Cheetahs Friday April 6


Hey Cheetah Babes!:)

I have been awake since like 4am! I woke up and couldn't fall back to sleep. I finally gave up and got out of bed at about 5:15. I hate when that happens! GRRRRR!x(

What's everyone up to this weekend?
Happy Friday, Wendy, & everyone else!

Ha, I had the opposite problem last night - I couldn't sleep!

I am actually off from today through 4/15. I wound up *NOT* going out w/ my friends last night but probably will tonight. Then for Easter, it's dinner at my parents' house. Those are my only solid plans at the moment. Oh, and I did bring home a crate full of journals to be graded, so I have to take one day to do just that.

How about yourself?

OK, let me go back & read the posts from yesterday...then I'll be back for personals.

~Cathy :)
::: PERSONALS ::: :) :) :)

Wendy :: re GTG…any Sunday this month will be fine…the LASIK is a no-go for a while…Thanks ~ was just curious on the weights to see if what I’m doing is on par with another cheetah – it’s hard to go by their weights because Tony & the guys are always doing something crazy like 35s and 40s and it’s hard to tell what the women do, but it seems a bit light…I did 12s & 15s for B&B…15-12-10-8 for the strip set. On CST, I’m much lighter, though – 8s and 10s. I really do wish I had another solution besides bands for the chinups….re: the step, I’m thinking it’s not likely to get quieter, but I could be wrong. I don’t really pay attention to the noise factor (I'm usually concentrating really hard on executing the moves! *lol*) and haven’t noticed a change from when I bought mine, which was probably a little over a year ago...maybe a more observant person would know…Great job getting in the cardio!…Ha on being careful with the barbell…I always think of that commercial where the boy hits his fishtank with his barbell…SPLOOOSH!!!…No, I did not get the PM. Odd. Does it look official? Maybe copy & paste into an email to SNM to be sure it’s legit. (Wow, I’ve written you a novel here!)

Shelly :: OK…depending on what kind of luggage you three will have, I could probably borrow my Dad’s Crown Vic. I feel like I’m steering a boat when I drive that thing, but it would work if things seem like they’ll be too tight with the bags…Enjoy your three nights off!!

Gayle :: do you have a power tower in your basement?…The pace team sounds like a great idea…I’m sure you can pull off 1:45!…My ham’s have been tight lately, too.

Carole :: yes, LASIK is planned – just can’t do it now. I'm hoping for next week on the BBCs...then I can join you in Joey-land...if, that is, I can figure out how to fit a few in with the X.

Linda :: re: the X…I really hope you can stick to a 90-day rotation…It might mean having to give up the other stuff temporarily, but it’s worth it! Hope the new TM arrives quickly.

Karen :: I don’t know the answer to your question, either. All I know is that you have to do the kind of running you’ll be doing in the race. Even though folks say the EXT helps their running and I agree it seems like an excellent cross-training exercise, I think you still need to be out there running on the trails. I used to work with a guy who was an avid mountain biker – super-fit guy – he did a 5K with me once and thought it would be cake b/c he was so fit. He was hobbling around in *agony* for days afterward. If you don’t do enough running to prepare, I think you’ll risk injury. Did you try RW? I would imagine they might have a good training plan…or one that could be adapted. BTW, awesome run! 3 miles in 23 minutes…I, for one, can’t run that pace!

Jackie :: what do you do for work? Thanks for the link. I’ve bookmarked it.

Jess :: maybe the massage *isn’t* a good idea for your achilles…sounds like you could be aggravating it. Just a thought. YAY! Target! Hope you contained the damage in there. But then again, it's so fun *not* to!

Susan :: welcome back! I loved Monterey when I was out in CA…I can still envision that beautiful drive up the coast…glad to hear your back has had three days of feeling good!

My LASIK consultation went well & I’d have it done ASAP if I could, but they can’t perform the surgery until 6 weeks after I finish the ‘tane. (Gayle, it will be $2720 total for both eyes which includes the lifetime guarantee plan if any touch-ups are needed).

Afterward, I came home, puttered around a bit, and then took a rather long nap. With the kids screaming their heads off at our Spirit Assembly, my head was *throbbing.* After I woke up, I wasn’t really in the mood for yoga anymore, so yesterday turned out to be an unplanned rest day. No worries ~ with today off, I’m sure I can make up for Yoga and Plyo, which I also missed Tuesday night in order to scramble together some things for my meeting with the principal. I’m gonna love having some time off and being able to build my day around my workouts! :)

I was going to meet some friends for drinks last night, but that fell through, too…Got to the bar at 10 pm (a place I hadn’t been before)…had to park really far away…got to the back door and was told by the bouncer that I couldn’t come in that way unless I had my hand stamped…So, I walked all the way around to the front of the building, laughed when I saw the $5 cover (are they serious?) and then the bouncer at this door gave me a hard time because I didn’t want to check my coat. He insisted I had to. I said to myself, you know what? Fine and turned on my heel and left. Maybe I’m nuts, maybe it's PMS, but I just was not in the mood to deal with that kind of scene. Give me a low-key hole in the wall and I’m happy. Cover charges on a Thursday night in suburban South Jersey? Puleeze.

OK, that’s my saga for the morning…

And oh yeah: not sure about today’s workout. Kenpo is on the calendar, but I might go for KM or KPC instead.

For now, I'm going to enjoy a quiet, lazy morning of no rushing around! Ahhhhh! It's a beautiful thing. :)

~Cathy :)
Hi, ladies.

Wendy-sorry about the early hour! The cat had me up, sitting on my head this morning. Does that count as a wake-up call? LOL As for yesterday...a craving for cardio after a nap. Go figure! LOL Sounds like the nap is what you needed more than yoga, though! Good for you!

Cathy-yes, I have a power tower. It's great for so many different things. Thanks for the info on the Lasik. I like the idea of the guarantee for touch ups!!!!

Linda-how exciting about the new treadmill. I don’t know what I’d do without mine. I just treated ‘him’ to a dusting and a lube job this weekend. Need to keep him happy! LOL

Jackie-how do you find the 20 minute iTreads??? Shorter does not mean easier, right? I’m assuming it’s a quick-get-to-the-point workout.

Jess-Glad you like Mr. YP. lol How did the Target trip go? Have any money left???

Susan-Happy dance that your back is feeling better. Sounds like it’s just what you needed.

Shelly-STOP IT! LOL You keep posting these runs and I keep DOING THEM! Now I feel the urge to use this Speed Demon workout too! LOL. (I secretly love it, though!) lol Thanks for the encouragement on the half pace. Thanks to all your running workouts that you’ve shared, I plan on hitting my goal time!

Road Trip Cheetahs….I’m still toying with the idea of coming a day earlier as well. I just have to wait to see when Dfiance’s army annual training is that month, plus make arrangements for school for my kids for those days. We’ll see. PLEASE let’s plan a Cheetah Run! for me. Workout this morning is DONE. Gym Style BSB. I was going to add on some cardio, being the cardio junkie that I am. But I may be able to arrange to run my 13 mile long run tomorrow with the team instead of on Sunday. So I gave my legs a break just in case. I'm hoping to be able to make that arrangement. Since it's the complete half marathon distance, I thought I might like some company. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Headed to a ww meeting and weigh in this morning. Then I really need to get shopping for Easter gifts. With the kids home from school for so long, I haven't had one single chance to get out there and buy anything yet. MUST do that.

BBL sometime!

Gayle :: cracked up about the cat on your head. Reminded me: growing up, one of our cats used to sometimes sleep on our pillows...if you moved, she'd attack your head. She was one fierce mother-scratcher! BTW, the consultation was at LasikPlus - they have an office here in So. Jersey and one in King of Prussia. Great job getting your w/out in already!

~Cathy :)
Yeah, Cathy. I love this cat. lol He's awesome, but now that he's comfortable in the house (we just got him right before VDay), he's making his bed on my pillow between my head and the wall! LOL He also likes to lean over with his 2 front paws on the night stand and drink from my water cup! lol Love him, though, he's awesome!

I'll keep the LasikPlus info handy just in case. It's on my wish list.

Good morning cheetahs of my barbells is 20 lbs without weight! Then I have one that is 17 lbs and one that is 8 lbs. So, I have a few weapons! Did you every find anything out about that weird PM?

Cathy...I bet it is nice to have some time off. I am not sure about my Easter plans yet. Sorry your plans with friends fell thru last night. Those bar rules sound silly to say the least. I never did Kenpo much I liked KPC and Taebo ALOT better...

Gayle...that would be great to run a 13 miler with a team. Have fun buying those easter the kids like those peeps??? far as running double the miles weekly, you have to ease up to that distance, If you are running say 10 miles total this week you won't just jump up to 26.2 the next week for training. I'd say be up to that weekly mileage about 8 weeks before the event. This is just what I'd do, I do know some of the other cheetahs have and are doing halfs so they might be able to give you some insight on that too.

Jackie...okay, I said nothing about how cool the 5 disc changer is...:)...I have that Baron Core Yoga...(Like Linda, I seem to put yoga on the back burner too) Good workout yesterday.

Susan..welcome back. Clam chowder and sour dough bread sounds yummy. Great news about your back! Sounds like chiropractic could be helping. Did you see Shelly's post yesterday about the Road Trip?

Shelly...glad the email is working now..:)...Thanks and it will be nice to have someone waiting when I land...After this week of BBC I am doing 3 weeks of GS, but I might add in BBC S&B as I really like the shoulder exercises on that one, not just Joey...:)

I ended up doing iClimb #17 core cardio and core conditioning yesterday. I really like this workout, Keith adds 3 intervals of standing core work, during the 40 min cardio segment, and then uses the stability ball for 15 min of ab work. It was fun and not hard to follow at all.

Today is BBC C&A, B&G floor legs and a 3.5 mile run.

Have a great day..:)
Good morning cheetah pals,

wendy- sorry for the lack of sleep this morning. i just hate when that happens it throws off my schedule.

gayle- you are already a speed demon!

cathy- are you still feeling well with your new meds?

carole- sure it's not just because of joey;) :D . i am interested in the iclimb you did. does it come with instructions?

today's workout will be a spin class and ME Abs.

yesterday i was MIA, no workout. spent time shopping for my cruise which is only 8 days away, whoohoooooo!!

have a great day ladies!!
Sunny....ME abs is a fun one. No, it does not come with instructions but Keith's cuing was good and it was easy to follow. 8 more days for the cruise!!! You are going to have a great time....seriously...Joey is cute but these are some different shoulder exercises and that is my favorite part to work...:7 :+ :)
Happy Friday Ladies –

I’m so glad it’s Friday. Well, I’m full of news – I received a verbal offer for that position near my house. I’m supposed to get the full offer letter today!!! It’s more money, and no commute. I was thinking about that last night as I sat in traffic. Oh, that will be a blessed relief!

On another note, the article on Tucker is in the paper today. I posted it on the main page, but I’ll post the link here. The story is actually referenced on the front page! She did actually misquote me about the cards for Tucker – my mom received hundred’s – I said that I ALMOST received as many card for Tucker. But, that’s okay.

I had a bit too much to drink last night so I’m not moving too quickly this morning. I’ll do a CC at the gym this afternoon. That’s one thing I will miss – having the gym for an afternoon workout. Oh well, I can always GO HOME to workout! :+

Wendy – sorry to hear you couldn’t sleep. I had the opposite problem – I could not get up. No major plans – just making a nice Easter Ham with all the trimmings on Sunday. What are you doing?

Cathy – What a pain in the butt last night! Why do some places have to be filled with idiots? I do agree – cover charge on a Thursday night? That’s crazy! Sorry your Lasik is being postponed, but glad it went well! How exciting!

Gayle – A kitty alarm! How cute! I’m with you on the shopping for Easter! As my girls are older I usually get a small basket with really good chocolate, and a nice present. I love GS BSB. Enjoy your long run tomorrow – hope that works out for you!

Carole – Ooooh! I haven’t been to the iTrain website for a bit! That sounds great! Maybe I’ll do that one today at the gym! The ellipticals are right near where you can do ab work, so that will work great! Thanks! I knew you would respond when I posted the article. I actually smiled when I saw you did. You’re such a wonderful friend. Thanks.

Sunny – COUNT DOWN!!! How fun! Enjoy your spin class today!

Well, gotta run… I’ll chat with y’all later…
Wendy, sorry you were up so early. Leaving early tomorrow to go to my parents for the weekend. That's good cause I need a break. Today the kids and I are doing some cleanmax.

Cathy, glad you get some time off. Enjoy your time with your parents. Teachers sure have lots of homework. I printed out a schedule from RW yesterday. I guess on days it says to cross train or rest I will get my biking in for the time trial.

Gayle, way to go getting your workout in already. Have fun with your run and enjoy your shopping.

Carole, have with Barry and your run. Thanks for the info.

Sunny, enjoy your spin class. How is a spin class set up for time of class and intervals & things like that.

Today I am doing Absolute Kickbox, and Coremax. Have a nice weekend everyone.
Gooooooood morning, Cheetahs:

I was actually able to sleep in this morning, whew.....did I need that! DS and I have the day off, well, I bartend tonight but, I'm off from my fulltime job. ;-) It's very cold, not suppose to even reach 30 degrees today, so I don't know what we are going to do. I am trying to figure out a rotation for myself now that I have my 'student's' rotation done }( . She loved it and is 100% focused! (at this point ;-) ). I'm sure I will do "X" something, I miss it and need to get something going here soon.

Wendy - I'm sorry you coudln't sleep, there's not much worse than that. I have been having trouble lately, too, but hopefully that is going to change once I get used to my new bed.

Cathy - I don't blame you for not going through all that to get in the bar. We own one and it is a nice little place in a small town, NEVER a cover charge and always friendly nice people. BUT, you live in a whole different area. Hopefully tonight you won't have such a hard time. ;-) Have fun!

Gayle - Good luck at weigh-in. You are close to goal, I know, so GOOD LUCK! I was going to go weigh-in, too, but it's TTOM so I know it will be up and I couldn't handle the disappointment. Maybe tomorrow morning if this passes when it should ;-) .

Carole - Enjoy your workout today.

Sunny - The cruise countdown is on!!!! Eight days, you are lucky - have fun shopping!!

I can't believe I actually had time for personals, WOW, this day off is going to be great :7

OK - I'm off to figure out a rotation and get to it. I'll be back.

Christine, congrats on a job that pays more and is closer. The article on Tucker was nice. It sounds like he touched a lot of lives. I didn't know he got hit by a car. I am so sorry that he had to go that way.
Karen and Christine - I missed ya when I was posting.......

Christine - Ohhhh, those 'not feeling so well' days are tough. Make yourself a good protein drink or Gatorade, something to get those fluids back up that you are missing this morning ;-) Be careful not to go crazy on food today, I know that when I have too much the next day NOTHING satisfies me and I end up eating tons of food to fill that void and nothing ever does. I hope your day gets 'less foggy' as it goes. ;-)

Karen - Your workout sounds fun! Who does Absolute Kickbox? Is it a DVD or live workout?

Take care,
Carole :: It's cool -- I enjoyed vegging out. Since it was spirit week (and grades are due, too), it was a pretty crazy week at school, so a quiet night rather than dealing with the hassle suited me fine. I think the meds (regardless of dosage) *do* make me a little more snippy than usual -- normally, I'd have probably just rolled my eyes and went in, anyway, but the whole scene just worked my nerves for some reason. It didn't help that the clientele looked like meatheads...I just wasn't in the mood to deal. :p

Sunny :: wow! 8 days! So exciting. Your itinerary sounds similar to the Caribbean cruise I did -- we went to Grand Cayman, Cozumel, and New Orleans...Yes, energy-wise I am feeling *really* good on the meds. Life is good again. :) Thanks for asking.

Karen :: enjoy your time w/ your parents, too. :) Who does Absolute K'box? I am always looking for new (challenging) k'box workouts - love 'em!

Christine :: GREAT news about the job! I'm so happy for you - esp. that something positive is happening to you after the hell you've been going through...Yeah, I'm excited about the LASIK and am ready to go for it. It won't be too much longer.

~Cathy :)
Marcia and Cathy, Absolute Kickbox is the new CIA by Kimberly Spreen.

Marcia, i must have missed your post. Enjoy your time off and have fun coming up with a new rotation for yourself.
Marcia :: I missed your post while I was posting. Glad you get to enjoy a day off (at least til tonight) - man, you work hard, woman! :) I have been loafing on the computer all morning and cleaning intermittently. I should get moving. Your bar sounds like my kinda spot! Yeah, I was wearing the cranky pants last night *lol*. Good luck @ weigh-in - I hope the scales are good to you. We have been making turtle progress lately, eh? But we're on the right track. I try to remind myself that slow is good with weight loss. I think about how I've only lost 30 lbs. in 14 months whereas some folks drop that in 4 months -- I wanna be at my goal already!! But then I think it might be better this way b/c it's probably likely to be more permanent. Well, that's my rationale - lol. Glad your student's fired up about the rotation. You got the makings of a trainer--I say, DO IT! *said with my best Starsky impersonation* :)

~Cathy :)
Good morning Cheetahs!! Busy day ahead for me.

Linda - Yoga and stretching just helps my flexibility so much, I need to get it in as often as possible.

Jess - Thanks for 'plaining Mr. YP. Don't think I've ever done any of his yoga. Is this the one that comes on Oxygen?

Susan - Welcome back. Glad you had a nice trip. So good to hear that your back is feeling so good. Know you have to be ecstatic about that!

Wendy - Good job on the workouts. You really went for the gusto! Be careful with that BB.

Shelly - Like your speed demon run. Will have to keep it for future reference. Hope you had a nice motorcycle and bike ride. Yeah, I have to be careful with how much I throw at the ol' bod. Want to keep using it awhile longer.

Cathe - Enjoy your week off. I'm working today. I work for the Postal Service. My official duty status is Postmaster(manage a small office) but I'm on an extended detail assignment where I can kinda work like I please. I'm usually at work between 7 - 3:30 or somewhere in that neighborhood. You are a better person than me. 10PM, I'm under the bed. LOL!!

Gayle - When you go to the the iTread workouts for the month, underneath it says more workouts. Click on that and it will bring up all of the iTreads from 1 - whatever the last one posted was. Yes, they are short and to the point. Some of them have some hills and sprints. I forgot this is a new month and time to check out the new ones. Hope you get the 13 in tomorrow. It's cold here and it will be colder in the morning.

Carole - I like BBC S&B and Joey, too. Hmmm, must check out the iClimb 17. Sounds like that's right up my alley. I really like Keith. Enjoy your workout.

Sunny - Cruise!! What an excuse to go shopping.

Christine - Congratulations on the job offer!! Thanks for the link on Tucker.

Karen - Have a fun time at your parents this weekend.

I did 10 minutes on the elliptical, then GS C&T Super Sets premix. Like the concept of this one but didn't really care for flow of the workout. Did 10 more minutes on elliptical. Then, it was the bonus leg work out from Allie's ABS, Great Body Guaranteed Thighs and Stretch. Calves are really sore from yesterday.

Have a happy Good Friday!

Hi guys, just wanted to let you know Absolute Kickbox is a great workout. I really loved it. The music, her personality, cueing--everything. Haven't liked a non Cathe workout that much in ages. JMO
Good morning cheetahs:) Getting started a little later than usual this morning. I was pretty tired out and slept hard! Feeling recharched and ready for whatever now:7

Cathy- Sorry you couldn't sleep well:( Benedryl (or rather the cheap generic equivalent) works great for me. It's the sleep ingredient in Tylenol PM minus the "tylenol". Non habit forming with minimal side effects :) I don't blame you one bit for blowing off that bar meet up. I would have done the same! I guess you've had to put off the Lasik procedure.... too much $?
Hope you have a terrific spring break!

Gayle- I think the speed demon workout was made for you!}( Since recovering from my injuries I really have been focusing on increasing my speed. I just love running fast! Hopefully this time I'll play it smarter,listen to my body and not reinjure myself!
Hey, I have one of those kitty alarm clocks too!! Actually I have two of them:eek: They absolutely never let me sleep past a certain hour of the morning. One of them likes to pat me on the cheek until I wake up and feed him!

Carole- Wow, what an awesome workout you've got planned :eek: I see a major comeback here for you. Look out }( I have GOT to check out that iClimb #17!

SunnyD- I bet you had a great time cruise shopping!!! Got something nice and sexy to wow the other cruise patrons?:*

Marcia- You sure do deserve a break!!! I hope you get a wonderful restful time off, even though its only from one of your jobs. You work so hard!!!

Christine- Thank you so much for posting the link to Tuckers news story! I read every word. Wow, your neighbors cared for him almost as much as you!!
I just knew you'd get that job offer :7 :7 You'll be much happier without the commute and working out in your own home is much more comfortable anyway!

Karen- I often use the Runnersworld training schedules. You can't go wrong with them!

Jackie- Another great workout for you! You are quite an inspiration and I'm so glad you're a cheetah :)

Time to get the butt in gear! I'll be doing the MM upperbody workout and the DM cardioblast. For my afternoon/evening workout it'll be 40 minutes on the EXT :7

have a great day everyone!!!


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