::: Cheetahs::: Friday 8/25/06


Hi Cheetahs!

Yesterday I read some threads and ran out of time before I could post.
For WO yesterday I did PUB up only, PLB stability ball legs and abs and my extra stretches.

No time for personals before I head out for my run 5 miles today on canal (flat and majority is cinder path)!

Have a great run or whatever your WO is today and stay happy!!!

PS-Remember to stretch thoroughly!!! I only wish I did sooner - like for thelast 20 years!

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.


G'morning Judy and all who follow.

Judy-I haven't done PUB/PLB in ages. Will have to fit them in one day. Have a fun 5 miler today!

Today is upper body for me. I was thinking of CTX ubs but now I'm thinking a super sets premix instead!}(
I'm not supposed to do cardio today but I'm craving it...and the gym! I haven't been able to get to the gym since LAST friday!:eek: Sooo...if Joey is still okay I think I'm gonna cheat (shhhh! If Tammy finds out she'll kill me!;)) and go use the elliptical or get in some spin!:)

Edited to Add:

Hi, ladies! TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Judy-I am really trying to include MORE stretching every day. It really does make a difference in how my body feels. Enjoy your run!

Wendy-I get those cravings too! I'm a cardio HOG, so I'd do cardio every single day of the YEAR if I could! LOL

Laurie-from yesterday......THANK YOU for your kind words. I have to bight my tongue also when people say they understand. I know they mean well, but it's just different without their daddy around! It took me until THIS SUMMER to finally get over that hump EVERY SINGLE DAY at 6pm or so, when all the other daddies are coming home from work and Mommmy gets a much-needed break in every day. It's been almost 2 years now and I am finally coming to grips with the fact that it's just me. Anyway, sorry to ramble, and thank you for your words!!!!!!

OK.......Last weekend before school starts for us. Happy Friday.

The boys and I are headed out in about 2 hours. Some friends and we are going to the local water park/amusement park (Dorray, Dorney Park) for the whole day (and night). We do this with this group every year and we have a blast. Jacob is now tall enough for ALLLLLLL the rides and Zach is now tall enough for the roller coasters! They are pumped (me too, since I'm a thrill seeker and LOVE roller coasters! LOL).

Anyway......up early this morning for PLB.....MY FAVORITE. Good and sweaty.

Have a great weekend in case I don't see you, but I'm planning on working out both days and posting here for accountability.

Hi all,

Was chatting with someone who's running Twin Cities. That was hard! Anyways, call it corny but since I've increased my shoes a half a size, my leg is doing better. (along with stretching, leg lifts, etc) I'm easing into things though. Something wierd is happening, my other runners and aerobics shoes feel tight now. Has my body been changing? Is that my issue here? I turn 35 next month. I thought 40 was the age to dread!

PS I'm a cardio freak too. Just LOVE it! Will never stop. NEVER NEVER NEVER
Good morning cheetahs

Cathy...I like Zappos and have ordered from them. Hope your new shoes come soon. I love getting new shoes...:)...nothing to fear with the Elliptical, its up to you whether you want a tough workout or not so tough. I will say I have never used a cardio machine that I could get THAT much of an intense workout on before..

Wendy Marie...sometimes just increasing your shoes half a size can really help! I have found different brands do fit different. Maybe your aerobic shoes were too tight to begin with? Don't dread 40....its just a number...:)...I am 47 and still running...

Laurie...my DH got on it again today...6 min! And I am getting a maggase next Tues...:)

Wendy...like I told Laurie my DH did the Elliptical again today. Yes, it was a killer workout yesterday on that machine. I am not sure which is harder, iClimb or the programs already on the elliptical..:)...HSTA is a fun but tough workout!! Great purchase. Have fun with whatever weight workout you do today. You get to run the course tomorrow?

Christine...yes, the program I did yesterday was on of 10 that are on the Elliptical. I think you'd like one..:)..yes injuries can make you rediscover old favorites. I am happy you have had fun cycling with iCycle.

Shelly...good job with the Gauntlet...I haven't done many circuits latley and I do miss them...I bet your 18 miler will go well.

Natalie...I believe you can do that half with your 3 runs a week. Where can we find Dean's schedule? If he runs thru here I'd love to see him...

Judy..have a good run...:)

Gayle...sounds like you are doing well...:)...have a great time at the amusement park (I love Roller Coasters!)..have fun too with PLB!

My nephew is going to be heading for rehab by next week! He pushed himself in the wheelchair yesterday. They had a meeting Wed with John, his immediate family and the Doctors. he had almost gotten to a giving up point again...:(...but now they are going to push him and get him moving around as most eveyone feels that will alleviate some of the pain...

I am doing MM Shoulders, bi's and tri's, abs and a 5 mile run.

Have a great day...:)
Hello again.

Carole: I'm glad that your nephew is heading to rehab soon. I'll be thinking of him! Yes, we get to run the 5k course tomorrow! I'm psyched! Also looking forward to the breakfast we will eat after the run!:9

Hi Gayle and Wendy Marie!:)

So I just did PUB stability ball abs, SS u/b premix (the regular one, not the EVIL one after all!) and MIS abs. After doing PUB abs, my arms were already tired, plus I forgot how long the harder ub premix is on SS and I didn't have that kind of time this morning. I DID go HEAVY on the weights though to make up for it so you can believe I felt it like CRAZY! }( I added MIS abs to the end just for fun!;) }(

I've decided to behave and NOT go to the gym today no matter how much I might want to! I am still getting over my cold. I don't want to push too hard and then end up being miserable tomorrow! Sunday is my rest day but on Monday I can spend 4 hours at the gym if I want to! LOLOL :7
Hey Ladies, no run today. I just finished an hour of yoga, legs and hips are thanking me for that as we speak;-) So nice to stretch.

Judy, sounds like a nice run, something about the water and running that is magical:)

Wendy, glad you're feeling up to some cardio. Sounds like your kinda looking forward to your running class:)

Gayle, your so welcome:) It's funny the things that are hard. It used to choke me right up to hear my old neighbour leaving for work in the morning and hollering, 'Love ya Hon' to his wife as he got in his truck. Time heals but....well,...you know;-)

Wendy Marie, our bodies never stop changing, feet flatten out and sizes change, glad you're more comfy in your new shoes. Don't you be dreading 40 Girl!!! I'm 44 and LOVING IT!!!!

Carole, nice to hear John's treatment going to the next phase and that he is pushing himself (literally and figuratively). I hope his spirits lift!

Oops, I'm running late AGAIN!!!!

Take Care
G'morning Cheetahs!! Ah, lovely Friday rest day!! Although I got up at 6:45, that's still 2 hrs of sleep time more than usual! Had to get up & get my coffee & get the girls ready for school!

I have a new calf rubbing trick. I iced using a small (16 oz) frozen water bottle & then I had my dh take the frozen water bottle to roll up & down my leg. Worked GREAT & hurt a lot less than the ball (maybe because my leg was frozen too??). Feeling good today. although a little sore in the glutes from PLB y'day! Love that though!

Trying to decide what to do for my long run tomorrow. In some ways, I'm ready to go ahead & get the 20 out of the way so that I can start tapering (the marathon is a month from Sunday). But now that Erin is off from running for at least this week I don't know if she'll even be up for a 20 next weekend? Ok, just thinking out loud. I have another friend (my dh's co-worker's wife) that is joining us for part of our run tomorrow too, she did one of the 5K's that I did in June & is training for her first half in Nov. I could just do 14 or so & see how I'm feeling by that point? Melissa was out of town all this week so I need to see what she's feeling up to tomorrow also.

Greg has a *consult* this morning to see about getting the big *V*. I have to join him to give them my consent (heck yeah, NO more kids are coming out of this body!! :p ). He's a little nervous about it, but I know it's the right decision for us. We love our girls to pieces & are happy w/ our family the way it is. (even though they seem to be asking for a baby brother lately!!!)

Then we'll run some errands & get a few things done around here. I love Fridays, Greg gets off work at 10:30 so it's almost like a 3-day weekend! (love his work schedule!)

Ok, babbling now. Have a great day & I guess I'll let you know what I decide on the long run! Feel free to chime in w/ your opinions!

Good Morning Cheetahs!

Boy do I feel great today, even after the 8 "surprise" miles yesterday}( My legs a little tired, but only if I start doing lunges or something, lol. Today my workout will probably echo Judy's and Wendy's. Some upper body (thinking PS-Thanks to Christine!), some lower body floorwork (GS or PLB), and some abs (Core Max One). No luck on the furniture front yesterday! Tonight we are headed to a local consignment auction that should have antiques and newer furniture and household items, so keep your fingers crossed!

Judy-I'm so glad that you are able to run again and I'll hear your voice in my head everytime I consider shortchanging my stretching.

Wendy-Cardio lover!! I love the SS and PP upper body premixes. More fun factor than CTX for sure. I'll be right with you feeling it in the upper body and abs in just a few minutes. Aren't PUB abs just some of the toughest?

Gayle-Have a blast thjs weekend!! You and your little (not so little?) guys deserve every minute of it. Just don't eat before the roller coasters. :p

Wendy Marie-I know that as I started to increase my mileage especially my shoes size went up as well. I think the muscles in my feet actually grew. LOL!

Cathy (and anyone else SHOE ALERT) roadrunnerswarehouse.com is having some really great prices right now, and free upgrade to 2nd day air shipping. DH ordered new shoes there just last night. I hope you get more than flipflops today:+ And yes, I've done the running every other hill backwards. It feels a little awkward at first, but then it kind of becomes a challenge to see how fast you can go, and it gets you huffing! I've only done it on trails though. I have also walked down hills backwards after runs in order to stretch my calves, that feels great!

Carole-What a killer elliptical workout yesterday. Whew! Also, so excited that your DH got on the beast again! Give him a surreptitious high five from the cheetahs, lol;-) I'm glad to hear that John actually pushed himself yesterday. I'm praying that rehab will be the spark that he needs!

Laurie-I'm so jealous of your spa "perks"! Luckily, DH is a frequent and pretty competent massage giver:7 What yoga vid did you do? Or was it your own routine? I just got Shiva Rea's Yoga Shakti after previewing her Solar Flow. I LOVE it! It's so beautiful and calming--and I love, love, love the clothes that she designed with Marika.

Jess-Wish Greg luck from us! Or at least tell him we think he's brave and wonderful, lol:+ I vote for doing the 20, getting it out of the way and then starting to taper. I think your calf might thank you for it. I'll have to tell my DH about the trick for massaging the calf, although he's feeling pretty good today after his 45 min. flat run yesterday.

Elaine-Glad your almost over your cold!

Christine-Thanks for the hill kudos, but believe me it wasn't intentional. It became more of a "it's got to be quicker to just keep going" kind of thing:p Also, I'm going to give PS upper body a try today!

Shelly-Okay, so you did keep the run (and even the Gauntlet) moderate (for you), LOL! So glad you're feeling better!

Have a great day!
Happy Friday, cheetahs! :)

Judy :: hope you enjoyed your nice FLAT run. :) You’re so right about the stretching. I think I’m gonna go ahead and put StretchMax on my shopping list.

Gayle :: Dorney, huh? I take it you’re somewhere in the Philly vicinity? Have fun today! I’m a big fan of thrill rides, too.

Wendy :: Man, I need some kind of abbreviations guide to figure out what the heck you’re doing! *lol* I think you’re wise not to push yourself too hard. You’re already doing a lot for someone who’s under the weather! L&G last night, btw, was killer! Oh, whatta burn!

Wendy Marie :: glad the new shoe size seems to be working for you. Feet do grow, so that may well have been the source of your troubles.

Carole :: SO glad to hear John’ll be heading to rehab. Do the docs have any inkling as to what kind of mobility he might regain or is it too soon? My Asics arrived last night…broke ‘em in this morning. Great ride! Q re the elliptical: does the motion mimic running or skiing/roller blading?

Laurie :: enjoy your rest day from running. Yoga sounds wonderful. I need to get my butt over to a class this weekend! Maybe Sunday.

Jess :: I have only trained up to a half marathon, so I’m not an expert…but I’d say do the 14 or so with your friend, and if you feel good at that point, why not go for 20? That is a nice schedule ~ what does Greg do for work? Hope all goes well at the big *V* appointment!

I just finished a 4-mile run and will probably do the GS CT timesaver premix. Hi to Christine, Laura, Barb, Elaine, Barbara, Katie, Colleen, Natalie, Thomasina, Shelly, Pamela, Mattea, and anyone else my addled brain’s leaving out! Enjoy your Friday & fingers crossed all of our various ailments clear up for some great runnin’ this weekend!

~cathy :)

ETA: Mattea :: missed your post. I think that is where I ordered my shoes from (thanks, Wendy!). :) I saved a good $30 through them. OK, I'm gonna bite the bullet and try the backwards hill technique, too.

BTW, Jess & anyone who's having trouble with TIGHT CALVES :: I highly recommend The Stick. Maybe runningwarehouse has it. I know our local Fleet Feet carries it as does amazon and roadrunnersports. You will LOVE how it really gets in there deep and works the muscles.
Morning ladies. Well, another unscheduled rest day for me. I think my shoes are going to have to go back. I woke up this morning and have shooting pains in my upper back and the same aching I had before in my lower back. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Maybe it's just coincidence and it's not the shoes at all. Maybe I'm just mental.:eek:

Judy - Have fun on your run today.

Wendy - CTX UB premix is a great upper body workout, but for some reason I never want to do it. I'd much rather do PUB or the Gym Styles. I'm not quite sure why.

Gayle - Have a great time! That sounds like so much fun!

Wendy Marie - I don't know about your feel growing, but I do know that my shoe size went up a 1/2 size after I had DD.

Carole - It sounds like your nephew may be making some progress. That's wonderful! Have a great run today!

Laurie - I haven't really done much yoga. I really should try it more because I hear such wonderful things about it.

Jess - 20 miles!!! My body hurts just thinking about it.

Mattea - Great job on the 8 miles. I'm hoping to get to that point soon.

Hope everyone has a great day! I'm really frustrated over this whole back thing.

Katie ~ About your back pain. How do you sleep?? I can NOT sleep on my tummy or I get back pain, it's really strange. I used to be a total tummy sleeper until I was pg & since then I've gotten used to sleeping on my side w/ a big pillow inbetween my knees. Voila- NO back pain. It keeps me from rolling over. Just a thought?? Also, pilates helps keep my back from getting too tight. Hope it's feeling better soon!!

Cathy ~ Great job on getting in the run & GS workout! I think that's what I'll probably do. Shoot for 14 miles & see how I feel at that point. I'm getting to the point where I just want the marathon OVER now! (kinda like that last month of pregnancy when you're ready to be done being pg!) Greg is a computer programmer for a large company & they are very family friendly & have great *flex* hours. He works 9 hr days Mon- Thurs so he only has to work 4 hrs on Fri. He loves it & loves his job. I'll be heading out in a few for the appt, it's just the consult today & then we'll schedule the surgery for sometime soon, I hope!

Thanks for the recommendation. Is the stick like a foam roller?? I've heard good things about the foam rollers. The water bottle worked great!

Gayle ~ I didn't get a chance to post to you y'day. I can't imagine how hard it is to be a single Mom, so big (((HUGS))) to you!!! You're a strong woman! Sounds like you'll have a great time at the amusement park!! That will be a blast!! My 7yo LOVES the rides, we'll have to wait a bit til my other 2 are big enough for them. My dh LOVES roller coasters so he can't wait to take them. I find that I can't do them like I used to, they give me a headache!!

Have a great weekend!

Great workouts as always, Mattea!! G/L at the auction tonight, sounds fun!! I really need a new couch, so let me know if you find anything good, ok?? ;-)

Yes, I'll pass on the good luck vibes for Greg! I figure if I can have 3 almost 9 lb kids all-natural (no drugs) then he can handle a little out-of-office procedure!! ;-) Glad your dh's calf is feeling better too! The water bottle worked great!

Ok, that's all the time that I have! Gotta run so have a great day!

Carole ~ WTG to your dh!! I can't get mine to run or do anything like that either. He does like to bike & walk but that's about it. He's not overweight, but he has a lot of family history of high blood pressure & most of his family is overweight so I still get on him about exercising more! :p

You're really making me want to get an elliptical too!!! If we can sell our van soon I might be able to get a used one... we'll see!!

I'm glad your nephew is doing better!! I hope that gives him more hope & he gets a more positive outlook!!

Enjoy your workout!!

Good job, Wendy! I loooove my cardio too. But now that I've found Cathe I really enjoy the weights!! I love PUB's abs, one of my favorites! Have fun at your running class!!
Hey there Cheetahs! I’m grumpy today. Nothing major, just TTOM and I’m tired… I’ll get over it. :p And as Gayle points out – IT’S FRIDAY!!! It’s tough to be TOOO grumpy when it’s Friday!

Judy - Enjoy your run! I used to run the Canal toe path in DC that runs along the Potomac River when I lived there and enjoyed it very much!

Wendy – I hope Joey is feeling better and you can get in some gym time if you want it! That would be fun! I have SuperSets taped from Fit TV and a list of exercises from it. I’m thinking of trying it. Looks fun. I’ve heard it’s a bit light, but I would think if you really up the weights it would be a great workout.

Gayle – having been a single mom for a bit, I can sort of understand that feeling, but mine was a divorce that I wanted, so I knew what I was getting in to. I think you’re an incredibly strong woman, not to mention a wonderful mom, to be able to take such good care of your boys, and run marathons. I’m in awe of you.

Wendy Marie – I wear my runners ½ or 1 full size bigger than my regular shoes, especially after I lost several toenails from my shoes being too small and running down hill. So, it’s normal. And 40’s nothing to dread … I am enjoying my 40’s. (I’m 42). I’m smarter and more secure in myself, and I’m discovering things I never thought I would – like I CAN run 8 miles. That was an amazing idea when I learned it!

Carole – 6 minutes for DH? Wow! That’s great! And WONDERFUL news about John! I’m so glad he’s going to rehab and that he’s coming along! He remains in my prayers. I just got MM yesterday, so I’ll do it Sunday to get in a muscle workout before I leave for North Carolina Monday night to help my dad move in to the beach house.

Laurie – Sounds like a wonderful stretch!!! And I know the feeling of running late AGAIN!!! Hope you got there on time!

Jess – Ahh, sleeping in! I cannot wait until tomorrow to do that! I envy you! Sending good vibes to Greg. Every man I know whose undergone that was nervous, but they all came through okay.

Mattea- Have fun with PS upper body and let me know what you think! And yes, I know what you mean about the “it’s gotta be quicker this way…” Glad you are feeling good, though! How far had you meant to run?

Katie – I’m soo sorry to hear that you upper back is bothering you!! I’d return the shoes, too – too coincidental!

Cathy - Glad you enjoyed your run and I love the GS CT Timesaver (the superset one) premix. That seems to work me harder than the full version – I have no idea why.

Well, the mountain bike ride is out as we have some “weather” here from Hurricane Hector (I guess technically he’s a Typhoon as he’s in the Pacific) so we have wind and overcast skies. I don’t mind the overcast, but the wind and bikes and I just don’t mix well. *grins* I don’t like running in the wind either, and I’d like to give running a rest at least one more day, anyway. So, I’m thinking I’ll do Circuit Max and do only lower body with it. I have a lunch date with an old friend at 11:30, so I’d better get moving. With the girls going to school, I’ve been getting up earlier. Had you said to me back in May that I would think getting up at 5:45 was early, I’d have laughed. Now I do think that! I’d better find a job soon otherwise I’ll never be able to get up at 4:00AM again!
Good morning! It's soooo good to be feeling better and actually looking forward to working out. Today I will be running 8 miles doing core and GS Legs.

Jess, I have never heard of a taper longer than three weeks which begins after a 20 mile (or more) run. Everything I have read says the taper should be either 2 or 3 weeks and you are talking about a 4 week taper. I would NOT run 20 this weekend but push it out one more week and then begin your taper.

Carole, Glad John is up and moving around. How does it look for him to be getting any feeling back? Isn't the elliptical awesome?

Laurie and Gayle, I actually think of both of you guys fairly often. Not only do you have the issue of being a single mother not by your choice but your children don't have their dads around. I think that, as a mom, it would be just terrible for my children to have to deal with that sort of grief. You guys are both so awesome and I admire your strength so much!!!

Wendy, What is it that you are hoping to gain from your new rotation? I would be climbing the walls if I had to limit myself to only 4 days of cardio!! You are running the race course tomorrow, right?

Christine, I found my high step at a local sporting goods store. Sorry you're not having any luck finding one.

Hello to everyone else!
Jess: I want to know how you convinced DH to go for the big *V*!? Most men want the women to get the "deed" done cause they are sooo freakin' protective over thier um, ahem, PARTS! ;) Enjoy your weekend, girl!

Mattea: YES, PUB abs ARE the toughest...for me! I have to do them first! It simply does NOT happen after u/b work!:p Good luck finding some good buys tonight and good job on the 8 miles!

Katie: Go back to the store and tell the folks there what you have been experiencing since running in the new shoes. Hopefully they will give you honest feedback on what the problem could be. I ended up doing an SS premix which definately had more of fun factor in it than CTX ubs. I will do ctx another time though. }(

Cathy: Are my abbreviations that tough to decipher? :7 L&G really works the lower half! I am happy to report no DOMS from it though! What about you?

Christine: I can totally relate to the TTOM thing. Mine just ended. I had TTOM along with the cold! BLECH! I'm surprised I'm still married! DOH!}( :7 I decided to stay away from the gym just because I am determined to give my run tomorrow my all! I will strive to beat my 5k time from the boardwalk in a/c a couple weeks ago!:+

Elaine: What am I trying to accomplish? Well, truely...just to be able to utilize all of my work out options w/o letting any one thing slide for too long. Ofcourse, now that I am running and will also have to take one class at the gym a week for my upcoming job, that makes it harder to fit everything in! The fact that I decided to cut my cardio back also does not help! I am cutting back for a while because 6 days of cardio plus 2-3 of f/b weights was really beginning to wear me out and was very time consuming. I just feel like I need a break...atleast for a few weeks.

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