Evening Cheetahs!

Kath: Gotta love that fast feeling! Yeah, glad DH took it well. My DH understands spending money on your passion, I just feel guilty some times. I shouldn't though, as he also fishes for muskies and the lures are $50 a piece! What supplements have been helpful for your immunity? Curious minds want to know! 40% off at a sporting goods store! Yikes! I would be in big trouble! :)

Wendi: Glad you are getting rid of that kid. Maybe this will be a wake up call to him. You have a problem when you can't hold down a job! I am psyched about the BOSU! Good luck bowling tonight! :)

Judy: I may have missed this somehow, but what will you be doing in Canada? I have never been there. Thanks for the info. on the BOSU. I have a feeling I will not regret it! BM2 on the BOSU sounds fun. I am not good at dancy step, but really like that dvd. The music is fun!

Wendy: How fun you will be going to Atlantic City! I am not a big gambler. Thank you for the info. re: the certicification! I will buy P90x from you if I get it. Thank you for being so helpful! :)

Shelly: That stinks about the course. We have to do the online blood borne pathogens every year and it is a PIA! I LOVE REI! Your coworkers did well! :) Hope you had a great 5 miler!

Christine: I am a lover of cheese as well. I must say you are some women to give it up completely! Kudos to you! Your DD must be into the sciences like I am. Indian food sounds good! ITA with everyone else, glad you rested today! :)

Carole: Harrison Ford is one handsome man! I love his movies! Great workout, and good for you for adding in the yoga! Namaste! :)

Dallas: Sorry the kidos are suffering! That is wonderful you are happy with where you are at fitness wise. I am one of those people who gain muscle easily and could look like a man if I really wanted to! LOL!

Jackie: Nice workout combo there! Yeah, I have some piles of things around, but at least it is organized and I know where everything is at!

Cathy: Sounds like you are in good spirits! :) The sub went okay. The kids are sooo dramatic though and they we're like "I am so happy you are back!" My classroom is so structered that some of them break down when I'm not there. As I've said before, this is an extremely needy class of kids. Oh well. Things were a bit messy, but I came in early and took care of it. Hope you find some goodies at GNC and have a fabulous EXT workout! :)

I ended up spending too much time on the computer and could only fit in a 3 mile run, which is fine with me. It felt good. Not sure what I will do tomorrow. Probably one of my new workouts depending on how I am feeling. It could be BOSU blast or Yoga for Happiness. Have a great night all!
Hi Again!

Funny story: Dh finally got our new grill set up, so we have used it most every night. Makes clean up nice! :D Anyway, he yelled into me and asked, "How long does it take to cook rubber?" He was referring to my Quorn fillet. :7 LOL! I have to admit I like cooking them in my toaster oven better.

My run was, well, frustrating. I started out with DS on his bike and we did one lap (1.5 miles). He said he was done. I was thinking two laps would have been possible. We came back home and I hopped on the treadmill. The phone rang almost instantly. Glad I answered! :) It was his play date seeing if he could get the party started earlier. (Such a social butterfly ;-)) He was off and I headed back outside. I put on CCv7, wasn't planning on doing the whole thing, and did the w/u, Steady & Challenge 1, and Steady & Challenge 2. :eek: That brought me to 6 miles all together. The challenges.....:eek:! 1st is 22 min and the 2nd is 15 minutes. I came back home to do Flexible Warrior - running segment (22 minutes).

Gloria ~ Well, it's like I have two different bodies fused together??? lol My lower body seems to gain muscle easier and upper body I really have to work at it. The Zyrtec seems to help the kids. I just have to remember to give it to them before bed. One time I gave it to DS8 before school and the teacher called. He had fallen asleep and was drooling on his desk. :eek: Hope you feel better soon. Enjoy your new workouts.

Cathy ~ Must be all that stuff draining??? Take it easy. The EXT sounds like a good sub. Do you carry water when you run outside? Or do those Sharkie (what are they called?) help with thirst too? lol'd about the Rubik's Cube comment. I did that once too. :+

Jackie ~ The problem is I feel I could de-clutter every other week! :eek: Where does all this stuff come from??? Have you finished unpacking? Oh, thank you! Where's the blushing emoticon! :) Nice workout.

Wendy ~ Thanks for the link. I'll have to read about the AB program. What makes you like it so much? What can it compare to that we've already done? How would I work in the longer cardio w/this program? Sorry for all the questions? Cathy, is this the one you decided to do? Ahhh, I remember those paging days at the gym. ;-)

Christine ~ Have fun tonight! lol'd about your dream too. :7

Have to leave for a game. Have a great night!
Carole - Oh, I adore Harrison Ford – except I was miffed that he divorced his lovely wife for that bag o’bones… :p I don’t really think I have IBS. The symptoms completely disappeared when I gave up dairy, so I think I’ll be doing that again. Thanks for the support! Sounds like a great workout today!

Judy – Oh that’s one of my favorites! I love BMax 2 cardio on the BOSU!! Enjoy your rest day tomorrow. I honestly think it’s dairy. But I’ll keep an eye on starches as well. So many things! :p

Wendy – No, not dropping TT, just tweaking. I’m hoping the DH keeps DD from ending up like her mom. Genetics is just so powerful. It’s kind of scary. Have fun with Awaken the Body! I have to get that one.

Dallas – oh the joy of kids toys and the parts and pieces and bits everywhere! Have fun decluttering! Well, if I cut the lactose and that does help 100%, I’ll look to gluten. It’s no fun eating bland, though, is it? Enjoy your run with DS5 on his bike. That’s fun!

Jackie – I hate that bloating feeling, too! I’m hoping it’s easy and the culprit is dairy. I’ve given that up before, I can do it again! Sounds like a nice sweaty workout there! Wow!

Cathy – Oh, I’ll bet the ex will try to talk DD19 out of the whole idea. I can see her say, “Oh, I’ll pay you more this summer so you don’t have to work.” That lady is simply amazing. I think it’s promising that DD19 wants the position, too, especially after my boss bragged about me for a full 20 minutes. :p I’m hoping I don’t have the crud, too, but, I’m starting to realize more and more that I might just have it. Have fun on the EXT – good idea to keep it light with that cough.

Gloria – oh I’ll give up cheese for a few weeks - all dairy, then add in cheese a little later. DD15 wants to be a zoologist. DD19 is not into the sciences, and never liked school that much, but maybe she’s changing. Glad you enjoyed your run! I’ve done the “Spend too much time on the computer thing!”

Well, I did get in a short workout. I did RS but only got the first 2 combos done (6” step, too!) and decided enough was enough. I’m okay right now, but not 100%. I actually cancelled the dinner tonight – I’m probably at my most contagious if I am sick, and I don’t want everyone else getting sick. Of course I’m at work. But I’ll work from home tomorrow if I’m worse. I am tired, but I did a little retail therapy this afternoon (returned a pair of pants on which I was slightly overoptimistic and got the right size :+ and picked up some tops). Spoke to the boss last night (we had an offsite event) and he told me that as long as he can get the approval, and he thinks he will, DD19 is hired. So, that’s good. I think it will be good for all of us, actually. Thanks for the healthy wishes! I’m still holding out some hope… :p
Gloria -- oh, that is so cute they missed you. My worst sub story happened this year when a sub my room absolutely TRASHED (even the custodian complained to me)...the kids told me she spent the period texting on her cell phone and reading her book. It is the only person I had to ask never to return. I was still upset with the kids, though, because I don't know the sub from Adam, but I trust THEM to be responsible and respect our classroom space. I absolutely agree with all the raves about the BOSU. That is the one piece of equipment I always thought was overpriced and gimmicky but isn't at all. Wish I had bought mine sooner.

Dallas :: I am going with the original Turbulence Training. I think it will mesh best with the marathon training...I run with water on my long runs now, and I'm taking the Sharkies, too (although I forgot them last time and had to make a pit stop.) Actually, I'm kind of concerned already about what to do this weekend. The BC class (it's the last one) with a long run the next day is a challenge even when I'm 100%. I don't want to annoy the other people (you have to partner up with others and obviously share the equipment) by being sick/spreading germs, and I'm not truly sure how well I'll be able to hang. On the other hand, I don't know if I could get my $ back for the class...and I'd love to be able to finish out the series...and then again, I'm supposed to do 10 miles on Sunday. I really don't know what to do. Sorry for the ramble. *lol* So, DH thinks Quorn has the consistency of rubber, huh? *lol* I still want to try it.

Christine :: great job working out despite not feeling 100%. Nice on the retail therapy. Where did you score these goodies?...I absolutely cracked up at the "bag o' bones" comment. Would you believe she went to the MS where I teach? I teach on the same team with the guy who was her science teacher back then. He's a complete nut who could probably write a book with all of his crazy stories (love him to pieces!)...one of his quirks is that he gets all the kids' names wrong. Apparently, he used to do that back in the day, too, because he always called her "Calypso." :) Oh, that ex does sound like a loon. Some people don't know when to let go and move on.

I did 20 light & easy minutes on the EXT while watching part of another CSI: Miami episode. (I am completely hooked now!) The original was always my favorite, and I'd tune into NY sometimes when I caught it, but now I'm totally lovin' Miami. Lungs felt a little "chilled" even at that low intensity, so I decided not to stay on there for the whole episode. Gonna catch the last 10 minutes now.

Have a great night!
Dallas: I have never had allergies before, they are appearing in my older years, as other annoying things! x( I am beginning to see the crow's feet I have around my eyes! I must smile too much! LOL! When I was running 7 miles a day in college I was ripped! Not the case any more! It is taking a lot more work. I am the opposite of you, my upper body tones easily, not so much with the bottom half. I am built like my mom, girly figure with hips and all. My sisters are all built like my dad, waif like, do not work out, and still look great. It is annoying and frustrating! Oh well. I did try that Claritin and the kids even said I sounded a lot better. Thanks!

Christine: I hope DD 18 finds her way. It is hard when you first start college, I can attest to that. I was not mature enough when I fist left home and had some snafus along the way. I made it though. Probably a good thing to opt out of the dinner. Glad you did get something in workout wise. I will be thinking of you! TGIF!
This HAS to be my last post of the night. I have an IEP tomorrow that is very imortant.

Cathy: If I understood properly, I would say skip bootcamp class and do the 10 mile run. That is a milestone and can't be ignored. You will save $30 and feel well prepared for the future distances. You can always crosstrain during the week. Just my opinion. Yeah, the kids were good today, even one of my evil students. He knew I was not in any condition to tolerate him! LOL! They are sweet kids and one of them said that I should take tomorrow off because my voice is so bad!
Ooh, a new Frost siggy! :) Thanks, Gloria! I appreciate hearing your opinion. *lol* about your kid who knew better. Funny, I started losing my voice today, too, but that made my 8th graders quite happy. :7 STILL doing IEPs? Wow! Hope you get a restful night's sleep...TTYT.

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
Yeah, I am not in bed yet, but will be soon. It is hard when it is light out for soooo long! I am sooooooo sick of IEPS! This kid cannot handle the regular ed classroom . He constanly lies, cheats and steals from teachers and other kids. I cannot handle this anymore and his mom is of no help. He couldn't go on our field trip to the water park and she took him the next day! It is so hard to tollerate people like this!
Hi ladies!

Surprise!!! I just got home from work so bowling never happened tonight. I'm just gonna eat my dinner and wait for DSO to come home...I hope they did well. Thanks again to everyone for letting me vent about BW. I know none of you really want to listen to that garbage. I just felt like I needed to unload. Heck, if you gals even knew half of the BS that's been going on at work, well, ya wouldn't believe it. Furthermore, no person in their right mind would continue to stay and tolerate the situation but I'm just so, so stuck right now. It's no wonder I've been eating all the crap I've been eating x(. I'm trying to move on and get control of it but I'm, quite honestly, really struggling right now. I have one good day and then three bad days...today was definitely one of the bad days.

I don't know why I'm still rambling on about this so I'll shut up now, go take a shower and crawl into bed until DSO gets home. I'm sorry but I just don't have it in me to do personals right now but I wanted to wish everyone a good night and I'll see you bright and early in the morning. I really *should* get out for a run, regardless of how crummy I feel, just for my sanity. Thanks again everyone for letting me purge!

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