Cheetahs Monday 7/31

Christine and ShellyC: I have a hard time convincing myself to nap in the middle of the day. I too feel like I'm wasting my day or will miss something even if all I am gonna do instead is play on the forums! LOL :p

The running class is going well. I'm enjoying it and thinking of taking another class in the fall. They offer more advanced classes so that you can continue on with your training in a class setting. I especially like it because it gets me outside which I have a difficult time doing left on my own. :) We got the sign up sheet for the 5k. I'm really getting nervous now! The saturday before the race we have our last class...we will run the full 5k course that day...YIKES!:eek:
Just the quickest of Hi's to my Cheetahs!
I read everything, but have no time for longer personals:) Because DH and are have to drive to Binghamton today to start packing because
WE GOT A HOUSE!!!! in Andover, NY. It is an 1870's farmhouse, w/ 4 bedrooms and a ton of room so I get my own workout room:7 :7 But now comes the moving processx( I have been working out consistently, but running a little less as the heat is brutal! I just started trying out Shiva Rea's yoga videos and LOVE them, definite must have.

Carole-I know things have been kind of up and down w/ your nephew and I just wanted to offer hugs and prayers again. We know he's in good hands and has a great family to take care of him too.

Christine-You and SuperCarole? and the super sister of SuperCarole? Lucky lady;-)! And Carole got to meet Tucker (aka the dog who has ran more miles than me}( )

Jess-What a trip! Our very own cheetah celebrity! I loved reading about every minute of it and can't wait to see the infomercial, when will it be out? What an amazing experience (that you TOTALLY deserve for all your hard work). Sorry about the quad muscle, hope that works itself out quickly!

Hi to Barb, Marcia, Shelly, Judy, Elaine, Laurie, Yadi, Karen, Cathy, and Patricia.
>So are these Ripped workouts from Beach Body?

No no...sorry if I confused you.

Beach Body puts out Slim Series which I tried first and HATED!

I bought the Ripped work outs after that. They are by Jari Love. Beach Body has nothing to do with them. :)
Christine...I am so sorry about your hand! I do hope it is just a bruise and goes away very fast. Congrats on your new PC!!! I got my new Gateway last Jan and LOVE it. I think I'll be looking for a laptop in the future.

Shelly...congrats on passing the motorcycle course!!...Please, be careful riding...I know they have a Psychologist on staff at this hospital and I know it wild be good for my sister to talk to him. We do also have someone from our church that went thru a bad accident, is paralyzed from the waist down and is now a Physical Therapist. He has agreed to talk to John when he is ready. I have been slacking a bit on weights and eating so I figured P90X might help!! Yes running with Christine was very fun and I hope to do it again..:)..Have fun with KPC.

Elaine...enjoy Keifer on your elliptical!! I might be going back to San Jose within the next 6 weeks but not sure. How far are you from there?

Mattea...Congrats on the new house!!!! Sounds awesome...:)...Yoga is so good for you, I'll have to check out thoseyou mentioned. is great to run the course before the actual race! Countdown time for Wendy's very first race[/img]

I did about 35 min of the 2nd workout of Hardcore ex and some abs from CTX this morning, I will tackle P90X this afternoon. Now it is laundry and some sun...:)
Hi everyone:

For those wondering - Tastefully Simple - is my new adventure. I will hopefully have my website up and running this week so I'll let you know the address so you can check it out.

Jess: Your trip sounds like it was a blast except for the traveling problems.

Oh sweet Wendy!
I didn't forget you, I just didn't want you to have to read, and reply after being up since 3 am!
Hope you are loving the new shoes and I am right there with you about not being able to beat this heat and run outside. I'm not sure it's ever really cool enough:p
Most abject and humblest of apologies from a sorry cheetah,
Carole: I don't have the HC extreme work outs...YET! LOL I am very happy that we will get to run the course pre-race. That is an amazing advantage...ofcourse, the rest of the folks runnin' this race have probably run it before anyway so they know it too!:p
Hope your nephew gets past the anger and changes his mind about the feeding tube...Prayers and thoughts still heading his way.

Jess: Glad you had such an amazing time! Do you know when they plan to air the infomercial???

Mattea: Thanks, hon! LOL I was doing well all day but am now starting to loose my steam and I have to leave for my class in an hour! Nice timing to lose your energy, ey? YIKES!:eek:
HI Runners...
It's miserably hot here...

Mattea-congrats on that new house! It sounds lovely and like a new adventure you are off to with your DH. When do you move?

Laurie-- sounds like a really fun day yesterday. Cool that you know your route for next Sunday's run. I like to think about my future long run routes, too. It helps calm me down and foucs!

Marcia-congrats on the new business venture! Are you going to do it while you are at your current job or does this mean you get to exit your current job?

Jess-- congrats on your trip (except for the luggage). It sounds like you had a blast. I'll keep my eye out for the info mercial. I hope your quad is better or continues to get better.

Judy-- hope you had a great rest of the day after your run!

Wendy--get a good night sleep tonight! I hope you get to go to bed early. I can definitely nap for short or long bits during the day though. I love the power nap. I can sleep standing up. When my kids were your DS's age I could be seen napping in a reclined driver's seat in the parking lot of Target. (You do what you gotta' do sometimes....)

Pamela and cathy -- Hi!!!

Shelly-- congrats on your new motorcycle license. You go girl!!! That's awesome. What plan are you using for your marathon training? Are you started training now or in a prep phase? It's awesome you have an elliptical. I would love one but the ceilings in my house everywhere are too low.

Elaine-- awesome that you are running 40-plus miles a week pain free. That's inspiring to me.

Carole -- It sounds difficult with your nephew. Bitterness so understandable, but hard to take, too.....I am hoping things will work out ok for him and I'm glad you got to visit him and got to see Christine. How fun!

Christine-- I hope that bruise is better now than earlier today. Yuck.

Hi to everyone else!. I'm always in a rush these days. I just did some slideboarding today for 30 minutes just to work the hip/ITB situation post my long run and did floor work and abs.

Hope everyone has a great rest of the day!
:) :) :)
LOL Barb! When I worked at the bank I would nap in my car at lunch time w/o a problem but at home it's different...I get side-tracked and it just doesn't happen so easily. Don't worry, I will get sleep tonight if I have to sleep on the couch!:p
Hi everyone. Hope everyone had a great weekend:) I didn't read so I will just post my workout.

Friday I did 20 minutes on the treadmill and did 2 miles then hop on the iclimb and did 15 minutes. Saturday I took a rest day and Today I did PS CST. Wow haven't done that one in a long time. Now off to read the post and catch up:).
Well, Cheetahs...class tonight was borderline torture! LOL 3 mins walking and 7 mins running x 3. Not bad except for 2 things...

#1 is that the heat and humidity was still pretty awful so you couldn't catch your breath and sweating did no good cause there was no air to cool you.

#2 is that I have become friendly with this one gal and we like to chat as we do the work out but I have to run faster than I would on my own in order to keep pace with her. I realize I can just run at my own pace and not chat but it goes faster when your mind is on something else! LOL...Eventually I'm just going to have to go on my own during the work out as I won't be able to complete many more work outs running at her pace!:-(

My shoes felt great, btw! No problems at all!:)

I am going to see how I do with this race and if I do OKAY I will probably sign up for the next level class which they will start in the fall some time. I just have to make sure the schedule doesn't collide with anything DH has going on. :+

Tomorrow is a rest day. Worked out like 8 days in a row this week...I need it!}(

Have a great night!:*
Just popping in really quick to say I got the notice that registration for the Big Sur Marathon opens tomorrow. No, I'm not planning on doing the marathon - I hear it's a bear - ask Carole she's done it. But, I am going to sign up for the 10 mile. It's April 29, 2007 and absolutely stunning. Check out the link - and click on the Marathon, not the Half.

I'm wondering if we want to make this an official Cheetah get together... Just an idea... It would be fun!!!

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