I are not very religious (me especially, thought I am very spiritual...not religious), but it was important to him (not so much to me...but to him that we have our kids' do this ceremony). I was raised in a nearly evangelical religious environment that was not a good fit for me...(LOL!!) and the more distance I have from it, the better.

Just revisiting the scene is hard for me mentally, but we couldn't be doing it in a better way and the present, not the past is the thing to focus on!

So what's most important is my DS is having a blast, learning a lot -- doing a community service project to raise money for childhood cancer (he's selling Whole foods cards where 5% of grocery purchases get donated to Curesearch-- the National childhood cancer research fund.) ALL REALLY POSITIVE, but the stress is having a lot of relatives here who honestly don't wish me WellMax and my challenge is to keep my wings on, remember that if I can run a half-marathon and do Cathe workouts, I can handle these relatives! They are prairie dogs. I am something with wings: TBA

Lots of other local friends will be at the party at our house sat. which will be nice....Just like Sarah said to make that hill "my B-I-T-$#$" I am going to conquer this party at my house, done on a budget, and be smiling if it kills me!!!!

Thanks for the support Cheetah friends!
:) :) :)

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