Wendy :: re GTG…any Sunday this month will be fine…the LASIK is a no-go for a while…Thanks ~ was just curious on the weights to see if what I’m doing is on par with another cheetah – it’s hard to go by their weights because Tony & the guys are always doing something crazy like 35s and 40s and it’s hard to tell what the women do, but it seems a bit light…I did 12s & 15s for B&B…15-12-10-8 for the strip set. On CST, I’m much lighter, though – 8s and 10s. I really do wish I had another solution besides bands for the chinups….re: the step, I’m thinking it’s not likely to get quieter, but I could be wrong. I don’t really pay attention to the noise factor (I'm usually concentrating really hard on executing the moves! *lol*) and haven’t noticed a change from when I bought mine, which was probably a little over a year ago...maybe a more observant person would know…Great job getting in the cardio!…Ha on being careful with the barbell…I always think of that commercial where the boy hits his fishtank with his barbell…SPLOOOSH!!!…No, I did not get the PM. Odd. Does it look official? Maybe copy & paste into an email to SNM to be sure it’s legit. (Wow, I’ve written you a novel here!)
Shelly :: OK…depending on what kind of luggage you three will have, I could probably borrow my Dad’s Crown Vic. I feel like I’m steering a boat when I drive that thing, but it would work if things seem like they’ll be too tight with the bags…Enjoy your three nights off!!
Gayle :: do you have a power tower in your basement?…The pace team sounds like a great idea…I’m sure you can pull off 1:45!…My ham’s have been tight lately, too.
Carole :: yes, LASIK is planned – just can’t do it now. I'm hoping for next week on the BBCs...then I can join you in Joey-land...if, that is, I can figure out how to fit a few in with the X.
Linda :: re: the X…I really hope you can stick to a 90-day rotation…It might mean having to give up the other stuff temporarily, but it’s worth it! Hope the new TM arrives quickly.
Karen :: I don’t know the answer to your question, either. All I know is that you have to do the kind of running you’ll be doing in the race. Even though folks say the EXT helps their running and I agree it seems like an excellent cross-training exercise, I think you still need to be out there running on the trails. I used to work with a guy who was an avid mountain biker – super-fit guy – he did a 5K with me once and thought it would be cake b/c he was so fit. He was hobbling around in *agony* for days afterward. If you don’t do enough running to prepare, I think you’ll risk injury. Did you try RW? I would imagine they might have a good training plan…or one that could be adapted. BTW, awesome run! 3 miles in 23 minutes…I, for one, can’t run that pace!
Jackie :: what do you do for work? Thanks for the link. I’ve bookmarked it.
Jess :: maybe the massage *isn’t* a good idea for your achilles…sounds like you could be aggravating it. Just a thought. YAY! Target! Hope you contained the damage in there. But then again, it's so fun *not* to!
Susan :: welcome back! I loved Monterey when I was out in CA…I can still envision that beautiful drive up the coast…glad to hear your back has had three days of feeling good!
My LASIK consultation went well & I’d have it done ASAP if I could, but they can’t perform the surgery until 6 weeks after I finish the ‘tane. (Gayle, it will be $2720 total for both eyes which includes the lifetime guarantee plan if any touch-ups are needed).
Afterward, I came home, puttered around a bit, and then took a rather long nap. With the kids screaming their heads off at our Spirit Assembly, my head was *throbbing.* After I woke up, I wasn’t really in the mood for yoga anymore, so yesterday turned out to be an unplanned rest day. No worries ~ with today off, I’m sure I can make up for Yoga and Plyo, which I also missed Tuesday night in order to scramble together some things for my meeting with the principal. I’m gonna love having some time off and being able to build my day around my workouts!
I was going to meet some friends for drinks last night, but that fell through, too…Got to the bar at 10 pm (a place I hadn’t been before)…had to park really far away…got to the back door and was told by the bouncer that I couldn’t come in that way unless I had my hand stamped…So, I walked all the way around to the front of the building, laughed when I saw the $5 cover (are they serious?) and then the bouncer at this door gave me a hard time because I didn’t want to check my coat. He insisted I had to. I said to myself,
you know what? Fine and turned on my heel and left. Maybe I’m nuts, maybe it's PMS, but I just was not in the mood to deal with that kind of scene. Give me a low-key hole in the wall and I’m happy. Cover charges on a Thursday night in suburban South Jersey? Puleeze.
OK, that’s my saga for the morning…
And oh yeah: not sure about today’s workout. Kenpo is on the calendar, but I might go for KM or KPC instead.
For now, I'm going to enjoy a quiet, lazy morning of no rushing around! Ahhhhh! It's a beautiful thing.