::: CHEETAHS ::: Wed., 12/20

Hey cheetahs…

Sigh. This darned bug has finally caught up with me…I guess I wasn’t exactly consistent with my Airborne strategy this time around…And in retrospect, this would explain why I have been napping so much lately!…Anyway, I just got in from work and need to rest a bit before deciding whether or not I can manage a workout. Let me get caught up with personals…

Laura :: oops! I didn’t catch that we double-posted. I was kinda drag-ass this morning -- took me awhile to put it in gear! Hope you had a great class this morning.

Wendy & Marcia :: (((HUGS))) and warm thoughts are with you both on the anniversary of your fathers’ deaths. I hope some fond memories put a smile on your face & lighten the burden of your loss just a bit. Wendy, you really lost your father young…I’m sorry. :-(

Wendy :: well, sometimes it’s a monkey wrench and sometimes it’s a choice…:) Generally, I’m a play-by-ear kind of person, so I try to roll with things and not get too uptight if my plans get out of whack now and then. *Lol* about your not-pretty cat. How was PUB?

Marcia :: I *try* to look ahead & plan accordingly when I can, but some weeks it just doesn't work out. Early morning workouts always seem like a good idea, but I often find I just can’t get my rear end out of bed early enough! This week is just too crazy to beat ourselves up for missed workouts, IMO. I have no doubt the intensity will return once the holidays are past. Enjoy tonight’s step class.

Sunny :: glad to hear you had a strong run! I always feel so pumped when I have an especially great run. The high seems to last all day! Thanks ~ If I do opt to work out, it’ll be KPC. Probably a timesaver. How'd the interview go?

Laurie :: OMG, I’m glad Elizabeth is OK! Do you know yet if the driver was caught? I can’t imagine hitting someone and driving away! I don’t like missing workouts, either, with the way my inner beast has run free lately…but I feel pretty beat up right now, so I’m not gonna be too hard on myself. Mmm, I *loooove* Greek food! Yamas! (probably spelled that wrong!)

Jess :: enjoy your “rest” day! Thanks…Yeah, I’m an early bird, too, and would *love* to run outside in the AM, but I have a 30-35 minute commute and don’t like to run in the dark alone, so it’s just not possible…I think you’re a great friend for being willing to run at the crack of dawn with her!!…:)…Teaching does tend to run in families, I think…although I am the first in mine. Holy hell! You gave up chips?? And packed those cookies away without eating a single one?!! You are the new SuperCheetah!! *lol*

Carole :: *lol* about the chips…Glad things have smoothed out with DH…Thanks – I think I’m still in crankmeister mode…*lol*…but I’ll snap out of it. Hope it wasn’t too chilly out on your run today!

Linda :: It might just be CouchMax for me this evening…Great workout…you always seem to pack in an intense session!

Shelly :: healing vibes coming your way (although I have to save a few for myself! :)). I agree with you on KPC – sometimes I get a little maniacal with my punches. I occasionally imagine it is somebody’s head. }( :D

Elaine :: glad things are better with you & *your* hubby also. I will be in Breckenridge from the 25th – 29th.

Susan :: I know what you mean about the time crunch…well, I imagine most of us are feeling it this week!…So, you’re not alone…:)…glad your body’s feeling a little less hammered with alternating days of cardio. Sounds like the right game plan.

Barb :: thanks for your card – lovely family pic! We miss you…hope you can check in soon. :)

OK, cheetahs—I’m going to give into the feelings of crumminess and rest on the couch for a bit. Maybe I can mentally snap myself out of it and work in a KPC-fest a little later. I do feel like a snooze might be in order, so I know for sure the grading I schlepped home is *not* gonna happen!

Might pop in later. In case I don't, have a great night!
Cathy :)
Jess: I feel so bad for your girls. :-( I really hope they are better by Christmas. It would be ashame if they didn't feel well enough to enjoy it! Good job on not eating the treats! I failed miserabley on that note today!:p

Cathy: Sorry you appear to be getting sick despite your diligent attempts to beat it. I take 1000 mg's of vit C every day and DOUBLE that if I feel like I'm getting sick. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't BUT I do notice I get sick less AND it's usually shorter lived than it used to be so I guess it's worth it!:) Yeah, I was 23 when I lost my dad.:( He was sick with cancer for 2 years. He was just shy of 55 yrs old when he died. It was so hard. I've lost several family members but almost everyone else had lived a long and full life and that makes it easier to deal with. Not my dad. He worked so hard all of his life and never had the chance to retire and enjoy the fruits of his labor. My grandma died young as well-66. That was hard too but I was only 10 when that happened though so I didn't get the full scope of it. ACK..how depressing! I'm sorry...I'll stop now. Thanks for your kind words though. :)

Well, I managed to eek out PUB in full before Joey started callin' for his momma!;) I didn't raise the weights on any other exercises. I COULD have raised back but it just wasn't feasable to do it the way I did with GS back. The work out would have taken an extra 15 mins just in prep time as I was wrapping my ankle weights around my 15# DB in order to make it heavier!:p Plus I could only have done that with the pull-overs anyway...it would not have worked for the rows. Aaaah well. If I don't get the weights for Xmas I'm going the next day to see what I can get on sale!}( The rest of the exercises were PLENTY tough w/the weights I had used before...

Okay, well I have dinner to deal with and then we are going to Costco to pick up a few things. I'll be back!:)
I'm back for the rest of the personals...:)

Laurie...That story about your DD is un-freakin-believable! Hit and run, atleast here in the states is a serious crime! Why wouldn't the lady stop??? Maybe she was drunk? In any case I am glad your DD is ok.

Carole...PUB was some evil fun and yes, I agree. The biceps are most certainly the WORST in that work out!:eek: I hope you had a good work out today. Did it ever warm up for you?

Linda...Excellent work out today! LOOONG too! Go you! What's on tap for tomorrow??

Shelly...Sorry you were so sick y'day. That stinks. Glad you are feeling better though. Drink that water girl!:)

Elaine...Did you ever get to the movies? DH and I want to see Charlotte's Web. It looks really cute!:)

Susan...How was the gingerbread house making at school today?

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