::: CHEETAHS ::: Wed., 6.27


Morning, cheetahs!! :)

Just finished CTX k’boxing…A short one but a goodie. Glad to have it out of the way. Tonight after work, I’m heading to a friend’s for a BBQ. Will have to keep the reins tight on the eating. And NO Corona Lights! May the force be with me.

Jackie :: good job squeezing in a run during the convention.

Wendy :: Yeah, from what I have read, Ima is definitely not looking (or needing) to burn fat, but it sounds like, according to this guy Maffetone, this low HR training principle can do both. From what I have read in Edwards’ book, training in what she calls the temperate zone (60-70% of max HR) optimizes the way your body burns fat. She says the temperate zone is a “moderate level of activity, strenuous but challenging. It’s that zone where you feel that you are working – you break a sweat early on but you can carry on a conversation the entire time and there isn’t a feeling of discomfort.” Like you said, training in this zone lets you burn a greater proportion of fat but training in the higher zones would allow you to burn more calories overall. I remember talking about this w/ Christine a few months ago, and I think most folks here thought it was better to burn more calories overall. Edwards’ approach to that issue is that is up to the individual and his/her goals. If you are already in shape, it’s probably best to go for total calorie burn, she says. I know you’re not training this way, so I hope this is not boring you! I find myself geeking out and wanting to talk fitness with people, and this is the only place where others care about this kind of stuff! Anyway, I think I am just going to experiment with my HRM in the next few weeks and try to keep my HR lower while also increasing the time spent running.

Have a great day, everyone! I'm off to get ready for work. BBL!
~Cathy :)
Good Morning Cheetahs!:)

Cathy: CTX cardios are great when you are short on time. I don't use that series often because I have soooo much to choose from but when I'm lookin' for something quick it fits the bill perfectly.
No, you are not boring me when you talk about the HR stuff. I am interested even if I am not doing the same thing. I love this stuff and really don't have anyone to talk to about it either. My SIL is a P/T but she doesn't seem as into her own training as I am so I don't think she wants to spend hours talking about it! LOL It's nice to have somewhere to go where you know someone will want to hear what you have to say. :)

So I have GSCS&T on tap for today. I am looking forward to all of those push ups, baby!}( I also need to do ab work. I just hope I don't forget! LOL

My legs are still DOMS'ing. I hope they are better so that I can make spin tomorrow. :eek:

I have to work this morning. Not looking forward to it. :p

G'morning Cheetahs! Just back from a 4.25 mile hilly run w/ my buddy Erin & dog Mikey. ;-) It was already hot & muggy at 5AM!! It started to thunder a bit on our last mile, it looks like a storm is comin'! YogaX is on tap, I might shorten it or do it in 2 segments. That seems to work best for me.

I did get in C & B y'day afternoon. Kiersten interrupted my workout, she wanted me to pull her tooth. I ended up pulling BOTH of her bottom teeth!! They got wiggly FAST! She was super excited! Then I did ARX w/ Kiersten & Hannah, they were cracking me up.

The visitation was nice last night. I feel so bad for my friend Lori as now she's lost both parents. We all went out to eat afterwards (she's the SIL of my 2 best friends) so I didn't get home til after 10. (late night for me! :p )

Cathy ~ I'm interested in your ramblings. I've done some reading on it too. Sometimes it can get so confusing. I know that when I run w/ my buddies I run a lot slower than I do alone, we're usually busy chatting along. But that seems to be helping me w/ my speed in the long run. I did some speedwork on the TM on Sat (racing my brother!) and was doing intervals at a 7 min mile pace. So I guess I'm doing a bit of both, slower running but also adding in the interval runs when I can. I'm just happy to be running pain free!!!

Wendy ~ I love the design you chose for your tat!! I'd never get one, but do admire them when I see them. My SIL has a small daisy on the inside of her ankle that she got in college.
Good morning fine Cheetahs!

Cathy-I like the ramblings as well. lol Like Wendy and everybody else, I really enjoy just chatting about this stuff with others who understand the PASSION of it all! LOL Personally, I ditched my HRM. Sold it. Don't even own it anymore. lol I honestly was worried too much about calories burned, or HR%, or whatever and then I started to feel that my workouts weren't good enough (or too good) depending on those numbers. That's just me.

OK.....up early. Finished BBC Chest & abs. Those raised push ups fry my chest BIG TIME!. When the kids head out to the Rec Program at 9, I'll be hitting the pavement for another outdoor run. I'm LOVING running outside once again.

I found a Relay Marathon in my area in September that me and some friends are signing up for. I'm PSYCHED for that. Max of 5 teammates, and I've emailed the organizer to see how they break down the 26.2 miles among the teammates. My friends are all just beginning runners and are afraid they can't do their share. So, guess what? lol I offered to run more than my share. lol Cheetah, right?

One last thing, and sorry to ramble. Some of you already saw my post over on Open Discussion, but I thought I'd add it here. I am 95% certain that I will be returning my engagement ring to my Fiance. Nothing specific has happened, it's just that I honestly (deep down) don't feel that this relationship is going anywhere. We've been engaged for 14+ months and we've gotten nowhere. There is MUCH MUCH more to it than that, but that's the short version.

Gotta go.

Gayle ~ I keep debating on whether or not to get a HRM or not. I think knowing me it would make me a bit too OCD...}( Enjoy your outdoor run, I'm loving the outdoor runs too!

Ooh, a marathon relay! Sounds like fun! You're definitely a Cheetah!

I read your post about your fiance. Sounds like you have some big decisions to make. Good luck!
Ok, I'm back. Cleaned the bathrooms, cleaned the kitchen (I HATE having to clean the kitchen in the morning, but that's what happens when my dh is in charge & I get home late!! :eek: ), picked up toys, and started some laundry. Oh well, the kids had fun. He took them fishing while I was gone last night.

I know that some of you don't eat dairy. I'm cutting back on dairy to see if it helps w/ some of the bloating & *issues* I've been having. I'm frustrated because the scale only seems to be inching up so I'm trying something different. (I know, I know, I've gained muscle but I'd love to lose a little!!!!)

Kiddos are still asleep, I think we'll head to the library later this morning. Babble babble... guess I can find something else productive to do around here! }( Have a good one!
Good morning ladies,

All of you seem so nice here. I have been running again after 10 years off from it. Cathe workouts and going to the gym have kept me active all those years.

Since I am still a beginner to running - I run Mon, Wed, Fri only. I run for about 30 minutes in the park. It is great. I do running on the grass, and also on the tennis court. I do the perimeters of each. I feel like a million bucks and I am so glad that I am back into running!!!

I got a subscription to Runners World, and also printed out some helpful articles online.

I plan on running some 5 - 10 mile fundraiser races this fall and winter. I would like to raise money for the poor and sick. All good causes! Runners World online keeps me informed of the local races. I will do it for distance, and certainly not speed! :)

I run at 6AM. Boy, today has been the hottest by far. Very humid heatwave here in Boston!

Take care all, and thank you!


"Life is too short - Be the best you can be every single day of your life!" :)
Good morning cheetahs

Cathy...The deer around here also get in the way sometimes. And do they do some damage to the car, but I would feel awful if I hit one. When I got rear ended last Nov my nephew took X-rays, I was very surprised I had some damage in my neck as I didn't feel anything there. I have also wondered if my lower back pain is a residual effect from the accident. For me I have always felt that interval type training burns the most fat, and actually makes you faster too. I don't believe at all that staying in the Fat burning zone/temp zone will burn fat efficiently if you have been exercising for a long time, I feel that is more for beginning exercisers...just my 2 cents...;)

Wendy...B&G was tough and fun. I did int 1-8 from Imax2. After I read your post I realized I have heard "tramp stamp" before. When I was in Reno a few months ago, I had bent over to get something and had some low pants on, I didn't realize my thong underwear (yes I do) was showing and my niece had walked by me real quick, turned back and said "Aunt Carole, I thought you had a tramp stamp!" We all giggled...:)...yours is very nice. Have fun with your GS workout, I will be doing push-ups with you...

Jess...it has to feel very sad to finally loose both parents. My thoughts and prayers are with your good friend Lori. So did the tooth fairy visit Kiersten?

Gayle...Good job with BBC C&A. Sorry about the relationship with your fiance. You have to do what is right in the long run.

Marcia...sorry, sounds like a very sad funeral...

Want2B...fund raisers are a good idea, and for good causes makes you feel a lot better. Be careful running in the humidity.

Shelly...(Forrest)...sounds like a nice 7 miler in NJ. Glad you got home safely. I preordered also...and even got some new shoes too! Saucony Grid Omni 4. Good deal $45 and no shipping.

Sunny...that actitrainer looks interesting...thanks for the link, are you considering one?

Heather...the 305 is a GPS and Heart Rate monitor. This site has some good prices and lots of info http://www.heartratemonitorsusa.com/

Jackie...good job on the 2 miler and iStrength.

I am doing P90X C&B, abs and a 4-5 mile run in my new shoes!!!

Have a great day...:)
Morning gals:

Gayle - I read your post and am behind you 100% with whatever you decide.

The visitation was so sad ;( . I am going to the funeral today, too. I'm going to leave a little earlier from work and go sit at a lake near the church to reflect before going. This tragedy has really made me stop and think about my own life and what I'm doing with it(or not doing for that matter). I'm feeling pretty numb through all of this and really need to analyze things.

I did get up and run 2 miles with another mile power walk to cool down. The weather is a little cooler today, which really helps.

Have a great day everyone!
I am sorry for your loss. Praying for you.

I have a question for you ladies - I would like to look into a watch that I could wear while running that will record my distance.

Any recommendations for me - without breaking the bank also? :)

If you could give me a website also, I will look the watch up.


"Life is too short - Be the best you can be every single day of your life!" :)
wants2be....welcome aboard Motivation Station! lol I can't help you on the distance watch. I recently sold my HRM and now I only use my Timex Indiglo to time my runs.

Marcia-PRAYERS, girl! Hugs and prayers!

Back from my run. Can you say HOT and HUMID? WOWZERS! I ended up gonig 50 minutes. Felt great for the first 40, but thost last 10 got to me because that last section was out in the open road with the heat and the sun beating down on me. I'm literally drenched from head to toe.

Good Morning Everyone!

Great news! Got my BBC delivered last night. I couldn't wait to try it this a.m. Here's how my a.m. went:

Convinced my DH that running with me this a.m. would be better than running this afternoon since the humidity levels would make it feel like 99 degrees. Poor guy! All he wanted to do was sleep and I drag him out of bed at 7:00. Marguerite had already sent me a text saying she would not be able to meet me. We did the 3.5 mile loop in the park and I got my husband to run 18 min of it. We walked a bit, ran, walked, and so on. We were going with his speed this time. We finished everything in 34 min - not too bad.

And then I came home to Barry and his arm workout. I have decided that I absolutely LOVE each and every one of you guys! Wow! He's nothing like Cathe as you pretty much go at your own speed until your muscles fail and your arms fall off of your body, but I actually like the change. He yelled at me like a Drill Sergeant (had such fond memories of those days), but his was a good yelling (and at least I can turn the DVD off when I'm finished :7 ).

Had a protein shake and getting ready to go to my MIL. I'm supposed to go swimming (recreational) and I may just end up on a float, or something. I'M DYIN' HERE!!!! :7

Again, thanks to everyone for telling me how great BBC is. I can't tell you enough how right all of you are!

Hey, Heather. I love your review of BBC arms. lol I did that one Monday and my tricpes are still very sore today! THis morning I did Chest & abs and if last week's DOMS were any indication, I'm in for more of it tomorrow! LOL ENJOY BBC! And the easy-on-the-eyes MEN!

Good morning cheetahs! I think I'm finally catching up and recovering from my vacation ;-) I downloaded all the pics from my camera yesterday. I'll share one with you here and just for Cathy...
the legs are cropped out! Including my saggy 50 yr old gams;-)
From Left to Right... Crazy Shelly, foxy Wendy, and the fabulous Cathy!
If you click on my picturetrail link and look at my second album you'll see other race pics, including one of Wendy exciting the portajohn}( }(

This morning I got in IMAX3 and a segment of Coremax. Later today I'll get reacquainted with my EXT for a nice sweaty 60 min. session!

I'll be back for personals

Good Afternoon cheetahs,

late and quick check in for me today as i am at work:)

today will be another rest day due to this stinking cold i am battlingx( :( . i figured rest is best as i want to make sure i am ready for saturday. it's so hard to take a break sometimes esp. when i read about all of your workouts.

Yay! Time for a little catching up with personals:) :) :)

Wendy- Love love love your tramp stamp tat!!! What a great design..
and very original. I've been toying with the idea of getting a tat of a polar bear for a while (that's what I call my DH... he's my polar bear) I guess you've given your legs a shake up lately with your DOMS. I have some serious DOMS in my quads today... probably from all the intensive runs I've done lately:7 Isn't that silly how excited we get over some muscle soreness? I bet you'll soar through those push ups today! You thought I'd forget about the potty pic didn't ya? }(

SunnyD- How's the cold today? I see you're classes are steadily gaining in popularity.... no surprise!

Heather- The price for my recent Asics was strictly an Expo special.
It's a good idea to check out Expos before a race... if there is one. You can frequently find some really awesome deals... no shipping charge either. I knew you'd like BBC. You started out with the hardest one IMO, the Arms and Abs. He really makes you burn!

Cathy- How is the back feeling today? Have a great time at your party later today.... aw come on..... not even ONE Corona light?

Jess- Fantastic job on your sprint triathlon!!!! You continue to amaze and impress us all :eek: I hate that slow creeping up on the scale.... we've all struggled with that at times! Usually a little diet tweeking does it for me.

Gayle- I'm so sorry your relationship with your soon to be ex-fiancee didn't live up to initial expectations. You've got a sensible head on your shoulders though and I know you'll make the right decision and not enter into a commitment that isn't right for you. Your relay marathon sounds like such fun!!! I am way jealous. I'd love to participate in one.

Want2be- Great to hear from you! Sounds like you're getting back into running in a very sensible way. If you want a device that will track your distance you really need a GPS, like the Garmin forerunners. You can get the basic 101 model for around $80.00 these days. Timex also makes GPS watches for runners. There are many models with different features. It will add a whole new dimension of fun to your runs!

Carole- WOW... SauconyGrid Omnis for $45??? Where did you find those? I had a great TM run yesterday in my new Asics. Tomorrow I plan on a 10 mile hill run.... so that will be the true test!

Marcia- I'm so sorry for your loss! It seems like you've had more than your fair share of trials lately, you are a strong lady and I truly admire your courage and continued enthusiasm for life despite it all! BTW- great job on your HM training.

Christine- Hiya! What's up with the spinning goddess?

Getting ready to take off for some major restocking shopping with DH. Our cupboard is bare!

Later y'all

I am about to hit the floor for those evil push ups but I just wanted to tell Shelly that I COMPLETELY FORGOT about the port-a-potty pic! OMG! LMAO!!!!:7 :7 :7

I'll be back later for personals!:)
Hey Peeps!

I just finished GSC&T. Man, do I LOVE that work out! What a great pump! I threw my own ab circuit in there. It was great. It gave the u/b an intermittent rest which allowed me to lift heavier for longer and got the abs worked in the meantime. I did 50 standard crunches, 30 oblique v-ups per side, 50 reverse crunches, 24 v-up/roll-ups, 75 mason twists and 25 hip rock-n-raises. Can ya tell where I got my inspiration for my ab work from ladies?? LOL }(

I'm off to make myself a protein shake and will be back for personals once I have it in hand!

BB in a few!:+
I'm back!:)

Jess: Thanks re the tat design. Tattoos aren't certainly not for everyone but it's nice when those who wouldn't get one can still appreciate them on someone else.

Gayle: Hugs to you!!! The decision to break it off with your DF is a big one. Kudos to you for being brave enough to make this decision and do it! You know we'll be here if you need us!!!

Want2B: Tell me about hot! OMG! I live in Jersey and the air was soooo thick when I walked out the door at 7:30 this morning you could barely breathe! YIKES! I wasn't running though so it was okay. ;)

Carole: Well you did plenty more push ups then I did today! LOL I wear thong undies as well. Those and boyshort panties are what I live in. I don't like any other kinds any more.

Marcia: (((HUGS)))

Heather: Glad you loved BBC as much as we do! Hope you are having fun lazing around the pool today. That's about all this weather is good for you know! LOL

Shelly: Thanks re: my tat design. I created it from 2 designs I found online. I'm very proud of myself!:p Hope you were able to re-stock your shelves today and have fun with that long hilly run tomorrow!:eek: :+
Hi Cheetahs! Sorry this is a quick post. I'm triple busy even though my MIL & FIL has the kids all week until Saturday night. We rearranged the kid's room and I have painted some walls. DS will be surprised when he sees his room now. Instead of the Spiderman mural I painted on the wall, I painted over it and put up some new Spiderman 3 posters. He loves the black Spiderman. Also, DD will not be sleeping in a crib anymore. She has been putting her foot on the top rail so now it is time for the toddler bed.

Workout-wise I've been running some outdoors every other day and trying to fit in weight training where time allows. Everyone was so sick last week and this past weekend that I'm finally starting to get back on track. Laundrymax has been my workout since Thursday last week. Next week should be better and I should be able to check-in more then, hopefully.

Shelly, Cathy, & Wendy - Congrats on your race!! You all look awesome! Thanks for the pic!

Gayle - Sorry to hear about you and DF. Take care of yourself.

WAVES to all Cheetahs!! I'm going to be away from a computer until Monday so I won't be able to check-in again until then. Have a great weekend!

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