***** Cheetahs ***** Sunday, August 20th *****

Jess I am VERY impressed with your Half Marathon. Mine is in 34 days. I have told my students that I will run it under 2:30. Maybe my next one can be under 2:00 just like you.

I ran 8 miles this morning and did not need to stop at the half way point to use the bathroom. My last 1.5 miles was very hard. My very sweet husband rode his bike along side me as my running partner is out of town this week.

Have great runs this week gals,


Carol these are the Cathe Workouts I consider AWT, workouts that alternate cardio with lighter weights. I want to continue to use them with running for the next 34 days. I think I will do High Step Circuit tomorrow.

Cardio & Weights
Body Fusion
Circuit Max
High Step Training
Step, Jump, Pump
High Step Challenge
High Step Circuit
The combined wo from Low Impact Step

After that please advice me what to do as long as it does not go over an hour a day. I have ALL of Cathe's DVD's. I want to keep my mileage at the 10 mile point through November. After that I want to taper to the 10K point. I will continue to run 3 days a week with one of those runs a longer weekend one. I cut my mileage back in the winter because I have to use my treadmill. Anything over 6 miles on my treadmill is not fun to me.
Wendy...no, I didn't see a jogging stroller or I would have bought it and sent it to you...:). I agree that you really don't need 6 days of cardio a week for results. Except for us cardio addicts...:)

Cathy, yes it was a great turnout! I think there is an account set up for John, when I get the info I will post it...thanks...:)

Laura...Good job on the 7.5 miles!!~I have the info. These vitamins help to smooth out mood swings, insomnia, anxiety, tissue dryness, and water retention:
Vita B Complex, including 50 to 100 milligrams of B6
Vita C, 1000 milligrams 3 times a day
Vita E, 400 to 1200 international units
Magnesium, 500 to 1000 milligrams before sleeping
I got this from the book "Before the Change" by Ann Louise Gittleman

Laurie...sounds like you had a very nice run today. I bet running with a group can really be fun. That is truly wonderful to hear how your church and DH's co workers helped out so much during his illness. There seems to be so much bad stuff these days than the nice stories make us realize there are some very caring people out there...:)

Christine...the GTG sounds great....count me in! You know that area alot better than me...Sorry about the crud!! Yes football season is defintely approaching.... http://smilies.sofrayt.com/sae/football1.gif[/img]...hey...floorwork is good...:)

Elaine...I am so glad you had the crud this weekend and not last weekend. Good job completing your runs. I didn't think you were complaining at all...

I had a great 13 mile trail run. I think the Elliptical is helping...:)...then got some sun and did some Yardmax....we have way to much property...http://smilies.sofrayt.com/fsc/blab.gif[/img]
Hello Cheetahs.
It's late in the day here in Minneapolis.
I ran 3 miles steady and then another 3 miles 1min/of slow/ 1min/fast/ 1min/walk on Fri. , yesterday just did Super Sets.
Today I've done 5 hours of gardening/ 15min of abs. and right now I'm off to do just a 4 miles. I'm kinda pooped from gardening.
thanks carole for the info. Do you really think your elliptical is helping with your runs? How many times do you plan on doing it a week? I am trying to set up a schedule to follow as far as how many runs,elliptical days and biking. I really only workout 5days a week being busy with my kids schedule makes even that hard at times,plus I want to start adding pilates in a couple of times as well as keep lifting the wts also.
Elaine and Wendy - the "Crud" is more annoying than anything else. I have my long run tomorrow (and a job interview at 10AM - for a job that I don't want, but hey, I'll talk to them anyway) so I'm thinking the crud will slow me down more than make me not run the 9 miles.

Laura - Glad to see you're not stinking anymore...:+ Wow! You are one busy lady!! Running, elliptical, biking, weights AND pilates? I'm in awe! I've had to let a lot of Cathe slide for my half training, but I figure after October 8th, I'll cut back the running and maybe do faux P90X rotation using GS and S&H.

Carole - Oh please do post the link! I'm happy to contribute. Not do Cardio 6 days a week? I think that's blasphemy. LOL! Glad the elliptical is working so well for you! Makes me want one! Hmm, better get a job first.

Natalie - I know EXACTLY what you mean about not having to stop half way through for a restroom break!!! I'm of the opinion that I've never met a restroom I haven't liked - and I've seen some bad ones! I'm not Carole, but I can tell you that she believes in heavy weights for leg work when she runs - she'll tell ya more. I'm backing off the heavy, heavy weights before my half and am doing more total body like MM, ME, Power Hour... I am going more for endurance. But, I am adding in something like Leaner Legs once a week as well as the floorwork from either GS Legs of PLB. I've been lucky with injuries (my achilles tendon is very unusual for me) in my legs, and I firmly believe that I've been lucky because I've been doing heavy lifting lower body. I'm a little nervous about going more endurance based, but we'll see...

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