Cheetahs Thursday 7/20

Hi Laurie!!! I'm so glad that you jumped in! I did my first 5K a year ago June & my first half last Sept & I was hooked on the racing! I've done 5 races so far already this spring/ summer. I'm currently training for my first full marathon in Sept & so far so good (no injuires!!). Yeah, you kind of run & learn stuff along the way. I learned the hard way that I need to buy running shoes 2 sizes bigger than my usual size or else I get horrible black toenails- OUCH!!!!

It's great fun to talk running w/ other people so I'm glad that you joined in. I'm lucky in that I have 2 friends that I meet 3 mornings a week to run with at 5AM. (yep, we're a crazy early bunch!) Just knowing that you have someone depending on you to show up is good motivation & it's nice to chat as we run along. Thankfully we're all morning people & we have plenty to chat about!

What plan are you following- Hal Higdon or a different plan? I followed his plan for my half.

Glad you joined in!

Thanks Shelly and Jess:)

Yuppers Shelly this is my first race. My best friend requested that I do this with her and I'm up for a challenge, the location is sentimental to me so it all just felt right. A 10k trail race eh, my ankles ache a bit just thinking about it :+ I'm in awe at how my body is adapting to the new demands I'm putting on it. Thanks goodness, my first hill training was not as brutal as I imagined. Motorcycle training, are you getting your license? We just had a women's motorcycle convention in town, they call themselves the 'Hog Hags', I though that was hilarious, the oldest rider was 80!!

Jess, I was a SAHM to three Girls for 12 years and loved (almost;-)) every minute of it. My gaggle of Girls are now 17, 15 and 11, how old are yours? I'm doing my training through a Canadian chain called the 'Running Room'. They have clinics for 5 and 10K's as well as half and full marathons. We have a discussion (this week was heart rate training) every Tuesday then a run. We also run together on Wednesdays and Sundays. Their programme is a great fit for me and it's been nice to meet some like minded people. You all run at 5:00 a.m. that's impressive! I'm loving the fact that from what I have experienced so far, most runners are a little crazy, maybe that's why I'm fitting in so well:7

Take Care
Funny- my girls are 7, 5, & just turned 3!! They are so much fun & I really love being a SAHM. I just say that I don't know what I want to be when I *grow up* yet. ;-) I don't want to miss any of this stage, they're all so funny & have their own personalities!

Sounds like a fun training group! It's great to have like minded people to run with! Yep, we are a crazy bunch. My neighbors think I'm a bit nutty, I was the one out running w/ the snow plow in the dead of winter!! A good pair of tights & fleece & I was set! :p

Hope you enjoy posting here- I do!

Off to bed for me soon & tomorrow is my REST day!! Sleeping in past 4:45... ahhh, I so love Fridays!!


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