time flies...
Hi Friends!
My apologies but I've not been able to read and post this week - have been super busy at work (remember i was off all last week sooo double the stuff to do) and now we're dealing with a sick horse...
I've been so upset and stressed -Poor ol' Smokey, he's my DD's horse but since she's been away at school etc, he's been mine and DH's "barn pet" as DH calls him. Smokey is like a large dog - he's such a good boy.... Since we got home from vacation, Dh noticed Smokey was walking funny...long story short the vet has been out twice (second visit for more blood sample) and $600 later, we're waiting to hear if he has Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalits...if so, then we can treat...for now he is on Banamine (anti inflammatory) and vitamin E in a bit of grain....please pray for our Smokey Boy!
I'm only working half day tomorrow then DH and I are headed toward Napa (Calistoga and St. Helena) for a couple of days to attend a posh wedding event. I'll read and post from my Blackberry on the way down since DH will be driving...
Thanfully oldest DD is coming up to stay here and take care of the animals!
Off to get some sleep now as this week I've been so full of anxiety, busy-ness and fitful sleeps!
Talk to you all tomorrow!
Hi Friends!
My apologies but I've not been able to read and post this week - have been super busy at work (remember i was off all last week sooo double the stuff to do) and now we're dealing with a sick horse...
I'm only working half day tomorrow then DH and I are headed toward Napa (Calistoga and St. Helena) for a couple of days to attend a posh wedding event. I'll read and post from my Blackberry on the way down since DH will be driving...
Thanfully oldest DD is coming up to stay here and take care of the animals!
Off to get some sleep now as this week I've been so full of anxiety, busy-ness and fitful sleeps!
Talk to you all tomorrow!