Hi All -
Today is Jimmy’s Birthday! Happy Birthday to my sweet furry friend!! This is a shot DD15 took – she’s very good with a camera – so I figured I’d share it:
I started a post last night while DH was cooking my cheat meal for the week – Chicken curry and curried chick peas – YUM!!! I ate more than I should have, but not as much as I usually would, so I’m happy with that. I am not looking forward to stepping on the scale today as I know I will be up 2-3 pounds – it always works that way when I eat Indian – the spices kill me. But that’s okay – I’ll be back to normal by Sunday and hopefully dropping more! Today is ASCII Circuit 1. Walking will be fun afterwards!
Wendy- I’m heading out Saturday to stay with him for a week. He’s being released on Saturday and will be staying with friends Saturday night. I’ll definitely order through you when I order the X+. Which I will - just not quite yet! Maybe something will come up before October so that you can swing a ticket. If I have any free tickets by then, I’ll send one to you- it wouldn’t be a Cheetah GTG without you!
Carole - I’m hoping the Airborne works, too - it seems to be. I’m tired, but I don’t have a runny nose or the scratchy throat I had before. Thanks for the healing vibes!
I’m going to order Slo Mo - I don’t have a choice. Lol I’m doing the happy dance over your improved hip! Congrats on ordering Amy’s new workouts! We can do them together!
Jackie - thanks! I think they are Lucky! I can’t wait to show my sister! Although she is a size 4 and I’m, well, not!
That workout sounds really fun!!
Sunny - I got the email with you cell phone number and I added it to my cell phone. If you sent one after that, I didn’t get it. Hope you enjoyed your rest day!
Lorie - thanks for the link for the animal rescue! I think doing that at the Nike Marathon would be cool! If we cannot cross the finish line together- then we HAVE to have a group photo taken at the finish line!!! I would LOVE that. It makes sense that the hip pain is overuse related, but as you said – everything seems to be interrelated in our bodies, so ya just don’t know! Hope it works out well! Pats Cheetah, eh? I actually like the Ravens better, but as they are not in the playoffs (nor could they win against a local high school team) I’m cheering on the Pats.
I will sign up for the Cheetah Chat on Yahoo – I just keep forgetting.
Thomasina - GREAT job on keeping up with your workouts and forgoing the wine - that’s tough for a Californian to do!
I will absolutely register for the Nike Half. Even if I have to walk it, it would be worth it just to be with all the Cheetahs!! I could not even imagine what teachers go through. I know DD15 will not miss a day of school, no matter how sick, because if she does, she falls so far behind. She wants to go to a decent school and the competition is fierce now! But, as someone who gets ticked when people who are sick come in to work, I understand where you’re coming from, too! What to do? Well – if Carole is Football Cheetah, then Shelly gets the honors for Super Cheetah!
Lori – I get 26 points, which if I don’t add my activity points in there is really only about 1300 calories – I cannot survive on that. So, I add my activity points – and it’s about 1800-2000 calories a day – which is what Sparks People says I need. And as I’m dropping weight, it seems to be working. I like Weight Watchers a lot – I really do think it’s one of the few diet plans that really has it all – the plan, the support, and even a maintenance down, but it’s designed for people who are sedentary and have no clue about diets. That’s okay, I’m making it work for me.
Dallas – Hi there Busy Cheetah! Would you STOP with the BOSU talk? I’m dying here! :+ Soon, soon – not if I continue eating Indian food, though!
Cathy – Worry about personals when you have time – your National Boards are more important and we understand! I’m going to order Slo Mo soon. I like Amy a lot.
Sunny – I cannot for the life of my come up with a name either! Oh NO!!! Hope your monitor gets fixed soon!! iTrain Circus? Sounds interesting – I’ll check it out – sorry you cannot get in a workout! Why are the schools on a 2 hour delay? Do I need to worry tomorrow?
Wendi – Hope it does end up being a “shortish” day (which means a normal day for the rest of us!) I’m the same with you on the weight work making me hungry – I can usually nip that in the bud if I have a really good breakfast with lots of protein. You might want to try that. You’ll get it back off – no worries – one cheat day won’t hurt you.
Well – I’m off after writing my book!!! :+ Happy Friday Everyone!!!!