::: Cheetahs ::: Mon., 8/20


Happy Monday, cheetahs!

Up early again. Gonna head over to Cathe's cardio kickboxing class again for some serious punishment! :) Probably no weights later.

Christine :: hope you're feeling better. Re GTGs...if San Diego were a West Coast option, I might just have to make that happen! It's one of the places on my to-do list! Actually, I'm still open to Chicago, too, if others could swing an all-cheetah GTG. November is a possibility as I have a few chunks of time off from school.

Laurie :: humidity's been so bad, I've been a hat & ponytail girl most of the summer.

Hi to Wendy, Carole, Elaine, Barb, Barbara, Jess, Judy, Laura, Katie, Marcia, Pamela, Gayle, Thomasina, Colleen, Mattea, and anyone else stopping by.

Have a great day-
Cathy :)
Morning Cheetah Ladies!

Cathy, Tell Cathe I said hello will ya? ;) BTW, it's the 21st! :p

Judy, Using the training schedules for a race sounds like a great way to run even if you aren't interested in racing.

Christine, Oooh, muscle max is an awesome work out!}( I hope you enjoyed your rest day.

Laura, I had read in another post that your dad is doing better? I hope that continues and all is well with him now.

Carole, LOL-I would have told you to buy the jogger and I'd pay you back plus shipping! Even if it was expensive...it's a great cause!:) I'm really considering picking up the one Target sells for $100 but I want to check out a town wide garage sale next month that is going on in my mom's town first just in case!

Natalie, My DH left a couple of bikes at his mom's when he moved out. We are going to bring them here so he can ride while I run on weekends. Looking forward to seeing DS' reaction to being on the back of a bike!:7

Colleen, FIVE hours of gardening!?!?! Oy vey, sounds like a back breaker to me! LOL

So I have my running class tonight. We are doing a 30 min run. No walking! I'm going to bring my Garmin...YEAY!:+ I'll probably also hit the gym this morning and use the elliptical for 30 mins in addition.

Have a great day!:)
Good morning everyone:

I've been MIA a little lately, sorry.

Cathy ~ Oh, I'm so jealous that you live close enough to go to a "Cathe class" - WOW!!!!!!! Enjoy and tell her that we are so looking forward to the new DVD's.

Wendy ~ Have a great run and workout today!

I need to step up my exercise, I didn't get much in this weekend at all. I have a rotation and need to get "SERIOUS" }( }( }(

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Cathy-- you are too lucky to be able to go to a live Cathe class. What fun!

Wendy--good luck at the running class tonight. I quickly read past threads I missed -- I think you ran 5 miles? WTG Wendy!! Glad you are feeling better -- I think last time I checked in you were feeling under the weather.

I haven't been checking in because of Lifemax. We have that family event at our house weekend of Sep. 9, so I've been busy.

But I'm sticking with the exercise I want to do (More like hanging onto it like a life raft!)
Did my 11 mile long run yesterday, and did some light leg work before and floor work afterwards.

Today it's upper body, either back & biceps on GS or something else. On Saturday I did Circuit Max. I forgot about that workout! So much fun.

Hello to all my cheetah buddies checking in later!
Carole ($9000 raised? amazing), Elaine, Christine, Thomasina, Katie, Shelly C, Amy, Karen V., Jess , Laura, (great job on your race!), Gayle, Wendy, Pamela, Judy, Mattea (I'm listing everyone from East to West, I think!)
Hi Natalie!
Hi colleen! and Hi to anyone I missed!

Onward to the day!
Have a great one everyone!
:) :) :)
Hi Marcia--
we were posting at the same time. I forgot to take my list of Cheetahs in my head up North to Minneapolis!

Good luck getting back to an exercise schedule. I think your job and demands on your time would make it hard to follow a schedule by the book!

have a great Monday!
Hey Barb!

Nice to see you! So I must have missed it but what kind of event are you hosting at your house in a few weeks?

I'm still feeling cruddy on and off but it's not bad. It has gotten better and never developed into any big sickness so I'm happy. Now I just want it to go away completely!!!x(

Yes, you read right...5 TM miles! I recently did a 4 miler outside and was super ecstactic over that as well! I can't believe I am able to do this! I was always an AWFUL runner! :eek:

Glad you are able to keep those work outs going amidst your busy life. Kudos to you! You need that though...keeps a person sane, ya know? ;)
Hey Cheetahs:) No running for me today, I'm resting after my 10 miles yesterday. Legs are feeling like they need some stretching so I'll try to get that in later. I have early appointments today and am off at lunch. Gotta get the Girlies registered for music lessons and register my 12 y.o. into her new school, I guess the transition to fall has begun...

Cathy, have fun kickin' butt with Cathe:)

Wendy, enjoy your run tonight, I had a really fun run with our group yesterday, the time goes a lot quicker chatting and running:)

Marcia, sounds like your gearing up to work HARD}(

Barb, I love the cardio in CircuitMax, really tough but not full blown brutal! Have fun with upperbody today:)

Hello to all my Cheetahs!!:)

Take Care
Marcia, I hope you get your work outs in more often! Like I said to Barb, it's important...it will keep you sane in crazy times!:)

Laurie, 10 miles? WOW! How long did that take you?? Is your DD nervous about a new school? I dread the day that DS is starting school! :eek: ;( ;( ;(
Good morning cheetahs! I'll be finished with work soon and after a nap my plan for the day is a 4-5 mile run and a good dose of GS legs!

Cathy- I am so seriously jealous of you! A kickboxing class with Cathe....someday I hope! I take an annual pilgramage to NJ yearly to see the in-laws and I hope to talk DH into a detour to take in a class with her.

Wendy- Okay, so today 30 min on the eliptical PLUS later a 30 min run w/ no walks....you're turning into a running animal! (Hey, isn't that a cheetah?) There's no stopping you now....I think it won't be too long before you'll be thinking of 5 miles as a short run!

Marcia- I hope you get in a SERIOUSLY good workout today!:)

Barb- Great to hear from you! Good job on 11 miles yesterday!

Laurie- Great run for you yesterday also! Get a good stretch in...
I'm learning more and more each day how VERY important that is.

Carole- I'll bet John will be so inspired by the fantastic results of the community sale. I hope you do post the web site so we can contribute!

Hi Colleen and Natalie, glad to see your keeping us posted!

Okay, time to go do my final rounds....I'll check back later

ShellyC...5 miles, a SHORT run? Oh my heavens! LOL Maybe one day...I guess that could happen! Heck! I never figured I'd come THIS far!:p Enjoy your run and gs legs today!

Gotta go take care of the little one now and then it's off to the gym!:)
Hi Laurie! -- sorry I didn't say Hi earlier. My mind didn't go north to Canada to pick you up! When do your girls go back to school?

Shelly-- sounds like a good plan for after work. I can't do GSL standing on the same day I run! I have to stick with light leg weights. My friend's daughter who had a brain tumor is getting a follow up MRI today. We're hoping it's clear! (She had cancer 2 years ago, had treatment and is "OK" now, but lots of worry on the follow up MRIs....)

Wendy-- thanks for the Kudos. 5 miles is great. You don't have to be a "good runner" to run good. That's the great thing about running -- you are doing great with new shoes, keeping your body in shape. I was not doing as much exercise as you when my kids were Joey's age.

Exercise definitely keeps me sane. I haven't mentioned the family event in a while. It's the weekend of Sep. 9, Fri night dinner, Sat. lunch, Sat dinner & Sun brunch at our house. I'm not doing all the cooking -- but it's a lot. That's the short story! It's all low-key -- but a lot! I tried to mentally rehearse the mental state I want to be in for the event during my run yesterday.

Have a great day Cheetah Friends!
Morning Cheetahs, I did it! I actually got up at 5:30 and got my workout in. I did High Step Circuit. It generally takes me the first two weeks of school to get used to getting up at 6:00 and going to bed at 10:00. I am taking Tylenol PM again on school nights. My Dr. says this is OK, but still it bothers me. I have sleep issues. I use TPM on school nights and Valerian Root or Melatonin on non-schoool nights. It is a hard thing for me but still my Dr. says that it is better than being on a prescription (ambien) long term.

Anyway girls have good workouts today. Mine will get me through my "tough" school.

Hi Natalie--
What kind of school are you in?
Tough call with your doctor's suggestion...hard to know sometimes when to go with one's own gut and just doing what you need to do.

Good for you getting that early a.m. workout in. Makes the whole day go right!

Good morning cheetahs

Cathy...Have fun kicking with Cathe today!!

Laura...I am using the Elliptical 2-3 times a week. But yes, as I felt so good at the end of my run yesterday I do think the Elliptical is helping..

Christine...I hope your crud is better today. Good luck on the 9 miles!

Wendy...I hope you find yourself a jogger...Joey would like it too...:)...have fun doing the Elliptical. And the run tonight with no walking?....way to go!!

Barb...good job on the 11 miles. A total of about $12,000 was raised in the 2 days!! So you will have a full house the weekend of Sept 9th!

Laurie...good to rest after a long run. Good job on the 10! Yes fall is fast approaching. I hope the registering for your girls goes well...:)

Shelly...enjoy your run and GS legs later. Yes I do hope John is inspired. This big sale was definitely a good idea...

Natalie...good job getting up and getting your workout in! I have taken an over the counter sleeping pill sometimes (tylenol PM without the tylenol!). I have also tried some soothing, calming oils to help too.

I tried these Sharkies yesterday on my long run. They have minerals and electrolytes and are kinda like gummy bears. http://www.sharkiesinc.com/index2.cfm anyway I really liked them and might sub them for gels. They are not real sweet...

Today I am doing iTread #3 60 min on my Elliptical. PH shoulders, bi's and tri's, abs and maybe some Yoga this afternoon.

Have a good day...
G'morning Cheetahs!! I am feeling great today. I can't believe how great I feel after running a half on Sat!! I know that last year I was soooo sore I could hardly stand up for the few days after!! I did take a good 2 hr nap y'day which I needed!!! I'm still sooo happy w/ my race & time.

I woke up at 5:45 & did all of Muscle Max- I love that workout!! I decided after hearing you all talk about running & lower body weights to add more weight back in again. It felt good to do more lower body today- yeah!! I might even add back in PLB on Wed, we'll see how my legs feel. I don't want to push too hard though because we're doing TWENTY this weekend!!!!

My girls are off at school. *sniff sniff* They look so grown up, Hannah's in 2nd grade & Kiersten's in Kindie this year!!! I took tons of pics, I'll upload later. They went off on the bus together & found their best friends (they live right up the road so they all ride together). Allison is being my buddy so far, she's sitting here on the other computer playing Dora. She's going to *help* me CleanMax in a few. I'm totally going through their rooms while they're at school. ;-) Doing some reorganizing & tossing!!! (sadly, I love to clean!)

OK, I'd better get moving. They only have a half day today so they'll be home at 11:30.

Have a great day!!

Morning ladies. Wow, we are all up bright and early. Today was a 4 mile TM run since I didn't get it in yesterday. I spent most of the day cleaning my house, so I figure that is some sort of workout.:7

Personals later, I have to get DD up.

Okay, I have some time now. I did my 4 mile run today and it felt WONDERFUL. Some days I struggle and some days I feel like I could just go forever. Today was a forever day, but I made myself stop at 4 miles since I am trying to stick with my training schedule.

Cathy – Are Cathe’s live workouts as fun as her DVD’s? I’m so jealous!!!

Wendy – Have fun in class tonight.

Marcia – I always have a tough time getting my workouts in on the weekend. I just want to sleep in!

Barb – 11 miles! Wow, that’s great!

Laurie – Great job on your 10 miles yesterday. Boy, I have a lot of work to do to keep up with all you ladies!

Shelley – GS legs AFTER a 4 or 5 mile run! Wow!

Natalie – Good for you. Getting up early is hard.

Carole – Wow, that is quite a workout you have planned today!

Jess – That’s so great that you feel so wonderful after your half. I don’t have MM, but wish I did. Do you have ME? How does it compare?

Well, I’m off to finish getting ready for work. I hope everyone has a great day!

Katie--great job on your run. I am mystified, too, why some days are great and some days are like running with bricks in my shoes!

Jess--a milestone with your kids. Enjoy your few hours to yourself and the fun of talking to them when they get home from school with lots to tell you!

Carole -- 12,000? Amazing. Glad the elliptical is helping. Thanks for the sharkies link. Cool product.

A house-full is right...it should be fun overall. A lot of work to get ready!
-Barb:) :)
Hi, ladies. Happy Monday. Great job, everybody, AS USUAL!

Slept late this morning, after a nice fun weekend with fiance and the kids. Army beach Saturday and then minor league baseball game yesterday! Slept till almost 9:30am! ACK! LOL

But.......took the kiddos to the basement with me and put in 6 good miles. First 3 were steady, at increasing speeds and the last 3 were fast intervals.

You guys are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO steady and EXCITING! Thanks for coming here each day to chat, post, inspire, BE!!!!!!

NOW.......I've put myself on a 9 week mini challenge. I've got 4 weeks till my half and about 9 till my full. I need 9 GOOD, SOLID weeks of SENSIBLE EATING and consitant workouts.

I think my mental problem, my rebelling against anything healthy has been a huge result of the need to run on the treadmill. I LOVE my TM, and it's so easy to monitor my speed, intervals, tempos, etc. BUT.....I really NEEEEEEED to run outside. SO......school starts 1 week from today. Since BOTH boys will be in school FT this year (younger DS qualified for the full day kindergarten, as a surprise to me, boo hoo), I am really looking forward to outdoor running once they get on that bus in the AM!

OK.......I am also going to try to be a more faithful poster here with you ladies once again. I'll have to update our race list, as I've fallen short on that!


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