Sunny – yeah Steve sneaks up on ya. You think it’s going to be a fairly easy workout, then WATCH OUT! I might actually do one of his Cardio workouts tomorrow comes to think about it. It’s a kettlebell day. :p I may be talking to you further about TT. I’m actually considering it. I have a 4 week plan right now. We’ll see.

Kath – enjoy the weather! Enjoy your dress shopping!

Dallas – that is definitely thoughtful. I wish I could help you help them. Enjoy your additional DVD’s now that your X rotation is over. I guess that’s why I haven’t done a another full X rotation – I like variety.

Wendy – You’ll do fine! You’re such a Cheetah! And I want to know if you bought a kettlebell and where you’re planning on inserting a kb workout or two? :p

Cathy – Good luck grading! Hope you get a lot done! Funny about the BOSU… I was working kettlebells and my core was getting much stronger, so I didn’t think much about doing BMax’s abs on a BOSU – holy cow! I guess that goes to show me that variety absolutely is the key for me! I cannot remember a time when my abs were this freaking fried! It's almost embarrassing! :p

Gloria – have fun at the concert.
Howdy ladies!

So I'm all proud of myself that I stuck to the plan today and got that run in after work, even though I could barely walk cuz the DOMS was sooo bad today }(. I figured that an easy 4 mile-ish jog would do some good in loosening everything up. Well, needless to say, my legs were lead and I felt like I was struggling so I finished up at about the 35 min mark, figuring that, with how slow I was going I might have reached 3ish miles. Boy was I wrong!!! I ended up covering 4.2 miles! Sheesh, no wonder my HR was through the roof...I thought I was just tired LOL.

Sooooo, funny story.....I think "someone" was watching out for me this morning when that little voice said "don't go for a run, you're too tired." Remember me saying that there were four cop cars driving up and down my street? Well, they were looking for a BLACK BEAR that had been spotted in my next door neighbor's yard!!! Mind you I do NOT live in a rural area...I am within city limits. The scary thing is that it was spotted around 6am. I usually leave my house between 5:30am and 6:00, depending on how long my run is going to be. I would have practically run into the thing :eek:! I guess sometimes it pays to be lazy ;).

The kittens are screaming for their dinner. Let me feed them and then I'll be right back with personals.
Judy - I never got to tell you how beautiful that pic of you and DH is! You are absolutely radiant!!! Saratoga IS beautiful...I love it up there. WOW, that's some serious weight you're throwing around these days :eek:! What a wonderful gift DH gave you...NICE!

Wendy - OMG you're too funny! I see you've had a Target relapse :p. I hope you have fun with NROL!

Christine - It's my turn to blush...you're such a sweetie! I always seem to appreciate *my* cooking after eating heavy for a bunch of days in a row and I definitely feel a big difference in my energy level. I'm with you, I *like* sore abs }(. Makes me think that I really got in there *good*! Great job with HLK today.

Carole - Oooh, you're hittin' those legs hard with that hill run and squats...WOW! Sorry that DH was a bit under-foot on Monday. 100*?!?!? Remind me never to visit your part of California lol!

Dallas - Wow, that is not a good situation for the little guy :(. I hope he pulls through. Oh, that's right, you weren't here last summer. My house was broken into and most of my jewelry was stolen...a bunch of it was irreplaceable (sentimental reasons). I live in a VERY quiet neighborhood but was one of 55 robberies in the area (including the mayor's house that isn't too far from me). No, this morning was just because of the "bear scare". Great job on your X rotation!

Sunny - I hope that workout lived up to "puke status" today LOL! You're right, you are one sick Cheetah :p! Belated congrats on the Biggest Loser victory!!!

Kath - How are those triceps feeling }(? Great workout this morning. I hope you'e able to get everything ready for that grad party!

Cathy - Awww, thanks for the pep talk, love! Your workload has been tremendous this year! I really hope you're over the worst of it. You're dedication is astounding!

Gloria - Awesome run today! I hope you have a good time at the concert.

Jackie and Shelly - Hope the moving is going well! Can't wait to hear from you!

Gotta get some things done here before I go to bed...replace arm on toilet, pot a tomato plant, a little laundry, etc., so I better snap to it. Have a great night Cheetahs!
wendi- thanks! yes it did, of course it wasn't as hard as last week, so time to go up on the weights.

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>Wendy - could that *cough cough* possibly be a kettlebell?!?!

DING DING DING! And Christine wins the prize for providing the correct answer!!!:7

I have no idea when I will use the KB. NROL suggests taking a week off after the first set of work outs is complete so perhaps that week will be the time to play with the new toy!;)

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