:::CHEETAHS:::Quit your moanin' Monday

Good evening Cheetah babes!

So, I actually got a little more accomplished today than originally planned so I am very pleased with myself right now :D. Made a HUGE dent in CleanMax, had fab lunch with DSO, hair came out great, HUGE grocery shop, some cooking done for the next few days and now I have a couple of minutes to sit and chat while I wait to swap laundry and before I sit down to fill out college application, pay bills, misc. paperwork...you get the idea lol!

Oh, I would definitely say that doing BC/ME on the BOSU counts as core work...I'm actually starting to feel the slightest bit o' DOMS }(.

Cathy - Glad that the ball is finally rolling with Lance's peeps (love that :)). I'm sure you'll make the minimum...you've got plenty of time to get there. Ugh, it sounds like your NB work is rearin' its ugly head again, eh? I hope it doesn't eat into too much of your summer vacay. Hey, that concrete was feeling mighty comfy (and cool!) at the time ;).

Christine - Ooops, excuse the blonde moment (no offense to any blondes who may drop by) regarding Dallas' loved ones. I have to second Cathy's emoticons...you certainly are a BEAST, and I mean that in the most complimentary way possible!!!! I'd say you're feeling pretty darn good considering what a tough ride you had yesterday. Good for you for wanting to do the 72 miler! So sorry to hear about the little birdie :(. But I thought you loved BC...oh sorry, wrong BC :p.

Carole - Glad to hear that you're able to add in another day of running! That's quite the line up for today! Enjoy the DOMS tomorrow }(.

Dallas - Nice to have DH around to watch the kids while you have your "quiet time" with your workouts ;). Great job on the rainy 10 miler! You'll do great in that race!

Jackie - Impressive workout today! You've gotta love those strong days. Such a boost, such a high! Hope work wasn't too rough today.

Wendy - Oh, lordy girl, you are certifiably insane :eek::eek:!!!! I thought you were hurting?!?!? I think you topped me with that one today! You won't see me trying that one anytime soon. Good luck bowling tonight. Hey, you do realize that if you bowl really well tonight your mother-of-a-mish-mosh will have to become your pre-bowling workout from now on, right }(?

I already know that a workout is NOT an option tomorrow morning. I'm completely by myself with the barnwork and riding for the next week (the other girl is on vacay) so it's going to be a lot of very, very early mornings to get everything done before the heat creeps in during the week. I guess I'll just have to tighten up the eating that much more.

Gonna go hit the paperwork before I zonk out...in a bed this time ;). Good night ladies!

ETA: Fixed embarrassingly numerous typos.
Hi Judy! Great to see you! Wow, that was quite the busy trip. Congrats to DS on a great showing! Have DS and DD been able to narrow down their choices yet? I give you a lot of credit for continueing with NROL4W...WTG! Enjoy the HR Derby.
Judy :: welcome back! :) Congrats to DD15's team on going so far. So, is anyone leaning toward one of the Boston schools? Great job going the distance with NROL.

Wendi :: Glad you worked in some fun stuff in all that you accomplished today...thanks for the vote of confidence. :) If I don't meet the requirement, they will just charge me for the balance, and ya know what? That wouldn't be so terrible, either. It's a cause that has touched me personally, so I'm happy to contribute...Oh no, :7 this is not my personal NB work--yet. I won't know if I need to retake any of it until the results come out in November. If I *do* need to continue working on it, it will NOT be anywhere near as tough as it was this year because I won't have to do the WHOLE thing. But really, the prospect of retaking NBs is not a daunting one for me because I truly want to *earn* it, and I believe the process can only make you a better teacher and person, so I welcome it, if that's what it comes to be. What I am doing Thursday is taking a class to become a mentor for future NB candidates. This is another organization that I strongly believe in, and I want to stay involved with it...*lol* about the concrete. Hey, I understand. I've fallen asleep on a hardwood floor before myself. :7

I opted for the EXT tonight but cut it a little shorter than planned 'cuz my feet went numb on me. *lol* What the heck. Will save the kb's for later in the week.

Have a great night! :7


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
Christine: It does not surprise me in the least that you were nicknamed "the beast." :) Sounds like a fun ride! Good idea to take a rest day. Sorry DD is upset about the bird. I would be the same way.

Wendi: I love pinot grigio. It is my favorite white wine. That wokout is a great plan for you today!

Cathy: It feels great to have the wheels again. Even after spending $420.00!!!! x( I really like Joyce Carol Oates. Have you read We Were the Mulvaney's? I don't have time to do the italics. I would have to look it up on a previous thread how to do it.
:) :) :) :) It is very good and suprising. We are also Ernest Hemingway fans, as he grew up and had a cabin in northern Michigan. Those dang aches and pains. I have them too.

Lorie: Ahhh, Aruba. Glad you are having a great time!

Judy: You have been missed. Enjoy your family time!

Carole: Car is good and fixed thank goodness! I was thinking of you when Andy and I hiked a trail today.

Shelly: Ellie is pooped. We took her on a hike today. I love that dog so much, I don't know what life would be like without her! Hope you had a nice boat ride!

Wendy: Great workout! Dh and I watched two movies and I did get to watch my favorite show. :)

I went to the shop with DH and luckily my car was fixed early, $420 dollars later! x( All I can say is I am glad to have it back. Dh got off work at a reasonable time so we hiked around a lake by our house, about 5 miles. That is all I did today. Having trouble with the motivation these days. Gotta get on that somehow. For those wondering, my favorite show is The Next Food Network Star. It is really good and I love food and learning about it. DH and I have been spending a lot of quality time together so that is nice. I have to tutor tomorrow and do some sort of kick butt work out since I have been slacking. Have a great night ladies! :) :) :) :)
Jackie: Deadlifts are my nemesis. I have such a hard time doing them right to feel it where you are supposed to! x( Check in when you can! :)
Christine: Have you ever read Marley and Me? I read it last summer. It was so good that I even re-read some parts. I never do that with books. If you haven't already read it, you would love it!
Hey Girls.

Just checkin' in to say good night.

I bowled well tonight (133, 101, 124 on a 104 average!) so I guess I'll have to do as Wendi says and do that cardio mish mosh every tuesday now!}( We took 5 points tonight and took 10 out of a possible 14 over the past 2 weeks that we had prebowled. Prior to tonight we were in last place but tied with the spot above us. We bowled that team tonight so now we have no where to go but UP!:D

Off to do a couple last minute things and then hit the hay. Gotta work in the morning.

I'll catch up with the rest of today's personals tomorrow morning!

Ta Ta!:)

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