Cheetahs Wednesday 8/23

Thanks for your replies regarding pre-event eating Natalie, Carole, Cathy, Jess, Mattea, Shelly and Christine. I've learned a lot about what works and doesn't on my long Sunday runs. The timing of a wedding the night before is a bit of a curve, I talked to the bride today and there is no pasta on the menu, I'll just keep it simple and avoid too much fatty stuff (no stilton cheese for me:) and skip the wine altogether, I'll drink toast to the couple post-event ;-)

Wendy, feel better heart goes out to you! Poor little Joey, sounds like he's being a good little trooper even when he's feeling crummy, tummy and GI troubles are the worst!

Katie, I am getting exicited but it's mixed with a lot of nerves too! We'll run most of the course with our group in a few weeks, then I'm sure the excitement will increase even more so! Take care of that fussy back...hope it abates SOON!!

Jess, that's exciting getting new wheels!! That's sweet that you and Allison are enjoying your time together.

Mattea, I'm right there with you on the MM DOMS! Chest and quads got it good}(

Shelly, I'm so glad that your groin is better, that can be a very tough injury to come back from!

Christine, sending prayers for you and your daughter

Elaine, I hope your workout was good and helped to clear out some of the cobwebs. You've had a very stressful week, hope it turns around for you!

I'm gonna hang out with my Girls a bit before heading back to work at 4:00. Later Cheetahs:)

Take Care
Well, I didn't get my run in this morning. I decided to give the back one more day. If I get off work early today I may do some form of cardio just because I feel like a bum for not having done cardio for two days. We'll see what happens. I will definitely be running tomorrow though.

Hi girls.

Just wanted to check in and let ya know that Joey went down for a nap so I forced some cardio...BodyMax step. I'll do my weight work tomorrow instead, no biggie.

Time for a shower and then I gotta wash dishes and start dinner. Grocery shopping is on tap for after dinner. I want to leave Joey with his dad since he isn't feeling well. Moms don't get to rest though!;)

Hopefully I'll be back again later!
Where has the day gone??? Wow, lots of injured & sick cheetahs!! I hope that everyone starts feeling better soon!! I did PUB this afternoon, I love that workout!! My achilles feels ok, I'm icing it now (froze a small water bottle & have my leg propped up on the chair next to me). I'm biking tomorrow & taking Fri off so we'll see how it feels by Sat. This is kinda how it felt last week too. Just about 2 weeks til taper time for the marathon, I can make it til then!!! ;-)

We got our errands run this morning & the morning flew by. It feels so easy just taking 1 kid to the store!! Allison is just loving all of the Mommy attention. The girls are loving school too, so I'm glad about that!

Again, just wanted to pop in & say hi! I just haven't had as much computer time as I thought w/ the kids gone at school!!

Jess - Elaine (I think it was Elaine - it could have been Shelly), told me a great way to ice an achilles tendon - get a bucket with some water and ice cubes. I used a big plastic container - and it worked like a charm.
Thanks for the tip!! I love the water bottle, then I can roll it up & down my leg to massage it. I'll have my dh kill me by rolling a ball up & down my calf later on- that's a killer!! My problem is my tight calves!! I'm glad yours is feeling better!

Well, I got home from work early and am sitting here debating whether or not to throw in IMAX 2. I mean, I did PUB this morning and I'm going to run tomorrow, but I have the house to myself and can't decide if I want to get my equipment out and change, etc. Hmmmm, I'll check in later after I decide.

Okay, I did it. I did IMAX 2. I feel great now, but totally exhausted. I bet I'll sleep tonight. I'm not used to working out in the evening.

Hi all,

I posted an IT band question in open discussion. Have been stretching more throughout the day. Went for a fast walk tonight. Felt good, had to jog a bit. Probably about 2 1/2 miles. I so want to run a 10 K in a month. I just wish my leg would SMARTEN UP!!!
Hi Wendy. My name is Wendy too!:)

I am new to running-been doing it for about 5 months now-and knock on wood, I have not had an it band issue YET but have had knee issues...even before I began running. ACK! Anyway, welcome to our check in! Feel free to join us on a daily basis. It's a great group of women. VERY motivating!

Hope your injury heals up soon!!!!

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