Good morning, cheetahs, from gray & overcast southern NJ!
Didn't manage to post yesterday but read through for updates. It wound up being a busy, on-the-go day yesterday. I set up my classroom in the morning, took my father to a doc appointment in the afternoon, did some supply shopping with a teacher friend of mine, grabbed a bite to eat, and then dropped her off to her car dealership, where her car had been serviced. So, it turned out to be a second day of rest for me. Will lift at some point today and run later tonight. My 5K is actually tomorrow night and not Thursday - got the dates mixed up! DOH! I can just picture myself showing up a day late and wondering where everyone is. *lol*
Laurie :: fingers crossed that all went well for Andy.
Katie :: How was the run in your old kicks? Sounds to me like a trip to the doc is warranted. Hope your daughter’s on the mend, too.
Jess :: your poor Kiersten! That’s scary for a five-year-old.
Christine :: I've been checking out the blog, too, and am pumped about the new DVDs. I'm most scared about Butts and Guts right now. Ab work always slaughters me...therefore, I avoid it.
Speaking of orders, I cracked up at the all the secret deliveries!
Hi to Carole, Wendy, Judy, Laura, Elaine, Barb, Barbara, Natalie, Colleen, Marcia, Pamela, Thomasina, Gayle, Shelly, Mattea, Wendy Marie and anyone I'm forgetting.
Have a great day!