Hi Christine! Throwin hugs and kisses from cyberspace... great to be back chattin with this fine group of gals!



I nearly just got to work and plan on postin' to everyone during my lunch today but for now I just have to say HOWDY!! to Shelley and so glad you made it safely out East! I've been thinking about you and how ya'll were doing transporting all the "goods" across the country. You sound SO HAPPY! Congratulations on the successful move!

Got a good workout in this morning - Itread 19 sprints and Bosu abs...

Will post personals at lunch....

Have a good day ladies!

XOXO Posh! :7

Hiya Posh! Yes indeed I am quite happy... happy to not be travelling now!!! LOL.... actually I am feeling really good about this move.... this feels right!



Can't wait to see ya on saturday!

Glad the move went smoothly and you and DH are safe and sound in Jersey.


I was graciously answered to come to check in about info on buying kettlebells. I am an advanced exerciser :) and would like to get a challenging good dvd and was wondering if you guys had any thoughts what I can get? Also how heavy I should buy the kettlebells.

I am really excited to hear your response


shelly- hey lady!!!! so nice to hear from you. so glad your moved went so well:) :D :7

well i looked at my rotation wrong, today called for a kb workout (my only tweak to afterburn) so i did providence and during the breaks i did jumpsnap. OH WOW, took an already awesome workout to new heights. i am throughly worked....

psss CATHY- on my first time using, i have to say i REALLY like jumpsnap...lol

good night lovely ladies:)

Good afternoon Cheetahs! :)

Cathy: I hope you get in a great crabbypants reducing run! It really does help. I tell ya, the end of the year is NUTS! Next week I have something special going on almost every day! That stinks about the meetings! I just got an email from my principal saying that we have a "short" meeting after school tomorrow "to share some information." It is not mandatory, but of course I will go. Classroom management is a strength for me, but the kids are harder to work with at this time of year. All of the schedule disruptions DO NOT help at all. They do best with routine. I have an autistic child who fixates on the schedule for the day and normal routine, so this has not been good for him. Every morning when I greet the kids we go over the schedule for the whole day and I answer any questions, which helps. Our whole school is feeling the stress of the end of the year list of things to do. I really felt the tension in the building today. Do not let it get you down. I am there with you sister! :)

Kath: That is great you are getting a new "greener" washer. I have never had a new one. The house we bought already had one, which was nice.

Judy: Yes, it feels good to finally be smart and listen to my body. I have been running a lot faster than I usually do lately and this body just needs a break. I am actually enjoying it and have been feeling in better spirits at school. :)

Sunny: Yes, I am a fifth grade teacher.

Carole: I have been summoned to jury duty once during a summer that I was taking grad. classes. I did get out of it because I told them I had to take these classes in order to keep my job. This is true, my certificate renewal was coming up. I will be looking at the Pain Free book, I am too busy right now. :) Thanks for the input!

Christine: Yes, the children are much tamer at this age! I taught seventh grade for three years. YIKES! Lot's of drama there. I was a science teacher and had to teach the annual health classes to the girls AND the BOYS! :eek: I had a question box and some of the questions I received were a bit wild! I made it though. You've got to do what you've got to do! It really wasn't as bad as I first thought it would be. That is neat about what some stores are doing in California. We have a Target about an hour away from here. I LOVE that place!!! I can travel about a half an hour to get a bosu though. Thanks re: where I live. It is pretty. Not Montana pretty, but pretty in it's own way. :) My DH is not a cat lover, but they like him and I know if I push, I will get what I want. I always do! :) Have fun with the TORTURE tomorrow! }(

Wendy: Yeah, being out for a little stinks! I do not think this is serious. I am actually enjoying the intensity free workouts though. I look forward to doing my yoga lately. I feel like I am being nicer to the kids too! LOL! Fun you are doing a 5K with Shelly!

Shelly: It is soooo nice to have you back here! You are truly an inspiring cheetah with your kick a** workouts! I'm glad that your move had very little snafus. Enjoy your time off! That is great you are running with Wendy on Saturday. I ran A LOT slower in Montana. My half marathon in Missoula was the slowest I have ever ran and I was in better shape than I have been in the past halfs. The stickiness of the humidy was wierd to Andy and I when we came back here last summer. Great running you've been doing! I am happy to hear that this is the "right thing" for you right now. Isn't that a great feeling?

Erinski: I am sorry, I do not own kettleballs. The girls here LOVE them though and I am sure they would love to offer some advice.

Well I did my Rodney Yee Power Yoga again this morning and am emabaressed to admit that my upper body is very sore right now. My arms and upper back are really feeling it. I am actually not my neurotic self and am enjoying the time off from the intense workouts. I am feeling like I am more calm and being nicer to the kids (I am not a mean teacher, but sometimes get crabby, especially this time of year). This is a good thing for me. My leg isn't hurting, but I think I will keep with what I am doing for the rest of the week. I need my sanity. I ordered Yoga for Happiness today based on your reccommendations. I am excited! Have a great evening everyone! I am off to write a parent letter re: our field trip to Mackinac Island on June 4th.

:) :) :) :)

Can't believe I am having to report a change of plan YET AGAIN, but indeed I am. I've just scarfed down dinner and have bandaged up my feet in 4 places thanks to the blisters from my new flats. I couldn't squeeze in the run before dinner b/c I missed lunch. (A student in crisis came to my room and needed a shoulder to cry on.) So, here I am with my feet on fire, pondering how to recoup from another bungled workout week. Will be back with personals once I figure out Plan F. *lol*

Welcome back to Shelly! Missed ya, babe!! :)

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run

Ok, let’s see if I can do a quickie post w/personals…lol.

I’ve been soooo busy this week …eek…work, school, kids, work, school, kids…lol.

Cathy – ah dang, sorry you are getting hit with obstacles to your runs – happens to me often. Just don’t stress about it and know you’ll swing it tomorrow. And don’t forget your butt kickin’ in Bootcamp is just around the corner too! Lol.. Nice that you would help the young’ins with drama….

Gloria – I love my foam roller! I used to crack up when my kids were in middle school and talked about so and so “going out” with so and so…

Kath – we need some of that RAIN! I’m so worried about our fire season this year! Good luck to your daughter - I hope she gets in the department!

Judy – Ugh! What a close call for poor ol’ Waldo! Yeah, the foxes usually scare pretty easy but I hope it doesn’t come back!

Sunny – YIKES! Can’t believe the idiots that leave the scene of an accident! Sorry your DH was hurt.

Wendy lou – Which sprint with Grace did you do today? I did 30 min/#19. Um, just so you know, I did crappier on the TREADMILL today than I did OUTSIDE on Tuesday…lol! :+

Carole – Yay! You got excused from Jury Duty! Thankfully, I always get the easy way out like that and never have had to appear ..yet! DH gets harassed all the time for Jury Duty and once he forgot all about calling in for his panel because he was sooo busy on the job, so he got a nasty gram in the mail saying he had a bench warrant! LOL –

Christine – Hey, how’s the WW going? I was going to chat w/ you about that when I have a round tuit…lol. I lost weight during my 12-week BFL challenge but now am sickened that I”ve gained every pound right back just as I blinked my eyes! Anyhoo, I have started counting points and tracking online w/ WW this past week and have already lost a few. Think I’ll stick to what I know works for now – I’m a lifetime member WAY WAY over goal! LOL

Shelley – Hi again! So glad you are feeling comfortable with your new home – that was a huge move! Wish we could join you East coast cheetahs for the 5K!

Dallas – I’m praying for the poor lil’ boy! Bless his little heart – and family! Hope you are feeling better!

JACKIE!! Congratulations on YOUR big move! So glad you like your new workout room!

Ok, I better wrap it up here and get back at it…lunch is over! Hi to all other Cheetahs!

WHERE IS KRISTI?? AND LORIE???? Let’s get an APB put out here! LOL

Have a good one all!

Thomasina :7

Shelly!! Glad to hear you’re at your new temp home safe and sound and that the move just feels right! That is soo good the hear. Enjoy your two weeks of bumhood! SO happy to heave you back!! Throwin’ hugs and kisses from cyberspace back at ya sweetie!! We’re glad to have you back and chattin’ with us!!!

Thomasina – HOWDY to you, too! Glad you stopped in! Great workout this morning!

Erin – Thanks for stopping in! I’d recommend going to www.artofstrength.com and ordering Providence (the one with Beth as well as Anthony). It’s a great workout – I still use it and I’ve been doing bells for a while, but it has a lot of pointers and tips for beginners. I was so thrilled when they came out with this one. I’d start with a 15, 18 or 20 pound. You’ll want a lighter bell for Windmills and Turkish Getups to start, but you can always sub a dumbbell. I would recommend starting with the same weight that you can do 10 military presses fairly easily but you feel it. Hope that helps.

Sunny – Oh I did Providence on Wednesday. Oh man – that would be killer! I’m actually excited to do something like that!

Gloria – Oh I couldn’t imagine teaching middle school. Our Cathy does it do well, though! There’s not much like Montana. That is one of the prettiest states ever. I’m glad your leg isn’t hurting! Oh you’ll love Yoga for Happiness! He does say some off the wall things (like in pigeon pose he says, “This should feel lick ice cream being licked off your body” I always have to chuckle at that one – but hey, if he wants to lick ice cream off my body, I won’t stop him… :+).

Cathy – Go for your 8 mile run BEFORE BootCamp… :p Girlfriend, one bungled long run won’t hurt. Lance Armstrong actually recommended running a long run every other week (probably the longer long runs, but hey!). You’ll get it in – don’t stress. Summer will be here soon.

Hey Thomasina - we were posting at the same time. I like WW, but I just don't think they give enough points. :( So I dropped. I'm holding a steady 14 pound loss (with a pound or 4 up every now and again, but I take it off right away). It's so tough to maintain and to actually lose. It's gets boring - I love food too much.

Posh: Good to see you again!

Christine: Middle school is crazy, for sure! Cathy is the bomb diggity, isn't she? (P.S. I got that term from a 60 plus year old teacher who was GREAT! She taught 8th grade and just retired this year). They are all good kids though. I am getting my masters in middle level education so I will be highly qualifed to teach 5-9. My certification right now is only good for k-8 self contained. I know it is only one more grade level to be qualified for, but it is a big deal here in MI. We have declining enrollment due to our economic conditions and the more I am able to do the better. Our superintendent's wife is currently in layoff status! I would not like it if I was bumped and had to work at the primary school (k-2). Yes, I am looking forward to the yoga dvd. When I found yoga, and actually did it, I loved it. There is no place like Montana for me. I guess I am blessed to have been able to spend so much time there. We made so many good friends. I miss them. It is hard to think about NOT going there this summer. We hiked some amazing trails above the tree line. We actually did a difficult hike up to an alpine lake and saw mountain goats! I took their hair off the trail to show my students! I am a lucky gal!

Hola, cheetah friends!

I opted for a 30 min. TM run and have decided I will just have to suck up the Sunday long runs for the next 3 weeks. Maybe I'll aim for later in the day to give me a little more recovery time from BC. Don't know if that will help, but I'm concluding that a during-the-week long run at this time of year was overshooting it a bit.

Time to catch up with personals... :) :) :)

Kath ~ I can't believe the couple you did so much for is the same one who "stiffed ya" for vaca. Wow. I don't get some people, either...Hope DD makes the cut as a trooper. May need a friend in case I get stopped on my way up to VT. ;) :7 Seriously, though, that's great for her. I really admire women who forge ahead into male-dominated professions. You sure do have high achieving kids. Go, mom! :)

Judy ~ I absolutely don't mind hearing the NROLW chat. Anything fitness-related is of interest...I read Tipping Point and Blink, too. Both fascinating reads.

Sunny ~ so sorry to hear about DH's fender bender and banged up knee...hope it isn't anything serious. Received We Ski today and tried it out for about 10 minutes. Really put me in Zen mode to revisit the slopes. Can't wait til that balance board comes out...Ut oh...what's this talk of TT and JS? I know, I know--resistance is futile. *lol* :7

Carole ~ I thought you were at a salon...no?...Good point about the Sharkies. Don't think I will be gaggin' on those. :7 At what distance do you normally use them?...Knew you would appreciate some Seinfeld humor. AMEN to being excused from jury duty!

Christine ~ love that little smiley...one more day to go!...OK,I'll admit I kept fighting off sour feelings today. The "mandatory" meeting that was promised to be quick took up our entire prep period. Long story, but hey, we all have those days, and my kvetchin' is done - promise! :) :) :) Carrot Mobbing. Hunh. Interesting! I'd never heard of it til now. The Jersey version would probably be Carrot Rioting & Looting. ;) *lol* I am definitely interested in your BC/KB workout. Let us know how it goes.

Wendy ~ glad things are righting themselves for you on the TM again...any luck forcing the yoga? Now that's an oxymoron if there ever was one, eh? :7 Glad to hear things seem to be OK with BMF.

Shelly ~ glad to hear all went smoothly with the journey. I'm way impressed that you drove cross-country with a trailer. But then again you're our bad-ass biker mama cheetah babe! :7 It's so good to have our anchor back.

Erin ~ hi & welcome! I suggest starting with a 15 or 20# (try it in the store--I bought mine at Target and at Dick's), and I'll have to echo Christine's recommendation of Art of Strength Providence. She and Sunny turned me onto AoS...Anthony is the BEST--and a hottie, too. :)

Gloria ~ IA, nothin' like a good run to melt away the stress. [strike]Calgon[/strike] Asics, take me away! :7 Ditto, ditto, ditto to everything you said. My kids are good, but eighth grade does have its own little version of senioritis. Nature of the beast this time of year. I had to chuckle at your comments about teaching health to the 7th & 8th graders. Now I bet THAT was interesting. I do use the phrase, "Be appropriate" quite a bit in my job. :) Yay on your Eion purchase!...I would love to have gotten my MS in Middle Level Education. Very cool. And thanks for those kind words. Backatcha, my colleague! :7

Thomasina ~ thanks for the words of reassurance...two weeks in a row of obstacles put me on edge! :7 Today's drama was quite a surprise. I was trying to enter grades and dive into my carrot sticks when the poor thing came charging into the room sobbing her eyes out...I am with you on botching up WW. I am back at my starting point, too...BOO! Let's band together on this one. Smiling at the expression "nasty gram." Love your way w/ words! :) Lorie popped in a few days ago. Kristi has been MIA for some time now.

OK, I believe that catches me up. I look forward to zonking and catchin' some zzzz's. Long day! :)

Have a great night!

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run

Hey Gals.

I am very tired and have a headache for some reason so I'll be heading off to bed really soon.

I just wanted to pop in to catch up on personals. I have to be in work at 8 tmrw morning so the early morning personals will be sparse if any and if I wait until AFTER work then I'm bound to be OVERloaded! LOL

Sunny: So you like Jump Snap? Yippee! Now if I could only convince them to pay me a sales commission...or should we call it an ENABLING commission! ;)

Gloria: Let me know how you like Yoga for Happiness. That is on my long long wish list of fitness products! LOL Glad you are enjoying your yoga week. I hope it does the trick for you.

Cathy: OMG I'm sorry your work out got the old kibosh again. :-( I hope you've come up with a good plan F! LOL Hope the student that came to you today is okay and the the issue was nothing too serious.

Posh: I did half of 13 with Grace today. It was fun. I'm so happy to have my TM legs back for the most part!:+

I didn't have as much to catch up on as I thought! :)

Well, my bed is callin' my name ladies.

Until the morning....:):)

Gloria - couldn't even imagine teaching. I don't have the patience. I admire you and Cathy and Lorie for working with the kids and doing so well by them! I have a 15yo and I am thankful that the school district she attends can afford the good teachers. So many cannot.

Cathy - I PM'd you my rotation. Mix and match how you please. I was thinking it might even be fun to sub the kettlebells every other cycle. There's all sorts of possibilities! :p You can kevetch all you want, my dear!! That's what we're here for!

Wendy - Oh, just give me an address to send a check, and I'll send you the commission for the Jump Snap I just bought... :+

Okay you ladies MUST stop with the enabling! I cannot believe I just spent $100 on a fake jump rope! (I bought two sets of the anti-shock mats thinking I could put them on either side of my step and help with the impact on the concrete floor of my garage during step aerobics). Heck they were on sale for $9.99 each set of four! Well, what else is a raise good for?! :p

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