::: CHEETAHS ::: Thurs., 12/7

Hey cheetahs~
Just got in from work…have a little bit of a headache, so I’m going to relax a bit, eat something, and get to MM in a bit.

Sunny :: yes, I just started seeing a dermatologist last month. I am on Solodyn & Retin-A Micro right now. I have to see him again next week, so we’ll see what he thinks…it’s a frustrating problem! Sounds like a great workout.

Wendy :: no, you’re not a dork…I accidentally sprayed myself once when I was testing to see if it still worked & a wicked breeze picked it up and blew it back in my face…NOT fun! Thanks for the info on the Proactive knockoffs. I can’t introduce anything new right now, but it might be something that’s good to know in the future. Did you wind up running or napping? Hope you’re feeling better.

Laura :: glad your brother’s bouncing back from the situation. Sounds like you are having fun torturing your students. :) I know the feeling…

Jess :: good news about the tooth & the improved IT band. MM was one of my first Cathe DVDs, too, but that one had to grow on me, to tell you the truth. Thanks for sharing about the Melaleuca products. I do use tea tree wipes from the Body Shop. Good stuff.

Christine :: I’ve heard from a friend of mine that the acne treatment can make it worse before it gets better, so I’m hoping that’s the case. Have a great workout! That’s funny…for some reason, I had Cyndi Lauper’s “She Bop” stuck in my head yesterday morning.

Judy :: what workout did you wind up doing? You must have a very lightweight phone…Mine is a Sidekick II, which is kind of bulky… I have thought it’d probably be a good idea to be able to take my cell, but I’d never be able to lug that thing around!

LD :: I do the key on a shoelace thing, too. I think I’ve only done L&G once…I can’t remember if it was challenging or not. It’s great when you have the energy to do more than you’d planned – great going!

Carole :: thanks! Yes, I am fighting with my insurance right now about the Retin-A…they don’t want to cover it…grrr! Great idea about the dog biscuit – very clever! Whoo, another tough workout you’ve got planned.

Susan :: Great workout despite feeling under the weather…rock on!! Hope you didn’t do too much damage at Kohl’s.

Elaine :: you really DO carry quite a bit on your long runs! Ut oh…a “cute” Jersey accent??…lol…I’ve never heard it referred to that way! I just bought a new Sonicare toothbrush after my most recent trip to the dentist (which was rough), and I love it. It wasn’t cheap, but it has three speeds – for brushing your teeth, a soft speed for brushing your tongue, and massage to use on your gums. It really makes a difference.

OK, I think I’m caught up…Am gonna kick back a bit before getting to my workout. And then, I have another paper to write...oh joy! Have a great night, everyone!

-Cathy :)
I'm back! I got in GS BSB & then did the Lotte Berk Method Hip Hugger Abs that Elaine sent me. It was interesting, but I didn't really feel it that much in the abs (thanks to pilates & Cathe, I guess!).

My hamstrings are still sore. I was trying to stretch them & OUCH! I'll do more foam roller later. Had my PT & u/s again this morning which is helping so much!! I know I've said it before, but Allison just cracks me up!! I know the PT gets a kick out of her too. When she has the option of going w/ me or going to my friend's house to play, she always wants to go to therapy! ;-) She packed some of her favorite beanie babies to play with today.

Then we ran to Wal*mart & I got a few more gifts to cross off my list plus more groceries. AND, my Christmas pics were ready so now I'm going to work on getting my cards out!! Just relaxing tonight which is nice! I'm finally caught up on laundry- yeah!!

Have a great night!
Hey Cathy! Hope your headache feels better. I hate when that happens!! I get migraines which are NOT fun. Thank God for Imitrex when they hit me! I love tea tree oil, I'm a big Melaleuca nut. (well, a nut anyway!! LOL) When my kids get an owie, they always ask for the Melaleuca oil! (which is funny to hear from a 3yo!)
My Mom has that same toothbrush, she loves it.

Have fun w/ your workout & working on your paper!!
OK. I gotta ask you guys who do part of your workout then go run errands then do another part of your workout.....When do you shower? Are you taking multiple showers during the day? Do you wear your workout clothes all day and only change when everthing is complete?

Umm, Jess, yeah. That's why I sent it to you. Glad to see it wasn't just me who thought the DVD was "interesting"!

I did 1/2 of RTTC and it caused my hands to cramp up! Oh no!!! I don't know if this is going to be one I will want to do because of that. Anyone got any advice? I was using 2 ten lb dumbbells.
OK, I'm back...Just finished MM.

Jess :: thanks...yes, my headache was a mild one and short-lived. I get migraines too but am not on prescription meds for it. I've been pretty lucky that I now get only about 1-2 per year, knock wood. But usually as soon as I talk about it, I get one! :(

Elaine :: when I split up my workouts during the day, I take two showers. So I try to avoid that whenever possible. I own RTTC but don't think I've ever done it! Where's Wendy? I'd say she is our resident Jari expert!
elaine the girl was 19yrs old I think or around that age.
runnergirl I usually teach 2-3classes aweek but not usually 2 in one day which is what I did yesterday. a 6am class and 6:30 pm class. I thought I would really be sore today but not really,so far anyway. My coworker said I made her regurgitate (dont know if I spelled that right)2x in class. she said it was a tough class and she even said some of the p;eople where whiners. she did better than some of the p;eople taking the class the last 5 weeks. she took motrin before the class,a hot bath after the class and rubbed herself down with icy hot before bed. so she took preventative measures for soreness. she said she will p;robably feel it tomorrow though.

carole happy anniversary!!wow!26yrs, I cant even imagine. March will be our 10yr anniversary but we have been together almost 20.

I managed to squeeze in a 25minute run while the boys where in wrestling. does this make sense, although during class I can sustain the cardio and wts and I feel stronger all over ,during my straight running time I feel like my endurance has declined big time?My body feel strong during the runs but my breathing is horrible. I dont really understand this. It does get better after the first 2 miles but I feel like I have lost alot of my running endurance since teaching because I have only been able to get in 1-2runs a week. when I think back to last may when I felt awesome running it really makes me irritated because I want to feel that way . I miss that feeling during my runs.

well anyway off to take a shower.
OK, good!!! I'm glad that you thought it was *interesting* too. The girl instructor was totally cracking me up!!

As for showers, that's why I prefer to do my cardio first thing in the morning, then shower. Then I'll get dressed for the day & change to my workout clothes in the afternoon. I can usually do weights w/out sweating too much to need another shower. But if I do get sweaty then I'll just take a quick shower. HTH!

Have a good evening! I've been working on my Christmas cards for the last 2 hrs or so and more to do!! I should have them in the mail by Saturday!! (and Cathy ~ I got yours in the mail today- thank you!!!)

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