

Good morning ladies!

Just getting us started. Wow, where is everybody? Please excuse the string of fly bys that will be coming from my end for the next four days. With the schedule I'm looking at I'll be amazed if I make it to Monday :eek: LOL! I *will not* skip my workouts though! However, I'm not sure this weight work rotation is working. I'm *up* another pound even though my eating has been stellar for the past four days. I *am* taking AF into account (I wish she would just get here already x(...she's way late!), *and* allowing for water retention from the lifting but I can't fit into my jeans anymore x( x(. I've even increased my daily water intake from 2L to 3L.

With that said, my workout this morning 4DS BC cardio, MM UB and core. I just got MM yesterday and just couldn't wait to try it out. It may become my favorite UB work so far.

Well, gotta run. I do want to send {{{{{HUGS}}}} and {{{{VIBES}}}}} to everyone who needs them. I hope to see you guys soon! Have a good one.
Hi Wendi! Hope the four days go quickly and are fun! I can't do weight only rotations for the same reason. I just need the cardio. I hope your foot is doing better!

Cathy - When I first saw snatches, I thought the same thing - an injury waiting to happen, but they are actually fun and safe, if done with correct form. If you do them right, the bell does not bang your forearm - a lot of it is grip as well. At the top of the snatch you grip the bell harder, and then it slowly falls back. You can also put a little twist on it, but I'd recommend not doing those yet. However, when I'm tired, I have troubles gripping the bell hard enough and it falls back and bruises me. I got tired of quarter sized bruises on my wrist, so I wear forearm guards, too! Watch Steve Cotter do a snatch - he slows them down and he's so muscular that you can really tell which muscles are supposed to be working - which really does help figure out correct form. Yes - the guy doing the double snatches with the big bells is Steve.

I'm thinking of a Mish Mosh of ASCII and Steve Cotter's Lower Body workout today. I took my trainer to REI and they ordered a replacement handle for me, but it will take a week to get here. No riding this week - not even outside as it's supposed to rain this weekend, starting tonight. Oh well, we need it. Jimmy and I might still go for a hike this weekend anyway.
First off, HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINDA!!! Enjoy your day!

Good morning Cheetahs! Sorry I haven't been able to catch up with everyone yet. I'm hoping to have some free time today to do so. My office manager is coming back today. YEAH!! Anyway, last night I was going to get in a nice 5 miler, but once I started talking to my friend from NC, we were on the phone for 1 1/2 hours, there wasn't enough time for my run. Oh, well! we rarely get to speak with each other. Hopefully tonight I will be able to get in a 4-5 miler with my inlaws being there. It should be interesting.

Funny story, this morning I was speaking with one of the daycare workers asking her how her diet was going for her trip the end of this month. Anyway after DS & I left her he told me I needed to go on one of those because I am becoming "circular". LOL Keep in mind he is only 5 so I didn't take offense at all. I just chuckled. I've never heard the word "circular" used in this way before.

I'll BBL.
Good Morning Cheetahs.

Wendi: Our busy bee is at it again!;) Do what you gotta do but you better not forget about us totally!:p :7 We miss you when you are not around. :)

Christine: Glad your trainer is getting fixed. Enjoy your work out today.

Kristi: Cute story about your DS. Hope you can get that run in tonight. Catching up with old friends you don't speak to often can be so much fun!

My legs are still on fire from L*B the other night! They started hurtin' y'day afternoon and are still on fire right now. It's my upper thigh/glute area so sitting down is pretty painful!!:p I love it! LOL

I'm probably going to head to the gym this morning. Not sure if I'll do another ITread I haven't tried yet or get in another long training run for my race. We'll see what I feel like and how much time I have when I get there. :)

Dh is due back late tonight. I don't know if I really want him home yet. It's been kinda nice w/o him!:p :7 I've even considered changing the locks in the house so that he can't get in!}( Am I mean, or what!? :p :7 :p :7

Good morning cheetahs:) Hasn't been a bad nite at all for me and now I'm looking at a nice 4 night stretch off... hoping to get alot accomplished. Yesterday I managed to get in 3 of the 4 UB timesaver workouts before running out of both time and energy. So today when i wake up it will be a 6 mile run and then later the last of the UB timesavers (#4-shoulders). I heard from the PA board of nursing and they have everything now except my transcripts apparently (I don't remember them requesting it in the original application! x( )
So... I'll send off for those today but that should take less then a week. I've decided to go ahead and give my notice at work.... not looking forward to seeing my boss... she is also my friend and this will hurt big time.... oh well:( I want to be fair with her and give her as much advance notice as I can.

Wendy- Hope you get in a fabulous run today!!!

Kristi- nice to hear from you... and I thought I was busy!! I got tired just reading your post yesterday poor dear! Best of luck to you with your 10k this Sat!! We'll all be with you in spirit.
My goodness, you certainly have a very precocious little boy!!

Christine- A whole week for your trainer part :eek: :eek: You should take this out of Jimmy's allowance!!;-) I sure hope you don't end up hiking in the rain!!! Hugs and prayers for you re: your DH.... any new news?

Wendi- Our busy workin cheetah is hard at it as usual!! Don't sweat the weight gain... I bet it'll resolve in your favor soon.

Gotta go and earn my keep around here... I'll try to check back in later.

Shelly: Enjoy your 4 days off. I am sure you will get in some killer work outs as well as lots of packing and such done for the move. I feel for you having to tell your boss about your leaving. I am sure it will be hard but you know she will understand and wish you nothing but the best even though she will be losing the best nurse in the world!!!!:) I am happy though cause the west coast's loss is the east coasts gain!:+

Off to get the munchkin up!


Happy Birthday Linda!!!! :)

My throat isn't worse, but this thing is still lingering. I feel like it's in my head. Anyway, I plan to work legs and then some stretching. I'll still hold off on cardio for now. I'll have some making up to do this weekend. :)

Shelly ~ I'm sure it's going to be a hard meeting with your boss/friend. I know that you'll be missed.

Wendy ~ I hear you on the new workouts and rotations. I'm trying to stay focused here with P90X, but nothing new has arrived so I can't be tempted. ;-) Was that L&B from P90X or P90X+? I can't remember the workouts that came w/+ now. Enjoy your run! I put my sneaks on to go to the bus stop. I ran home (just a short distance). Boy, did that feel great! It's nice out, the snow is melted....it's tempting to get out there. I better wait though. How's your throat feeling?

Kristi ~ That is a funny story! :7 I thought you wouldn't be back until Monday. Maybe I read your post wrong??? Sorry!

Christine ~ How's your dh? Enjoy your KB's! }(

Wendi ~ Maybe your body is adjusting to your new rotation. I've had that happen before too, but then like Shelly said it all evened out again.

Sunny ~ I was purposely staying away from Tracey's site. I was enabled. LOL!
Good morning cheetahs

Linda, if you are lurking...http://www.emotihost.com/glass19/6.gif[/img]

Wendi...I bet the weight gain is just temp and probably from AF! I love MM. Enjoy your workout today.

Cathy...sorry the crud has resurfaced...you have been so busy and that is the pitts to be sick too. Sending healing vibes.

Wendy...the circuit yesterday was fun.I forgot how tough DM was...:)...LMAO about you changing the locks!! I think that has entered my mind on occasion..:)

Christine...a KB/P90X rotation sounds interesting...good job on getting in those push-ups on the toes! The circuit with PLB was a fun one. Yep that Steve is one strong guy! WOW...I sure was feeling DST yesterday, as I slept well the night before, but was wiped out ALL day. I get the Title Nine catalog but they are a bit too steep for me..:)...That is awful about DH being stuck and sick!! I hope it is not malaria...sending healing vibes and I hope he gets home ASAP.

Kristi..sounds like a busy week for you. Glad the in-laws will be here this weekend to help out. Good luck on the 10K. LOL about the "circular" comment form DS, boy, kids do say the darnedest things!!

Dallas...are you feeling better today? This flu epidemic is really awful. My knee is feeling better but I will know more after running. Good job with the P90X workout yesterday. I am not ordering any of Tracey's new ones. How is DH today?

Jackie...when I started lifting years ago, I got a lot of books and I did my own weights for a long time before I discovered Cathe in 1992, I would use her weight workouts here and there, but now I use DVD's a lot more than I use my weights by themselves. I am feeling ready for a run. I will only try 2 or 3 miles and if my knee hurts I will stop. We are in for a few days of rain. Enjoy your nice temps.

Sunny...good luck with the advanced PT cert! No, after painting all the walls last year they are not too dirty yet! But I have used the Eraser in many ways..:)

Shelly...the circuits have been fun. I am hoping for a good run today. Good job on getting in 3 of the TS's for the UB. Enjoy your 6 mile run. That is nice to give your boss advanced notice. She will be loosing one great nurse...:D.

I am going to do freestyle legwork, abs and then a run. Hoping the knee behaves.

Have a great day...:)
Hey ladies,

linda-Happy Birthday another pisces, woohooo!!

i will have to be brief again so sorry.

today's workout will be p90x back and biceps.

my legs have some nice DOMS from yesterday's HIIT session}( :7 :D . gotta love it!!

I ended up doing GSL standing and just the stretch at the end of GS. I think when I get back I'll add a little cardio and then a stretch/yoga. I feel pretty good. Dh went to work, but he called. I have to bring a little care package before DS's soccer. Why are men so stubborn?!?! I think he should have stayed home.

Sunny ~ Nice workout!! Are you training today?

Carole ~ Hope your knee doesn't give you any trouble. Nice workout planned today. :)

Jackie ~ Did you see my message at Yahoo. I think we may have the same brick. I still can't think of the name. x(

The sun is shining. Love it!!! :7
Hi Ladies.

So I went to the gym and decided to run long in prep for my race. I can do Grace next week. She'll always be there for me. ;)

So anyway, I wasn't sure how far I was going to go or if I was going to do steady state or what so I just started running and did whatever came to me. I ended up running the first 2 miles steady state making only one slight speed change from mile 1 to mile 2. After that I would raise or lower the speed .50 mile, every .25 mile, .20, .10 and even .05. I was back and forth and up and down the entire work out but stayed between a 6.0 and a 6.5 pace the entire time. I ended up running 7 miles again. I really pushed so I didn't truly have to oomph to go any further.

That being said, I was completely thrilled with my time! I RAN IT FASTER THEN LAST TIME!!!! 2 weeks ago when I ran 7 miles I did it in 69 minutes 10 seconds and was ecstatic! Today!?! I DID IT IN 68:37!!!!! WOO HOO Baby!!! I'm a happy girl! *dances around the room* It's not a fast average pace in the grand scheme of things but for me...OMG it's like lightening speed for that distance!!!:7 :7 :7 YAY YAY YAY!!!!

Okay, thank you for letting me brag. You can stop gagging now cause I'm done. :p LOL

Dallas: Hope you feel better soon. I don't feel that bad at all! I hope it stays like this!! Legs and Back is from P90X. Nice way to get a short run in while dropping your kids at the bus stop! You should have just kept running right past your house! What were thinking!?! LOL

Carole: WOW, I forgot about DM until you mentioned it. That's it...I'm taking time before committing to NROL to just have some fun with my work outs. Aside from my races, I am not going to work out with any goals in mind...just for the pure fun of it! I haven't done that in ages and it's high time I did! :) DH is due back late tonight...I haven't gone to Home Depot....YET!;)

Sunny: Oh I am sooo with you on leg DOMS. My upper thighs and butt are screamin' at me too. }( Enjoy your day.

I guess I'm caught up for now.
carole- thank you!!

dallas- i train m-f and now i have a client (personal friend) that i train on saturdays. oh those pesky dh's...:D

wendy- haven't seen your home but you can do alot of kb exercises that do not take up much room. so the kb craze is still on}( . great job on your run today!!!!:7
Awww C'mon Sunny! I thought I had just talked myself out of spending a small fortune! Grrrr...you are NOT helping me here! :p :7 :p Thanks re the run!:)
Okay. I only have a few minutes so I will catch up on a few personals.

Cathy – Get well ((VIBES)) coming your way!

Wendy – Way to go on running your 7 miles. Great time too!!

Christine – Sorry to hear about DH.

Shelly – I’m sure it will be hard telling your friend that you are leaving, but she will appreciate the advance notice even though she will hate to see you leave. Enjoy the next 4 days off!

Dallas – You read my email right.  I actually thought I wouldn’t be able to post again until Monday, but I have had a few free moments here and there to post. I hope you start feeling better soon.

Wendi – I’m sure the weight gain will go away as quickly as it came. Try to take some time for yourself in your busy schedule. Don’t worry about the fly-by posts. It is nice to know you are doing okay.

Carole – Have fun with your workout today. I hope your knee doesn’t give you any trouble.

WAVES to Sunny, Judy, Linda, Lori, & Lorie. Am I missing someone?
Quick post to say that I spoke to DH this morning after I posted and he's doing better - thankfully! He will be home on Sunday *knocks on wood*. I ended up skipping my workout this morning. I fell asleep on the chair and decided my body was telling me something. Probably that I've been eating too much bad food. I'm getting back on track tomorrow!

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