:::Cheetahs::: Tuesday, August 29th :::

Good morning my lovely Cheetahs!! Wow, am I the first one up today??

I got in a 5 mile run this morning. My friend Erin was cleared by the chiro to run 2-3 miles (she's dealing w/ IT band issues) so I ran w/ her & then I finished up a few laps around the block. I had a great run- legs felt great! I stretched out well & am drinking my coffee now. ;-) I'm scheduled for 10 miles tomorrow, that's my longest mid-week run so far! My plan is to fit in GS BSB later.

Not much else going on here. Enjoying the peace & quiet now & will get my dd's up for school in a bit. Oops, spoke too soon here they come! Have a great day!

Good morning, cheetahs, from gray & overcast southern NJ!

Didn't manage to post yesterday but read through for updates. It wound up being a busy, on-the-go day yesterday. I set up my classroom in the morning, took my father to a doc appointment in the afternoon, did some supply shopping with a teacher friend of mine, grabbed a bite to eat, and then dropped her off to her car dealership, where her car had been serviced. So, it turned out to be a second day of rest for me. Will lift at some point today and run later tonight. My 5K is actually tomorrow night and not Thursday - got the dates mixed up! DOH! I can just picture myself showing up a day late and wondering where everyone is. *lol*

Laurie :: fingers crossed that all went well for Andy.

Katie :: How was the run in your old kicks? Sounds to me like a trip to the doc is warranted. Hope your daughter’s on the mend, too.

Jess :: your poor Kiersten! That’s scary for a five-year-old.

Christine :: I've been checking out the blog, too, and am pumped about the new DVDs. I'm most scared about Butts and Guts right now. Ab work always slaughters me...therefore, I avoid it. :)

Speaking of orders, I cracked up at the all the secret deliveries!

Hi to Carole, Wendy, Judy, Laura, Elaine, Barb, Barbara, Natalie, Colleen, Marcia, Pamela, Thomasina, Gayle, Shelly, Mattea, Wendy Marie and anyone I'm forgetting.

Have a great day!
Cathy :)
Good morning cheetah

Jess...yes, looks like you are 1st today! Sounds like your run went great today. Will Erin still be able to do the marathon with IT band issues?

Cathy...maybe the bit of rest you have had doing errands will give you a bit more energy in the 5K tomorrow night! I have been getting excited about the new DVD's too! Check the blog everyday.

Elaine...I think its natural when a long run doesn't go quite the way you wanted to obsess. I think just by having an off run you will do better this weekend in your long run. Try not to dwell on it...if you can...:)

I'll be doing PLB standing and a 6 mile run.

My Nephew was supposed to be going into rehab yesterday. But now he seems to be putting it off. I am sure seeing the other patients in wheelchairs is tough for him.

Have a good day...
Carole ~ You go girl w/ PLB & a run!! I think adding back in more weights w/ running is helping! I did PLB last Wed & GS legs on Sun & legs feel great! I hope your nephew starts going to rehab soon, I'm sure it will help!

Cathy ~ Sounds like a busy errand filled day! It is a good idea to rest a bit before a 5K anyway! Good luck & can't wait to hear the report!!

Well, I got the girls off to school & now have a few things to do. I don't know what Allison & I will do today. I'm going a bit stir crazy in the house, it's kinda hazy & drizzly again! At least it was clear while we were running! I might call & see if a friend & her dd want to meet up somewhere this morning!

Good Morning Cheetahs!:)

Cathy, Good luck w/the 5k girl! How long has it been since you last raced?

Jess, Nice short run this morning. Must've been a nice change for ya. Have a good day!

Carole, I hope your nephew pushes himself to go to rehab. The sooner he gets started, the better off he is, no?

I'm up for HSTA today and I'm scared of "leg press hell"...as well as some of the other exercises Cathe cooked up for that vid!:eek: }( :7

I slept in today for the first time in a while. I didn't get up until 8:15! I couldn't believe it!
I wondered where you were, Wendy!! Good for you for sleeping in, sometimes we just need that extra rest!! Are you all over that cold now & feeling back to normal?

Yeah, it was funny when I came in the door & my dh was just making coffee. He asked how far I ran & I said just 5 miles & he was like, oh, only 5 huh?? :p It's funny how your perspective changes once you're running 12+ miles every weekend! ;-) Usually my Tues & Thurs runs have only been 5 miles for a while now, and then next week they'll be back down to 4- taper mode!!

Have a great day & enjoy HSTA!!

Hi Ladies, I'm running an easy 5k this morning and looking forward to it, I mapped out a new route with lots of greenbelts to run through. Gotta hit the road today and pick up Marley, she spent a few days at her friend's farm about an hour from here. I dropped her off on Sunday and got to hold 1 day old chicks which Faith and I really enjoyed. Summer's definitely drawing to a close, tomorrow it's haircuts, waxing (poor 12 yo Faith, she's got gorgeous olive skin and dark hair but such a moustache) and clothes shoppingx( gosh, I hope we can sneak a day in at the beach on the weekend!

Jess, glad you got a good run in, hope Erin's ITB issues clear up soon!

Cathy, sounds like you had a 'manic Monday'. Pretty busy for a rest day:)

Carole, that would be tough for John. I worked with a lovely 22 year old girl last year who'd had a spinal cord injury and she hated the rehab hospital, I don't know if it's like this where John is but it was mostly elderly people who'd had strokes, falls or motor vehicle accidents. She found it very discouraging and isolating, although in the end it motivated her to work darned hard to get the heck out of there as fast as she could.

I'd better get going before it rains!

Take Care

ETA...Hi Wendy!:7
Hi, ladies.

Yeah, the secret deliveries got me laughing too. When my boys see that I got a package, they ask if I can take them to the store to buy THEM something too! LOL.

Today, I hit the YMCA for a change of pace and some cross training. I did 20 minutes (2.5 miles) on the elliptical and then another 20 minutes on the stair climber. Then I hit the weight room for lower body weights. I like changing it up like that.

I've got a question for you ladies. I'd like to add an outdoor bike ride in, but I'm curious about the mileage. How many bike miles does it take to equal 1 running mile? Or should I bike for time (like if I would normally run 7 miles in 60 minutes, should I bike for an hour?). Just curious.

Happy Tuesday.

Gayle (I still can't believe both my boys are in school full time. I feel like I'm cheating by being at home alone, lol)
Morning ladies. Well, I am happy to say that this morning is the first morning in about a week that my back feels pretty good. I was going to go for a run this morning, but decided since my back is feeling better I would give it one more day, just to be safe. I did some light bicep and tricep work instead.

Jess – 10 miles tomorrow. Wow, good for you.

Cathy – I’m going to try a run with the old kicks tomorrow and see how it goes. DD is doing better. She still has a low grade fever, but the doctor said it’s probably just a small virus. No strep or ear infection, so that’s good.

Carole – Do you have difficulty doing a run after a heavy leg workout like that? My legs always feel like rubber.

Wendy – It’s so nice to sleep in every once in awhile. You certainly don’t get that a lot when you’re a Mommy to a baby.

Laurie – I wish so much I had some nice scenery to run in. If I run through my current neighborhood it’s just a lot of strip malls and stores. I can’t wait until we move into our new house. The area is so beautiful with lots of hills and mountain views.

Gotta run! Hope everyone has a great day!

Good Morning Cheetah Ladies!!

Jess- sounds like a great run! I’ll bet you’re feeling great! 10 miles – eh? That sounds like a smart plan to me.

Cathy – Ab work slaughters me as well, but that’s why I push at it. I’m weird that way. LOL. You have a 5k tomorrow? That’s interesting…

Carole – I guess, as you say, it continues to be 2 steps forward, 1 step back with your nephew. At least he’s still moving forward, if slowly. I’m sure it is tough to see others in wheel chairs. {{HUGS}} to him and you family.

Elaine - *points to what Carole said* I agree that when a long wrong doesn’t go well, it’s normal to obsess and worry. My long run was horrible last week at 8 miles. This week at 10 it was fine (okay, so I’m not doing 20, but you know what I mean). You can always obsess with us as well! We’re here for you!

Wendy – Glad you got to sleep in – it’s a great feeling, isn’t it? Let me know how HSTA is! I’m so stoked to get it and will do it on Friday! And I’m with you on the smaller scale…

Laurie – hope you got your run in before the rain! Sounds like a great time. Have fun picking up Marley! I have so much fun on the way back when I pick up my DD from anywhere. We just TALK!!!

Gayle – The bike ride depends on the terrain. If it’s fairly flat, you might get in about 15-20 miles in an hour if you’re riding at a good clip (also depends on the bike – faster with a road bike, slower on a mountain or cross bike). If it’s hilly, less. I have a mountain bike ride that’s major hills and takes me 45 minutes to do 5 miles. I also have a fairly hilly ride that takes about 90 minutes to do 18 miles. So, I’m of absolutely no help to you, am I? Sorry…

Katie – glad your back is feeling better!!! Enjoy your day!

We have a guy here to move a water pipe so that we can put our wine cooler where we originally wanted to, so the water has been turned off. I had to get a shower in before that, so I ended up only doing the GS BSB and CT Time Savers along with the abs from Power Circuits (CTX). I have a class at 10:45 this morning for my unemployment, so I could not get cardio in. I’m hoping to get some in this afternoon. I’m a bit sore from my run, but it’s not too bad, and as soon as I got the blood flowing, I felt great. I may go to the gym with DH and use the elliptical or do an iCycle here at home. Just something to get the ole blood flowing to the legs.
Good morning everyone! Got in some good crosstraining yesterday with the elliptical. Also did GS legs and was very encouraged, that workout actually felt somewhat easy...even the slo motion lunges didn't phase me much:7 Guess it's time to up the weights although I'm already going heavier than Cathe. Anyway, I am mega excited about these new workouts and haunt the blog site constantly.
Today will be a 9 mile run then CTX upper body. It's my longer midweek run actually but I have to do it earlier due to my crazy work schedule.

Jess- good job on going a "mere" 5 miles ;-) and have fun with your GS workout. I hope your DD is over her trauma!

Cathy- best of luck to you with your 5k tomorrow. I agree with the others that it's for the best getting in another rest day.

Carole- Wow you are going to have legs of steel with this rotation you are on! Have a good 6 miler today. Sorry your nephew is reluctant to start rehab. Probably dealing with some denial still which is pretty typical. Once he makes the leap and gets started
it'll be a whole new ballgame I'm sure!

Wendy- Have a great time with HSTA today! The first time I did that one it was a bit of a shocker. I think one of the most intense are the one arm tricep dips. Glad you got the opportunity to sleep in!
It happens rarely enough with you mothers of young ones!

Laurie- Sounds like your pretty busy with back to school activities.
Your HM is coming up soon too isn't it? Enjoy your nice fun run 5k today.

Gayle- Got in some good crosstraining there girl! Interesting question about equivalent mileage, I do the same with elliptical and other type workouts, usually using time for equivalents but biking is different. This is from the "Competitive Runners Handbook"
Formula for Figuring Out Your Running Equivalent Mileage-
1. figure out your average training pace per mile of running (i.e-8 minutes/mile)
2. Divide this figure into the number of minutes spent exercising with an aerobic alternative (i.e 40 minutes on a bike)
3. The result is your running equivalent mileage (i-e- 5 mile RE to record in your log)
Hope this helps!

Katie- I'm so glad your back is better. It'll be interesting to see how you do running in your old shoes, take it easy!

Time to get busy. Later cheetahs....

Hi Christine- it seems like we are often on the computer at the same time. Great job on your run today! Your legs deserve a rest so I wouldn't fret it if you don't get in some cardio but if you do eliptical or cycling (non impact) would be a great choice! Wow...you guys have a wine cooler....true Californians!

Shelly! HEY THERE!!! Yeah, we tend to post at the same time. Yeah, the wine cooler... I bought it for DH with some stock options I got. His boss and he were buying these expensive wines and I could not see wasting that kind of money with no system to keep them good. Collecting wine is the favorite past time of many Bay Area residents... :+

Great jobs on GS Legs! I was planning on doing that one tomorrow, but with the high step coming I'm thinking L&G. We'll see. I, too, am thrilled with the new workouts. I cannot wait to get them!
Hey - DH is exiting the building... I MAY get to sneak that step in after all!!! http://smilies.sofrayt.com/^/r/bigdance2.gif

(Had to borrow that Carole - thanks!)

Well, happy dance be darned... The UPS truck pulled up just as DH was leaving. He came in and told me the truck was there, then said, "What the h*ll did you order now?" *shrugs* Oh well, ya win some, ya lose some... But I have a high step now! YEAH!!! And DH just shook his head at me.
Hi girls!

Katie: Glad your back is on the mend. I hope it stays that way!:)

Gayle: Take advantage of the time you have while the boys are in school..do things you can't normally do when they are home.

Christine: Actually, I feel guilty when I sleep in. I feel like I wasted the morning. I must be crazy! LOL

ShellyC: I haven't done GS legs in a while but I DO remember the slow motion lunges...YIKES!}( I enjoyed HSTA as tough as it was! The cross over push ups are insane! LOL

Laurie: Hope you had an uneventful ride to pick up your daughter.

HSTA is done but I still have ab work to do. I forgot about it! LOL
Good job, Shelly!! I felt the same way when I did GS legs the day after my 16 mile run. It didn't feel as hard at all & I think I should have gone heavier on the slow motion lunges. YEAH! The only thing I always feel is the calf raises- those always burn! I love the workout though! I hope you enjoyed your 9 mile run! My long midweek run is on schedule for tomorrow, it's gonna be a dark one at 4:50!!

Thanks for the crosstraining advice too, I was never sure how to figure that!! Usually we bike for an hour or an hour & a half, depending on what day it is & how much time we have!

Wendy ~ I feel the same way when I sleep in too. I feel like there are so many other things that I should be doing, but Fridays are my rest days so I let myself sleep in then! (although 6:45 or 7 isn't sleeping in to some people, it is to me!)

Woohoo on doing HSTA! Sounds like a great workout!


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