*~*Cheetah's Frolicking Wednesday*~*



Already mid-week – YAY! Me thinks I posted last on Sunday?!?!?! I had Monday off for the holiday this week and got the new tires on DD18’s car and hung out for a while with my mom shoppin’ while we were down the hill in Roseville. Gots me some Klean Kanteen stainless steel water bottles at REI, so no more refilling the bad plastic for my water supply whilst at work….lol. Gonna get in a quick interval session on the treadmill before I load up and head to work. Oh, yeah, going to see MT before I get to work though. :D

Gloria – Hey, your conference sounds way cool. You’re another great teacher too, putting so much of your heart and soul into your work. Trust me, as a parent; I totally appreciate the good ones! Hmm..now ya’ll got me interested in revisting ME…lol

Cathy – PFFFTTTUHH! JK.. Love the dork alert! My kids would definitely say that belongs to me! Yeah, not ME but me. Ah, another delightful grading week, huh? How’s that corpse pose workin’ in that yoga routine? Hey, I love Seinfeld too! Someday me wants to get the DVD sets…now *that’s* worthy of a dork alert, eh?

Wendy – Woo hoo, Salsa baby. Are ya gonna shake it like Shakira? Cuz you know the “Hips Don’t Lie” :eek: ..LOL. Hope you were able to get your early workout in. When you start with TNT they usually have 2 days a week they meet as a group for runs (the long run and a midweek), so have you thought about when you’d get the other training runs in? Did you ever get a jogging stroller? If so, guess you could use that outside if you have the Joester, huh?

Wendi – Kewl you had a day to yourself! Nice, eh? Can’t wait to hear the details of the food processor!

Christine! SOoooooo, soooooo, very happy Ved is better and it appears to be a *better* diagnosis. Hope you enjoyed the rest day with yoga. I always feel so much better after some yoga. Me thinks I likey the magically hips one the best.

Carole – ((hugs)) Sorry about the feelings on your mom’s house. I was sad to see my grandparents home go to someone else. I’m Seinfeld lover too! Um, listen here, me just knows you gonna BQ, lady! What time goals have you and sis talked about for Napa though? I am still taking it easy and building slowly the next few weeks before training starts, so I’m still on the fence …lol.

Shelly – Awe, sorry about your lil’ big Kitty! You must have missed my previous post, but I inquired about what was on your taper plan? – You only have a couple weeks left, huh? Woo hoo!

Dallas – Ok, I’m gonna PM ya the Napa logistics. I just feel funny postin’ stuff like that out for the world to see (and I don’t mean the Cheetahs – I’m talkin’ the freak-o’s) LOL Soooo excited you are gonna come join the B-day bash. Did you say it is your 50th too? Well, If so, I guess you and Carole get to be the B-day queens then, huh? and wear the “royalty” hats..hee hee. I’m just a lil’ pup here – only my 29th! :rolleyes: …LOL. Hey, GO for the swim lessons, girl! I did it a couple of years ago and want to do more – when time permits.

Jackie – Sounds like ya’ll gots a mighty fine RP there with built-in coach! lol. I was fortunate to get a coach like that in my TNT training. He was great with running tips for the entire group. I also learned with hills to give sort of a lean forward and to look up and ahead instead of down. Cool! So happy you got a good RP! Hope you enjoyed your day with mom too!

Hey Brighton Welcome to the Den! Anybody from Chi-town (even if originally) is way cool in my book! LOL No, I’m out west, California to be exact, but I was recently in Chicago for the first time with some other fabulous Cheetahs and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVED it! From the sounds of that pizza, it looks like you’re a perfect fit for our lil’ group here and you can bring samples over to my house any time! LOL. Oh cool, I’ll have to go check out your blog sometime.

Linda OH NO! How crazy is that? The car heater can come in handy though, right? I hope ya’ll got the power back on. When it goes out for too long around here, I pull out the down sleeping bags and put on my ski socks…lol. Very warm indeed.

Enjoy the day, all!

Good morning, cheetahs!

Posh!!!—So great to see you post. Missed ya ‘round here, homes. J You’re makin’ me bag up, as usual. What a great way to start the day. Well, it’s the end of the MP, so it’s a little busier again, but all is well. J Ha ha-- I do have two seasons on DVD, so I guess I’m the biggest
of all. *lol* …Corpse pose rocks! Especially with the eye mask on. But my favorites are probably pigeon and cobbler’s pose—I am feelin’ those big time.

Dallas—nice job getting all of that into a very busy day!…I didn’t see the chimp report or Larry King last night…*lol* about being on the verge of asking the scuba folks for two years. Love your humor!
I am liking the increased yoga. How ‘bout you?

Wendy—yep, lotta hip action involved. I took a salsa class on the first cruise I went on. Lotsa fun. How come Sal didn’t want to do the class with ya?...Sounds like work has been quite taxing lately. Do you play games with the kids, or do they generally occupy themselves? ‘Cause if you do get involved, that’s why God invented all the silent games, ya know.

TM circuit for me this evening. Hope y’all have a great one!
Good Morning.

Well, I'm not up when I had hoped to be so I'm not heading to the gym this morning. I also don't have more then just a few minutes here to relax and wake up before hittin' the work out. I went to bed too late to begin with and then Sal got home and we started chit-chattin' and before ya know it, it was well after 10pm by the time I closed my eyes. :confused:

Posh: I don't have any details on TNT yet so once I find out what their schedule for group runs is, I'll figure out the rest of what I'm going to do. Yeah, I had a jogging stroller once upon a time. I used it exactly ONE TIME and then it sat and collected dust for a long time. I recently gave it away to one of the mom's at the gym though. Needless to say I didn't care for it. :p I can always schedule my o/d runs for when DH is home to watch DS plus I know I won't be givin' up my TM and my ITreads altogether so there's always the babysitting room at the gym. :)
I am not a hip shaker 'less I'm drinkin' so I'm gonna see about gettin' a couple before class tonight if there's time. ;)

Cathy: At my job you CAN play with the kids but ya really don't HAVE to. Some of us do, some of us don't. I honestly tend not to. My job is not my bag at all-just purely convenient to my situation. I love my son to pieces but I am not a kid person in general so I generally play "Gustapo" while the other ladies are the fun ones. :p I'm seriously going to see if we'll have time to get a drink before class tonight!:D The class wasn't my nor Sal's idea. BMF wanted to take the class and called up to ask if I wanted to do it with him. I've always wanted to take Swing lessons with DH but it's tough with DS cause we'll have to get a sitter. We managed to bowl together last summer though so if we work on it, I'm sure it COULD happen. I'll have to look into it...:)

Well that's all I have time for...gotta pick a work out and get busy now!

Later Gators!:D
Good morning ladies!

I have a couple of minutes to start catching up before I head out for my run. I will finish up the rest of my personals when I get back. No planned distance or time limit...just gonna run as far as I feel like:D. I do have to admit that it's a bit chilly out there though:(.

I never did get to Kohl's yesterday after my marathon riding day but will *definitely* have to get there tonight. We do have some people coming to look at sale horses this afternoon and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they don't get there too late. I've got soooooo much *stuff* to do tonight.

Oh, yeah, and I'm sportin' a gorgeous shiner from one of the sale horses that I have to show today:mad:. Gee, wonder how I'll explain that one without lying to the people if they ask what happened.

Gloria - Hope you had a great workout with ME. I *heart* that workout! Uggh, sorry about the early morning:confused:. Love the "DA" abbreviation as well...will have to remember that one;). I believe it's a 7 cup Cuisinart...reg $149, on sale for $99, plus I have a 20% off coupon...how can you beat that:eek::cool:?

Cathy - Oh, you're too cute! First of all you're not a dork:p. Secondly, I don't think one could ever call you cocky! I love your belt idea and will definitely keep that one in mind:)...I'm all for cheap accesories;). I'm sure that look is smashing on you:D. Hey, great job going with the flow this week regarding your workouts and grading. Fingers crossed that all your grading goes smoothly!

Wendy - Wow, you're actually gonna get to that salsa class?!?! Hope you have a good time! Glad you got your groove on yesterday though. Hey, DM TB is tough enough...like you said I'm sure you'll find a place to sneak those abs in. Awww, thanks hon:eek:...you're too sweet.

Gotta run for now, heehee, *literally*. Will be back in about an hour. Have a great day ladies!
Run was good, but a bit chilly...BBBBRRR! Ended up with a good 5 miler...probably could have gone farther but just didn't have the time.

BBIAB with personals!
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Christine - Oh, sooooo happy to hear that Ved's diagnosis isn't as bad as was feared. I'm sure you're both extremely relieved. Glad you're enjoying your B&G DOMS:D What, were you feeling that guilty for me that you had join in on the "fun";):p? J/K!!! Oh, I can't *wait* to do that one again...insert *devil horned smiley*!!! I really want to try to squeeze it in again next week...mwahahaha.

Carole - I can completely understand your feelings towards your mom's house...that will take some adjusting. Wow, another B&G??? You girls are all sick puppies:p...J/K! I think the problem I was having the other day is that I knew *exactly* what I had in mind and it was nowhere to be found:rolleyes:...oh well *shrugs*.

Shelly - Oh, so sorry to hear about Rio...do you have to go the ointment or drops route with cats? For the horses it's ointment, *many* times a day...NOT fun:(. I hope he's a good patient:). I completely understand your description of your job as being fluid...right there with you on that one. Sorry you had such a tiring stretch there! I hope you're a bit more rested now. Oh, BTW, I was still planning on coming to Philly to be the Cheetah Cheering Squad but now I can't get that day off. The new girl wants it off so she can go to her sister's baby's christening....sorry:(:(:(!!!!!

Dallas - You gals are all for the hurtin' lately with B&G, eh;)? Uh, yeah, that floorwork is killer:eek:! Great job! Glad the kids check ups went well...always a relief, right? I've never heard of Black and White but will definitely check it out...I assume they have a website. I was actually going for a black with white/silver/gold idea so that would work perfectly.

Jackie - Oh, that was *exactly* the problem I was having:confused:!!! Thanks for sharing your running pals advice...very helpful around here as there is no such thing as flat where I live lol! Glad that you have him to run with! Nice workout yesterday...great run and 4DS Chest and Back is a goody! Hope you had a nice day with mom. Oh, BTW, I never answered a question of yours...Bee (my pony) is 10, perfect age for a kid's pony:).

Brighton - Oh, yuuuuuuummmmmy sounding pizza! Oh, yeah, you'll fit in perrrrrrfectly around these parts;). So nice to meet you! Sending some serious healing {{{{{{VIBES}}}}}} your way so that that foot will heal quickly and let you get on with your training. Quickly, and so that there is no misunderstanding;), I'm a horse trainer (jumpers) so when you see that I've had a ride-a-thon, or whatever, it's not what you may think:eek::p;)...*lol*. I live in Orange County, NY....not too far from some of the other east coast Cheetahs. I only started running in August of last year (discovered Cathe about 3 years ago) and am sooooo glad that I did or I would never have met these fabulous ladies! Their wisdom and support has helped me through so much:D.

Linda - Uggggghhhh, so sorry about the power...yikes!!!!!! Did you ever get it back??? How is DD feeling?

Posh - Oooh, enjoy the visit with your MT...NICE! Sounds like you had a nice day with mom. Yeah, I should really get new tires too:confused:, especially before the snow hits:(. Hey, I'm not sure if you missed my post to you last week before you headed of to Napa...ah, must be the life LOL;):D. I had one more idea about Smokey....I know you're probably gettting sick of me at this point:p but once there's a mystery ailment I *have* to get to the bottom of it! I don't know if you ever heard about the big Rhino/herpes outbreak in FL (some in CT, MD, and VA also) a couple of years ago. Symptoms manifested as more neuro than respiratory as a result of a mutation of the virus. Vaccination was relatively useless as this was a very virulent and resistant strain. Have the vets considered this by any chance? It did go misdiagnosed at first due to the strange mutation. Some cases were extremely minor, some not so, so the severity of symptoms was from virtually non-existent to *bad*:(. I just happened to think about it the other day and thought I'd just put it out there *shrugs*.

I guess that's it for now....you're all thankful I've finally shut up, right:p? I'm hoping to get back here tonight. Have a Happy Hump Day ladies!
I'm done. I managed to eek out TJ Cardio Party using the weighted gloves plus the floor portion of Ab Jam. I don't get folks who say TJ is too easy or not intense enough. I mean, I run, I do Cathe cardio, etc...all tough stuff...and I STILL find TJ cardio to be a great work out! ESPECIALLY with the gloves on. Oh well. To each his own I guess. :)

Wendi: Oh my gosh! Your eye! I'm so sorry that happened. Yup, gonna hafta lie about it. Don't think the boss wants ya tellin' a prospective customer that the horse they might want to purchase, hauled off and kicked ya or something. Stinks but what salesperson is ever completely honest, right? ;):p Great job on that cold 5 miler! You rock!:)

Well, time to get movin'. I have a lot less time to get us fed and ready to go then usual. Just wanted to make sure I popped in though. I have my priorities you know. :p

BBL Girls!
Good morning cheetahs

Cathy...I never get tired of Seinfeld either. Kramer is my fav and never ceases to crack me up...:D..This "dork" has the 1st Seinfeld season on DVD! Enjoy your TM circuit later today.

Posh...I forgot the "thank you" for the sweet compliments last time you posted...:)..Did you get in a massage? I had a great one last week..:)..I do have the 1st Seinfeld set of DVD's...Thanks for the hugs, it'll be a fast next few weekends getting all the moving stuff done. No, we really have not talked about any marathon times for Napa. I feel I will have more of an idea after my 1st few long runs when I am actually marathon training in Dec. I bet your time will improve over Chicago...:)

Wendi...How did you get the shiner?? Thanks for understanding re: my Mom's house. I do love B&G and have some DOMS today..:)..Good job with the chilly 5 miles.

Gloria...Mom is doing fine living with my sis. My sis now has Mom feeding the dogs carrots as snacks instead of what Mom usually gives them as they were gaining weight!! Woodstoves are great after those long runs...:)

Wendy...Yep, I have those sore glutes today! Sounds like you got in a great workout with TJ's...

Shelly..I bet it is not easy taking an 18 lb cat to the vet! Hope Rio gets better fast. Thanks, we were very happy about Mom's house selling. Sending more selling vibes your way!!

Jackie...I do believe my Mom IS spoiled living with my sis!! And my sis's dog's are also getting spoiled...:). Good job with the iTread and 4DS workout. Did you get your errands done before the rain yesterday?

Brighton...that pizza sounds delish!! My DH did run right after we got married and funny, we argue now about who won most of the time. (I am sure it was me!) When he had knee surgery in 1987 that pretty much took care of his running. All I have wanted him to do is just 3 times a week on the Elliptical or his mountain bike but to no avail. I have always wondered if my OCD about exercise has a bad effect on him...:)...How has the foot been feeling? Good to know you will find out about the fracture in a couple of weeks.

Linda...that is awful the power was out and you got cold! Did you ever find out why it was out?

Dallas...how has your hip been feeling? I did see about the chimp taking care if the tiger babies. Very sweet...:)

Today is P90X C&B, abs and a 4-5 mile interval run.

Have a great day...:)
Good morning Cheetahs!

Brighton - The homemade bread and pizza sound yummy. What a nice smell to have in the house.

Linda - How awful to not have heat. :eek: I can't sleep if I'm too cold or too hot. LOL about getting your workouts in. :D

Dallas - You should have told the repair guy to get a move on because you had important things to do. :D That getting up early has other advantages too - no bathroom issues. Happy about that. Mom got her Christmas shopping done yesterday and we beat the rain. She's happy now.

Cathy - Penney's was having a good sale and then you got another 15% off if you used your CC. Mom was shopping for the grandkids. Thanks for the link to the speech. Wish I could watch it at work but all You Tube is blocked. Guess they think I'd watch videos all day or something. ;) Enjoy your circuit today.

Gloria - How dare they schedule a meeting for 7:30. Hope you made it through it ok.

Wendy - Are you feeling rested yet? You think we need an extra bladder or something so we can sleep through the night? :D I'll read further to see if you made that early morning call. Glad you got that workout in. Sometimes I think it's all in what you put into a workout. Half effort gets you half results.

Posh - Like the thread title this morning. Sounds like you got a lot accomplished. How do you like the stainless steel water bottles? I've been thinking about doing something different too. I love my RP. Did I mention he's only 37 and has 2 little ones? I'm just so thankful that he runs at a pace I can keep up with. He also reminds me to pick out a spot and run to that spot, etc. Hope you had a good workout.

Wendi - Don't you just love those runs when you don't put any limits on yourself? Just run until you get tired. So, how did you get the shiner? Bad horsey! Glad the run was good!

Carole - Is your mom spoiling sis's dog? Bet they enjoy having the extra company. Had a few sprinkles to hit us before we got home but other than that no rain. It is coming down this morning though. Enjoy C&B and your run.

I did 4DS Legs & Core. My glutes and hamstrings are a little sore. Guessing it came from sprints on Monday and doing hills yesterday.

Have a wonderful day!
Hi cheetahs! Well I'm up early after working last nite and I go back in again. I just haven't been sleeping as well during the day as I used to:(
My bedroom is perfect too... very quiet and dark. Oh well, hopefully I'll get back in the day sleeping mode again soon... I hope! It does make the 12 hr nites challenging to get thru on 4 hrs of sleep!

I'm resisting the impulse to go and do a workout. This is a scheduled rest day and I really could use it! I will be strong:p and not go near my basement!!!

Jackie- Sounds like you have a really saavy RP there! Bet you are getting iron legs from the hill workouts and sprinting!

Brighton- Absolutely delicious sounding pizza you made yesterday! I was living in Prescott, Az so I was quite used to running at high altitudes. I'm afraid I'm a spoiled flatlander now and I'll be feeling it when I return to Prescott for a visit. Are you able to do any kind of cardio now, like swimming?

Linda- What a crummy time of year for a power outage! With my Raynauds my poor little fingers would have been really suffering! Were you able to get in you workout?

Cathy- LOL about the loverboy comment yest.... Actually that would apply to Jerry as well! LOL about the Yoga corpse pose!! Definitely my favorite. Do you have any yoga recommendations ... ones that are a bit more dynamic I guess for little old hyper crazy cheetah me!

Gloria- Let me know if your gloves work well for you in the cold. I'm always searching for ones that will actually do the job and keep my fingers from losing all sensation. Mittens are supposed to be better but I can't stand the clumbsiness (is that a word?) of them. Your conference does sound like a good one and I'm always very pleased to see someone so passionate about their career, especially the teachers like you and Cathy

Wendy- Hey, I bet the Salsa dancing will really make a differene in your Groove class too.... you're gonna be turning some heads!! I think you picked a nice alternative workout with CardioParty. You know what a crazy nut I am for high intensity workouts and I find the TJ workouts are just fine for that!! They are the kind of workout where you get what you put into it. they can be as easy or hard as you like... but they are always fun!!

Dallas- Nice EXT workout yesterday and congrats on the clean bill of health for your kids at the dentist. A real testiment to a Mom who cares IMO! OMG--- the cuteness factor of the chimp and her baby tigers was off the map!!!!!!

Posh- Sounds like you had a very nice extended weekend and got alot done! Still amazed at how you manage to pack it all in!!! Hope your interval run went well and you are enjoying a well deserved massage. so sorry I missed your question about my tapering! My mary is Nov 23rd and I'm in a 3 week taper period now. I did a long run of 12 miles on Monday, next monday will be one week (minus one day) out and it will be 8 miles. My mid week runs are now in the 4-5 mile range and next week go to 3-4. I'll take the last 2-3 days pretty darn easy (which is hard for me!) I'm following one of Hal Higdon's intermediate training plans (roughly)
Bet you're sorry you asked!!! (LOL)

Wendi= I hope your work day went well and that the prospective clients didn't ask about or notice your your shiner (LOL) Nice job on a COLD run this morning!!! I actually had the option to use ointments or drops for Rio. I have the drops cuz I thought it might be easier to administer. It's still a challenge tho!! I have DH do the job of holding him... the hard part! Not to worry about being unable to come to Philly.... I think that was so darn sweet of you that you were even seriously considering it! I know all of the Cheetahs will be with me in spirit!!!!

Carole- thanks for the house selling vibes. It's getting pretty hard not to get discouraged... oh well! Houses in this market range just dont move fast at all these days. The house we are in was on the market for well over a year. Actually Rio is such a mellow kitty taking him to the Vet is really quite easy! Unfortunately he has wised up to the hold eye medicine administration thing and knows its coming!! Hey, Jerry and I are in a Seinfeld groove right now ourselves and have been watching it pretty consistently around the supper hour. It is such a classic!

Christine- I saw a new spinervals workout while browsing for workouts myself called "Suffero-ama" and thought of you!!:p:p:p

That's it for now cheetah pals. Just getting thru this long work stretch.
Last nite was pretty nice so hopefully it will be the same tonight. Tomorrow is just an 8 hr shift, then a stretch off:)

Good Afternoon Cheetahs!!!!!

Things here are going pretty well-- taking the time off to catch up on the messy house & spending more time in the kitchen today. I made a huge batch of chicken tikka masala this morning and am freezing a bunch of it for those crazy days I have no desire to cook. (Indian food freezes incredibly well!) Tomorrow it will be officially one week since I saw the doctor, so if things are feeling well I may get to the gym and try the elliptical out. *crossing fingers* The foot is feeling okay. It's definitely sore, but not excruciating.

And can I also just say that Seinfeld is one of the best shows ever? I still watch the reruns and laugh like I've never seen them before. :D Oh, and also I should probably just say for the record that Brighton isn't actually my given name-- just a nickname, but I'm glad you like it. :D ITA with Posh-- I'm all for sharing that info within the Cheetah den, but worry about the "freak-o's" too. :)

Linda: SO sorry about the power outage. Those are so not fun. I've been through my share as well. LOL about the warming up in the car-- I've done that too!!! :) I hope things are resolved quickly! ITA about goat cheese-- huge weakness!

Dallas: Small world!!! :) :) :) A lot of my club swimmer friends were from Naperville high schools-- they have great programs there. ITA with Cathy-- go for the lessons! Any teacher/coach worth their salt won't make you feel silly.

Cathy: LOL about the Rod pun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I go back and forth about returning to coaching all the time. My colleagues keep trying to talk me into it, but I know now just isn't the right time. In some ways I'd really like to, but in other ways I'm really happy where I am now too. My current plan is to go back to school & get my teacher cert when the kids are older & possibly teach/coach HS again. But I guess we'll see... plans have a way of changing with time. :)

Gloria/Wendi: Food processors are gifts from heaven! :D I have a trusty Cuisinart as well. LOVE it!

Gloria: Thanks so much for sharing that info about yourself-- and I love that we have so many teachers in the den! :) ITA the West is so beautiful... and that every place in the US has its unique charm. I love the mountains and all the National Parks close by, but I miss how green it gets east of the Mississippi.

Wendi: Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry about the shiner! :( How fun to be a horse trainer! My parents have two horses, they love to ride. I'm a little more timid around them... guess that's the city girl in me. :rolleyes: But I know how bad those horse injuries can be-- my mom had a horrible accident last spring that left her totally black & blue for a month. (((HUGS)))

Wendy: I totally understand about the job-- sometimes it's nice just to have something that works with your schedule. May is a great month to have a baby. DD was born the end of July-- wouldn't recommend it! ;) Goat cheese is awesome! Depending on the variety it's usually soft, slightly crumbly and tangy.

Posh: Well, anyone from the Sacramento area is okay with me as well!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) My parents have very good friends that live in Rocklin. Ooh, I want a Klean Kanteen too! I've been toying with getting one for the last couple weeks! :) It's nice to meet you, your posts had me laughing... love the sense of humor!

Shelly: Get well vibes to Rio! ITA with Carole, getting 18 lbs. worth of feline to the vet is no small feat!

Carole: So incredibly sorry to hear about DH's knee surgery... My sister has been through endless shoulder surgeries (I think it's been 5 so far) and it totally killed her collegiate swimming career. I know how difficult surgery can be. :( And I know how difficult it can be trying to coax DH to workout! I'd been working on mine for a few years before he finally decided to do something. Sending good thoughts your way!

:D :D :D All the best to everyone!!! Happy training, ladies!!! :D :D :D

Shelly, you snuck up on me there! :)

I haven't been swimming or anything for almost a week. The doctor wanted me to take a full week off all activity. Not easy. ;) Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to get back on the horse somewhat. We'll see how the foot is feeling... :) And I hear you about altitude training! I went to college out West, and after a summer home in Chicago trying to get back to working out at school was killer! :eek: Hope the rest of your day goes well! :)
Good Afternoon Cheetah Babes. :)

K, I think it's time I just strangle BMF. He drives me BEYOND batty!!! He is sooo unpredictable. Plans are not plans with him until I see his face. Every once in a while is fine but lately it's every time we try to hang out. :mad: He went and rescheduled the dance classes on me again. GRRR. Now they aren't gonna happen until after the New Year! :eek: Then he says that we should hang out tonight anyway. He says he'll take me to dinner. Okay fine. Well now, several hours later he tells me he might be staying home to take care of his son since his DW is home sick with a sinus infection. If you knew she was home sick then why even OFFER to hang out!?!? AAARGH! It never ends!!!!! I think he needs his head examined! :eek::eek::eek: LOL

Okay, rant over. Thanks for listening! :p

Brighton: Oh ITA. May was a FABULOUS time to have a baby and getting preggy when I did was fabulous as well. Totally miss the hot weather!!! Can't do any better then that I tell ya! ;) The job was all about convenience and keeping busy when I first got it almost 3 years ago and it's still the same deal. I can't see trying to find a job with DS being so young because if he gets sick or has no school, I am the one who takes care of him. I have family around who could be there in case of a true emergency but they all work. I can't depend on them for babysitting every time he is sick or has a day off-and he has more days off and half days then I can shake a stick at! :eek: As much as I'd like to get a better job/full time, I just don't see the sense in it. I don't even see the likelyhood of my being hired after I tell them about DS and it would be crappy NOT to tell them. I'd probably just get fired then. LOL

Shelly: LOL, you sound like me having to RESIST the urge and be STRONG in order to not work out on a rest day! Too funny! :) Sorry you aren't sleeping well. I'm not either. I fall asleep fine but I am waking up constantly lately. It seems I wake up every 1 to 2 hours! It makes 8 hours seem like 12 but when I wake up I feel like I only slept for 4 hours. :eek: Hopefully we'll both see better sleeping patterns SOON! I'm glad you agree with me on the TJ's. I was beginning to worry about myself! I was huffing and puffing this morning and I'm not a cardio wimp!

Jackie: You too. Glad I'm not the only one who can get a great challenge/work out from the TJ's. I think her weight work leaves something to be desired though. There is big excitement over the new Chalean series. I hope it's everything everyone expects it to be. I am doubtful based on her other weight work outs but hey, what do I know! :p

Carole: I like Seinfeld as well. I rarely seem to catch it on tv anymore but it ranks up there as one of my fave sitcoms along with Friends and Everybody Loves Raymond. :D As for the newer stuff, I find How I Met your Mother to be pretty darned funny but most of it is crap IMO. :confused:

Slow day in the den today. I'm all caught up already. Off to make myself useful somehow...

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Hola chicas!

Finally defrosted....BBBBRRRR, I am so NOT ready for winter:confused:! Showing went well, they'll probably come back a second time to try the one horse and to take a look at some ponies that we have so that's a good thing.

Ahh, left out details of my black eye. Long story short...horse went to leave the ground (we were jumping), changed his mind almost in mid-flight, stuck his fronts legs back down and then threw his head back and, wham, back of his head hit my face. I'm just happy he didn't break my glasses cuz those puppies were $$$;). I'm glad they're ultra-flexible and just bend to absorb impact...certainly not the first time they've taken a direct hit:confused:.

Wendy - Sounds like you had an awesome workout this morning! I have to say that I'm always tempted by those cuz I know you speak so highly of them. Grrrrr about BMF putting you on hold...AGAIN:mad::mad:!!! Am I wrong that he's been doing this to you off and on for the past year or am I mixing him up with someone else? I just hate to hear that it always seems that you're worth his time only when it's convenient to him. I apologize if I've overstepped but I hate to see you get jerked around like that.

Carole - Great workout you had on tap for today! Oh, I didn't realize that DH had had surgery...I had no idea he used to run. It's too bad he doesn't do something as it sounds like fitness was a big part of his life for a time.

Jackie - Yup, this morning's run was just the ticket:D. Uh, yeah, I would imagine you'd have a bit of soreness after sprints then hills then 4DS legs...wow! Heehee...had a few more "choice" words than bad horsey when it happened;) *lol*!

Shelly - Oh, I hope you get some better sleep and soon. I don't know how you could work those shifts and workout with that kind of sleep...unbelievable! Soooo, were able to resist a workout after all???? I certainly hope so! LOL, I'm sure Rio is much squirmier and harder to handle than a horse...that would NOT be an easy task:eek:. You bet we'll be with ya in spirit for Philly!

Brighton - Glad to hear that the foot continues to improve...fingers are crossed for you. Oooh, another chicken tikka masala fan, eh? Christine gave me a lightened up version that is to die for yummy! Had to chuckle about Brighton not being your given name cuz the first thing I thought of was a very famous line of ponies with the Brighton prefix...a la, Brighton Smirk, Brighton Shine On, etc. So sorry to hear that your mom had a nasty accident last spring:(. Without getting waaaaay off on a tangent...I'm actually trying to get out of this line of work for *many* reasons but one of the biggest is the injuries...broken back (shattered a vertebra), 2 broken ribs, 1 seperated rib, broken wrist, broken nose and a good handful of fairly mild concussions. Uh, yeah, had enough:confused:! Too bad that it's all I know how to do *shrugs*.

Well, that's it for me this evening. I've got BC/ME bonus combo on tap for tomorrow in preparation for (hopefully) a better bowling night;). Praying for rain, too, so that I may have an easier day...these ride-a-thons are starting to take their toll on my back:(.

Nightie night Cheetahville!

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