::Cheetahs::Tuesday 8/22!


G'morning Cheetah Ladies.

Well, I was, or so I thought, getting over "the crud" but it appears to have re-surfaced a bit since last night after my class. :-( It's not bad so I am trying to avoid having to rest from my work outs but if it doesn't let up soon, I guess I'll be forced to take a few days off. I don't want to start my job sick...that would just stink!

So today is cardio day #2 of my new 4 day cardio plan. I'm going to try (again) to hit the gym. Not sure what my plan will be once I get there but I know I'll get a good work out no matter what!}(

I have decided to put Cathe back into my weight mix. I will be doing 2 days of Jari and one day of Cathe endurance w/o's each week. I'm going to rotate Cathe's endurance: ME, PH...what others are there?? Any? I'm losin' it! LOL Anywho, and the other 2 days I'll be doing S/L and R/C.

Joey did not wake up last night (to my surprise) so hopefully that is a good sign. Maybe whatever was ailing him was a fluke and will be gone!:)

Hope everyone has a great day!
Mornin', cheetahs!

Wendy :: Sorry to hear you can't quite shake that bug just yet. Isn't MM considered endurance, too? Glad the little guy slept through the night :: hope you both rebound quickly.

I just woke up and am thinking of taking today as a rest day. Since I'm not yet back to school, my schedule isn't quite as regimented right now and I like to play things by ear and just go by how I feel. Maybe the urge to bust some ass will strike me later... :)

Hi to Laurie, Laura, Christine, Elaine, Jess, Barb, Barbara, Carole, Katie, Judy, Marcia, Gayle, Pamela, Thomasina, Mattea, Natalie, Colleen, and anyone else I might have missed.

Have a great workout or rest day~
cathy :)
Hi Cheetahs :)
Yesterdeay I read a few posts, then had to skedaddle and never got back to the computer to post.

Wendy- Congrats on the job! it sounds perfect. Is Joey better this morning? a sore hiney and diarrhea are tough on a little one.

Barb- It was nice to catch up with your current events. I agree about being pushed into buying something your not comfortable in. You were smart to rethink it!

Carole- Thanks for the Sharkie recommendation.

It looks like Clean Max was a big occupier yesterdeay; i will be continuing CM today.

Yestereday was my "long" run; it was supposed to be 7 miles, but it was 6 due to time constraints. Today will be a circuit WO. Either Gauntlet or HSTA.

Later today I meet with the PT for my hip.

Wendy- Other Cathe endurance recommendations would be the Pyramid series (I get great results with them) and the CTX series. Also Body Max is endurance orientated. You can do the Upper body section and the Power circuit segment for a good combination day. Or just do the Upper body segment and some FLOOR legs like from PLB or PS legs or
GS legs. These are just a few suggestions I haave used with good results.

Hello to all Cheetahs!!!

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.


Hi Judy.

6 miles is great! Hope you get cleanmax all done today so that you can start all over again tomorrow! LOL ;)
I haven't been up to see Joey. I normally don't go up there because I don't want to disturb him unless he's complaining. DH goes up every morning to say goodbye and said he was awake but he neglected to feel his forehead for fever. Dopey dad! LOL :p I am tempted to go up there just to check his diaper...
G'morning Cheetahs!! I went for a solo 5 mile tempo run this morning. My friend Melissa is out of town for work & Erin is having ITB issues w/ her knee still. She's going to get it checked out today so I hope it's nothing too serious! It's so dark still at 5AM now! I pulled out my little flashing thingy (don't know how else to describe it!). It's kinda like a reflector that flashes & you clip it to your waist. It's supposed to work for .5- 1 mile & it makes me feel safer running in the dark so I'm not worried about a car running me down! ;-) It was nice watching the sun rise too, very peaceful!

2nd day of school today. The girls had a great first day y'day & I got into major Clean Max mode!! Plus spent a lot of time w/ just Allison which was really nice! We went for a walk around the block (well, she rode her bike w/ training wheels!), swang, and just had fun.

I went to a PartyLite party at my best friend's house last night- I love their stuff! I might have a party in Oct, I love their holiday candles/ holders so I like to have one & get lots of free stuff!

More Clean Max this morning & some pilates this afternoon while my dd naps!

Have a great day!

Hi, ladies. Only enough time to post my workout and plan.

2.5 fast miles, followed by lower body weights, a set of push ups and then a stretch. I'm ready for the day!

Taking my baby to kindergarten for his "practice day" this morning! BOO HOO!

BBL Happy Tuesday

Cathy, I don't think MM is endurance. I think it's strength, no? Anyway enjoy your rest day if you take it!

Jess, Have fun with your little one today! You are lucky that you can run alone in your neighborhood in the dark. I can't. :-(

Gayle, Let us know how your little guy does today!:)
Thanks, Wendy!! I wanted to say, good luck w/ the new job!! That sounds ideal, in fact I'm going to look into something similar. I need to do something to make a little extra money!! We're looking at getting a newer van (ours has almost 150,000 miles on it!) & the usual bills would be nice if we had a little extra!! I'm getting excited for you for your first 5K also!!!

Yes, I love our area. I actually run pretty much out in the country! Our house is in a country subdivision & we're pretty much just surrounded by corn/ bean fields. I feel really safe & always have Mikey with me to fend off any stray animals!


On saturday we get to run the 5k course for our last class before the race. After the run we are getting a full (healthy) breakfast!:9 :9 :9

Hope you find a job you like and I hope they pay you more than they are paying me!!!:eek: ROFLMAO!:7 :7 :7

I never even considered taking Clyde with me (my golden)on a run. # 1, I don't think he'd keep pace with me and # 2, I really don't know how much protection he'd be :p !
Good morning cheetahs

Wendy...sorry the crud showed up again...and I do hope Joey feels better today. Some other endurance are SS/PP, Bodymax upper body weight section. That will be fun running the course before the race...

Cathy...enjoy your rest day or whatever else you decide! When does school start for you?

Judy...enjoy your circuit workout. I hope the PT can help with your hip.

Jess...wow! Good job getting in the run in the dark! I dont worry about cars as much as animals in the dark...:)..I have run before with a headlamp and it was really nice to be able to see in the dark.

Gayle...good workout. If today is a practice day at school when is the real starting day?

I am doing PLB standing, a 5-6 mile run and whatever time I have left I'll so a TLT workout.

Have a good day...:)
Hello ladies,

Today I began my 5 mile run on my treadmill. I felt like a rat in a cage so after a mile I went outside. Something about the "feel" of an outdoor run that you can't get inside. After 2 miles I returned home and did another treaded mile on the treadmill, and again had to go outside. I ran into the High School CC team and it made me remember the feeling of running CC. I still have that feeling about running today.

Well, off to work. I will try to post again at lunch.
Good Morning Cheetahs!!
I'm baaaaaccckkkk!!!!:)

The few things that I've been able to glean are that:

Jess-Ran her half!!! Congratulations!!!! And, along with Wendy, is one awesome Mom(from a thread in the open discussion :)) What a beautiful description of your morning run. Between you and Judy I'm starting to feel like I should be CleanMaxing as well, but we so need furniture instead, LOL. Of course, it is easier to clean an empty room.

Wendy-Your race is so close, and you are starting a job?!? Sorry about feeling crappy today.

Carole-John is progressing, which I'm so glad to hear as he's been in my thoughts. And you apparently had the world's most expensive yard sale!

Cathy-Take the rest day when you can actually "rest" before school starts up.

Judy-Glad you are seeing a PT for the hip. What exactly have they advised you about it? I had very achey hips after my last long run due to not stretching properly (bad, bad Mattea!).

Gayle-So good to hear from you! You are blasting through this training. So how excited is your DS about school?

I also know that Barb, Pamela, Thomasina, Laurie, Katie, Natalie (who's new-Hi Natalie!), Laura, Marcia, Elaine, Christine, and all my other cheetahs have been saying hi to me in my absence and keeping things steady. So hi to all of you and I hope to catch up with you later today!

So, yeah, I never want to move again! Ugh, I hate moving so, so, so, so, much! I think it must be like having a baby, you have to let yourself forget what it's like in order to do it again:p

Finally back on the internet, I haven't been able to keep up with you cheetahs on here, but I have kept with you on the road. I only took one extra rest day during moving, and that was the day I had to pick up the moving van at 8:00 am an hour and a half away.
I've done a couple of runs here in our new digs and I'm happy to report this killer hill gal will be able to stay in full hill mode}( The views once you get to the top though are kind of dangerous b/c they make you want to stop right there. Yesterday, was my first interval run in our new digs and it was a doozy! I ran a 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 pyramid halving the recovery periods between each (and even throwing in a hill repeat on the last "3" just for the "fun" of it).

Today will probably be weights of somekind and then a short run up the other side of the hill. It's kind of fun having no idea where your going:7
Have a great day!
Hi Mattea!!! I am with you about moving, YUK! But your new place sounds nice and hilly...:)...it really wasn't an expensive Garage sale at all...but a BIG one at a local High School and alot of caring donors...:)...thank you for your continues thoughts on John...Glad to see you are still getting in those killer runs....}( :+
Hi Carole-Nice to talk you again!! I'm so glad you are surrounding by such a caring community:D Maybe you should consider an auction as well, who wouldn't want their very own SuperCarole memorabilia? Her first pair of running shoes, her water bottle, even her headband! LOL:7
Morning ladies. Unexpected rest day for me. My lower back is aching for some reason, and I'm hoping it's not my new shoes. My back wasn't bothering me while I was running yesterday, but it's aching now. It was supposed to be a weight day today, but I think I'll let my back rest for a day. Maybe if I get out of work early today and feel better I'll do a quick workout before I have to pick up DD.

Wendy - I'm sorry you're still feeling cruddy. A couple days off may be just what you need. I know it's hard, but sometimes it really is best.

Cathy - Enjoy your rest day.

Judy - 6 miles is wonderful!

Jess - Great run!

Gayle - What is a practice day? My DD starts preschool on Sept. 5th. They grow up too fast!

Carole - Sounds like a great workout you have planned.

fitkansaschick - That's funny about you feeling like a rat in a cage. I know that when I used to have an elliptical at home I felt the same way. I don't feel it as much when I go to the gym, but something about being in our small office on that big equipment used to make me feel the same way.

Mattea - Welcome back! It's good to see you!

Well, off to finish getting ready. I'm so bummed about not working out today. I will need a lot of coffee to wake my butt up now!!!


I had planned to get up and run this morning but was woke up by my little girl to tell me that my dad had fell. I jumped up and there he was is the hallway floor.He couldnt feel his right foot at all. once again off to the hospital. at first they couldnt find the pulse in his foot. they did a full blown test that checks the arteries in the leg. they said he has poor blood flow and might need to see a vascular doctor but at least he didnt break anything. I couldnt get ahold of my sister again! I asked my mom to take my kids for a few hrs so I could get some sleep and then go to work but she had to go get her hair highlighted first so I just called work and told them I wouldnt be in today. I got to bring my dad home but told him he has to use a walker when he gets up at night to be on the safe side of things. I will try to get my run in later in the day if possible, I at least did my elliptical for 30min plus a bike ride for 4 1/2miles also last night. anyway keep your fingers crossed for me that nothing else happens to him. I told him the neighbors probably think we are beating him or something with the ambulance being here twice in less than a week.

chat with you all later!!!
Laura, Sorry to hear about your dad's fall and your lack of support AGAIN! That's tough. Hope you get some sleep AND manage a run today!:)
Good morning all! Today will be more GS work, C&T and an hour on the elliptical later. I'll have to take a break from running for a few days I think. I have a little groin pull issue going on here :(

Laura- Thank goodness for your father that he has you! I find the attitude and priorities of the rest of your family to be a little incredulous! Your dad should definitely see a vascular surgery specialist and get his leg checked out further. I'm amazed at how dedicated you are getting in a workout anyway! Please keep us posted.

Katie- Sorry about your back problem! You should try to get in some good stretching today and focus also in general on corework to strengthen the lower back and prevent injury. Good luck and keep us posted :)

Mattea- How wonderful to hear from you! I'm impressed you are already up and communicating again! You are one very organized and efficient cheetah. After I move there are usually still boxes around months later:) Your hills sound awesome but you are sure up to the task of conquering them! Go get em cheetagal}(

Natalie- I agree with you that running outdoors beats the TM anytime! I do love the TM for getting in precise speedwork though.

Carole- PLB again! You seem to be focusing alot on lower body strength lately.... You'll end up being even more awesome of a trail runner I'm sure, if that's even possible :eek:

Gayle- Your baby's first day of "school" !!! It's bittersweet for you I'm sure. Great workout today!

Jess- I hope your friend's ITB problem isn't too serious. I know how much it means to you running with your friends. I wish I had the same opportunity but I live way out in the boonies so to speak. So far I have to run alone. I'm always on the lookout for another runner but I never see any :( Running very early in the morning sure can be inspiring!

Judy- great circuit workout for you today! Let us know how the PT session goes and if it helps.

Cathy- enjoy your rest day!!! They are every bit as important to your health as the running and othe workouts! Next time DH and I plan a trip to NJ I'll let ya know!

Wendy- Hope that crud leaves you soon! I think that's great that you actually will be practicing on your 5k race course! Mentally that will give you a huge advantage.

Okay, enough stalling and time to get to work. I'll check back later.


Okay...I must be out of my mind! I have not even run this 5k yet and I am already checking out future races! :eek: I REFUSE to sign up for one until I've completed this one but I just can't believe I am already looking! OMG! Somebody help me!:7 :7 :7

Carole: SS and PP!! OFCOURSE! Duh! LOL Thanks for the help! I guess the crud has clouded my brain a bit!:p

Fitkansaschick: LOL about the caged rat thing. I don't get that but I currently spend A LOT more time running indoors than out so I guess it wouldn't bother me since I'm so used to it.

Mattea: Yeah, I will start my job w/in a couple of weeks. It's VERY part time and the pay STINKS but it has benefits (both real and possible) that I just can't refuse!:7 Glad you are finally settling in and can hang out with us again!:)

Katie: Rest your back. I hope it's not a problem w/your shoes.

Shelly: Sorry about the groin pull...OUCHEES!:-( Hope it heals fast!

Edits to Add:
DS is down early for his nap so I'm off to do cardio. I am clueless as to what I feel like doing though...decisions decisions!:7
Good Morning Ladies! Y’all are chatty! I love it!

Wendy – so sorry you’re not feeling 100% again! I can still feel it a bit, but I think mine is allergies. I hope you feel better soon!! Good job on the run last night!! You’re doing so well! And I hope Joey is doing better! Poor little guy! And YES – GOOD LUCK with the new job! That sounds perfect for you!!!

Cathy – Well, I think I’ve pretty much decided that I’m not up for another Half in November after the one in October, so we’ll probably just do a get together – maybe we’ll WALK the Golden Gate instead. Let us know what works for you if you’d like to come out – we can work around your schedule too! Enjoy your rest day, except if you get the urge to kick butt later!!! :p

Judy – oh yeah, I have some Clean Max today. It’s quiet without the kids, so I’ll so that. Let us know how the PT session goes!! Also sounds like we had some shorter runs yesterday due to time!

Jess – Good luck to your running partner Melissa! Hope her knee gets better! I love running in the mornings and watching the sun rise. There’s nothing quite like it!

Gayle – Sounds like a great workout! Hope all goes well with your little one on his practice day. I think it’s a great idea, but taking the little ones to kindergarten is sooo tough!!!

Carole – Great workout planned! How’s John doing?

Natalie – I have a tough time on the treadmill. I much prefer running outside! So, I do know what you mean.

MATTEA!!! Great to have you back! I’m not a huge fan of moving either!!! And your analogy is perfect! You do have to forget how grueling it is before you do it again. I’m set at least until DD13 is out of high school, then who knows…

Katie – hope the back is better! Could be the new shoes, but you probably just slept wrong – or at least I hope so!

Laura – sorry to hear about your dad!! My fingers, toes and anything else that can be are crossed for you and him!

Shelly – hope the groin pull feels better – that’s a hard one to deal with.

Wendy (again) – Nothing wrong with looking! And I’m not going to stop you – I’m the fool who changed my Half to a 10k, then immediately after I ran the 10k I signed up for another Half! Nothing like a little race to keep you motivated. And, look at how far you’ve come!!! Just think, you could sign up for a 10k…

I’m doing a weight day today. I have MIS and PLB floor on the agenda. Legs are a little tired from yesterday, but that’s it. I feel pretty good over all. Just doing some Clean Max today then taking DD17 to a radiologist appointment to check out some cysts she has to make sure all is well.

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