Cheetahs Saturday 8/5


Early Bird Cheetahs, help me decide!

I need to do Ripped today but I also need to choose a cardio. Here are my options:

1) Cathe cardio at home.
2) Try for that 5 mile TM run at the gym. }(
3) Elliptical or Itrain spin.

I thought about trying to get outside this morning but I got sidetracked. ;) I was thinking of trying again tomorrow morning. If I want to do that, I know I shouldn't run today but I know I won't go as far outdoors....What to do what to do? Help me ladies!:)
Good morning, cheetahs!

Just came in from a 3-mile run and plan to attack GS BSB a little bit later. Still have DOMS from Thursday's C&T but am doing the happy dance that the humidity has lifted. Amen!

Wendy, since you're in Jersey like me, I'm basing my answer on weather...I would say bite the bullet & get out there and run today...forget the tread! It's beautiful out there! I really think you have to get it out of your head that you won't go as far much of that is's still early enough and MUCH less humid than it has been. Made for a GREAT run this morning. Just my thoughts. Of course, you have to do what makes you feel comfortable & motivated. :)

Saw Talladega Nights last night. What a riot!

Whether working out or resting, have a great day, everyone!
Good morning cheetahs most long distance training for marathons and longer you rarely do the actual race distance. Most importantly because of injury. The longer distances you run the more likely you could get injured. So in a marathon you need to slowly train your body to adapt to the longer distances. I have always focused on miles, some focus on hours of running. In a basic marathon training 12 week program, on my long run days once a week, I will run 2 20 mile runs and a 22 mile run along with 15-18 mile long runs scattered thru the long run days (if that makes sense). I have known running friends that will say they are going out for a 4 hour run for their long runs and don't really focus on distance. It is the same thing as far as adapting your body to run longer...aren't you glad you asked...:)...Good job on the bras. I love Target...although I need ALOT less support in that area than you...For today I'd say Cathe cardio and then try an outside run tomorrow!!! WOW!!! Way cute avatar...Joey is a doll...:) was your DD sore? all?....I have been doing CTX abs myself (ME abs are tough!!). I am doing A-Jocks version of doing abs while on lying on the step bench at 8 inch height. can really feel a difference. I have found Round Table has a Gourmet veggie pizza (I get it without cheese) and it is to die for...:)

Shelly...have fun with HSTA...I need to do some circuits as they are really fun! I did try the 3 day a week running to train for a 20 miler last year. I was really slow. I don't think it is for me. I'm old school and need to run more for training. I do believe the 3 day training would be great for a beginner that really only wanted to finish the marathon and didn't really care about time. This is just my opinion..:)...the infection went a bit deeper into one of the bones....not good.

Mattea...thank you for the hugs...I'd be gushy right back as yesterday wasn't too great..I hope the move goes well. What a stud with IMAX!!! I would for sure trip with 8 inches!!! Glad thru all this you can get in some killer workouts...and[/img]

Colleen...nice to see you post!! Sounds like your workouts are going well. Hope you had fun with Bootcamp!!

Laurie...have a nice rest day...and thank you for your sweet prayers for John...:)

Thank you all for your continued prayers. Yesterday was tough. The infection did spread to a bone so when they did the surgery it had to be removed. Then later I found out John's liver and kidneys are not functioning efficiently. I just feel awful for him...:(...I'll know more after I see my sister at church this morning. I might be heading back to San Jose today...

I am going to try for a workout..:)...PHH thigh toner and abs this morning. Then kickboxing and chest & back later if I am still here...

Have a great day...
Cathy: I would have taken your advice but it's too darn late to run outdoors...It's time for DS to get up now and DH is still asleep so I'm on breakfast duty this morning!;)

Carole: Thanks for the explanation! I'm not sorry I asked. :7 I think I will take your suggestion and do a Cathe cardio. I get so caught up with cardio at the gym that I don't do Cathe's stuff all too often anymore. This is a perfect opportunity to get "re-aquainted". }(
Sorry to hear about your nephew. I will pray that he will pull through all of this so that he can start rehab and all. He's a strong young guy...he'll fight like heck...I just know it!:)

Hello to the rest of the Cheetahs!

I'll be back later!:)
Just a quick post from me again. Got home from my Mom's last night & my kiddos left w/ my best friend for the weekend!! They'll be having a blast camping w/ their friends!!

Greg & I took a nice walk w/ Mikey (our dog) last night & enjoyed the peace & quiet around here!! My 2 friends ended up running w/ other people this morning which worked out fine because Greg said that he'd bike while I ran!!! So we did that & he had the bike to put my water bottles/ gel for me. My leg felt fine & ended up doing 12.32 miles. Supposed to be 16 this week, but Erin & Melissa said that they were doing 12 today so we're flip flopping weeks. Also, we found out that there's a half marathon in 2 weeks so I think we're all doing that too.

Off to shower & stretch!! Then Greg & I are going out for lunch, shopping, and a movie!! It was our 10 yr anniversary on Thurs (same day as you, Mattea??? Hope it was a good one!). He bought me a ring- I was so shocked. It's a beautiful gold band w/ 10 diamonds!!!

Anyway, I'm so behind in posting. So much happening & I'm not sitting on the computer long today!!

Hey Cheetahs!!:) I had a most pleasant run today, 4km, it was hot so I picked a shady route (I'm learning to stick to the east side of the street as much as I can and it works). Somedays I run with music, some days not, today I ran to The Doors, LA Woman is awesome to run to}( :) I came home and did an hour of yoga on the patio, I'm in full vacation mode and actually included relaxation/mediatation in my session. Unless I'm teaching a class I usually bail on that part (but don't anyone I said that:+ :7 )

Wendy, enjoy your 'Cathe time'. I haven't done much of her workouts lately either, it was like a visit with an old friend when I did MIC and IMAX2 this week:)

Carole, my heartbreaks for John, the poor guy needs and deserves a break and some good news, better days can't be far off....I'm sure your sister is due for a good visit with you, you're so lucky to have each other.

I'm off to shower and read the paper for a while. I love Saturday crossword puzzles!!:)

Take Care

ETA, hey Jess, sounds like you are back in full force, so glad your leg is better. That's awesome that DH blinged you out for your anniversary, sounds like you're having a lot of fun together!:)
Happy Saturday to my Cheetah Friends!

Wendy – so what did you end up doing? Inquiring minds want to know! I’m enjoying my summer, thanks! It’s nice having time to train the way I want. I don’t want to go back to work – but… :p

Cathy – glad to hear the weather is cooler today! I’m feeling it from GS C&T yesterday as well, so I sympathize. Feels good, though!

Carole – Oh, I’m sorry to hear about your nephew! How scary. I hope he does better soon! He’s definitely continuing to be in my thoughts and prayers as are you and the rest of your family. DD was a bit sore, but not too bad, which is good! I’ll make her up her weights next time! I ended up having a field greens salad and then a pizza of tomato, basil and fresh mozzarella. The cheese is sliced and placed on the pizza like pepperoni would be – so it’s not too bad. And I restrained myself. I was good! Again, if you end up in San Jose, I’m here if you need ANYTHING. Do not hesitate to ask. You can tell the same to your sisters. I’m not working so I’m free to run errands or whatever and let y'all focus on the important stuff.

Laurie – I’m so glad you enjoyed your run today!! Sounds like a nice route!

Jess – Oh how sweet of DH to get you a ring! Sounds gorgeous!!! You deserve it!

Mattea – HAPPY ANNIVERSERY!! I didn’t know it was yours as well! Hope it was fabulous!!

I’m sore from my workout yesterday – in a good way. I went heavy, heavy on chest and did not have a lot of strength left for tri’s, so I’ll have to revise the way I do it! And the kickbox mishmosh always leaves my lats sore – but I like that feeling. I think today will be a short trail run (4/5 miles) with DH. He feels so bad about leaving little Miss Kimo behind, that we decided to leave BOTH dogs behind and run on a trail without them. It’s one of my favorites, so, it will be fun even without the giant furrball.
Wendy :: I hear you -- the window of opportunity isn't all that large for AM runs in the summertime. I never do understand the people I see hoofing it during the hottest times of the day! Anyway, hope you had a good cardio workout. You know, when you do decide to go for the 5-miler outdoors, it might help if you play little mental games inside your head. (Maybe you already do on the tread.) While I was in Germany, the terrain was flat, so readjusting to my hilly route and the ungodly humidity this past week made for some tough runs. So, when I'm having a hard time of it, I'll make bargains with myself. I'll tell myself to at least make it through until the end of the song, and then if I feel like I really need a breather, I'll allow myself a little walk break. Sometimes I push through a song, sometimes it's to make it to the next traffic light, landmark, or what-have-you. But of course, most of the time when I actually get to that point, I just give myself another new (short) challenge.

Carole :: I'm sorry to hear about John's setback. What a nightmare. Like the rest of the gang here, I continue to hope for a turnaround for him.

Jess :: oh la la, you scored a nice piece of bling, eh? Very nice!

Christine :: your description of the salad and pizza is making me hungry! Yes, C&T is a good burn. My abs are actually most sore - I assume from the push-ups?

Laurie :: I know folks say not to wear headphones on outdoor runs, but I love rockin' out to tunes while I run. (I do keep the volume low so I can still hear outside noises.) One song that always gets me to kick it up a notch and is apropos for our current temps: Billy Idol's "Hot in the City."

Well, a lot of cheetahs must be off enjoying their weekends. I've got the laptop in the backyard and am *supposed* to be working on back-to-school lesson plans, but of course, I'm surfing the net and dreaming about future vacations. I'm thinking a travel writer might have been my true calling... :)

Have a good one-
Hi Ladies!

It's gonna be a quick one. Gotta jump in the shower. We are off to a dog park this afternoon for something different. :)

I did Ripped but omitted it's ab work and then did CTX All Step cardio and did that ab work instead. }(

I'm shooting for an outdoor run tomorrow morning but not 5 miles. I'm just shooting for more than 3 (my longest so far). I would prefer to conquer 5 on the TM first. I'm not brave enough to do it the other way around!:p :7

Well, off to showers!

Later chickies!:*
Hello Cheetahs just a quick check-in. I just got back from my in-laws. We went swmimming again. Today was a rest day as I am sore in my legs. I guess from the iSulpt I did yesterday.

Carole I am sorry to hear about your nephew. It just breaks my heart to hear this. It's so great that you have a wonderful relationship with your sister and to be there for her. I have a very close relationship with my sister too.

Wendy I was thinking of you the other day and forgot to mention this but the new iTread 9 60 minutes is to help train for a 5k or 10k run. Just thought you would like to know. IMO It is to tough for me to do the whole thing but maybe you can do it. It is broken down into 2 and the 2nd part is even harder.

Hi to Laurie, Jess, Christine, Cathy, and everyone else:)
Thanks Wendy...I know my nephew has fight in him...I am hoping for the best. Have a great outdoor run tomorrow...

Laurie...awww the Doors. "Light My Fire" is an alltime fav of mine...:)...I actually have 3 sisters. I am the baby. My oldest is in another world...:)...the next Cathi is John's Mom, and the next Karen is the one I run with...Karen is very close with Cathi (they are only 18 months apart). I am closest to Karen, but these kinds of things do bring the family much closer. Have fun with those crosswords.

Jess...the ring sounds beautiful...congrats...:)

Christine...thank you so much. You are a very sweet and generous cheetah! I don't have to go this weekend but you know I will call you when I do go. I like those brutal trail runs...:)...go easy on your DH with the run today, as it is almost football season...:)

Cathy...It has been a nightmare...I am hoping this will turn out to be the worst of times and it'll slowly get better...:)

Barbara...thanks...I have a good relationship with both Karen and Cathi (John's Mom). Sounds like you have had a great time swimming!!

I did KPC for the first 22 min and then the Kickmax kicking & punching drills. Then PS abs. I blew off chest & back.

John did better last night. He still wasn't eating much which worried me as he was dropping weight. He is not a big guy to begin with. The infection now they think was caused from a bruise on his shoulder they missed. It might have caused a blood clot. Anyway his Mom & Dad had a long talk with him. I know one thing my sister told him was if he did not eat she would leave, as she was not going to watch him lay there and die...tough stuff....I am constanly praying for his healing...
Carole, I didn't know that you were from a 'Gaggle':D ...That's the phrase I affectionately use to refer to my 3 Girls. There is something so unique about families of Girls and it quite fascinates me. I love watching my Girls relationships grow and to hear them now telling me the stories of what went on between them when they were younger. I know that you had a wonderful relationship with your Dad, the Father of Girls is a blessed man, (as an old boss of mine told my husband after the birth of our 3rd daughter), Girls will let you love them more. I thought that was one of the sweetest things I've ever heard a man say :)

Continued prayers for John and your family....Thanks for keeping us posted.

Take Care
good evening,

Thank you all for the birthday wishes! We had a good time getting away for a couple ofdays. We ate at dave and busters sports bar and grill. I think that is what the D & B stand for but they broadcast from there sometimes for the browns games. It had a big game room in the back and my boys went nuts in there. We also went to the great northern mall and some other stores there. I am now preparing for my daughtes birthday tomorrow,she will be 5yrs old. my youngest boys birthday is july 24th, then mine aug 3rd and my daughters aug 6ht. alot of birthdays in just a couple of weeks.

carole that is so nice that you are close with your sisters. I am closer to my brothers. My sister and I are just too different and believe in totally different things also. she is older than me. I had a younger sister only 2yrs younger but she passed away when I was 15yrs old. she and I were very close. I often think of those times and really miss having a sister relationship but am very thankful for the relationship I do have with my 3 brothers.

I didnt do anything yesterday or today. I plan on running around 8 miles with my brother and his wife,only because he asked me to. I havent ran over 5 miles since the half so this will be interesting to see how I do. I did however run wed and thurs with my friend marci and I hadnt run two days in a row in over a month. trying to space out my runs to help me recover better. Right now my two brothers,step dad and a friend and my hubby are playing poker, oh and my 8yr old boy. he was kicking butt last time I checked.

talk with you all later!!!!!

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