Cheetahs TGI *almost* F Thursday!

Shelly - I'm planning on 8 miles outside tomorrow if I am not too snotty of stuffy in the head! I 'll think of you. :)

[font color=purple][font size +1]Judy "Likes2bfit"

***The best preparation for tomorrow is to do today's work superbly well.
William Osler

***Eat Food. Not too Much. Mostly plants. Michael Pollan[/font]
Hello my cheetah friends! This week has not went as planned, but it has still been a good one. Work kept me really busy Monday and Tuesday so I haven't been able to keep in touch with everyone.

Tuesday I didn't get to workout because I went to DS's class to make snowmen magnets and snowmen out of donuts. It was so much fun.

Yesterday and today I got in a workout with my Bosu. Wednesday I did Rob Glick's Cardio Fusion and today I did Kelli Roberts' Burn. Rob's was really good. The choreography was easy to follow because I have done the same moves on my step. It was a nice challenge. Kelli's was great too. However, I used a broom instead of a body bar. I think I will be looking into buying a new barbell to use with this workout. Today I also previewed my other new DVDs.

Carole & Lori - Thanks for the Christmas cards.

I'll try to BB tomorrow. My inlaws came in today instead of tomorrow as planned so my scheduling is off. Also my DB will be coming in tomorrow as well. Everyone will be here until late Saturday. Hopefully I will be able to come chat tomorrow. Have a good night.

Edited to add, my neighbor is doing good. That night she and her family went to eat at a restaurant. An adjoining business had there floors polyurethaned. The fumes were really bad and went into the restaurant. My friend is very sensitive to smells. After they ate dinner they went home. When she got home she was very sick and couldn't breathe. Luckily she is doing well and was sent home about midnight. Her DS was picked up at my house by his aunt a little after 11. He was shaken up by seeing his mom taken in an amublance when he came to our house, but playing the Wii with my DH helped to take his mind off the situation.

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