::: Cheetahs:::Monday 8/29/06

Gayle, I forgot to say that I know exactly what you are going through. Last Monday I was in the same boat and blubbered like a baby all the way home after dropping my sweet princess for her first day of kindergarten. This Monday it was a bit easier but I still have twinges of sadness that she's growing up so fast!

Nurse Shelley, I'm not too happy about struggling through my 20 mile run yesterday and am thinking of little else. Gotta ask you, since you are a nurse, I was sick with a bad sore throat and a cough on Mon, Tues and Wed of last week. The sore throat was finally better by Thursday but even today I still have some congestion in my upper chest along with a cough to clear it out. When I first started out on my run yesterday I was feeling concerned because my HR was a bit higher than it should have been for how fast (or slow in this case!) I was running. Would you say that my aerobic capacity is impaired from a bit of chest congestion?

Good morning Christine! I just realized that your 1/2 marathon is the day after my marathon! I noticed that in Utah they don't have marathons on Sundays so I'll be running the Saturday before you. I think it must be a mormon thing......
Just got back from the gym not too long ago.

I did a .6 mile run at my usual pace to warm up and then moved on to the 2nd half of my 60 min Itread work out. SPRINTS! I was FLYIN'! Wooh!}( 2.77 miles in about 29.20 minutes. :) Not to mention the MIC step that I did this morning. I feel good!:7

I'll post personals soon!:)
Hi All! Had a nice workout this a.m. IMAX3 step was fun, I do love stepping and have missed it. I followed with ME upperbody/abs and stretch, the stretch felt so good I did BC stretch as well:) My ankles are driving my nuts, not so much the run but it seems that they were mosquito food on Saturday night, itchey...sooo itchey!

Thanks everyone for your prayers and good wishes to my friend Andy.

Gayle, I have a feeling that, in time, you'll learn to love the time when both your boys are in school:) Hope you get some rest today, I could never workout that late for the same reason.

Natalie, HSTA has been on my shelf too long, maybe time to bust it out again.

Carole, sounds like a good workout. How much floor space does your elliptical take up?

Katie, sorry to hear that you and DD aren't feeling well. Back pain is so intense and all consuming. Does it hurt to arch your back?

Elaine, I can't fathom running 20 miles, especially when your recovering from being sick last week. Great job!

Jess enjoy your indoor day:)

Christine, good luck with your run. Hope the knee is happy and lets you go the distance!

Shelly, maybe the miles/km conversion is a mental thing:) Running 16 verses running 10,:+ Whatever works right?:) That's excellent that you're feeling good after 18 miles, errr I mean 28.96812k ;-) :+ :p :7

Wendy, awesome job on your workout!

Take Care
Okay, it's finally time for personals. LOL!

Jess, Glad you enjoyed your bike ride this morning! I know how laundrymax can be! As soon as you think you are done it's already time to start all over again!x(

Laurie, I really liked the step in MIC too. I'm a bit scared to try the hi/lo. I hear it get pretty intense!:eek:

Gayle, Awww, I feel bad for ya! Betcha' can't wait for them to get home today!:+

Natalie, I just bought HSTA...have it on tap for tomorrow for the first time! :eek: }(

Carole, Hope you had fun w/CC this morning! How would you compare CC to ITrain? Which do you prefer?

Katie, I hope your back feels better soon! How's your DD feeling? What did the doc say?

Judy, No class tonight. They are done. Just the race on saturday now!}( The new class starts on the wednesday following the race though!:+

Elaine, 20 miles! OMG! Good job! I am sooo happy I am familiar with the race course now! Glad they gave us the practice run!:)

Christine, I actually enjoyed the sashay part even if I don't do it all too well!:7 So how many miles did you end up running??

ShellyC, I still have to try MIC's hi/lo before I attempt the work out in it's entirety...and I am thinking a 5 mile run may be EASIER! LOL }(
Hey there Jess! Sounds like you have a real good Marathon strategy.
I don't think you'll have any problems with a 9:15 pace, especially if the course is a relatively flat one. My "marathon" is actually only 25 miles (only!) It is my "man against horse" race where I'm racing against my friend Janet and her mule "Maddie". It is on the Saturday following your marathon, Oct. 7th. The course however, is a very difficult one that goes up a mountain so I am anticipating it will take me well over 4 hrs!
Hi Elaine- Absolutely your chest congestion would affect your run!!!
I'm amazed you had the fortitude to finish 20 miles! Please don't let this worry you. Once you have this bug conquered you'll be back to your old self, I guarantee it!

BTW, I believe that the St. George marathon you are doing is on the list of marathons that will be done by Dean Karnazes on his 50 marathon tour....is that so? I'll have to recheck. That will be exciting for you!

>OK, finished another load of laundry & this is my break time
>for another cuppa coffee! ;-) The computer's always my
>reward for getting my chores done!! :)

Jess, I wish I were as disciplined as you! For me, it's the other way around...my chores are my reward for getting my computer time in! :eek: :7 :7 :7 ;) :p
I DID IT!!! I did my long run, and I was at 9.25 miles when my favorite Buffett running tune came on, and I picked up my pace! I ended up running 10 miles exactly, and I went from an 11.17 minute mile last week w/ 8 miles to a 10:53 minute mile with 10 miles! Okay, speed racer I’m not and never will be, but I ran 10 miles! I’m so excited.

Elaine - I just looked up that marathon! That sounds like a great one – 2500 altitude LOST. That’s my kind of run. But it’s still a tough one – and sooo pretty! As my half is local, I’ll be around if you want to post your results and don’t have access to a computer.

Wendy – WAY TO GO!!! You should be feeling good! WOW!!

Laurie – Thanks – you’re blessings helped – no knee or heel pain at all – I’m still icing, though, just in case.
Katie...so sorry about your DD! I hope she gets better soon along with your back...

Judy.... Cardio Coach isn't boring, but it is a bit expensive compared to the iTrain workouts. A Cardio Coach mp3 is $14.95 and iTreads & iClimbs are $3.99 for a 20 min workout and $4.99 for a 40 min workout. A 60 min iTread is $7.99. So you can see the difference.

Elaine...yes, I do have alot of sweaty clothes...must be the Elliptical...I still say "Way to go" on the 20 especially as you had been sick. Even slower you still finished the run and I bet next weekend will be better. I do agree with Shelly and don't let this 20 miler get you down...:)Enjoy your workout today

Jess...it is always nice to run a first marathon with somebody. I ran my 1st with my sister and it helped me alot!! I have always felt the last half of a marathon is when it really starts!!!

Christine..I hope the run goes well for your knee...CC6 with Candace was a good interval workout. About 54 min. It seems they don't talk as much as the iTrain instructors and yes, iTrains music is better. But depending on the resistance I do for this CC workout it is a very intense and good workout.

Shelly...wow! GS legs the day after an 18 miler!!! I think iCimb from iTrain is the hardest, then comes CC and then iTread from iTrain. This is just from an Elliptical standpoint!

Laurie...Imax3 is a good one...Good job! The Elliptical is about 26 inches wide and about 57 inches long. It does fold up to 26 x 34.

Wendy...in the comparison between CC and iTrain I would pick iTrain as the workouts are half as much as CC. But I also think that the CC's workouts are good. Good iTread workout you did today!!

Got in my CC Elliptical workout and then yardmax. Now laundrymax and an afternoon with Tony!
Christine, multiple ^5's on the 10 miles! U go girl!}(

Carole, Thanks re Itrain/CC comparison. I guess I'll stick with Itrain then. That is part of the reason why opted to try Itrain first-cause of the price! Have fun with Tony!}(
Ahhhh, I ended up taking a NapMax & it felt wonderful!! Allison laid down for her nap so I laid down too! Now my dd's will be here soon! I had a productive morning so I don't feel guilty for taking a nap! It's one of those grey, dreary days perfect for it! :p

Have a great night, ladies!!

Oh man, my 5yo missed the bus home!! I guess her class got out a little late & they had a substitute bus driver & she didn't understand what bus to get on. I still can't figure out exactly what happened & I don't know why my 7yo didn't tell them that Kiersten wasn't on the bus!! (she claims that she didn't notice until they were already gone) But, her regular bus driver ended up dropping her off about 15 min later anyway & I had a very teary-eyed girl to console!!! Poor thing, I felt terrible! She's fine now & ate a bowl of oatmeal for a snack. That's my girl! ;-)

Jess - Awww! Poor thing! I always feel so terrible when things like that happen! They don't understand yet. {{{HUGS}}} to you and your DD. I was late picking up my daughter once due to traffic when she was 5, and I still feel guilty for it! She was crying and thought I had forgotten about her - how could I ever forget about her?!

Thanks Wendy!!! I've never run 10 miles. I'm so excited!
Thanks Shelly and Carole and Christine and Laurie for the encouragment. The mental aspect is so huge and I obsess for a few days on every long run I do. If it went good then I float on a cloud if it went bad then I can't get over it until I figure out why and go out and do it better next time.
*sighs* The good news is that my High Step is coming tomorrow. The bad news is that tomorrow is the one day I did not want it to come as my DH will be home - I wanted to sneak this one in... Oh well, I'll bet I can pass it off as a late b-day present from someone... }(
That reminds me....I have *another* book coming from Amazon today, the day my DH is home!! LOL Christine, I can totally relate, especially since I am not working right now!
OMG Christine and Elaine!!!! You do that too....now you know why my Garmin is being shipped to my work!!!http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/no-no.gif[/img]
>OMG Christine and Elaine!!!! You do that too....now you know
>why my Garmin is being shipped to my

LOL! I always used to get my Cathe stuff shipped to work! I bought like $500.00 worth of work outs in a very short time and didn't want DH complaining at all! I would "sneak" them into the house and once they are there he doesn't even think twice about where they came from. He's clueless! LOL

Now that I'm home, I get the deliveries first anyway so it doesn't matter...again, once it's in the house, he pays no mind! :p

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