CHEETAHS gettin' in the miles Sunday!

Good morning cheetahs

For Jackie...


Cathy..I have always felt bad for retail workers this time of year. Good job on the 4 miles outdoors. So the ITB is a bit tender?

Linda...No worries about butting in! You were just sharing info like the rest of us..:)...LOL. I have made the same kind of mistakes typing my replies up ahead of time, not a problem..:)..Good job with the 6 miles.

Jackie...The Tufurky on "Everybody Loves Raymond" also had legs!! WOW, that was great you felt so good and got in 11 miles. I think you are ready for the half!

Gloria...thanks for the holiday cheer coming my way...:)...How was the spanakopita?

Laura...LOL, I do think insomnia is contagious around here. Good job with the 6 miles.

Wendy...We did have an ad in the local newspaper for the Garage sale and they gave us signs to fill out and put up.

Shelly...good job on the 6 miles and step boxing. I have decluttered some of DH's stuff, but like I said, I have been so busy with Mom's stuff I hardly have time to clean my house!! LOL about the lime green bedroom. Hope you had fun with B&G and Amy's HLK.

The Garage sale went well. We made a bit over $200! I was beat afterwards and got into bed early last night. Planning a 16-18 mile run with my sister and friends today.

Have a nice day...:)
Good Morning!

I think the sky is going to fall or the world is going to end because, get this....*drum roll please*...​

I SLEPT UNTIL 8:15 THIS MORNING!!!!!!!!:eek::D:eek::D

Carole: Glad the sale was a success. I can be tough to make a decent buck with a garage sale cause no matter how cheap you price the stuff, people always seem to want to pay LESS! LOL Enjoy the looong run today!:)

Shelly: Hope you had a good night at work. What are your plans for today? Ya know, DH and I went to the mall last night and it wasn't crowded at all!? Very strange. So are you convinced to train for the ultra yet? ;)

Cathy: Do didja do anything fun last night? We were supposed to but I didn't feel great and was tired so kept it very low key with just a walk around the mall.

Judy: How was dinner last night?

Laura: Good job on your run!

Linda: Sorry Patty couldn't join you for your run y'day.

Christine: Busy cheetah yesterday. Will you be keeping it lower key today?

Jackie: Yeah, I have kettlebell legs from my work out. Gotta love it! ;) Good job on the 11 miler y'day! WTG on gettin' in the extra miles!

Gloria: Four Christmases was cute and funny. Not Vince's best but worth the trip. It was really short though. Only about 75 minutes. If you don't mind my asking...what the heck is spanakopita!?!?

Okay that catches me up.

Today's work out calls for ME U/B split + Arm drills from CK. I no longer own CK so I'll do the drills from CTX K/B instead. :) I'd also like to add in some cardio if I can.

So my eating has been on the downward spiral for months now. Consequently I've gained 3-5 pounds and while it doesn't sound like a lot it's all settled in my belly. My pants are all too tight and I feel awful! I have repeatedly tried to pull in the reigns on the diet but to no avail. I am getting frustrated with myself. I NEED to do this NOW before it's too late. Any motivational tips that you girls have for me are welcome. I am starting today but ofcourse I have to go to dinner at my SIL's tonight....Great, just what I needed, right? :confused:
Good Morning Cheetahs!

Laura: Rock on with your 6 miles! So what is the weather like for you right now?

Carole: Hope you have an awesome long run. :) The spanakopita was delish! Glad to hear the garage sale was a success.

Wendy: Spanakopita is basically a spinach pie with feta cheese. Very good. I think I need some words of wisdom for my food choices lately too. For example, I went grocery shopping yesterday and bought chips that were on sale and engulfed half the bag on the way home. I used to be so disciplined. I don't know whats gotten in to me. Needless to say, my pants are tight too. I'm right there with you. Every day is a new day I guess. Awesome workout!


I'm not sure what I am doing today. Something. Later on I will be getting things together for school.

Have a fantastic Sunday Cheetahs! :)
Good Morning All!

Wendy – sounds like you had a great day yesterday! Yeah, no need to follow a “diet” on Thanksgiving. Once in a while it’s okay to relax your standards, unfortunately for me, it’s been too many times lately, but I’ll buckle down starting today.

Wendi – nice of you to deliver some Chicken Cordon Bleu to the stable guy! Thanks for thinking of us during the Mumbai attacks. Fortunately most of our family lives in and around Delhi. Yes, Viper was fun.

Judy – it is very sad for those people who lost their lives. I wish people who just learn to live and let live.

Carole – WOW! Glad the garage sale was so successful! Bolt was cute. I really enjoyed it. But I’m a sucker for Disney and dog movies anyway. :D I did like it though – and the hamster cracked me up. Enjoy the run today!

Linda – our smaller mall wasn’t too bad either. There were people there, don’t get me wrong, but I had a choice of parking spots (not many, but some), and the lines weren’t that long. Hope Patty feels better soon! Yes, Bolt was fun. I enjoyed it. Very cute movie.

Shelly – so you like the second Step Kick Box better? I may have to get that one. I like her first, but it’s so fast. Yep! Viper is a goodie. I really enjoyed it. Have fun toning down your LIME green bedroom (why oh why would anyone find that relaxing? I’d feel like I’d fallen into a Corona bottle or something!)

Cathy – Glad you were able to get out for a run! Sounds like a fun time. Your ITB is bugging you? That’s not fun.

Jackie –HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Sounds like you got some good deals!! Yes, we got a really nice tree – a little bigger than normal, but that’s okay. It’s very pretty. It has all of the balls on it, now we just have to do the ornaments. DD15 and I will do that today. Sorry you had a rainy run! But wow! Good job on the 11 miles. I’ll be cheering you on next Sunday!

Gloria – I just love this time of the year. DD15 and I did have a good day, thanks. Oh, I’m also loving the long weekend. I’m getting so much done! How did the spanakopita come out? Sounds delicious, actually!

I think I’m going to take Jimmy for a long walk today. I’ll probably do the 5 mile loop I typically run, but I’m not up for a run today – may run parts if I get too bored, though. :rolleyes: Then it’s home to finish decorating the tree, then I’m going to relax. I’ve been pushing hard the last week. I need a break. :p
Carole--I'm in awe. I'm doing serious training for a 1/2m, and you're going out for a 16 mile fun-run with your friends? WTG!

Gloria--It is hot here and getting hotter.

I live on the equator, but I'm at 4000 feet, so it actually never gets too terribly hot. But right now we're headed into the dry season.

I tell people that there are 2 stereotypical pictures of Africa: Tarzan and Lion King. Lion King (savannah) is next door in Kenya. Where we are is closer to Tarzan, though we're technically considered SUB-tropical and not fully tropical.

We have 4 seasons: 2 wet seasons and 2 dry seasons. During the rainy season it rains every afternoon but is otherwise clear and gorgeous. During the dry season it rarely rains and gets hot and dusty. But since we're relatively tropical, it never gets totally brown. December, Jan, and Feb are our hottest months of all. So, these days, if the run isn't done by 8am, it ain't happenin'! (During the rainy season, I can run on up to mid-morning without getting too hot.)

More than you bargained for, asking about weather, huh, Gloria? ;)
Happy Sunday!!! Shake,

Happy Sunday!

Wow, a lot to try and catch up on the past few days. I have scanned over the conversations though and finally have some time to post personals. I dunno, it’s just me, but I feel like I can’t post here unless I have time for the personals so it appears that I’m MIA when really, I’m not… I wonder if that made sense? LOL…. I was very disgusted and let the incident re: the employee getting trampled bother the dickens out of me. :( WTF is the world coming to? Can one NOT notice trampling over a body? :mad: I guess I’m extra sensitive about it since my DD used to work for K-mart and remember last year her going in early to work on prepping for the early mobs. I would have been one pizzed off mama if a crowd trampled and killed my DD whilst opening the friggin door! Sheesh, guess I’ll shut up now, but obviously I’m still baffled by the recent incident….

I’ve been trying to bust a move here and get some stuff done while I was off from work and Amanda also has been by a few times to visit – she goes back to school tonight. By the way, she found a job! LOL – yeah, JC Penney wanted to hire her on the spot, but she told them she can’t start for 3 weeks when she returns from school. LOL – the woman gave her a business card and said call soon as you get back. There are a couple of other interested folks as well. Kid never has trouble in that department, I guess.


Jackie – Sounds like you’re ready to bust the gates for next weekend!! yay! We'll be cheering ya! Wishing you a most excellent Birthday Sunday!


Cathy - Um, yappin’ couldn’t keep me away from the PIE! “Geeet in muuyy beeellleeey”…LOL! Actually, I only had a small sliver of the pumpkin cheesecake. Need help gradin’ stuff? hhheeeeee heeee heeee

Carole – Your Tofurky version does sound much tastier than the store bought. I enjoyed my Quorn turkeyless roast. Used up leftovers already! The weather is very mild and unseasonably warm again today – perfect for your 18 miler! woo hoo!

Wendy – My motivational offering is along the lines of Nike…JUST DO IT! lol. That’s what I say to me selves at times when I feel like slacking on the food tracking etc….if I “just do it” then the eating outcome is always better – in more ways than one. No guilt, healthier choices, results…etc, yada, yada..

Gloria – Lovin’ reading about your “jolly” mood. It was infectious as today I am following your lead and gettin’ in a jolly mood too! Love spanakopita! I made a lighter version once. It was ok, but the real deal is so much tastier! yummo with a nice salad…

Christine – Glad to hear your friends are safe. That incident was another downer to hear about as well. Enjoy your walk with Jimmy. Hope you don’t encounter any unleashed, mean dogs! I saw a fella walking with his black lab around here the other day and he was carrying a huge, fat walking stick with him. I’m sure it was to ward off any of the unleashed dogs that are ALWAYS out around here. Anyway, sounds like ya’ll are kickin’ off the holiday spirit at home! Enjoy you’re the rest of your day chillaxin’ and decorating…

Judy – Had to chuckle about the chips/appetizer comment. We always have the “weird” stuff but I also put out homemade ranch dip and ruffles for DS16 – his special request. LOL. Nice you had snow for the family photo. Yum, the Irish place sounds nice..

Karen – Some more thoughts and prayers coming your way!

Wendi – That was really cool for you to bring that kid some food. And sounds like you really have been bustin’ a move as well! Wanna come over and get up our outside lights? I don’t think I’ll be able to convince DH to do it anymore after last year’s fiasco. I got up on the roof with him to install all new lights…uh hem…after the last strand was completed, um, the entire shebang went out except the middle one – couldn’t get em to work no matter what…ah, faahhhggeetuabout it is what I hear now…so we are gonna be lightless this year me thinks…

Linda – Awe, your shopping excursion with GS sounds sooo cute! Nice of you to spend that kind of time and attention with them – lucky lil kids they are! My mom has always been a devoted, thoughtful grandparent and I really appreciate that. Way to go on getting in that solo run – hope your running partner feels better soon. BTW, I liked the Waltons too! lol

Laura – Welcome to the Cheetahs. I think the links Cathy set up for you should give lots of good info for a half training plan.

Shelly – Chuckling about the lime green… I like lime green! Just maybe not on a bedroom wall. I used lime green and sunny yellow to redo our old wooden picnic bench. I first sanded and painted all white; used equally sized square sponges and made a nice checkered pattern on the table and bench tops with the lime green/sunny yellow paint. Actually it came out nice and everyone calls it my “Martha Stewart” table…lol

Well, I better get a cracka-poppin’ here… Going to tackle carpet cleaning today! Enjoy the day, Ya’ll!

Howdy to Brighton and Dallas (hope your family is doing well) and any other cheetahs I missed.

Happy Sunday, everyone!

to our Chic Cheetah !!!

Jackiehope you have an absolutely wonderful day today and all the best of health, success, and happiness in the year to come. Your friendship, wit, and wisdom is so appreciated....Nice job getting in 11 miles yesterday—and without your canine friend. Wonder if the owners finally got wise. Great deals that you found on Friday.

Gloria—Thanks re: the new avatar…Hmm, yeah, the ITB thing…
Thought I had it licked, but my suspicion now is that the hills (when I run outdoors) are irritating it. I was in pain as the day wore on, but the ice and yoga helped. How are you careful with yours? Any tips? I love Greek food! Sounds yummy!!

CaroleNice you raked in some great profits yesterday. The ITB is a bit on the temperamental side right now, yes. Hope you had a great long run!

WendyYep, I sure did. Saw Role Models. Fun flick. Sorry you are still feeling low.

ChristineYou have been on-the-go of late and getting a lot done. Enjoy some relaxing time after your hike and decorating is finished.

That catches me up with personals. A warm hello to everyone else!

Today was MM u/b & core and 30 min. EXT.

Have a great Sunday! :)

P.S. POSH...A smile for you:
PoshPosting at the same time. I know exactly what you mean. Don’t like to skip out on personals, either. And yes, the trampling incidents of Black Friday are very disheartening. I feel terrible for those families. LMBO picturing Brian aka Clark Griswold up on the roof, doin’ up the lights. J Oh, our family is not above chips & dip, either. Too stuffy and fancy-schmancy is not our style. Yay for Amanda having her choice of job opportunities! Grading? What grading? *lol*
Good afternoon Cheetah babes!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKIE!!!! Hope you had a nice little celebration today!

This will have to be a quickie fly-by for now but I will have a chance to catch up tonight.

Had a shortened day at work due to this really gorgeous weather we have out can't decide between snow, rain, sleet or freezing rain, nice! I was able to run home and do 4DS BC + KB and, I dunno know if I was tired or what, but doing them in that order (instead of KB + BC) whooped my patootie but good! I think it was the lack of recovery time in the KB that got me:eek:. Typically I burn about 420-450 cals between the two cardios and today I was at 533! Feelin' better now, though.

Runnin' out to pick up some gifts from Bath & Body Works and a couple of other quick errands then I'll be back. See yas in a bit!
Hey there! It is so hard to believe my 4 days off if over, so soon! L

Jackie - Happy Birthday! Hope you are having a wonderful one! I did see where the employee got trampled. That was so horrible! It literally made me sick to my stomach! And then the fact that the customers got mad when they closed the store and wouldn’t let them stay. Just heartless and awful. Great job on you 11 miler!!

Carole - You guys did great on the garage sale! I’ll bet you “were” tired! Hope you enjoyed your 16 or 18 miler today!

Wendy - I have been having trouble with the food issues lately, too L Seems like mine is worse since the marathon is over. I guess I am having trouble adjusting my eating to the way it used to be before running long distances. L You always seem to catch it early, though and turn it around! I have faith in you! :D Glad you got to sleep so long this morning! Woo hoo!

Gloria - I have definitely done that with the chips, too! That is probably my biggest weakness, besides dark chocolate! The spanakopita sounds really good!

Christine - Good! I will have to check out “Bolt”! Hope you enjoyed your walk with Jimmy! That sounds like a really good walk for him! Hope you get to relax after decorating the tree!

Laura - Your weather sounds really different than here! Have you always lived there, or have you had to adjust to it? It would be a challenge to fit in your running outside with the heat! My boss’s DIL is from South Africa. She was a pro tennis player. She moved here to go to school and is now living in the states.

Posh - I am with you 100% on the WalMart trampling. It is so depressing. I just can’t believe people could act that way, just to save some bucks L I am sure that really sent chills down your spine since your DD was an employee getting ready for the mobs last year. You don’t need to shut up! Congrats on Amanda’s job offer! I hope I always get to be close to my GK’s! I hope we never have to live far apart. That is good that your mom is close to yours!

Cathy - Good job on your MM upper and EXT! Oh, and another chip and dipper lover here, too!

Wendi - Sounds like you are having weather like we are having here! Good job on your 4DS BC+KB!

This morning I ran 3 miles on the TM and did HSC. It was a lot of fun! I haven’t done that one in at least 7 more 8 months! Patty was still under the weather, so she didn’t run. It was raining, anyway. She hasn’t run for 3 weeks.

Anyway - DH bought a remote controlled helicopter for himself today. :) He is downstairs trying to fly the thing and I hear it crashing into things and him using some pretty not so pretty language! Better go see what is going on!

Hey to everyone and hope all is well!

Hello Girls.

No dinner at SIL's after all! I was wrong. YAY! :D Did good so far with the eating. Let's hope I don't mess it up before the night is thru...:confused:

This morning's work out was ME upper body split (included abs) and the original BC cardio 2x thru. I wanted to also do the arm drills as stated in the rotation but I ran outta time and deemed the cardio more important in light of my *ahem* pants situation. :rolleyes:

Off to make me some java and then come back with personals....
Good evening ladies! Thank you so much for all the birthday wishes. Love the smileys and graphics! You know how to make a cheetah feel good. DBF and I went out for Mexican last night. I even tried the fried ice cream. It was just ok but don't think I would order it again. We came home and assembled my new TV stand. Wow :eek: was that a project. Was glad to get it done. I had early church service this morning and we've just been vegging the rest of the day. Today was a rest day from exercise.

Carole - Congratulations on a successful garage sale. At least you got some things off your hands and made some $$$ too. How was your run today?

Wendy - How nice that you could sleep until 8:15 this morning. You should be really energized. :p Glad you enjoyed the movie. Sorry for the eating woes. Are you still logging every morsel you put in your mouth? That helps to keep me accountable.

Gloria - Think I would love spanakopita. I love a good quiche.

Christine - Bet that tree will be beautiful when it's all done.

Laura - Good job with the 6 miles. Bet you have some beautiful places for running. Yeah, I think about Tarzan and Africa. I loved Johnny as Tarzan. Thanks for the info about where you live.

Posh - People getting hurt for a bargain is not my idea of a bargain. It's just not that serious. Sorry it bothered you so much but can definitely understand why. Congratulations to DD on her new job! Get that carpet cleaned?

Cathy - Maybe the dog and the owners were out of town for the weekend. We'll see what happens in a couple of weeks.

Wendi - Glad you had a shorter day. We're supposed to get some snow or sleet or something. It's raining right now. :confused: Good job with the workout.

Linda - Good job with the 3 miles and HSC. Glad you enjoyed it. Hope Patty feels better soon. Oh, dear, hope DH wasn't crashing any good stuff.

Since DBF is gone, it's time for me to find some more Christmas movies and park it on the couch. Thanks again for the BD wishes. Have a good night.

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