::: CHEETAHS ::: Saturday, 10/7


Good morning, everyone!

My dinner last night ran later than expected, so I didn't get to workout after all. Have some pretty serious DOMS from GS CT, anyway (upped the weights!), so to be honest, I didn't mind missing it. Will either run outside or on the tread today and do GS BSB or Legs.

Now off to catch up on yesterday's posts. Be back for personals.

Have a great day!
Cathy :)
Hi Cheetahs!

TODAY is Elaine's marathon! Go Elaine, Go!

Hi Cathy -- glad you had a fun dinner last night. I have a lot of DOMS when I do GS,too.

Kickboxing for me, today. Taking it easy after my legs+run+elliptical fest yesterday. I feel ok, though, I didn't overdo it, but was challenged....

Have a great day everyone. I hope to be back for personals later.

:) :) :)
Personals from yesterday...

Sunny :: You mentioned, I think, that you were helping your mom move from Jersey to wherever you are. Are you also on the East Coast? Thanks for the info on the P90 Masters…Based on recommendations here, I started thinking about getting the P90X series…have been very intrigued. But I’m going to hold off on anything new for a while since the new DVDs should be arriving soon…yay! Still, it’s great to hear about what else is out there & working for others. By the way, I know you asked Christine, but I like Shiva Rea’s Yoga Shakti…and I agree, Rodney Yee is good, too.

Barb :: Enjoy your workout. I love k'boxing! Do you take a class or are you doing a DVD?

Susan :: Mmm, OREOS…did we have to mention those? ;-) :-D Now I want those! The orange filling ones for Halloween. How’s the sciatica?

Jess :: enjoy your time w/ your brother. Cute story about the pikes and Cathe not being as pretty as mommy. I didn’t realize you were having ITB issues, too.

Carole :: That was a great idea for John to see others getting out there and doing stuff, not being trapped at home. I’m glad he’s going to Adam’s wedding, too. Hope you all have fun!

Wendy :: Sorry your stroller run plans were foiled…no apologies necessary :) – cheetahs have license to vent any time! Wait, are you racing TODAY? If so, good luck! I didn’t realize that.

Karen :: I strongly recommend a combination of Airborne, multivitamins, and zinc to ward off the cold. It’s worked for me this last time. (Plus OJ + chicken soup.) I did catch a teeny tiny cold despite it, but it was seriously nipped in the bud. All I had to deal with was some congestion – whereas, others around me were missing work and dealing with fever, nausea, vomiting, etc. – so it didn’t stop me from working out or keeping up with my normal routine.

Thea :: Hi – welcome to the cheetahs’ thread. I would recommend seeing a doc, if you haven’t, for professional advice. As a runner, I wouldn’t want to underestimate a foot injury.

Christine :: I’m glad you came to a decision you’re happy with…sounds like a great opportunity and challenge! Congrats!! I *have* to get back to my yoga class this weekend. The studio actually called me to find out where I’ve been!

Judy :: OMG…what a bizarre encounter!! VERY creepy! Unless he were, say, Hugh Jackman, in which case I wouldn’t mind at all…ha ha. Have you heard anything else on whether they nabbed this perv?

Shelly :: I know how frustrating it is not to be able to run, but on the plus side, you are staying in shape with the elliptical, cycle, and Cathe, so all is not lost! Continued happy healing vibes coming your way…

Linda :: I hope your Garmin arrived…let us know what you think when you try it out. I don’t think you’ll have too much trouble getting it going. Although I wish I’d gotten a higher model, I do still love the info I get from my 201, anyway. I think you’ll find it makes you train harder & smarter. When I am doing a long post, I actually open up a Word document and then keep switching between the screens as I scroll through the posts. Maybe that’ll help your posts from disappearing on you.

Hi to everyone else who might be checking in today and good luck to all those running races.

Have a great day, everyone!
Cathy :)
Greetings Cheetahs-

***Good Luck Elaine!***
***Good Luck Wendy!***
***Good Luck Karen!***

Barb- What kickboxing are you doing today to "take it easy?" I haven't done much KB lately; I find it very satisfying though.

Hi Cathy :) GS CHest/ Tri always gives me DOMS too.

Today is either a 45" interval session on my bike at home and legs or maybe some Kickboxing (Barb has insprired me to revisit some KB DVD's) Plus I can get in legs and cardio if I do a KPC premix! I also will aim to get in an extra stretch.

I neeeeeed yoga but haven't been in the moooood lately. Perhaps a new yoga DVD is in order. Any suggestions???

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.


G'morning girls.

Cathy, Where did you go to dinner last night? Was it super yummy? :9 }( :9 My race is tomorrow. Thanks for the good luck wishes!:)

Barb, I missed exactly what you did during your work out yesterday but it sounds brutal just based on what little you wrote about it this morning!:eek: LOL Thanks for the good luck vibes. I'm so excited!:+

Judy, I read about your awful experience while running. I hope they catch him! Speaking of yoga...I tried the Mr. Yummypants dvd like 2-3 times when I first got it many months ago! I did like 10-15 mins of it and have not touched it since! I just do not have the patience for yoga/stretching unless it's combined into a workout. I think I'm going to have to sell YP on ebay one of these days..:-(

Hello to everyone else! :+

I have cardio and upper body planned for today. I'm going to try to make it to the gym to use the elliptical but I slept later than planned so I'm not sure if I'll make it. I think upper body will be Jari. }(

Have a great day everyone!:+
Hey, I wasn't going to play catch up on personals until later but I have a few minutes now so...:)

I feel so bad. I've been just awful w/personals lately. I don't even have half a clue what's goin' on w/most of you except for bits and pieces that I read!:-( See what happens when mom goes back to working outside of the home! Her priorities get all screwed up! LMAO! :7 :eek: x( :) ;) :+ :p }( :D

Shelly, You amaze me with all of the cardio you do in a day. I read your post y'day about your hour on the elliptical and then planning some k-boxing for later as well! All I can is WOW...you are my hero!:+

Barb, Forgive me if I am incorrect on this but I think you are the one who asked me about the Butts and Guts class I took the other night. No, it's not at Cathe's gym (oh how I WISH!LOL). They just happen to offer a class by that name where I go. }(

Jess, I am out of the loop completely. I see that you headed off to your mom's and are excited to see your brother. I don't know if there is an additional reason for the trip but I hope it's a good trip! I am sorry about your grandmother...I have been catching posts about her condition. It's so sad. My prayers are with her, you and all involved.

Carole, So John should be home now. Any updates? Still enjoying that elliptical? }( You are soooo not the only one with a BRATTY husband! LOL You are too nice though...I can think of much better words to use then BRAT! ;) :eek: :p :7

Karen, You are racing tomorrow, correct? Good luck!

Christine, I KNOW your half is tomorrow! You'll do great girl! Can't wait to hear about it! I'm sorry but I missed the post about the job. :-( Congrats and I hope you like it!


Sunny, I know you wrote about your running partner bailing and about the timing of the classes being bad. That stinks! :-( I can't believe what that gal's DH said about her running. That is soooo stupid! UGH! I friggin' HATE men sometimes!x( No offense to your friend but she should NOT listen to him. She needs to do it anyway if you ask me!

Susan, I hope that sciatica is better!

Linda, Have fun with your garmin girl! You are gonna just LOVE it!:+

I THINK I got everyone. I apologize if I missed someone. I am going off of who all posted y'day so if you didn't post, I'm sure that I probably missed you. Sorry!!!! :-(

Have a great day!
Super quick check-in, gotta work in less than an hour and I haven't showered yet:eek: I just got in from a 5k run, my first since the half last weekend. For 5k it was kind of tough! My legs felt a bit heavy and my ankle is still feeling weary. I'm very happy that I got out there and ran, it's my first run just for the sake of running, no training, no partner just me and the road and it was grand!!


Take Care
Good morning cheetahs

Good Luck Elaine, Christine, Jennifer, Wendy and Karen (?)

I do hope for the best with Elaine. I know she wanted her brother there and I feel if he could have been, he would have been. I will try and find the site and maybe they will update it with results fast...:)

Cathy...I had some serious DOMS from PLB...you should have seen mee getting up from my chair at work after sitting for about 90 min!!...YEOW!...Thanks, John seems to be doing well. The Wedding should be nice...

Wendy...yes, John is home and so far doing well. I'll get some more updates today at my other nephew Adam's Wedding...Love my Elliptical! Yes, I have also used other words for my DH than brat...:)...sorry about your run not working out yesterday...

Laurie...good job on the run today.

Welcome Thea... do hope you come back and check in. This is a good group!

Christine...I am glad you did what you thought was best for the job. So now that you will be working, you might need a nice new Garmin!...:)...Good Luck tomorrow!!

SunnyD...I love P90X but never tried any of the Masters. I like iClimb the best, it seems to be the music and Keith uses a 1-10 resistance which is what I have on my Elliptical.

Judy...awful story about your run. I don't know if you carry pepper spray, but I would seriously consider it...unfortunately in that instance the spray would be directed at another part as his head was covered....:)...I am looking forward to the Wedding. I hope to get some pics to share with you ladies...A KPC/L&G premix sounds fun!

Shelly...have you thought about some Physical Therapy for the groin?

Linda...what Garmin did you get? I have the 305 Forerunner and have previously used Polars. I can try and help if you get hung up...:)

Barb....some of the workouts on that Elliptical are really hard! But I like being pushed. Have fun kickboxing today!

Shelly...thanks for your kind words about John. I hope he will be at the wedding with ALL the family...:)..so how was the Paella???

I am thinking about a circuit after Church this morning and before the Wedding!

Have a great day...:)
Checking in. So far this week Sun. no time; Body Fusion; 3 mile fast run (for me :)& abs; PUB; no time; 4 miles steady run & abs; plan to do a Circut workout today. Boot Camp maybe.

I hate this. I'm now in a play and my workout schedule is a mess. My house is a mess too.

I must plan better or I'm going to gain weight and not lose anything durning this rehearsal period. Show opens in less than 4 weeks and I have pages and pages to memorize.

How to be more than just a mom & house cleaner and part time worker is beyond me. How do you gals do it?

I will read post later after rehearsal; my workout and planting some plants I bought in July. We will have our first freeze this coming Thursday.

Colleen the crazy gal.
Hi Everybody,

Our whole family is staying here. My husbands step dad was admitted to the hospital. He is fighting a loosing battle with throat cancer that has spread. Family is coming from all over to see him before he goes. Needless to say, I won't be running but will be here to support the family. It's so weird, my husbands mom found love again just 2 years ago.

Wendy, Christine, Elaine, I hope you have fun and do good on your races.

Thanks for all the well wishes on the race. I finally decided after running yesterday that I would race and then the final decision was not ultimately made by me anyway.
Karen- I am sorry about your Mil's DH. I hope he is not in too much pain.

Carole- Have a very nice time at your nephew's wedding and good luck to John. Hopefully you had time to squeeze in a circuit.

Colleen- I have no idea how to manage more than a house, DH and kids without help. If you figure it out please share!

Laurie- Yey! you got in your first post race run. It will get better, right? Pleasebe careful not to stress that ankle

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.


Good morning all you lovely Cheetah Ladies!

We WON! Well, the high school football team did. It was a fun game. Today is my rest day before the big event. *shakes in shoes*

First and foremost – GO ELAINE CHEETAH GO!!!! *Sends GREAT thoughts and energy to Elaine* I’m so excited to hear the results!

Jennifer- dingy me (I’m such a blond sometimes!) – we DID get our bibs and DH and I are in the same corral. We had gotten them so long ago, that I had forgotten. We’ll go today to get our chips and goody bags, and to walk around the expo. It’s in the Convention Center, which is HUGE, so it must be pretty cool. Can’t wait to see it.

Cathy – I love DOMS from GS CT – I feel so strong!! Enjoy your day! I had forgotten how much I missed my yoga class with Bill. I’ve taken some from other instructors that left me restless, but I like Bill’s classes.

Barb- Oh, your workout yesterday sounds like FUN!! Enjoy your kickboxing!

Judy – Enjoy your workout – I love the KPC/L&G premixes. They are fun – although I do have to admit that I wish they would alternate L&G and KPC – instead of all one then all the other. A circuit leg workout… How fun!

Wendy – I’ll be running with you tomorrow! Okay 3,000 miles away, but I’ll be with you in spirit! I’m so excited to hear how you do with your five miler!! Although I know you’ll kick some serious bootie!! You’re such a Cheetah!! No worries on the job post! You’re too sweet!

Laurie – Way to go!! Good job on the run after your half!! I’m wondering how long it will take me!

Carole – oh, you read my mind – a Garmin!! The new ones that register even under the trees! And give altitude as well as distance! Might have to do some major trails!! We’ll see. I picked up the Eat to Live book after hearing you and so many others talk about it. It’s definitely interesting and I can see the merit in what it says. I just know how much better I feel when I don’t eat processed foods. So, I’m going to digest it a bit more and do some serious thinking…

Colleen – trying to find enough hours in the day is a challenge for most of us, I think. I know for me a cleaning service every other week has been invaluable, but that may not work for you.

Karen – Prayers for your DH’s SD. Sorry to hear you are not racing, not because you don’t want to, but because of other issues. {{{HUGS}}} to you and your family. I’m thinking of you.
Good morning cheetahs! Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far.

ELAINE---- GOGOGOGOGO! I understand you are running this one for your brother....no better motivation! We will all anxiously wait for your report.

Cathy- Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words. In the middle of a GS rotation I guess? It must be DOMS city for ya!

Barb- Hiya! Hope you had fun with the kickboxing...I've really been getting into it alot lately. Funny, when I first tried it I really hated it, but it sorta grew on me.

Judy- I just did one of the KPC/LG premixes today...it was just the ticket!

Wendy- Best of luck for you tomorrow on your 5 miler. I raced that distance last June and really liked it! The 5ks go by so quickly. You'll really feel accomplished after this one! Don't feel guilty about not having time now and then for personals. I don't know how you moms with kids manage at all! YOU are MY hero!

Laurie- I was out of it and in a funk (shame on me!! :( ) when you ran your splendid HM. I went back and read your report on it. Please accept my belated but very sincere congratulations on your wonderful accomplishment!!! Good job on getting out there for your 5k run today!

Carole- The paella last night was wonderful. My DH is a great cook.
Sounds like you have a fun busy day planned. We'll all like to hear how John does with his first social outing!

Colleen- Goodness, I don't know how you find time to post at all!
You have a busy but interesting fun schedule and we're happy when you can post and let us know what's going on. Good luck with your play and getting your lines memorized.

Karen- I'm so sorry to hear about your DH's stepdad! Those kind of family obligations certainly take priority over any race. There will be lots of races in the future for ya anyway. I'm sure he will appreciate all of you being there for him.

Okay, time to get back to work. I completed a great KPC/LG premix and then some upper body work from Supersets. I'll get in some cycling later. I'll also be installing a small patio this weekend!
I love doing landscaping and stonework! :eek:

Hi Christine! We were posting the same time. I forgot you were racing this weekend:eek: :7 This is the San Jose RnR isnt it? That is going to be such fun....especially since your DH will be with you.
I am so green with envy!!!! Best of luck to you:) :) :)
BTW, I read on your response to Judy about the KPC/LG premix. The very last one is a circuit that alternates KPC and LG. That's the one I did today, LOTS of fun!!!

Shelly! Didn't see you sneak in there! So, the last one alternates? I guess I never tried that one. Now I have something to look forward to after the half!

Yes I am excited - I think it's giong to be fun with all of the bands and cheer squads. Something to look forward to every mile. I'm actually worried about DH, though. He's insisting on running with me even though he hasn't trained at all. I'm going to run slow and steady - which I had planned all along - but I won't be able to leave him behind to run if he cannot run any more, so I may end up walking because he cannot run, which would really tick me off- he's known about this as long as I have and decided not to train. Now, don't get me wrong - we hike together and he's in great shape, but that's fine for a 10k, not a half.
Hi Again Cheetahs-
I hope Elaine is doing great. Tomorrow, Wendy & Christine are up on the block--and

Karen --sorry about the cancelled race. I hope your DH's SD is at least comforted being with family .. My thoughts are with you!

Wendy--the workout yesterday wasn't brutal, just broken up in 3 parts and if anything, annoying. This night-time elliptical workout twice a week is because I am stuck somewhere for 2.5 hours while my DS has a sports practice ---I'm not used to the night exercise, but the elliptical is definitely impacting my running in a good way. Good luck tomorrow! The Butts and Guts class sounds fun!

Laurie--fun run today. Have a good day at work.

Judy--I did TurboJam Cardio Party 3. I like Chalene and those tapes for KB. There's a big fun factor for me. I hated them at first and now really like the pace and music. I relate to your not being "in the mood" for yoga. It's a struggle for me to stretch enough. I like StretchX on the p90x series.

Carole -- you earned your DOMS from your workout yesterday. A circuit sounds like a good idea. I sit at my job, too, and know that geriatric feeling when you get up out of the chair. Not good to groan in front of clients!;) I did iClimb 7 yesterday-- didn't like it as well as iClimb 8 & 9, but it was still fun.

Colleen--good job sticking with your workouts this week. Being MomMax and CleanMax and having a JobMax and other activities-Max is more like treading water uphill rather than something you master -- or that's my 2 cents. Many days for me feel like that "random" program on a cardio machine at the gym. Tell us more about the play you're in..sounds very cool.

Cathy--thanks for the yoga tape recommendations. I want to get the Shiva Rea one soon.

Christine--Good luck tomorrow. I hope your DH doesn't mess up your plans. Guys have their own view of what "training" means....Guys think differently about so much. On a humorous note, my DH bought a Roomba, when this fall, we re-divvied up some household tasks and he had to vacuum more. I am trying to be yoga-esque and accepting about his different way of viewing the world. So cool that your yoga teacher tailored a class workout to you for your race. Your muscles are ready and you have trained carefully and smart. Most importantly, I hope you have a blast tomorrow!

Shelly- I felt the same way about KB at first -- couldn't stand it and now I really look forward to doing it and like the effect it has on my core. I hope you get to cycling later and that your injury continues to heal. Will we be seeing you on HGTV weekend Warrior show with your small patio project for the weekend? It was first big frost last night in Michigan and a friend of mine who grew potatoes is going to give us some!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Can't wait to hear Elaine's race report and about the racers tomorrow!

:) :) :)
Good morning everyone!

I am feeling pretty good today. It felt great to do that 4 mile run yesterday. My sciatica is okay. It really only hurts when I sit a certain way. It does not hurt at all when I excercise, which I hope is a good thing.

We are taking the girls to the pumpkin patch today and they are so excited about it. It should be great family fun. My hubby has been working crazy hours so it is nice to have him home for a change. He works at E-bay.

I am going to do Rhythimc step today and all of ME. I am going to lower the step to 6 inches, which I hate doing, but I want to be careful. Boy, I am chatty today:)

Cathy, Nice to go out for dinner and blow off a workout now and then. Enjoy your run and Thanks a lot for mentioning HALLOWEEN OREO"S}(

Barb, what are your favorite kickboxing dvd's? That sounds like an awesome workout you did yesterday. I am always so inspired by all of you.

Judy, I say go for the KPC/LG premix. Such an awewome workout! Have you tried Baron's long and lean yoga. That is such a great dvd. It has a lot of tough ab work in it.

Wendy, I know what you mean about keeping up with the personals lately. I too have been a bit flaky. Dang life again is getting in my way of the Cheetahs! What cardio are you doing today? Are you ready for your race?

Laurie, great job on your run and it is nice to get out there and just have a fun workout without worrying about mileage and training.

Carole, so glad to hear John is doing well. What circuit are you doing today? I am sure something intense and hardcore. When I pick out my workouts in the morning, I sometimes think, What would Carole do today? I find your workouts to be so balanced and love to read about them daily :)

Colleen, what play are you in? How exciting. I did musicals and theater groups for years until I had my girls.

Karen, I am so sorry about your FIL and missing your race. Take care.

Christine, YAY on your team! I bet you are so EXCITED about tomorrow. The big question is how are you going to celebrate tomorrow afterwards. I say go out for Mexican food and a few margaritas. I can't wait to hear about your race tomorrow and then I have to get my sciatica butt signed up for mine.

Shelly, Great job on your premix, love that one! How is your groin muscle feeling? I had that problem about 2 years ago and it was so aggravating. My lasted about 3 weeks, but then it went away completely. Have fun with supersets!

Christine, tell your husband to be very careful running that long. I would definitley be annoyed a bit, especially since you have been training so hard. It is nice though that he wants to support you.


Susan - I think we're going to do Indian instead. Friends suggested it tonight and there is NO WAY I'm eating Indian food before a big race. I'm making Minestrone soup using grilled veggies and veggieburgers... Something filling and warm and easy to digest! But, we thought Indian sounded good, so we're all set for tomorrow night!

Barb - LOL about your zen-yoga approach to the Roomba and your DH. How is the Roomba working? Men are certainly odd creatures. Annoying and amusing in turns. But, we love them anyway - kind of like teenagers... I know DH will run most of it - he's too stubborn not to. And in the long run (no pun intended) it really will not matter if I run the whole 13.1 miles at a decent pace, or if I run it REALLY slowly (as you know I WILL run the whole thing - I may be running a 4 mph pace, but I'll be running it!!!) And I am lucky that he wants to do this with me, so thanks for the attitude readjustment.
Hi Susan--
I'm glad your knee is better and that the 4 mile run was the right choice yesterday. Have fun at the pumpking patch with your girls. It sounds like a fun family day. I am inspired that you can do all of ME in one day. I have to break that one in two parts (upper & lower) and I can't get some of the choreography on RS.

Have a great day!
hi ladies,

today is my rest day. wooohooo!! i will probably do some stretching later on today with tony h. using stretchx.

barb- I just love kickboxing. when i first started it i didn't enjoy it now it's my fave cardio-well next to running}(

cathy- my mother in law is moving from nj (where we are from) to nc (where we live). i have p90x and it's very intense and well designed program. go for it!!

Judy- i say go for KM!! yikes, that was an awfully scary experience you had yesterday. hopefully they catch the creep.

wendy-you've become a running machine. have fun w/jari. i agree my buddy needs to do the race anyway however i question her desire to do so. if any one our dh's told us that-we would tell him to watch our dust, LOL. can't wait to hear about your race tomorrow!!

carole- which circuit are you doing today? enjoy your wedding.

karen-sorry to hear about your dh's stepdad (((hugs)) being sent your family's way.

christine- yay on the win!! you are going to do tremendous tomorrow. you know we will all be cheering you on!!!

shelly- great premix and all around workout today.

susun- sorry about your sciata. have fun at the pumpkin patch!!


hello to anyone else i may have missed. it's not intentional.

wishing everyone a fabulous saturday!!

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