cheetahs check in wednesday 6/12/06

Thomasina--I feel for you not being able to go this weekend, but it sounds like the right thing to do for the family. There will be other opportunities in the future. I know for me when things get stressful, I start forgetting about the future without realizing it. I think swimming is good for the low back. I steal some of my kids' workouts from their swim team, so I try to keep it lively (and it helps to not just swim straight through as I get bored). The toughest part for me is getting to the pool...but once I'm there, it's good....So good to hear from you Meatless In CA....

Wendy--how's the moving situation? Sorry I didn't say Hi earlier in my mad rush. It's hard to pick a realtor. When we sold our house to move to where we live now, I had doubts about who we picked. It all worked out, but it's a tough call since much of what you need to know is unknown...(does that make sense?)

Christine--the lentil burgers turned out great. The accidental stay in the fridge all day helped them hold together really well. The kids tasted them pre-dinner and they got a thumbs-up! Thanks. How was IMAX 2?

Gayle -- loved the plunger into motivation theme.

Marcia -- glad you're feeling better.
Elaine-- Have fun in Sonoma and it's true devotion you took your step with you on vacation. Clean eating is tough when you're away from home.

Shelly -- Hope you got to do the Yoga X after your Run. It's been muggy here, too -- which is a good motivator to get the run in early like you did! Yeah, I get antsy with stretching (like are we there yet?) but it's always worth it to do it and I know how important it is, but I get a big dread factor going....

Mattea--can you send me your recipe? I'm on a veggie burger roll here (LOL -- No bun pun intended) Hope the online course is going well.

Jess--Can't wait to see the Fam. Circle.

More tomorrow. Oh, I got to abs. Did MM abs with my DS-13, who gave me a form pointer on reverse curls. Very charming and fun to have a workout buddy.
:) :) :)

Wendy--finally -- I'm getting a mani-pedi next week! Yahoo!

Carole -- smart idea to give your legs a rest before your massive run this weekend!
Hey guys - I'm back and just finished 45 minutes on the elliptical. I feel good that I actually did something instead of feeling sorry for myself and finding some excuse not to do something, but I'm not out of my slump yet. Hopefully, with a good night's sleep things will turn around tomorrow for me.

Jess - You are in Family Circle???? Where have I been? I missed that post somewhere along the line - oh yeah, I've been whining over here and too concerned about myself ;-) :+ :*

What's the scoop? Where can I find it? Which issue?

I made an awesome supper for the family tonight, I can't wait to see what they think? I made it with some Tastefully Simple products and that way if they like it maybe I'll decide to take on that little job. ;-) I think I need a job-boost!

Have a great evening everyone, see you later.....

thanks ladies for the info. I was thinking that also as far as if I am able to sustain it plus talk than I should be okay!
Yes, just a small ad for the Winsor Pilates Sculpting circle showing my before/ after shots. It's in the August issue of FAmily Circle.

Hey, I'm glad that you are feeling better tonight! I think we all go through those slumps!! So what did they think about supper? I love TS stuff, I've gone to a few parties. I love their spices & dips especially!! (bacon bacon & spinach & herb are sooo good) I just avoid the parties now because I know I'll overeat!! :p

I didn't have time for the running store today. I'll have to go probably Friday, tomorrow will be busy too (and I hate taking all 3 kids w/ me to try on shoes!). I will more than likely wear my old pair for my run on Sat, they are worn but at least don't hurt my toes!! And now I just found out that my dh will be going out of town to help his Dad Sat leaving at 7:15 so I'll probably have to do a 5AM run on Sat also. Oh well, it's supposed to hit 90 so that might be a good idea anyway!

I'll see what the guy I deal w/ at the running store says, he knows his shoes!! I don't know why these are hurting my toes, they feel fine in the toebox & I'm picky about it after losing my toenails last year!! It could be because I have an orthotic in there now that I didn't have when I bought them... just thought of that earlier.

Ok, I'm off to bed soon but felt compelled to check in here again!! :) 4:30AM comes awfully early!


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