:::::: CHEETAHS :::::: Sat., 3/3


Good morning, cheetahs :)

I have a massage scheduled at 10 am today...yippee!!...so before that, I will either run or k'box and do L&B.

Just a few personals from last night to catch up with...

Linda :: So, what movie did you wind up seeing? I'll tell ya, I feel like going again this weekend just for the popcorn...LOL. I I had to chuckle @ the new guy's name: "Commander" Tom. Too funny!

Christine :: thanks for sharing about India ~ fascinating! You really have blended two vastly different cultural worlds, haven't you?...Hope you're feeling better today!

Enjoy your Saturday, everyone! I better tape my little signature line over the refrigerator door so I behave this weekend.

~Cathy :)

Those who indulge...bulge!

Good morning Cheetahs! I've been up since 5 with DD. She is still running a fever. As a matter of fact, DD is sitting on my lap right now and DS is right beside me watching cartoons. So much for sleeping in. LOL I was hoping that I would at least get to sleep until 6:30 or 7.

This morning at 9 I plan to meet a neighbor at Starbucks. Hopefully afterwards I can fit in a 3.5 mile run. Then around 1 DS and I will be meeting his friend and Mom for lunch before going to Disney on Ice. It should be a busy day. DH will be staying home with DD.

Cathy - Enjoy your massage. That sounds heavenly.

Well, I'm off to feed my kiddos waffles. I don't know if I will be able to come back today or tomorrow. Right now I am borrowing DH's work laptop since he is in bed asleep.

Have a great day and weekend Cheetahs!
Good morning Cheetahs!

Cathy - We saw Wild Hogs. It was great! I needed light hearted comedy! I recommend it! LOL...I agree about Tom's name. He really is a SWAT Commander, too. He is really likeable! That is so funny about the popcorn! I always tell people that is why I like to go the movies! Just so I can smell and get the popcorn :+ Enjoy your message!

Krisi- Hope your DD gets better soon! I was up with you at 5:00 ;( I, too, wanted to sleep in, but my baby (puppy :+ ) would not hear of it! lol. Oh well. Hope your DS doesn't get what you little girl has! Enjoy Starbucks and your run! Are you going to try outside today, or use the TM? I think we are supposed to get rain and snow. Are you guys getting the same?

Carole - I got the CD in the mail! Thanks so much, again! I can't wait to try it!

I am going to take the day off today since I worked out 7 days in a row. I am really tired from lack of sleep!

Hi to everyone and hope everyone has a great weekend! Talk to you later!

Hello Weekenders :)

Cathy- Oh, a massage sounds heavenly! enjoy!

Kristi- You early morning at least sounds peaceful at least until you feed the little darlings. Enjoy your well planned Saturday!

I quickly scanned the later posts from last night.

Christine- your family is very interesting. We have a few Indian friends. When they visit India the wife (also Indian) and kids stay for a month with family.... Are you feeling better today?

DH is flying home today for spring break; In fact I need to get my WO started so I have time to finish before heading to the airport.

Welcome Jamarba! tell us more about yourself :)


Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Linda- A rest day sounds like a good choice especially since you are behind on sleep. I did see that piece on sleep last week. I thought I was doing fine on sleep until I realized I don't get 8 hours very often.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Just popping in quick! I've been MIA lately due to this weather, no power, feets of new snow, no school - UGH!!! But, I'm back.

We are going out of town for the weekend with another couple, can't wait should be a lot of fun. But, of course, not before I do PlyoX }(.

Gayle - is your race this weekend? If so, GOOD LUCK. PM me whenever you make your decision on the "X" :) Like I said above, I'll be out of town, but I'll try to get on here and check sometime later in the weekend to see what you've decided. Take all the time you need.

Everyone else, have a SUPER DUPER WEEKEND and try to do something that you enjoy! :)

Take care,
Kristi :: Sounds like a full day w/ Starbucks, a run, and Disney on Ice. Enjoy! And hope DD's fever breaks. I do think you'll like GS...I noticed results fairly quickly.

Judy :: have a great w/out & enjoy the time with your son. I'm trying to remember...is he in Boston?

Linda :: so, it's a hard-earned rest day for you! Maybe a nap is in order. Thanks for the review of Wild Hogs. Last week, I saw a "heavy" movie, so something light would appeal to me. I used the Fluidity Bar today for the pullups in L&B. Wow, do I feel like a wimp! I could only do a few and then I'd switch to bands. Yowzas!

Marcia :: we've missed you...glad things are getting back to normal...have a great time this weekend!

I am done with L&B but will not have time to squeeze in the run or KB before my massage, so I'll either hold off til the afternoon or let it go since two cardio is all that's really required in Phase 1, anyway. It is hard to get used to (less cardio).

Hi to all the cheetahs who follow...I'll BBL!

~Cathy :)

Those who indulge...bulge!

Good morning! I only have 1 minute, but I wanted to come and say HI to my Cheetah friends. I'm headed out the door right now for my 10 miler, WITH bathrooms! BBL to post.

Good morning cheetahs

Cathy...Have a GREAT massage....I am hoping my attitude laying off running helps me too...:)

Kristi...I hope you all have fun at Disney on Ice tonight.

Shelly....isn't S&H a great workout to do after so much endurance. Hope you had a great hill EXT workout! I really do think that not running for another week will really help...

Judy..LIC was quite fun yesterday. I have always enjoyed crosstraining and my little pains seem to be disappearing every day!

Gayle...I hope your 10 mile run goes well....let us know.

Christine....sorry about the stomach issues from the Clam Chowder...I can't even imagine what would happen to my stomach if I ate any kind of meat now...Wow, that is a long flight to India. Thanks for sharing your story about India...very interesting culture. I think I'd be happy to see the hotel too!! Hope you are feeling better today.

Linda...I can do lower body work. I just need to avoid any high impact. I am happy you got the CD, hope you enjoy the workout...:)...and enjoy your rest day.

Jamarba...WELCOME!!!...do you do any strength workouts?

Jess...that is so great about the ITB pain being GONE!!!

I think I'll do a KPC/L&G premix today....

Have a great day...:)
Good morning cheetahs,
Sorry I did not check-in yesterday, kind of having a little depression lately. I am feeling better today and ready to chit chat with all of you lovely cheetahs:)

We are taking the girls to see Disney of Ice today in Oakland. We are taking Bart the train and the girls are SOOOOO excited. I noticed that Kristi is going to Disney on Ice too. We will have to compare notes.

I did 55 minutes on the elliptical yesterday and some ab work. Today, I will do my favorite and definitley a mood lifter for me, Butts and Gutts leg blast. My back is still a little tender, so I am still not doing the full impact workouts.

Cathy,Great job on the legs and Glutes. Enjoy your massage. I had one yesterday and felt like a new woman when I walked out.

Kristi, so sorry that your DD is sick. They can be so helpless at times. Have fun at Disney on Ice, we will be at one too in Oakland. I am really looking forward to it.

Linda, I really want to see that movie. It is funny you talk about movie popcorn. It totally makes me nauseous. I cannot stand the smell or the taste of it. I love my low fat microwaveable popcorn though. I would rather have nachos or a Giant candy bar at the theater. Enjoy your day off.

Judy, what workout do you have planned today? How is the hip doing?

Marcia, How horrible not to have power for that long. that is great you are going away for the weekend, have fun! Plyox is definitley a burner}(

Gayle, have a GREAT run!!!!

CArole, glad that some of the pain is going away for you. It is good you are being really smart about taking the time off from impact. It is definitley a little challenging finding the step tapes without impact. I found that low max and cardio and weights did not cause any pain for me. Have fun with KPC and legs and glutes. Kick boxing was hard on my back with the forward kicks and the back kicks. It is so BEAUTIFUL outside today. I love that the sun is out:)

Hello to everyone else and I will bbl to let you know how disney on ice was.


Good morning! Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far:7
In a bit I'll be off for my long run of the week. Up to 9 miles now
and still feeling great! DH may go with me and walk.... I sure hope so! I'd love to motivate him into exercising but I'm very careful not to nag. If any of you know any secrets in this area, let me know please! I had a great time with S&H yesterday. I actually got through all the upperbody because (I must confess) I fast forward thru the rests between sets.... I'm just too impatient;-) It felt great.... but no DOMS this morning:(

Judy- You're sounding well this morning! How's the hip? I don't think a metronome is necessary... we have enough gadgets to run with already;-) Proper form is alot more importance than getting the cadence in a certain range... IMHO. Getting music at the right tempo would be a great idea.

Jamarba! Welcome to cheetahville!!! I hope you come back and chat with us. All are welcome and only a love of running is necessary :)
When is your 10k? That is the very first race I ever did.... you'll be hooked I guarantee it. You can't go wrong with the training plans in Runnersworld. Another good site for this is www.HalHigdon.com.

Christine- I loved your post about India yesterday. Thank you for sharing!!! And I thought I had it hard adapting to my DH's family!
(Italian New Yorkers) You and your DH must have something so very special to have overcome such differences in cultural upbringing.

Cathy- I'm glad to hear you're getting a massage today! With what you've been through you more than deserve it. Actually I have yet to get a professional massage... in all my 50 yrs of living :eek: It's on my someday list;-) Great job on L&B! I'm not sure I could do very well on a less cardio plan. For me cardio is a terrific tension reducer.... works a lot better than any pill IMO.

Kristi- I'm so sorry to hear your DD is still sick :( Sounds like you'll have a fun day and she'll be well cared for so you can relax! Hope you can squeeze in a run.

Linda- Glad to hear you're resting today! You're body will love you for it. I don't know how you manage to fit everything in:eek:
Hey, have you checked into exercisevideoaddicts anonymous?
;-) LOL

Marcia- Glad to here you're surviving the weather and we've missed you! It's good you're getting OOT also.... hopefully it's where the weather is nicer! Have a great time with PlyoX today... that's a fun one!

Gayle- Have a great 10 miler today! Complete with potty breaks. I'm lucky that way in that I hardly ever need to take a potty break, even on my long runs. My kidneys just seem to shut off.

Carole- You picked a great workout to start your no running phase:7
Tomorrow should seem strange to you.... You are so used to a long Sunday run. Will you be substituting a long EXT workout?

Well, gotta run... literally;-) I'll also be doing Core Syn later!

Hi Susan! You've been on my mind lately and I do hope you're doing okay... It sounds like it anyway. Some depression issues are to be expected now and then considering what you're going through. Exercise and family support are important and you have both :7
I guess it's Disney on Ice weekend! Have a great time and I hope you can laugh and enjoy!

Hello again. Sorry, but I have to make it super quick again. I want to get showered and dressed before DFiance comes back with the 4 kids! LOL.

10 mile run, DONE! And it was great. I took it nice and slow, since I did a lot of interval and hill work this week. It was a bit icy (this is the same place where I ran the Super Bowl 10K last month in horrible conditions). Some of the trails were all iced over, so I did the hilly 4.5 mile loop one way, then the other way, then added 1 more mile onto the end. I saw my coach from the Team In Training team there. He was excited to see me and invited me to join the Team on Saturday mornings at 7:30 for their long runs. Said it's all guys this time around and he needs a female to kick their butt! LOL. I may try to arrange that, but that all depends on DF's schedule.

ANYWAY......glad to have a nice run under my belt. Time to clean up!

I did read everything, and just want to ask Susan how your mom's doing??? Everytime I visit with my mom I think of you!

BBL sometime, when I have more time to chat and post and stuff! But with 4 kids around, we're all fighting for PC time! LOL

Hi All -

Seems like I have a nice little chest cold! Ick. I’m going to try my new Spinervals DVD- 3.0 Ultra Full Body with Iron Girl- it’s a circuit workout - we’ll see how it compares to a Cathe circuit!! Then DD14 has a rehearsal for the musical so I’ll be dropping her off at the school and going grocery shopping. Then we’re going to watch movies tonight over an nice simple dinner of Southwestern Chicken Bowls (brown rice, black beans, grilled chicken and red/green peppers and onions). I ended up going out to Chili’s last night and ordering too much food, so of course I ate too much. I won’t be doing that again tonight. I’ll make a decent dinner.

Cathy- hope you enjoyed your massage! That sounds wonderful!! Glad you enjoyed my tale of India. Very different culture but I’m coming to find that people have more in common than one would realize. It’s a comfortable feeling, actually.

Kristi - sorry DD is still not feeling well and you didn’t get your sleep! Enjoy Disney on Ice!!

Linda- COOL!!! We’re going to see Wild Hogs tomorrow. DD14 is so excited! Glad you enjoyed it. Enjoy your rest day!

Judy- thanks for posting that article - it was very interesting. A lot of our friends will go back for a month or more in the summer. I don’t think I’d last over there for a full month! Although I would love the opportunity to do some traveling around and not just to visit family. The culture is very rich. Enjoy having DH home again!

Marcia - Oh wow - doesn’t sound like you’re having a good ole time up there! Enjoy your trip out of town!

Carole - the tummy issues have worked their way through. I honestly think it’s the dairy, so I’ll be avoiding that for a while! Enjoy your workout!

Susan- I can certainly understand the depression. Your mom is in my prayers. {{{HUGS}}} Enjoy Disney on Ice! Sounds like fun!

Shelly - glad to hear you’re running distance again! Must feel great!! My DH has always been active and goes to the gym daily, so I have no tips for you, other than to try to come up with something you both enjoy- like a bike ride around a lake or something. DH and I hike and bike together over the weekends a lot- in fact it’s our love of the outdoors that really brought us together. And seriously - I think Italian New Yorkers would be tougher than Indians... I know enough of them to realize I’d probably be put in jail if I attempted to live with them! :+ But they are a very passionate people. I love that about Italians.

Gayle- way to go on the 10 mile run!! Sounds like a good one and a great idea to skip the race.

Enjoy everyone one!! I’m sure I’ll be back later…
Good morning everyone!

Thanks for the warm welcome!

I did a 6 mile run outside. Most of my running is on my treadmill. It took me 1:05 and felt like I should have done better. It could be because it was my first run outside in awhile, the cold and it was windy. I layered pretty good so I didn't get cold. My legs felt heavy and like they didn't want to move. I know I need to get outside more often. I tried to keep my hr at least comparable to my treadmill runs. I completed it and got a good stretch afterwards.

Jess - Next week, I'm doing BBC weight work and I'll probably add the elliptical and bosu on days I'm not running. I'm trying to do weights at least 2X a week. Glad your IT pain is gone.

Christine - I should have read your post earlier. I did Muscle Endurance yesterday and think I felt it this morning. So, you think I'll be ok with the leg workouts the day after a tempo run? Thanks for sharing your India story. Sounds great.

Cathy - Enjoy your massage. Wish I could get one today. Like your signature line. So the truth!

Kristi - Hope DD feels better and you're able to get your run in.

Linda - Enjoy your rest day!

Judy - I'm 52 and a grandmother of 2. I'm in Tennessee. I started running about 3 years ago and have run a 5K but have not been brave enough to do any more than that. Guess I've been doing Cathe about as long. I work out 5-6 days a week because I enjoy it. I'm always seeking new ways to challenge myself.

Marcia - Enjoy your weekend!

Carole - I do strength workouts. I like Cathe mostly. But, I do P90X, Jari, BBC, SS, etc. Don't do the Firm too much though. Looking fowward to some tips on where to work these in before a run. How long have you not been able to run?

Susan - Glad you're feeling better. Disney on Ice sounds like so much fun. Bet the girls will love it.

Shelley - Actually the 10K is not until July. It would be nice if I could find one before that time. But, since I live in a small town, it requires at least an hour of travel for me to find one. There are lots of 5K's. So, I could do some of those I guess. I'll check out the Hag Higdon site. Thanks!

Gayle - Great job on the 10 miles! Sounds like joining the Team in Training would be lots of fun.

I'm glad to be on aboard and hope to get to know everyone better.

Have a great weekend!

Top o’ the mornin’, Cheetahs!

Thanks to everyone for the wonderful birthday wishes; they all gave me a smile!

WOW, I slept in until 9am! (Pacific Standard time – LOL). I have to get moving here and fix my treadmill. Yep, I was so disappointed the other day after I had tried out my new iTread workout, the speed settings were acting sporadic. Wouldn’t you know the treadmill would act up after I finally get DH interested in using it. Anyway, I read the troubleshooting area of my book and found what I need to do. SO, that’s what I’m doing here in a few so I can get another iTread workout done along with an upper body workout. Then I’m heading down to Sacramento to visit my mom. She wants to take me to lunch for my birthday. Guess where we are going? CHEVY’S! LOL. Too funny but hey, I didn’t get my birthday sombrero on Thursday night so hopefully today I’ll get one. hee heee…
Thank goodness today is so far not stressful. This last week was a real doozy. Here’s a sample of the crazy events of the week. Some more fun with the ongoing stress about the issues with the oldest DD17 (3 months til 18!) and I think it was a large part of why my DH wound up in the ER Room thinking he was having a heart attack. Yeah, his heart was pounding, stomach nausea, dizziness feeling like passing out all while he was driving to work so he pulled into the ER. Apparently he had some of these symptoms over last weekend too. Anyway, they say he was having a stress attack combined with withdrawal from nicotine as he is also trying to quit cigarettes. After a follow-up visit with his MD on Wednesday, they’ve decided to run a few more tests and have him wear a heart rate monitor for a month to analyze things. I sure he is fine but we just need to figure out what to do with the DD17. She needs to go! She’s awful as can be here to all of us including the siblings, and her life revolves solely around the loooooooooooser, drug dealing boyfriend. Very sad for us as we have been very supportive parents. No matter that we’ve provided a stable home, TRIED to instill decent morals, set limits, involved in their school etc, yada, she still is heading down the crappy road. We have tried so much to turn her around and even the 2 siblings have tried to talk to her. NO getting through. Anyway, this is a long enough post LOL. Sorry, but this is just an idea of the “elephant in our house” at the moment. Other than that our lives are bountiful and happy for the most part.

Cathy – enjoy that massage! I know I always look forward to mine. And I’ve had a few run-ins with Dove chocolate too this week. EEK!

Kristi – Hope DD feels better soon. Enjoy your day and Disney on Ice!

Linda – My DS wants to see Wild Hogs. I think we’ll go on Sunday if time permits. I like the smell of the popcorn too, but the price is utterly ridiculous. The popcorn cost as much as the movie admission. WTHeck? Go figure…. Enjoy your rest day.

Judy - Did I read you are getting a workout room done? WOW that is wonderful. I am eyeing DD17’s room when she leaves. DS14 wants to move into her room and I’ll then make his into a workout room for me! Yeah!

Marcia – Enjoy your weekend with friends.

Carole – Awe, I hope you heal fast. Your attitude is good though. I am absolute brat when I can’t run. By the way, did you get snow? We got about 8 inches or so and got a snow day out of it! wee!

Susan – I’m sorry you’re feeling down. I can certainly understand why. I don’t have any special words for you except that I’m thinking of you and wishing a little sunshine your way ….. Take care, you’re a special cheetah!

ShellyC – You just gotta get a professional massage! You’ll be hooked! Have fun with your long run. Our long run is happening tomorrow and we have to do 12 miles…yikes!

Gayle – Good job with the 10 miler. I think you should go run with the team. LOL – you’re the perfect runner to kick those guys’ butts! Go get em, cheetah! LOL

Christine – I hope you feel better. I have been taking airborne trying to fight off some sort of chest ick. Enjoy your evening with DD. Yeah, I’ve been eating WAY too much this week and I’m really feeling it…blah.

And welcome to our new cheetah! Jackie!! Uh, dear, your time for six miles outside is wonderful! Trust me; there is not a rule on how fast you are to be a cheetah. You RUN you are a cheetah….. But your time is awesome anyway, and besides I’m the slowest cheetah on earth… LOL

Well, I’m off to have Grace Lazenby beat my butt with an iTread workout….whew! }(

Have a great day everyone!

Thomasina :7
Jackie - I concur with Thomasina - especially in the wind and not having run outside - 6 miles in 65 minutes is a good time! Keep up the good work!

Thomasina - having gone through that with my DH's DS - I understand that madness and mayham that drugs can cause. I'm so sorry you're going through this! I'm thinking of you sweetie! Yeah, this chest ick is not fun. I feel okay except when I cough - it hurts. I hate that.

Well, even with the chest ick, I did Spinervals Iron Girl - which is basically 10 minutes on the bike with about 5 minute intervals of total body conditioning. Definitely not a Cathe workout, the conditioning was 45 seconds of push ups on the stability ball followed by bicep curls into overhead extensions - 3 times, then crunches on the ball w/ hyperextensions (supermans) 3x's each, then lunges each leg 3 times for 45 seconds, then 1 minute of each at the end. But I did burn a lot of calories, and you know me - I'll figure out something to make the weight sections of this workout killer. I see possibilities... The bike sections were fun and tough, though - and it's great to ride with a bunch of triathletes and marathon runners who are ultra fit. I'm due for a nice warm shower, then it's off to the grocery store.
Susan...have a great time at Disney on Ice too!! You have been doing some good workouts. I do like Lowmax but C&W is not even close to a favorite of mine...:(...but as far as kickboxing, on the back kick where I still have some glute/ham pain on the right side its a bit sore. But even the last few days I can feel alot more limber thru my lower back and it is not nearly as tight. I am glad the sun is shining for you..:)...that can be a great mood lifter when you feel down. It is also a beautiful day here...

Shelly...all I can say is when you find the key to get your DH working out, fill me in!! Good luck with the 9 miles. Yes, tomorrow will feel strange. But I do plan on a long EXT workout.

Gayle...way to go on the 10 mile run...

Christine...sounds like a fun day with the girls for you. Dinner and movies does sound fun. I got this set of DVD's from the early days of Sat Night Live (1975-76), and we have been watching them. What a crack-up if you are a fan...:)..so glad you tummy is better but sorry about the chest yuk! Glad you were able to get in a good workout...have a great evening.

Jackie...I agree with some of the others, your time for 6 miles is good, especially in cold and windy conditions! I do mostly Cathe and P90X for my strength workouts. I normally do those before cardio. I am not running for 2 weeks to let my lower back and a few other tweaks heal. Tomorrow will actually mark 1 week.

Tomasina....Chevy's again!! if you get any time and want to check out my Picturetrail account, you will see my B-Day sombrero pic (in My Album) and a couple of snow pics (in Snow 12-3) from last tuesday!! It sure was pretty...I am really sorry to hear about your almost 18 DD. That is terrible the stess it causes in your DH. And most of your family I would think. I don't have kids but I have watched a few of my neices and nephews rebel against their parents. Luckily in time they came around...my prayers for you guys...I am usually a brat when I can't run too, but this time I can feel the difference in my healing by not running...:)

I did the 80 min premix of KPC/L&G..it felt so good and I could even do the ab section without any lowback pain!!

I hope Miss Wendy is having a great time....:)

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