::: CHEETAHS ::: Festive, frolickin', feel-good Fri.!

RE: ::: CHEETAHS ::: Festive, frolickin', feel-good Fri...

Have fun at your party, Linda! I'll be thinking of you while I go to mine! Merry Christmas!!!
RE: ::: CHEETAHS ::: Festive, frolickin', feel-good Fri...

Hi there Cheetahs.

Christine: Have fun at your party tonight! Hugs to your DD if they are needed! You are welcome to join us in Cabs and Abs any time girl!}(

Linda: You have a fun party night as well!:)

Well, ITread 4/60 is done. I logged 5.46 miles with it. It had a KILLER 10% hill that really burned me up. I've never felt my hams/glutes that much during an Itread before. We were only walking up it but yeowzas I was prayin' for it to end!}( It was a good work out and now I'm ready to collapse. LOL

Off to bide my time until DS goes to bed and then I'm going to hit the couch with a very loud THUD I think!:p

Talk to you all in the morning!:)

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