:::: CHEETAHS :::: Finale Sunday!!

Christine: That was sweet of DD19 to say that. I can imagine how good it felt. :) I take a multivitamin and an extra calcium in the morning. I am thinking it is all the salt from yesterday. It is still a little sore today, but I didn't feel it when running today. I am icing it right now and drinking lots of water. I have been looking at bananas rather fondly at the grocery store lately. Maybe I need to pick some up. That was a good idea to take a rest day today. How fun to go to a black tie dinner, I've never been to one. Looking forward to hearing how it went. :)

Cathy: I hope you aren't too bummed about your team. There is always next season. :) Have you read the book Freedom Writer's Diary by Erin Gruwell? It was later made into a movie. I just saw on Yahoo! news that a teacher was fired for using that book with her class. It was a video and our sound on the computer is not working right now for some reason so I can't get the story. I may have to turn on CNN, which I never watch. I went to the Michigan Reading Association conference 5 years ago and she was the keynote speaker. She was great and even broke down in tears telling the story. She could barely speak at the end she was so emotional. I have read the book and watched the movie (DH even had tears in his eyes) and I think this seems to be ridiculous. I will have to find out more about exactly what happened. Just kind of fired up about it.

Have a great evening all. :)
Hey Peeps!:)

I had a pretty successful shopping trip. I picked up a super cute dress that I no more need then the man in the moon but couldn't leave there!:p I also picked up 2 cute tops and 2 pairs of light weight cargo pants that roll up into capris. I also bought a pair of flip flops. I wanted a pair of shorts too but couldn't find any I liked. I may hit Old Navy this week to see what they have. :)

This morning's run was pretty successful. I wasn't comfortable going as fast as I had the other day so I kept my high intervals at a comfy 6.2 and kept increasing the incline to make it more difficult. My lower intervals I kept at 5.2 which is a little slower then what Grace calls for but since I ran a bit slower I wanted to recover at a slightly slower pace as well. When the w/o ended I ran for a few extra minutes to round out the mileage to an even 3. I felt it was a good work out. I was happy when I was done. :)

Tomorrow morning DS has his 3 year old well visit with the pediatrician. After that I will probably hit the foodstore. I am planning on taking my rest day tmrw so nap time will be wide open for any number of things including chatting with my Cheetahs!;)

Too sleepy for personals right now but I'll be back in the morning to catch up!

G'night girls!:*

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