Cheetahs :::Tues., Aug. 2nd


Morning, cheetahs. Another scorcher here on the East Coast.

Confession: I bagged my run last night. And I’m blaming the heat. HOWEVER, I am determined to run tonight – as late as I can – and do GS C&T. It’s been about 2 weeks since I’ve lifted (guilty conscience here).

Wendy :: I checked out the pics from your cruise – looks like everybody had a great time! Yes, your legs do change shape from running. I ran for many years and was extremely fit…then had a lengthy hiatus from working out & gained quite a bit…so as I’m getting back into shape, I’m lovin’ the transformation again! I’m feelin’ you on the heat…South Jersey is roastin’!

Judy :: thanks – you’re right – stopping by these boards and seeing how hard you ladies are working is good motivation. Even a laundry crisis hasn’t slowed you down! So if I don’t stick to my workout plan TONIGHT, I can’t show my face around here anymore!! ha ha

Marcia :: Glad to hear the WW is going well. Sorry about the Tastefully Simple website. Looking forward to checking out your site once it’s up and running. (Even though I don’t really know what TS is, lol.)

Jess :: thanks for the compliment and the kind thoughts about my friend and my father. (Thanks, too, to Laurie, Carole, & Christine.) Hope your leg heals quickly. I checked out your pics from CA. That’s so awesome that you filmed another infomercial. A celebrity in our midst! You’ve probably been asked to do this before, but can you tell us more about WP – what it’s done for you? Maybe the Cliff Notes version?

Laurie :: congrats on the new nano!! I have a mini and absolutely love it – I use it for running and for travel. I would LOVE to upgrade to the nano eventually.

Christine :: I will be the voice of evil…<go for the nano!!>

Carole :: such horrible news…I’m sorry to hear it. How old is he? The fact that he has some feeling in his foot & thigh sounds promising. Fingers crossed he comes through this OK.

Well, I am doing language arts curriculum committee work this week (sounds exciting, right?) and have to get my butt in gear to get to work.

Hi to everyone else who checks in later.

Have a great day & stay cool!
Hi Cathy: Heat is a nasty thing to run in, but don't worry, we've all skipped a run due to weather at some point (well, I have anyway). :) I hear ya on the heat, too, we FINALLY have a lift in the humiidity and heat today so I'm going to head out for a run right after work. We are to hit the high 70's, absolutely perfect!!! I can't wait to breathe when I walk outside :7

You obviously work at a school. So do I and I totally understood your curriculum committee work - have fun!!! :7

Have a great day everyone, be back later.

G'morning Ladies!:)

Cathy: If it's gross outside tonight, please don't run. It's downright dangerous! I saw a guy running last night as I was on my way home and it was STILL friggin' AWFUL outside! I don't know how he was managing! It was torture during my class on monday and it wasn't even nearly as bad that day!!!

Marcia: I'm jealous of your new-found weather...Can I come live with you for the remainder of the week? I'll be your running partner!:) It would probably kill me to try to keep up with ya but I'll try!;)

My plan for today is Slim and Lean and the gym for a TM run.

It's going to be even worse here then it was yesterday...that is hard to phathom!:eek:

Try to stay cool ladies!
Move on in, Wendy! I am so excited for the weather today!!!! We have been hit so hard, like the rest of you, I can't believe it! But, if we have cooler weather here it's on the way for the rest of you soon, hang in there!!!! We had quite a storm last night that changed things over, FINALLY!

Take care and stay cool!

I'm hoppin' on the first flight outta here, Marica! See ya in a few hours! ;) I HATE T-storms....I am petrified of them but at this point if it will make this horrid weather end, I'll endure one!!!
G'morning cheetahs!! This cheetah-fish swam another 1/4 mile this morning. Leg is feeling much better, I'm going to try a run on it tomorrow & see how it feels. I really don't want to push it & injure myself further (the voice of experience coming out now!). We're heading to my Mom's today- my brother & his wife are here from TX. My Grandma is getting weaker by the day (if you remember, she has cancer), I'm glad that they're here. And my Great Aunt Meg (she's like another grandma to me) fell & broke her pelvis a couple weeks ago so she is in the hospital too! So we'll be making the rounds visiting. We'll be gone til Friday, then come home to pack up my girls for the weekend!!! It's our 10th anniversary tomorrow so we'll be celebrating!! ;-)

Anyway, if you don't see me around for the next few days you'll know why! I'll try to check in from my Mom's if I have time!!

Jess's Cliff notes version of my weight loss: Ok, first of all I hit an almost all-time high while pg w/ my 3rd (220 lbs). I always gain too much weight while pg & I was overweight to start with. I had managed to lose about 35 lbs & was my *average* weight of 185 (that was the weight I was when I got married). I decided to start the South Beach diet after a few *carb coma* days. I had lost about 18 lbs & was fitting into about a 12 (which was smaller than my size 14/16 that I had been!) when I went on vacation w/ my family to Disney World. I got those pictures back & cried because I was so upset that I still looked so fat & out of shape. I had been walking some, but I was one of those that never lifted weights or did any resistance training. I ordered Winsor Pilates after seeing a friend have great results with it. My Mom had given me birthday money (this was May '04) & I didn't want to buy clothes in that size anymore. So I started it & seriously within a couple weeks I had shrunk a whole size!!! And I continued to do WP at least 4-5 days a week along w/ just walking/ a little jogging on my treadmill & w/in a month was in a size 8!! I had a goal of hitting a size 6 & 145 lbs by my brother's wedding in August. I totally hit that goal & had to have my dress totally altered!! (I was a bridesmaid) I think she had to take it in at least 2-3" off my waist & hips!!! I was soooo excited. So as I've continued to do it & got bit by the running bug also. I've shrunk to about a size 4 (sometimes a 2 in a skirt) & small tops. Totally amazing for this girl who was always a size 14/ DD bra in high school!!! So I sent in my before/ after shots to the WP website & they called me like 3 days later to see if I was interested in coming to CA to film the infomercial (this was a year ago April). I was soooo shocked & excited! So I flew to CA to film the sculpting circle infomercial (which is still airing now) & got invited back for the latest infomercial which is why I went again to CA last week.

Anyway, that's the short story. I've been one of those who always struggled with my weight. I'm not perfect by any means, but I'm smaller than I've ever been AND I've kept the weight off for almost 2 yrs now!! (which sometimes I think maintenance is harder than losing!) I just found Cathe & have been doing her workouts for the last couple mos mainly just to strengthen my upper body more! And since I'd never really lifted weights before, I was surprised to see how much I like it & how strong I feel mainly just from doing Pilates, pushups, & chinups before starting Cathe.

Ask away if you have any other questions!!

Good morning cheetahs

Laurie...I know that humid weather can be very tough to run in. I hope it goes away for you soon. My sister had a very tough day Sunday. From everyone I have talked to this anger stage for her son is very common. I know this will change the whole family. His day Monday was better and his Mom came home and his stepsister went down there. His Mom has people covered to be there for the next month. Congrats on the i-Pod Nano!

Christine...I am glad the 15 lb wieght feels okay in your hand...:)...gloves are good! I have fallen a number of times and caught myself a number of times and yes it does go with the territory. Debri can always be tricky. Wait til you have to maneuver over creeks!!! I didn't mean you would be real fast on streets but on an average you do trail runs slower than street/pavement runs...did you find some new trail runs??

Cathy...probably a good idea to bag the run. My nephew is 20. I am also hoping for the best.

Marcia...that is great about the weather! Enjoy being outdoors!

Wendy...sorry about the nasty weather. I know it really sucks. I hope a cooling trend comes thru like it did for us...enjoy your workout today..:)

Jess...glad to hear your leg is better. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!! Sorry about your Great Aunt Meg...have a nice visit with your Mom and your rounds visiting others...:)

I am doing PUB chest & back, abs and a 5 mile run.

Have a good day...:)
Hey Carole! I think that the anger sounds totally normal in your nephew's situation. I'm sorry your sister is having to deal with all of this & your poor nephew!!

All of this talk of trail runs makes me want to do a trail run again! It's been a while since I've done one, there really aren't any trails nearby, I'm surrounded by corn/ bean fields!

Thanks for the anniversary wishes & we'll have lots of fun visiting relatives. The girls will get spoiled for sure!

Enjoy your workouts today! Must finish laundry & packing to get ready for the trip to Mom's!!

Hey Ladies:) I'm bailing on my run again but as penance I will do all of MIC and L&G. I thought I might get up early to run and peeked at the clock at 6:40, I fell back asleep until 8:40 and it was pure bliss! I've achieved another milestone in my running endeavours, for the first time in my life I had a dream that I was running and there was no bear and/or dragon and/or kidnapper and/or psycho leprechaun at my heels:p :+ I love that I was running in my dream just for the love of running.....:)

Cathy, hope you get that run in and Honey, lose the guilt:) You'll forget about it while enjoying the fabulous feeling of finishing all of the pushups in GS CT. Language arts curriculum huh? Are you a teacher?

Marcia, enjoy running and breathing at the same time!:7 I hope those temps are on their way here FAST!

Wendy, enjoy your workout! We'll be breathing easier soon I HOPE!!! How's Joey doing with the heat? Does he like the daycare service at your gym? My kids used to really like hanging out at the gym, especially when they got to play and dance in the squash courts.

Jess, sounds like your plate is pretty full these days. Prayers to your Grandma and Aunt Meg. Happy Anniversary to you and hubby:) I love your WP story, awesome job on your weight loss. I lost 50 lb when I was 30 (14 years ago :eek:), I get the most interesting reactions when I tell people I was married in a size 20 wedding dress and wore a size 18 kilt to high school. I've had a few people tell me that I look naturally lean which I think is kind of a funny statement. As another mother of 3 girls I'm patting us both on the back for setting good examples for our daughters!

Hello to all my Cheetah Girls!! No more stalling I'm off to do MIC!

Take Care
Hi Carole:) My heart goes out to your sister, dealing with the anger part of trauma is so difficult. We've all come to know that it's a normal part of grief and assimilation of trauma but to be angry without offense to others has, in my experience, been the most difficult hurdle. Like the old song says, 'You Always Hurt the Ones you Love'. I'm thinking of you all and hoping better days are right around the corner.:)

Take Care
Laurie~ Sleeping in til 8:40 sounds heavenly!!! It sounds like you'll still be doing a great workout though!! Funny about the running dream!!

Yep, it's been busy lately. I think sometimes I thrive on busyness though, I don't like to have nothing going on!! ;-) It is funny to see people's reactions that have only known me as this size. They don't believe that I was a *big girl* til I show them pics of me heavy!! But people who've known me my whole life were totally shocked to see me thin. (especially some family) My wedding dress was a size 18 also, I was definitely a plus size girl & now I go shopping in the Jr's section! :) WTG to us Moms of 3 girls definitely setting a good example. I do NOT want my kids having the constant struggle that I had with my weight (NO thanks to my Dad, but that's a whole 'nother story!!!).

Anyway, I sooo need to get my butt outta this chair & finish packing!! :p

Thanks Jess....:)...I do think you should try some trails...:)

Thanks too Laurie. You are so right about the song and hurting the ones you love. I know my sister and also my nephew have alot of support in this situation. Like Shelly had said previously last week, support seems so important in spinal injuries. So, you had a running dream?....I do believe you are hooked...:)
Good Moring Cheetah babes!

Hope the East cools down today!

Cathy – go with your gut – if it’s too warm, don’t run. You’ll end up miserable. But, if you think you can, DO IT! Enjoy. Oh - and my birthday is coming up soon - I just planted the bug in DH's ear to buy me an I-Pod... I'll tell the girls too. :p

Marcia – hey there girlfriend – how goes it? Glad it’s cooling down for you!

Wendy – have fun on your treadmill run! And stay cool!

Jess – Have fun at your mom’s! And HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!! 10 years is wonderful! And I agree with Carole – get out and run some trails if you can find them! They are FUN!

Carole – Oh, I found several new ones, of all different levels. There’s a nice 5.5 miler that only has about a 300 foot elevation gain, so it’s a nice easy trot. Creeks – hmm, I’m assuming you’re not talking about the ones I can just jump over? *sighs* Have fun with PUB today!

Laurie – I think a run would be easier. LOL. Glad you got to sleep in!

Well, today is my official day off, but as I have not been lifting because of my hand, I’m going to do GS BSB and some abs – not sure which one though. Just broke down and bought a new pair of trail running shoes. I ordered them from REI so if I don’t like them, I can return them, but they are cute! Adidas Kumasi XCR Cross-Training Shoes. The name threw me off at first, but they are trail running shoes and CUTE – pink and black. Water proof with Gortex and all sorts of stability and cushioning built in. I decided I need actual trail running shoes after stepping on a few rocks yesterday. LOL. My hams are sore from the run yesterday! I guess I'm not used to running uphill as much as I did. I just need to get my body used to the extra calorie burn so at four in the afternoon I'm not STARVED!!! Any idea of healthy snacks that will replace the urge for chips?!?
Mornin' ladies,

Yesterday was a busy day so I did PLB and a 4 mile hill repeat run almost back to back. I would not advise anyone to try this! It was not fun at all. So, today I'll do core, GS Back, Shoulders and Biceps and more elliptical. I'm coming up on an 18 mile run this weekend and my plan is to tone down lower body weight work this week. So far so good. Now that my long run miles have hit the 18 to 20 mile point I feel like the marathon is right around the corner!!

Carole, What's this about a 20 mile run in Big Sur next year? I'm about 3 hours from San Jose but I'd drive that distance any time to meet you and Amy and to have the opportunity to become more acquainted with Christine. And my thoughts and prayers continue to be with your nephew..... My brother was diagnosed with cancer over a year ago and the outlook is not that great. He's quite angry and takes it out on whoever happens to be around so I understand how that makes the situation with your nephew more difficult....

Jess, Man, you've got a lot of family health issues to deal with. So sorry to hear that! I'm happy to hear that your leg is feeling better though and I hope your run tomorrow feels fantastic! Like I said before, I know exactly what you are going through but it seems like it's stressing you out a lot less than it would/has me!:) Your weekend sounds heavenly. Can't remember the last time I had a break like that! Question about WP: How frequently did you use the workouts to reach your goal and how often do you use them now?

Christine, Glad to hear your hand is not broken. I think I missed something along the way...... are you training for a long road race?

Thomasina, Hello there!! I see you've been as busy as ever but it appears that you've been fitting some workout time into your schedule. If there is some sort of CA get together promise you'll make it to that!!!

Cathy, Welcome home! I cannot believe you spent all that time in Germany and did not gain any weight! I love the food there so I have to say that is a major accomplishment in my book!! LOL! Yesterday while out running at 11 am it was so cool and breezy that I was feeling very sorry for you all back east. I think you're pretty smart not to go out and run in that heat. Here's hoping that there is relief in sight soon.

Marcia, I've skipped a run in weather much milder than the heat they are having back east! Did I ever mention that I am a weather wimp? That's what 20+ years of living on the CA central coast will do to you!

Wendy, Hi! Have fun on the TM! Glad to hear you love your new shoes. Your 5K is coming up quick isn't it? I can't wait to hear how it goes for you!!! Is the weather there normally hot beginning of Sept? I also am happy to hear that there is another running clinic that you are considering after your 5K is done!

Laurie, OK, I need to add a Nano to my "I want" list! It's too long as it is but the MP3 player I have now is obsolete so my new computer does not recognize it. I have not run with music in a while and I enjoy doing that sometimes.

Have a great day!
Elaine! How are you! The 20 miler is closer to you than that - Monterrey ... - and click on the Marathon, not the half. It's actually a 21 miler. I'm officially signed up for the 10.6 mile, but Carole is trying to convince me I need to do the 21 miler... :p

And yeah, I signed up for the Rock N Roll Hlaf in San Jose on October 8th. I am going to run this, not chicken out like last time. Have fun on your 18 mile run!
Wow Elaine, great job y'day! I did that once- PLB & then a run & it was tough!! And great job on the long runs. I'm supposed to do 16 this weekend, I'm hoping my leg will cooperate!!!

I know, I can't remember the last time we had 2 kid-free nights!! It'll be wonderful!! Although I'll miss them like crazy & be happy when they're home again!

As for WP- I started doing the 20 min workout & then maybe once or twice a week the 50 min accelerated body sculpting. Then I added in the buns/ thighs (20 min) & ab sculpting (20 min) and eventually the upper body sculpting (20 min). I seriously could NOT do 1 on the toes pushup when I started this workout! I loooove buns/ thighs & ab sculpting. I quickly memorized most of the workouts so that I do them now just watching tv or playing w/ the kids a lot faster & don't have to watch the DVD. I think I did them about 5 days a week when I first started & still continue to do *some* sort of Pilates usually 5-6 days a week. It might just be buns/ thighs or else I'll do a longer workout like the advanced sculpting circle (35 min) & once in a while the 50 min Maximum burn (my favorite!!!). And now I've been doing the body ball which I just love. It's seriously flattened my stomach & toned my thighs & butt which I really needed!! Now if only it got rid of stretch marks & loose skin....

OK, my last post for now & I've gotta hit the road w/ the kiddos!!

Holy Moly!! They want how much to run 21 miles in Big Sur??? Is that $105? It's a little early to commit but I'll definatly keep both the 10.6 and 21 miler in mind.

The San Jose Rock -n- Roll 1/2 is the same weekend as the St. George marathon but there is always next year.... I'm sure it will be a much more enjoyable race than Sonoma was since you won't have the hot weather to deal with and the entertainment along the way will surely help.
Christine, Upon closer inspection I see that the Big Sur 10.6 mile event is for walkers...... Better start preparing for 21 miles!:)
Hello everyone,

It been awhile since I posted last. I have been working later hours and have been exhausted from work. We have had so many people quit and they havent replaced them so people keep leaving and we keep getting less and less help. My contract is up in two months and I dont know what I am going to do either. If nothing changes, I think I will look for another job also. I can go elsewhere with less stress and more money but where I work I do get the rewarding benefits of seeing a real difference in my patients life where as if I go to a nursing home it will mostly be older people.

anyway, I am still running 3days a week and I took up biking also. I bike 2-3days a week and I am up to 9miles in 40minutes with it. I just needed to change things up a bit. I am still not where I was with the running but I have learned to just go with it and eventually it will come back. It has only been 2months since the bronchitis and I have been told it can take up to 3-4to fully recover and return to normal with the runs. Keeping my fingers crossed, I cant wait to feel that way again.

Jess your results with pilates in awesome! I have the bun and thigh workout,but she goes soooo slow, I learned to just do it myself also. Tell me more about the ball workout. I need something to help finish off the lower belly.

carole sorry about your nephew! I work with spinal cord patients ,with good therapy they can become very functional in life today!! goodluck and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your nephew.

talk with everyone later!!!

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